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Overheating issues.


I recently invested in a new shuttle here are the links:




http://www.digit-life.com/articles2/video/x800-1.html ( the first card on the list)


Everytime I try to place any kind of game specifically CS:S, the shuttle after about a map rotation, sometimes sooner crashes, and reboots.


Before it does that though, the game usually starts to do this. (screenshot in attachment)


I took the case off, and tried running the game, and it usually lasts a little bit longer with the case on, but the same thing happens.


After every crash, I touch the videocard and it's pretty fucking hot.


My question here is, do you know of any ways to keep the video card cooler with this shuttle. There is no room to add any other fans, and it's pissing me off to the point where im going to go to bestbuy on friday and buy a fan just to have it sit next to the videocard to help keep it cool. ;\


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wow...hmm....and your system is running fine otherwise?


maybe tweak the videocard settings down a little.

go for performance instead of detail.


a new better fan would help....


drill holes in your case.....


dunno what else to tell you unless you went for liquid cooling.

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Originally posted by casekonly@Oct 6 2005, 08:50 PM

wow...hmm....and your system is running fine otherwise?


maybe tweak the videocard settings down a little.

go for performance instead of detail.


a new better fan would help....


drill holes in your case.....


dunno what else to tell you unless you went for liquid cooling.


Well my case is off completly atm, and it really did nothing to help the issue, maybe a few more rounds of CS/MOH/w/e game i'm playing ATM.


If you know of/where I could get information on how to underclock a ATI card, I think that would help.


So far on google I haven't been able to find anything off the first few pages.


Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough. ;\

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Originally posted by ILOTSMYBRAIN+Oct 6 2005, 06:36 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (ILOTSMYBRAIN - Oct 6 2005, 06:36 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'>Overheating issues.



Your card could be taking a shit, I've seen it happen before, they're not meant to last forevvvvarrr.

My little brother just got a small room fan, like one of those that are about a foot across....

and then he'd just leave that right next to the case, I dunnow how new your computer is, but

we got the computer's temp lowered by about 15-20 degrees by doing that, and it'd keep

it from crashing for a while longer.... you're probably gonna need a new card soon, my brother

replaced his and everything is flippin sweet now.


Originally posted by casekonly@Oct 6 2005, 07:22 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-one two three four five@Oct 6 2005, 09:07 PM

Damn, how do you know so much about computers?



because I'M THE MAN



Yes.... You're the man!!!

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Commercial Answer


The truth is that the two competing technologies use different formats. No single company "owns" DVD and both technologies have their "champions".


DVD-R/RW was developed by Pioneer. Based on CD-RW technology, it uses a similar pitch of the helix, mark length of the 'burn' for data, and rotation control. DVD-R/RW is supported by the DVD Forum, an industry-wide group of hardware and software developers, and computer peripheral manufacturers. The DVD-R format has been standardized in ECMA-279 by the Forum, but this is a private standard, not an 'industry' ISO standard like the CD-R/RW Red Book or Orange Book standard.


DVD+R/RW is also based on CD-RW technology. DVD+R/RW is supported by Sony, Philips, HP, Dell, Ricoh, Yamaha, and others, and has recently been endorsed by Microsoft. DVD+R/RW is not supported by the DVD Forum, but the Forum has no power to set industry standards, so it becomes a market-driven issue.


Technical Answer


DVD+R is a dvd disc that allows multiple layers for one disc where as dvd-r only allows one layer. They will not compete to become the de Facto standard, because they are both here to stay. Multi layer DVD+R can allow extra capacity per disc than DVD-R hence its high cost!

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i installed limewire on my g4(osx) and it says it cant connect because i have a firewall, in my system prefernces under sharing it says firewall is off, so i reinstalled with no results. whats up? its not a wireless connection so i doubt its my router, help?

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Yea I was already thinking about the fan thing. I'm probably going to head out to bestbuy tommorow.


This whole system is brand new, so I have no idea why the card would be taking a shit.


All the fans work, and I've lowered everything to preformance or high preformance, with all the ATI options..


I even took the case off, and put it close to my window so it gets a nice breeze.


Hopefully the fan does the trick though.


This really sucks btw :(

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ILOTS: If the system is new, get the card replaced. Nothing should be frying itself that fast unless you massively overclocked it. The company that made the card needs to send you a replacement right quick. Don't take no for an answer.


8onus: If you have a router, whether you're connecting to it through wireless or not, it probably has to be configured to specify which PCs on your internal network will receive forwards of incoming information to various ports. I don't know which port limewire uses, but you'll need to open that one up in the router configuration and set it to forward to your computer's IP address. See the router's manual for more details on how to do this, and the settings dialog in limewire for information on which port it uses.

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ok this is my last question, for now, and if you can help me with this you are god.

yesterday i copped this konica film scanner for 10 bucks at a goodwill store, just the scanner, no software or cables, i got the power cord, but it uses a scsi connection which is cool cause my G4 has a scsi card, im goin to get a cable right now,it powers up just fine.

but i cant fin any drivers,

its a Konica Qscan qs-1202

i know some of yall know where to find old drivers for shit like this

also, the film scanners at school are opperated as a photoshop plugin/import, is this the same way? or does it use its own software?

the mother fucker(s) who help me with this get 2 free prints(i mean really nice prints not digital) from my collection:http://photobucket.com/albums/y91/NickSenator/

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