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Couple of brief questions.


What is this i hear about lap-top screens going out? Ive heard of quite a few people having this problem and its scaring me. A 1 year warranty automatically comes with the new powerbook i am going to buy. I could go to another store and get a 3 year warranty for an extra 183.00$ but im wondering if that is a bit overkill?


And would anyone like to be the severe minority (from what ive noticed) and tell why they personally prefer windows over mac?


Basically im switching my entire life over mac and i want to make sure its worth it.

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alright.. so check it.


i got my hands on an xp disc... i booted up w/ it in repair in order to get DOS file access. i do.. but when i try to replace my gina in the system32 folder, it won't let me manipulate it at all. i tried changing all the attributes (including the system32 folder), but no dice. any clues.

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Originally posted by Kr430n5_666+Jan 17 2005, 12:33 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Kr430n5_666 - Jan 17 2005, 12:33 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-onesecondple@Jan 17 2005, 06:12 AM



suprnova is done.



is there another torrent site i had one called torrenreactor but it too died

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Did you put your Administrator password in when you started the repair consol?


I cant rememebr the original problem really, did this happen after after doing any windows updates?


If so you should have a folder on your hard drive with the Gina in which you can copy over:


Boot from the XP CD, and press [R] then [C] at the Welcome screen to start the Recovery Console. Enter the Administrator password and then type:


cd \windows\servicepackfiles\i386


copy MSGINA.DLL c:\windows\system32


Did you try and bootup in safe mode and swap the gina out through there?

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hey I have a question. I just got a wireless adapter so now I have free internet access...I can connect to a good network but when I turn off my dsl to try and use the wireless connection I cant get online or check my e mail even though it says the connection is fine. anyone know what I have to do to fix this?

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Originally posted by drsev@Jan 19 2005, 05:26 AM

Did you put your Administrator password in when you started the repair consol?


I cant rememebr the original problem really, did this happen after after doing any windows updates?


If so you should have a folder on your hard drive with the Gina in which you can copy over:


Boot from the XP CD, and press [R] then [C] at the Welcome screen to start the Recovery Console. Enter the Administrator password and then type:


cd \windows\servicepackfiles\i386


copy MSGINA.DLL c:\windows\system32


Did you try and bootup in safe mode and swap the gina out through there?



i did all that.. well, not positive on the admin pw.. it was a handmedown comp, but i just entered w/ no pw, and it gave me access. my prob doesn't seem to be getting a new gina.. i'm just unable to do anything to the old one. i suppose it could be an admin issue.


and it happened after a system restore

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MESTHREE, I don't really know much about wireless stuff 'cause I dont have a wireless router or anything like that. However, someone told me about this program called 'Network Stumbler' that lets you find wireless LANs in your area, might be useful. You can get it at http://www.stumbler.net/download.php?site=...aller_0_4_0.exe.


Perhaps someone else can furnish mesthree with more info on how she might use the information she finds with this program?

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ok... I need help.


We're replacing one computer with a new one,

and I want to move the Symantec Antivirus over to the new system.

Can this be done? I have the update codes I used on the last update.

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