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Originally posted by sillysiphilis@Feb 8 2006, 02:03 AM


Seriously..why are these ugly 'graffiti' fonts so prevalant?

Everytime I see one on a hip hop flyer I want to puke


8,000 fonts for $8


and nature boy: if you're scared of losing jobs over fonts you better get your skills up... you cant hide behind fonts forever... eventually you will start to lose jobs to people with skills too, not just your fonts..

...............i aint scurred

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people HATE as soon as someones making money and its not them. im sure joker probally got a nice paycheck out of that whole deal and all you guys talkin shit right now would jump at the chance to create some letters and get paid for it, regardless of how long or short your graff carreer has been.

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Originally posted by SOAKER@Feb 28 2006, 05:32 AM

Joker Straight Letter Family

Open Type Standard

Discounted over 30%

$279.00 - 9 Fonts, 3 Weights



WTF...I wonder how sales are at this outrageous price....

The shit is nice but that just seems too much...


Okokok....I see your point JOKER, BUT the site clearly states that these writers are representing a city style...So how do you have RUST MESK and JOKER "repping" DC.

The "City Style" isnt even a DC hand and those cats only wrote for a few years in the District or all together for that matter. Now if you had some heads like Cool Disco Dan or CERT or SEVEN...then I could see that...And Baltimore....hmmmm....thats not a BMORE handstyle...Maybe if Shaken or Daver got on it then maybe...I think this is a case of WHO ya know not WHAT ya know...I wonder if its the same case elsewhere. The shit is nice and all that but c'mon!



Again, point taken. Rust, Mesk and myself did only write in DC for a short while. A few years each at best. However... Mesk and I were a few of the firsts in that city to do rooftops, bomb heavily, hit Metro and so on. That doesn't rocket me or him to superstar status but it should hold some water, I would think, in the repping DC vibe. Yes, Cert and Seven did a large amount of work for their time... and I don't even need to talk about Dan, we all know his contribution to the streets. But, and I'm not dissing Cert or Seven, did they make their mark? In other words, outside of DC just how well are they known? Cert is probably the more recognizable name out of the two. Again, not a dis to either of them but I think what Handselecta was going for was notoriety from regions. And you're right, to an extent... it is in who you know. That's how everything works my friend... everything.


As for the Bmore hands... dude, do you think if they could have gotten a hold of Shaken that they wouldn't have asked him to participate? I only know a few heads with his contacts and even they have a hard time getting a hold of him. And Daver... easily one of my favorites... definitely should get involved. I agree. Amazingly good call. I don't know him but if you do, mention it to him and see if he'd be interested. You'll be happy... I'll be happy.


Sales are moving from what I've heard. The price is common for custom typefaces. Though some people give them away and some sell at much, much lower prices. I guess it's a matter of who is running the business and how much they want to charge. Nothing anyone can do about that. It is what it is.


I'm not sure if you're saying the typefaces are nice - to be nice - but thanks. I think the bigger picture to look at here is that someone is taking the effort to invite real ( I guess some of you would be happier if real was in quotes? ) writers to do the work instead of some goofball who was a writer for one summer. The fonts are nice looking and work well. And hopefully it will inspire more writers to contact them with requests to be involved or inspire them to make their own.


Either way, I'm glad it exists.


And Soaker, I'm not angry or trying to be a dick. I'm glad you spoke up. That's good. Thanks.


Plegatron9... we did get a check but not like you think. The man who put the project together is not rich, just creative.

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i, for one, think its dope that real (no quotes) writers are gettin involved in things like this... the cheesey shit that people try to pass off as graf script is an insult to graf, and i take it personally...

graf is a community, or a culture, and if one or a few of us is gettin paid for shit like this it means our culture is gettin respect and you should be proud of that... it doesn't make sense to hate on the people that are gettin that respect for us...

whether joker or whoever is gettin $10 or $10,000 for something he does it aint puttin food on your table or my table, so be happy for the dude if hes gettin his... and go out and hustle and get yours... use this shit as motivation...

one thing this culture really struggles with is hate, and lack of unity..

if we all stopped hatin on each other and got together, we could bring about some real change to this fucked up world...

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I'm glad you didnt take offense to the comments JOKER. Aint noone trying to hate here...just bringing forth conversation...I just think that theres a lot of writers who put in mad work and have laid the foundation for many others that don't get recognition. If the message on that site is that the fonts represent a specific style that a city has grown then it should be more representative of that city...Like you said your fonts dont resemble graf. Just my worthless 2 cents you know... Aint noone trying to take away from your shine...there can be no question that the DC hand came from what JOKER and MESK were doing, including throws and burners...I keep in touch with them BMORE cats and will mention it to them....If theres dollar signs attached then I know my man SHAKEN will be down....


On another note, the font editors are pretty easy to use...

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Indeed, I can think of many writers who desreve the opportunity to be represented as well. That always seems to be the way things go, though. There are those who get the first crack at something and those who are more deserving at the first crack. Shaken would be a phenomenal addition. His history in Baltimore is true legend status. And any time he made his way down to DC with a can he made jaws drop. And Daver has one of the nicest hands I've ever seen. His trips to Portland where he's left his mark on many occassion have left me in awe. Absolutely lovely style.


To be honest, the DC hand that Mesk, Wake and I came up with were inspired by a day long trip to Baltimore. The three of us drove up there on a mission to learn more about the style that Shaken had left on a several walls in South East and Georgetown. After seven hours of climbing rooftops, walking through neighborhoods we shouldn't have been and snapping over four rolls of film each... we all came home and began working things out. Mesk was the one who brought attention to a mix of what they were doing in Baltimore and what we were doing in DC. And again with his time in Philly he brought back that style as well and mixed the two together. If I had to choose... I'd say Mesk was more influential in the DC hands than Wake or myself. Mesk, Wake and I all bombed pretty hard and did lots of pieces... but Mesk was the style guy.


Thanks for the good conversation and I hope Shaken will give it a go. If not... let's get Dave!

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I'm breakin one of my own rules by even replying on a subject that I am personally involved with, but there are a couple of things that I think deserve a response.



Handselecta is dedicated to graf. We have an appreciation and understanding of handstyles and are trying to take that to the next level. Handstyles are not fonts and fonts are not graf. They are two different things. But fonts can be based on graf and (with a few compromises) can make really great fonts. It just so happens that the graf fonts out there to date have sucked. This is where we entered the picture.



As for the city style thing. I truly believe that this is the glue that holds this project together and makes it relevant to not just graf heads but to the history of art and design. This is our thesis because it is the piece of graf history that has largely been overlooked. That being said, many artists are reluctant to bust styles that are classic to their city or generalized because they dont want to be the one to benefit from the innovators who have come before them. I understand this and am sympathetic, but that doesnt negate the fact that where you are from is part of what defines you, and the writers you are looking at influence you. Especially for the generations that were lucky enough to grow up before this internet thing. Joker, Mesk and Rust for example are just one chapter of DC graf. So what if they haven't bombed there in years. Would you be happier if they didn't rep DC?


Here's the thing. It's a self selecting group who are even interested in developing fonts. Some guys are down to be involved and some guys aren't. And for various reasons, including not wanting to make their style available for any schmuck to use. Or not wanting to compromise the energy of a hand done thing to the rigidity of the way it comes out when digitized. Some just don't think it makes good business sense for them. With this project I can only work with writers who want to work with me. The roster we have been blessed to work with so far has been fantastic but is in no way definitive. We know this. But we aren't drawing the curtain. We're open to working with anyone wanting to work with us. But it may take a little while. This an Entrepeurial DIY venture, and almost all of the work is done by myself.



How did some of these writers get down? We're just friends. And when we start doing work that the writers are proud of they introduce you to their friends, and it is kind of an organic process form there. Dude, if you have like a graffiti yellow pages where I could get the phone numbers for Cornbread or Topcat or Cool Disco Dan or Chaz Bojorquez that would be sweet! I hope we get all the writers that we respect to be involved but it might take a little time.



Price. Get over it. The prices are competitive with every professional type foundry out there. (a base price of $45 a font) This is (1) because it is fair to all involved and (2) because that is what a font is worth. If you're looking for free or cheap fonts you will get what you pay for. You are either a student or you are not a professional designer. Period. Hopefully you can bill your client an extra hour to buy the materials needed to do your work.


I'm psyched people are even talking about this, and am in no way heated. I'm just trying to do my little part to advance this artform and have been psyched to work with the writers I've met to date. Any one with a real question or a serious beef that they or their city is not reperesented correctly can get in contact with me directly.




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  • 3 weeks later...



always a huge fan of hoefler frere-jones.


knockout and gotham are daily staples.


i just got the sample book for untitled from house and that looks like a great, bare bones versatile font.


those of you trying to ID fonts, when http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ doesn't come thru, typographica over at newstoday.com can ID almost everything.

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  • 4 weeks later...



just as a note:


I really dig weltron urban and I'm pissed it's getting so popular.

I remember using neuropol 8 years ago and having it get so big

it's almost a bad design cliche these days.



looks at how trendy I'm trying to be!

damn.... might as well join myspace!



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that weltron shit is....eh. maybe it's the 'e'...seems to throw the whole family off. stencil faces are tricky. there's loads of okay ones, and for me only like 3 or 4 that are upper echelon. i sound like a snob but, typefaces in general man....the wrong one and your whole shit is down the tubes.


this is especially fresh: http://typographi.com/001054.php

so dope.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I need a font called "Interstate" but I don't want to pay for it.


All the sites I have found require payment, anyone more experienced have any ideas?



if you don't like paying for fonts (who does?) than just download a pack of them off a torrent site. my friend recently got something that included something like 15,000 fonts. i can't think of the name of the package but i know it usually costs big bucks to get. just a thought.

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