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****[12oz] Soldier Appreciation****


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If you want to give shit to the troops you can donate to the red cross. They give alot of stuff to the troops. I know for sure the Red Cross at Walter Reed Army Medical Center does.


Red Cross


6900 Georgia ave

Washington D.C.



Don't forget our disabled vets too. Alot of these kids (younger than me!) are coming back as double, triple, quadruple amputees, some are missing half their skulls, some had their guts split wide open, burn victims, you name it.... I don't know how some of these people survive this shit with all our modern technology. I heard about one guy who woke up in a body back with his legs folded up over him and his own arm lying beside him. I think personally I would opt to go back to sleep.

Put my floating brain in a jar and give me a robot body, that might be kinda cool.... naaaahh....

Yeah and the army is hardly handing out benefits anymore.... they are mostly saying "Go to the VA". How long is that going to last? I dunno. They don't have an infinite budget either. It'll be fucked up to see my comrads in shelters, our fucking heros.... like the vietnam vets.


I kinda got a deathwish. I ain't trippin.

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the red cross sends shit out here on the regular.


if you'd like to send something specific, to someone specific, and not just a general care package check www.booksforsoldiers.com . there soldiers post certain things that they need or would like.


anyone who sends me something will get something back in return. i'm already working on pffffft's.



and thank you for the thoughts, seriously.

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