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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by why write?@Aug 21 2005, 11:28 PM

i agree, that kanye is WEAAAAK.....he could of done better, we all know he could of....the beats and songs are real boring and make me want to just skip to the next track....i was hoping for something reaal dope, since ive liked kanye's last cd, but im very very dissapointed with this cd...


meanwhile, im feelin the jim jones, i dunno who did it but on some track on the cd they sampled 'rockin it - fearless four', real nice..im feelin that....but still i even think jim jones could of done better




I know people expect a Kanye to be for the club and all that... but he slayed that shit on College Dropout; you can't re-hash what you've already accomplished and still expect people to feel it like it's still fresh. That shit's like Onyx hitting big with BacDaFucUp and, in a move of marketing brilliance, deciding to follow up with BacDaFucUp 2; which had commercial appeal and street hype but only managed to move as many units as an early Rhymesayers release.


With Kanye's publicity he could put out something with a liiiiittle more substance and still catch plenty of rotation in the club. And when I say 'substance' don't get it twisted, I'm not talking about what Common or Ace do, I'm talking about the overall production quality and feel. This shit's all Z's.

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the 40 year old virgin is an awesome movie. see it. and i guess it's true what they say, "you can't go home again" i went back "home" for the weekend and all my old friends, except for one cat, was still the same. and this dude is like family. so, i go home and find that my best friend has been dating an ex-girlfriend of mine. and seriously, i could give a fuck less about this broad. but for the last few weeks, dude has been shady as fuck with me when we talk and i've been wondering why. well, when i get back into town me and my boy (dude that's like family) meet up with him at a bar and when we leave we head back to said best friends pad, and then he tells me, "me and ****** are dating." i reply, in my usual sarcastic wit, "i'm sorry!" and he and her get offended. and then i learn that they have been together for only 2 weeks and are living together. so, before i leave town, i tell him infront of his girlfriend and his friends, "so, how do I taste!" and get in my car and leave. so, i get back home and get a call from him, asking me what the fuck that remark was about and i explained to him, that i don't care if they are seeing each other, that's cool. he knows i never had real feelings for her and she was just some chick who gave brains on the regualr. twice in front of him, i might add, (and i brought that up, just to be a dick!) and told him, i sincerly hope they are happy, they deserve it. i was being a dick with him, because he has been shady as fuck with me, his reasoning was, he was afraid of what my reacton was gonna be. i told him, you know how i felt about her, i don't care. now if it was *****, then we'd have a problem. anyway, moral of the story, fuck going back home.




i don't even know what the fuck i just wrote!

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If a male human's penis was proportional to his body like that of a Gorilla, a male's penis would be two thirds of an inch long. And our testicles would be one third the size.


If our testicles were proportional to that of a chimp's theyd be 3 times bigger.

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I am in my second week of college. I'm just taking two classes cause it's so damn expensive here, just psychology and Japanese 1. But the good thing about the courses here is that I will have finished the term by the beginning of October which means only two months per term.

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hahaha that's dope.


i am going to get some funky shit on my car i just don't know what yet.


yeah man send me your address again and i will send you some.


here is some incentive to buy that scion deto




you get one of those for free!


i'm getting the ipod or the sony home theater

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yeah, when i read about that after i got the car i was pissed i didn't get anything from the dealer, but then i got some shit in the mail and now it's on! haha


some kid came up to me in the parking lot of target and invited me to join a scion car club, he said my shit was pretty tight, i think i may do it for the exposure once i get the car wrapped.

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i mean i'm not about a "club" or anything i'm just looking to get the name out there more and all of that.


i'm so glad i have a job working late afternoons/nights now, i can sleep all day and wake up late. only thing is, i keep saying i am going to get up early and do shit except it never happens.

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i just cracked the SHIT out of my 20 gb ipod's screen. biking accident. i flew a few feet and landed RIGHT ON MY IPOD. aint that some shit. so now there is like 1/10 visibility on my screen, but the sound and all is fine so im still using it. i need to go to the "genius bar" and try to get them to give me a new one. hah.

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