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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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so i started a new job today ( a salesman for a mail order camera company) its my frist desk job (hole life i always worked back breaking jobs and always wanted a desk job) so now i get paid for surfin 12oz....still aint used to bieng on the phone and selling people shit....im gettin used to it....... wonk stabthgink

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So I passed the first interview yesterday. It took 5 hours.


Now i'm on to the second of three interviews. Today I talk with the bigger boss. Should only take about 1 hour today.


I had mexican food last night. That shit was ill. Chicken and steak fajita with domestic beer.

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Originally posted by 2BLAZZED@Oct 18 2004, 09:01 PM

for some reason i keep thinkin whywrite goes on as hail(his gf's name) so peoplewill respond to the question (since guys on this site flock to girls on this site like flys on shit)


hahah good prediction but i needed help with my computer cause i couldn't sign online for help so i needed her to do it... :love2: hah

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I passed my second interview. It went extremely well. Funny enough, I got fired from their parent company a couple years ago. But that was then and she recognized that. That was my only concern, and now I have none.


The third and final interview is over the phone sometime this week, then a job offer. The pay better be what I requested. I got bills and shit, need some new video games, and shoes, and pants goddamnit.

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