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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by why write?@Mar 1 2005, 03:02 PM

^ probably 2blazzed i think...not too sure though


anyway, had a nice day sleeping and shoveling today...i want some hot cocoa now....mmm



yeah i dd the same thing. i took a sick day casue the bitches didn't close school, so i slept late and chilled. my ears are killing me, they feel like they are clogged and popping, i hate being sick but i have felt worse.


ok so i want to begin to plan batjam 2.0 let's say april 2nd same bat time, same bat channel? who is down??


theme: possibly images from the frank miller dark knight returns series?








just an idea, let me know what you guys think.

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new york was kinda beat.


i was too busy to enjoy it properly, altho i had some fun.


my stint in hong kong is definitely winding the fuck down. i've got 6 months to a year left, and then i needs to get the fuck home.


gliko isn't as tough as i thought. i think i could take him.


gatita is a sex bomb and i wanted to do it with her. unfortunately, her boyfriend could rip my arms out of my shoulder sockets and beat me to death with them so i kept my distance.


i forgot how good pizza is.


i forgot how cold winter is.


i was faithful to my dumpling and i was happy to see her last night. we made sweet oriental love all night rong.


it was nice to see my crew again, altho i was fed up with the soap opera drama after only hanging out with them for like 3 nights.


my brother turned 30.


i saw his new house in jersey that he bought with wifey.


i don't know. i don't have much news. new york was ahhight and now i'm back in hong kong tronix.


glad to see the batcave remains a haven for the bored even when the goose leaves the nest.

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Gliko, you get a navigator and I break up with Jerry and ride your jock all night long.


Okay psych, but I fucking love that car. SUVs might eat gas but they sure are sexy.


Im on some serious depressed tip, but Ill snap out. Im one of those types who (although I complain a lot, but I know you guys love that about me,.. right) keep in their depression shit and then suddenly explode with some serious words. Just ask gooch, he knows. Anyway though, sooner or later it will be all right, so, whatevah!


Gooseface, it was great chilling with you, my boy intentionally bought you shots of 151, I got pissed at him like "wtf you trying to kill a boy?" but he just laughed, and then talked your friends' ears off for another 12 hours, while I talked your's off about drunken dumb shit outside. You loved it, dont lie.


Anyway, Im off to work and ramen land. Ill eat my ramen and think of Hong Kong Goosey.

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