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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by DETO@Dec 4 2004, 06:26 PM

yeah, that is what i usually do, and the main reason to go to a gay bar is because, infact you may have a better chance of hooking up with her because she may assume you are gay thus her guard would be down



That's kind of an asshole move. Women go to gay bars because they want to go out somewhere where they won't get hit on. I don't mean to preach or anything, but I'd respect that intention and not go try to hit on women when their "guard is down."


I just feel wierd about straight guys going to gay bars. There's tons of straight singles bars out there, why not hit up one of them if you want to get girls? On the other hand, if you're down just to hang out then by all means go to the gay bar and boogie down with the GLBTQ community.

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damn, i must be the most out of touch, styleless most anti-social loser on the face of the earth then.. i think the nicest clothes i have are a pair of polo jeans and a plain canvas coat from old navy (clearence center at that) all i do is chill with my old lady, paint or come in this god damn place... i dont do the bar thing, i just never cared for it.(also being practically raised in them having a halfway alchoholic father who died drunk driving dosent help) .. i dont chase girls, i could really care less, i mean i didnt even go to my senior prom way back when i was in high school... we went benching fr8s that night (we really did) and when kids in school asked why we werent there we said we were benching fr8s... i even told my teachers that asked, that... god i hated high school...... is it just me? fuck this im going back to being str8 edge... i miss the pent up anger and violent outbursts....

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i'm home, just watched the end of star trek. i feel like i am getting sick. went with robocelf tonight to handle some graff business. had some drinks, had some more. spoke to gatita (i'll call you back tomorrow or later in the week).i had some good pizza (rays on bowry), and i just took a nice shower. did i mention i feel sick and i think i am getting the flu/a cold.......fuck! i have no sick days left at work!!!!


gonna look at porn then go to sleep.



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Originally posted by the_gooch@Dec 5 2004, 06:15 AM

i'm home, just watched the end of star trek. i feel like i am getting sick. went with robocelf tonight to handle some graff business. had some drinks, had some more. spoke to gatita (i'll call you back tomorrow or later in the week).i had some good pizza (rays on bowry), and i just took a nice shower. did i mention i feel sick and i think i am getting the flu/a cold.......fuck! i have no sick days left at work!!!!


gonna look at porn then go to sleep.





haha you bastard I walked right by Ray's yesterday at like 3.


I was up on Stanton looking at getting some more tattooing done.


I was also all around Mott and Mulberry doing cheap ass christmas shopping.

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Originally posted by Glik0+Dec 5 2004, 01:00 PM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Glik0 - Dec 5 2004, 01:00 PM)</div><div class='quotemain'><!--QuoteBegin-the_gooch@Dec 5 2004, 06:15 AM

i'm home, just watched the end of star trek. i feel like i am getting sick. went with robocelf tonight to handle some graff business. had some drinks, had some more. spoke to gatita (i'll call you back tomorrow or later in the week).i had some good pizza (rays on bowry), and i just took a nice shower. did i mention i feel sick and i think i am getting the flu/a cold.......fuck! i have no sick days left at work!!!!


gonna look at porn then go to sleep.





haha you bastard I walked right by Ray's yesterday at like 3.


I was up on Stanton looking at getting some more tattooing done.


I was also all around Mott and Mulberry doing cheap ass christmas shopping.






i was there at like 3:30 am, not in the afternoon haha


i went to sleep this morning at like 7:30am and i woke up at about 10:30 am, i cant sleep. i am doing laundry and working on that oil painting.


boiling points is one of the best shows on tv! don't you agree??

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Dear Local Yocals:


Please call Gats when your in the area. We shall chill (this exclude goocher, because he ended up calling me and trying to get me to come out, so basically this only includes gliko).



Gats Mgmt


Oh and PS, I cant believe Im saying this but Gwen Stefani's new album is kinda tight.

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Originally posted by perhap@Dec 5 2004, 02:45 PM

i hate boiling points. waiting to see if they hold out is like waiting to see what color my shit is.

edit: anything new whywrite?



the color of my own shit has always held my interest. when i was younger and had a really bad diet i would often find green logs in my bowl. yesterday was a light tan almost the color of my living room walls. as the day pregressed it darkened slighty.

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