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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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i am in a dilemma, bats.


I have 2 roommates. One roommate and I have decided we dont want the other roommate to live here anymore. He is a dirty bitch, lazy, procrastinates to the tenth power, and has no motivation or desire to succeed. He is "content". Make a little money, spend that shit immediately, get drunk/high, fuck some hoe, sleep. That's his pattern in life that he feels is all he wants. Which is a bullshit way of submitting to life. The nigga is fuckin lame for real. So, I say we tell him, you gotta go nigga, bye. My other roommate, who is my dawg for a long while now, wants to do it in a subtler method. Say something like, would you considering moving out sometime in the near future, we'll help you find a place, blahbalhbhlabbahla. Reason he wants to be subtle is because the dirty hoe ass nigga is kinda crazy and might fuck the house up when we aint home, if we say like I want to, go on bitch get the fuck from round here! See the problem? ..yeah. me neither..fuck him. hes gone.


It feels kinda good lettin a potential thousand people know the issue at hand. no need to actually respond. thanks

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painted yesterday. 3-d pieces are really no fun to paint at all. never again. flix soon. fun, but finished at 4am. painted for a good 10 hours after a morning of work. really fun but i feel like i ran a marathon yesterday. i also just smoked a joint and i havent smoked in almost 3 months. seriously. i think it's taken me 20 minutes to write this.


KSK. welcome back, holmes.

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Lil niggahs are gettin gangster now a days...


so my boy comes threw to my new place yesterday...so we figure will go walk to the store and grab some phillies....the store is quite a walk when it hits dark....so as we get to the block where the store is on. there are 2 id say bout 16 year old kids acting mad sketchy on the corner...so we walk by them cautiously to see if they try something stupid..they knew better.....then in front of the store there are about 8 other youngings and the guy who runs the store is screamin at them..so i get to the store and i see that they where trying to rob this kid in the store..so they all leave and wait on the other corner..so i grab my phillies and walk out the store...laughing at all these lil kids...and purposley said out loud "lil niggahz these days" so on the way back we remebered we had to get ciggarattes..so were walkin back to the store and we see the 2 kids still on the corner...next thing you know the kid who was gettin robbed runs out the store and runs right into the 2 kids...so they start beating him down...next thing you no the other 8 kids start running towards them...so they start beating this lil kid up...i felt real bad and wanted to do something...next thing you know they start chasing some other kid and his girl...so as the run by me i trip one of them...so this kid gets up like hes mad hard...and steps up to us and now all there attention is on us...i couldnt help but laugh...next thing you know they tryin to jack us...so my friend grabs his snapple bottle and smashes it against one of the kids heads knocking him out instantly...after that every single one of those kids bitched out and ran.....it was the funniest thing in the world....lil niggaz man :lol:

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Originally posted by effyoo

Dude, if your dog turns into fucking retard, it'll be your fault. you have to take the time to train it right. I can't stand it when people think its the dogs fault its acting up.


No, this is the reason I hate most labs. People just let them act however they want, raise a dumb dog, and get pissed at dumb dog. We're doin plenty of research, it'll get trained.

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Originally posted by hail

oh and 1 more question .. i saved a picture off google but when i cut sumthin off of it and put it on another picture or into a new file its white and not the picture can u help me with that?


Youre going to need to get a lot more naked for this kinda information.

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who is pen1?



sketch funk.









style is everything.



jesus look how gay that piece is. it looks like the cover of a debbie gibson album. anyway. fun was had. owners were happy. jockers were jocking. bitches got wet.

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good morning all.


i'm up bright and early because i think i have sciatica. It seems at though i fucked myself up at work yestarday somehow, and now i have pain radiating down my left leg, to the point of which i can barely walk.


but on the bright side, i had a delicious bowl of raisin bran crunch cereal.




is anyone awake yet?

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im at skool trying to learn a little sumthing..let me tell you about my weekend...couple of friends and i went to a club... and i got pretty wasted when i went to the restroom to apply my lipgloss..i found a nice sanford king size marker instead...so i tore up the restroom with my usual tag..but this time i threw up nightbats and drew lil bats everywhere ....man i was gone....anyhoo..gotta run to class

;) peace

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