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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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Originally posted by Crimsøn

Wait...she makes you wear the facial mask? Weird.


...that page 118 almost made me spit Dr Pepper everywhere. :lol:


well, she WANTED me to wear the mask. (someone please make a joke abuot my girlfriend giving me a skeet skeet facial) and i was just too looped on whiskey, cold medicine and asscrack tea to fight. it felt kinda nice.

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<<<< checking in



your boy Pfffffffffft just moved to a new apartment and a week later just got my cable modem hooked up, i feel like i just got my right arm back


DETO, that rhyme was pretty hot, id rather HEAR you rap it, than read it..it would be much more comical:lol:




on another note,


what do all yinz think about deaon sanders comeback to the NFL?


i think its effin great

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pinupper. that sucks. i've lost friends AND family like that. definitely leaves the survivors feeling pretty fucked up, even if you weren't tight. i tip my iron buddha rickshaw morning tea to another fallen soldier of the graff game.


pffffft. welcome back, dunny. you ain't missed shit.


2bleezy. pls read above.


and to all the young knightbats. the knightbatlings. stop fucking bitching about school. i will not tolerate that shit in here any more. your life only gets worse when you get out, so i don't want to fucking hear it. and your making me feel old.

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So Ive been in real Gatita mode lately, aka, chaotic-chaotic-chaotic.

Me and my boy are on a semi break/breakup/I dont even know tip at the moment. Its bringing me down, way down, even though it was my choosing. Basically, I have a lot of shit on my plate already with school and the likes, and since he lives 2 hours away... no matter how much Im in love with the boy.. its fuckin hard. Eh, I wont go off on some girly girl tangent, but, it sucks. I just hope he gets his ass back to NYC asap.


And Id like to say, iquit, thanks for making my boy[??or whatever] laugh the other night. But I dont forgive you for telling him to punch my "fat head." That is not acceptable. ;)

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checka-cheking in.


i think i made maybe 3 posts in the past 2 weeks in the domain of the almighty KB.

I went and met up with earmufler and TTboy in a city to the south and got drunk and remembered that painting is something that should be done on a regular basis.

then i went out to a small town in saskatchewan to visit my grandparents. normally it is an 8 hour drive out there, but with my belief that i am michael schumacher, i made it in 5 and a half.

only 2000 people live in this town and you can walk across it in 20 minutes. it is amazing how quiet the countryside is. i'm used to traffic and a radio going 24 hours a day.

it was nice. for about 2 hours. then i was wandering around town looking for something to do. but since everything closed at 5 pm i was shit outta luck.

i learned to play a card game called 3 spot with my grandpa and learned that he served in WW2 for 4 out of 5 years. that nigga was invincible! first he got sent to north africa, then holland, then germany. much respect for the ww2 veterans.


i caught some old freights in the little yard they have in town there, too. OLD OLD tko pieces, ba and lords crew streaks, some local freight heads, israel fr8ophiles, phonograf, drugs, it was a nice little break in the boredom. i have pics if you want.


yeah, so theres the report.

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once i get shit in order ill take a few shots of my computer throne for all yinz to see where i blabble off at the fingertips until im late for work or school..



damn this rain....that damn hurricane that hit florida as pussied out into a huge rainstorm headed north up the east coast and is now pissing all over north carolina and will be all week long:mad:

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hate to be in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


hahaha! sorry had to be done! weather in ireland is like 74degrees its like he hottest it gets over here! its deadly! sittin on my ass only up out of bed goin to paint somethin now.. will rep the knightbats in it!


cant get that terror squad song out of my head!


all my niggas dont dance jus pull up your pants and do the rock away!:D

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