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Knitbats: Tease your hair, volume and shit...


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<span style='color:pink'>thank you everyone, i have had a great few days celebrating my day of birth, yesterday, my birthday, i had a surprise party thrown for me by my co-workers, it was a fucking blast, first off, my drunk ass boss, (she's 46) and not bad, but not good, grabbed my ass twice and took a shot with me and said "21 and been kissed plently of times" and kisses me on the mouth, :huh?: anyway, yeyo was flowing like water so this bird whom i kinda know and we are flirting with each other all night, tells me to give her my keys she wants to go to my car, i figure, sure, she is either gonna break out with a bump or deto's gonna get laid, so we start making out and she straight up ask, "do you want me to suck you off" "YEAH!" so she unzips me, gets naked and goes to work, a bit later, SKEET, SKEET, SKEET... she then gets on top of my and fucks with me and honestly, fucked the shit out of me, raw :huh?: uh, oh! anyway, SKEET, SKEET, SKEET... now she wants me to get on top and fuck her, i'm drunk and skeeted the fuck off twice, now i'm not going to lie, i was having a hard time keeping it up, so she fingers herself to orgasm. all in all a great 21st birthday for the detster.</span>
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Originally posted by johndoe

ill get down, but i dont understand how to get in knightbats?? :confused:


just put the ^o^ in your sig and your down until i kick you out. your first week is a trial period in which you must be a positive contributor and prove your worth to the clan.

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Originally posted by iquit

dude, my bad fo real!!!


1 mumf till grass skirts and coconut covered titties.


i got a grip of chinese bitches under me/ strippin off they undies/ and ksk about ta pull an al bundy...


(ksk is my big bro and he's gettin married in hawaii in a month. the flix will be off the chain fo sho)



Yeah . . .Hawaiis gonna be dope.


You may catch me in a pair of "olaf dukies", matchin cap, seven iron in my hands. . . TEDDY

You may catch me on the beach playin chess, lampin sack, drinkin Jack in the sun . . .TEDDY

You may catch me on the seas, with my bro and my pops, catchin Mahi on the run . . .TEDDY

But you wont catch me without a joint, straight sober, stressed out, or off point . . .TEDDY

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5:20am Finally fall asleep.

9:00am Alarm goes off >> Snooze.

9:30am Loudest alarm ever heard goes off... fire on the third floor of my building.


Everyone evacuated.


I have to be at work by 10 today.


10:30 comes by... we're allowed to go back into the building.


Shower+shave: 10:55


Get to work 11:05


Shipment comes in of over 150 boxes... net weight 8,350lbs.


Off the truck, onto the skid, off the skid into the back room.


Repeat 7 times.



I love when people don't come into work and I have to fill in for them.


Rather than just doing computer shit.

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rolled out of bed at 8 am to start the job search. Went in to take some computer test at the temp agency. Scored alright, but should be doing better after 10 yrs plus using computer programs. I guess I lack the motivation I need. Got a interview for thursday to become a office clerk for a oil company. I am just hoping that there is some fine looking females I may work with. Now I am back home, pretending to search for more jobs. Damn I love 12oz and the knightbat fam.....

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Originally posted by Ethreadzny2

rolled out of bed at 8 am to start the job search. Went in to take some computer test at the temp agency. Scored alright, but should be doing better after 10 yrs plus using computer programs. I guess I lack the motivation I need. Got a interview for thursday to become a office clerk for a oil company. I am just hoping that there is some fine looking females I may work with. Now I am back home, pretending to search for more jobs. Damn I love 12oz and the knightbat fam.....


Dude get a job over here.


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Originally posted by why write?

nice. i havent had a haircut in 3 months, i needa get one.


Man I had so much hair that my hats stopped fitting me right. I feel better now.


Oh and J, when I was driving through Either TN or VA I saw this town called Blountville. It made me think of that kid and that everyone there probably looks just like him.:lol:

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