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HAHAHAHA My first try.....too bad I filled in bullshit details because I'm not from the States.

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Rubbish... good question. I have no idea why they're 17 minute intervals and not 20. I suppose it could be 20 minute intervals.


a/s/l... whenever you drop your chain, you don't have to stop and get your fingers all greasy to get it back on. If you're in the big ring and your chain drops to the outside... just shift it into the small ring while slowly pedaling and wa-laa! chain back on. Same thing if your chain drops to the inside... just shift it into the big ring while slowly pedaling and you're back in business.


No more cat 6 greasy fingers...

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on speed intervals, find a nice looong flat-ish stretch and do this 2x with 5-10 minutes of easy spinning in between:


2:00 all out, 2:00 recovery

1:30 all out, 1:30 recovery

1:00 all out, 1:00 recovery

0:45 all out, 0:45 recovery


Sweet. I think I'm gonna try this one out in a week or two and add a 0:30 all out for the last one. How many sets of these do you do in a ride?

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Rubbish... good question. I have no idea why they're 17 minute intervals and not 20. I suppose it could be 20 minute intervals.


a/s/l... whenever you drop your chain, you don't have to stop and get your fingers all greasy to get it back on. If you're in the big ring and your chain drops to the outside... just shift it into the small ring while slowly pedaling and wa-laa! chain back on. Same thing if your chain drops to the inside... just shift it into the big ring while slowly pedaling and you're back in business.


No more cat 6 greasy fingers...




My fingers are still greasy lol.

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Sweet. I think I'm gonna try this one out in a week or two and add a 0:30 all out for the last one. How many sets of these do you do in a ride?


Right now I personally can manage 2 sets with a good recovery in the middle and I'm nowhere near as fit as people who race... I think it goes something like 1 set for beginners, 2 for experienced, 3 for advanced.


Watch out... it's those last ones that really get you. 45 seconds feels like forever.

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Any cool documentaries/books/etc on bike messengers?


These were written by friends of mine-





Films...there's a bunch about/documenting the SF scene in the 90s/early 2000s. One was called "Rookie" from 1997 but it was more of a comedy short...another one is called "Big Trouble In Little Bummytown" from 2000 which is like an hour long version of "Rookie". There was a documentary called "Beasts of Burden" from the mid 90s that pretty much tells the truth (the job sucks, don't expect to make shit for money) about being a messenger. Unfortunately, I have no idea as to what their availability is (in other words, good luck finding them)...I'll ask around but I'm not promising much.

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so i did a little ride with the guy im doing the 60 mile ride with, i had never rode with him before and hes been talking mad shit about how hes going to drop me, so we did a few laps of the park scenic route which was only about 10 miles but we sprinted the entire time. he let me pull (i think thats what its called when your the leader and the other guy drafts? i had never heard of it before) for a lap then he passed me and showed me why he talks so much shit... he started to drop me and ironically, the thing i was worrying about earlier (shifting from one chainring to the other without losing time) happened, and i lost a bit of time... but luckily he got a flat so that gave me a little break and a chance to catch up. but im ina kind of predicament, if i pull i get to set the pace but i also have to deal with the wind and its real windy here because of the beaches. but if i let him pull il get dropped because his idea of a cruising speed is 25mph... i just hope i dont get lost or drop a waterbottle or fall or something


and ive won 3 waterbottles and 2 shirts in that trek wow competition already haha. i want a damn bike....

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Acer... you sound like you are riding just fine. One thing you haven't learned yet is what I like to call "The Art of Suffering". We all suffer on the bike when training or racing. The art of suffering comes when you've been riding for a few years and have learned how to ride through all kinds of pain to stay on a wheel or go to the front and stay there, even though your legs and lungs want you to shut it down. Basically what I'm saying is keep doing what you're doing and eventually the art of suffering will come.

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yea, ive experienced that to a tiny tiny extent while playing lacrosse, but now that i look back on it lacrosse was the easiest thing ive ever done, i got water breaks whenever i wanted and i could sit down and rest for however long i wanted and id never have to play for longer then 45 minutes. and now i just think everyone who doesnt ride is a pussy hahaha


but i mean, im looking forward to it. im looking forward to the burn and the pain.


and also, are you supposed to wear anything under those spandex riding shorts? because doesnt it defeat the purpose if you wear cotton boxers under....

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Rode for a while today then went down to a fee concert for Art Town 09. I wanna buy a beater bike to be able to lock up that isnt so flashy and shit.


TMK, how is the control (as in in traffic/tight squeezes) on your fixie?


I get sick having to reach for the brakes so often.

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i just won an astana team jersey!!!!!!!!!!!!!



You have won a Astana Team Jersey (Large). Please check your email for instructions on how to claim your prize. Thank you for playing!


If you don't see the email in your inbox be sure to check your spam or junk mail folder.


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Rode for a while today then went down to a fee concert for Art Town 09. I wanna buy a beater bike to be able to lock up that isnt so flashy and shit.


TMK, how is the control (as in in traffic/tight squeezes) on your fixie?


I get sick having to reach for the brakes so often.


Work on your back pedaling to slow yourself down, its going to hurt your knees but dont be a pussy and get stronger


tight squeezes you are just going to have to use jedi skills and think every move ahead of time to get yourself out

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Rode for a while today then went down to a fee concert for Art Town 09. I wanna buy a beater bike to be able to lock up that isnt so flashy and shit.


TMK, how is the control (as in in traffic/tight squeezes) on your fixie?


I get sick having to reach for the brakes so often.



its real quick and responsive, but thats gonna depend more on the frame than the type of drivetrain. if you want a beater bike and don't want to go the fixed gear route, build up a singlespeed, those are fun as hell too.


like random said, backpedaling is really the best way to stop/slow down efficiently, but when its hard to stop you pay a lot more attention and think alot differently haha

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singlespeed[/size], those are fun as hell too.



lovin my singlespeeds


got a motobacon super mirage-


rode every day to work


a raleigh record that is still just frame and forks


and my newest acquisition


and nishiki competition


just frame, forks and strong light cranks


iil post pics of all later

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i pretty much only ride single speed because i feel like i can dodge traffic a hell of a lot better on it. i live in the middle of a shit city, and it's pretty much the best way to go. i guess i have a flip flop on my back rim, but i'm just too lazy to set it up, and well. i'd say a single speed is better than a fixie for a relentless pothead like me who likes to move as little as possible.


also, found an 07 ironhorse maverick with disc brakes in the dumpster earlier today. perfect shit for riding down train tracks. like 2 or 3 inches of travel on the shocks

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so i got back from my ride, got probly 2 hours of sleep the night before. i felt good for the first 25 miles of the trip, let the other guy lead some and kept up with his 25mph bs, as we pulled up to the island i was getting pretty tired, the rolling hills wore me the fuck out. they arent steep but they last forever. we stopped by his grandmas house to watch the end of the tour de france. rested for a while and then got back on the bikes and decided to take a "shortcut" which apparently adds 30 miles to the trip. i was doing pretty good for about 10 miles, setting the pace at about 20mph. then i hit the rolling hills and i hit the wall. i couldnt get over 17mph and got dropped. luckily, he got a flat tire and i caught up. by this time i had already rode through the pain and the cramps, i just didnt have any energy left and my feet hands and crotch were numb. so i ended up stopping at my friends house at mile 88 because the heat and the numbness in my dick were scaring me. part of it i think is i had a cotton shirt on. and theres no shade at all.


BUT, i have to say it was fun as shit till i got drained and dehydrated.


and what can i do about the numbness?

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all the nerves meet up around your mid section. so if your dick goes numb I am sure your hands and feet will follow.


I never had the had and foot thing happen to me before. Sucks man, but get one of those seats that triple was talking about...I heard they help

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