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Originally posted by alkaline

Also ... the North Shore is #1 on the list of dream riding vacations. I was in Vancouver last summer for my honeymoon, but I didn't get any riding in.




yeah it's pretty popular now. If any of you are interested in some of our local trails here, they get pretty gnarly. The video New World disorder is comming out soon, that was filmed mostly by locals in our province. People are just getting to nut's tho, 60ft+ drops. It's getting nuts!




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Originally posted by KING OF HELL

So. I have a Puegot Carbon fibre from the late eighties. i love it but i was wondering if its going to be ok to convert into a fixed gear. it has the vertical rear drop outs and i heard thats a problem. any help here?



no dice king...


you will need horizontal (or almost horizontal) dropouts to run fixed.

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first race of the season....


in elkridge md. a five mile loop with a nice gradual with a nice steap part in the climb...


i raced mens collegait A's last year i did the B's


it was beutiful day sun was shinning.


about 30 guys in my race 60miles long 12laps


raced started off pretty easy pace i was catching up talking to a few riders from last year the first two laps were nothing hard i stayed in the frount half come the third lap the pace starts to pick up a bit we get the train moving everyones taking turns pulling. come the 4th time up the hill someone has the great idea of taking off he and 3 others got a 15 sec gap then came me and then 15sec behind me was other rider i slowed a bit to let the other bridge up with me and together we pulled like animals for 3/4th a lap we didn't really make up that much time. 2 other riders bridged up with us and together we worked it and caught up to the other riders ahead. when we merged together the pack was pretty much blown apart. with still having 7laps to go we slowed the pace up a bit and a few others who were chasing caught up making the lead group around 12 riders. we went about a lap and half at a nice pace nothing too hard. we slowly picked the pace back up. with three laps to go i was sitting comfortably in the group untill chris herby (who has been dominating the races) decided to blow the pack up again on the 3rd time up the hill. luckly i was right on this wheel when he did so. but his strength proved to be too great for mine and he and another rider got a good 10sec. gap on me. 3 other riders bridged up with me and we chased and chased and chased but the they kept pulling away from us on the second to last time up the hill the other riders in my 4 proved to be stronger then me and got a gap on me. so i said forget it and had nothing left in my legs and let them go on ahead. so i put myself in timetrail mode and soloed it the last lap and half and finished up 6th... the next riders to finish was a group of 4 about 3 min. back


im really happy with my fitness level and how the race went.. i averaged 23.5mph... haven't done that in a long time...

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d-day april 12th.


i'll be racing 4/5 thanks......


i think i might do they 3/4 as well...


its for money....


holler if any of you guys want the info.

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yesterday i did the uva up hill TT climb was about 4miles long but the first mile was a false flat so the average grade was about 6% but if you take out the false flat the last 3 miles was an average grade of 15% with the steepest section being 18% grade it was a sufferfest.. luckly the faster you went up the less suffering. i ended up getting 2nd loosing to first place by 50sec. and third place was some 20sec. behind me my time being 23:21. it was great tho and the climb was to wintergreen ski resort place.



the start




there is a guy way in the back.. he started 30 sec. up on me i caught him a mile and half into the race. i also caught my 1.5min. man too


thats me in the way back... the guy in front started a minute up on me



i was suppose to race today.. but for some reason virginia decided to smoke crack this morning and it started to snow... WTF it's the last day of march. so at 10am when i was suppose to be racing there was 2inches of snow on the ground.. next weekend i'll be in west va... i love it more mountains...

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still empty handed


Does anyone know where I can get a new hairnet? Old school italian style. They still make them in Europe somewhere. I just can't seem to find'em. Hit my e-mail if you have a lead. Thanks.

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I have a GT Vertigo its color is seafoam and black. But why the fuck are BMX bikes so heavy now days. I used to have a mongoose from back in the day before you could buy the from target and i could pick it up with one finger (and I'm pretty weak). So does anyone know why current BMX's weigh so much?

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Cinnamon... thanks for the race reports. Sounds like your early season is off to a good start. Keep the reports coming!


In keeping with the trend...


Joker's forst race report of the season -


Two mile loop on mostly flat course with a slight false flat on one side. Seven laps. I raced the 4/5's because I haven't been training hard enough to go with the 3/4's. Anyway - guys all line up for the start, about 25 of us. Three guys from a new team and four guys, including me from my team. The rest are unattached. The ride starts off at a fairly easy pace for the first three laps. In the middle of lap four I decide I need to do some more work to sorta ride myslef into the race instead of being pack fill. I attack on the false flat and get a good 50 meters ahead of the group. No one chases me down and the group seems to staying their pace. I stay out on my own for half a lap before realizing it's retarded to be out there by myself. I ease up and wait for the group to catch me. I sit in till lap six and do the same thing. Again... no chasers. I try to stay out on my own till the end but I burned myself up about 300 meters from the line and watched almost every guy pass me. I had nothing left to even attempt to sprint. How sad is that? 300 meters from the line and then die. Someone had to be laughing at me. I finished 18th. I was kinda sad at first but on the ride home I felt pretty good. It could have been worse considering the amount of training I haven't done. And being able to attack definitely made me feel good about racing again. And hopefully it'll spark interest in another rider when I do it again next week.



Areankay... I can't believe you got that frame for only $45! Setting it up as a TT bike or fixed?

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i ride a cannondale road bike.

- racing 500. it's red with yellow vittoria 700x23 tires.

- shimano parts

- clipless pedals


i also have:

- old chrome GT mach 1 bmx bike

- small red schwinn cruiser


i'm currently building a track bike using an old Guerciotti road bike frame.

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joker good stuff... atleast you went for the break and now you know what you need to work on. just think if you started the break 300meters later. cycling is a crap shoot esp. crits


i raced last weekend in morganstown west virginia i did the collegaite mens A race 66 miles. i felt good i did a bit to much work early in the race and finished up 11th out of 28starters. my result wasn't great nor was it bad, im just kinda happy that im able to finish these longer races this early in the season


on suday was a 4mile look ciurit race 6 laps.. two guys broke away off the gun and road half the race alone till one died out and the other guy soloed the second half of the race. i just stayed in the pack as "pack fill" and didn't do much work but on the last lap i worked my way up to the front of the pack and on the last hill before the last turn i was right in front and going around the last turn i was 4th in line it was a hundred yards uphill to the finish nothing too steep but i stuck it out and didn't pass or all anyone to pass me so i ended 5th. pretty happy with the result.


im leaving tomorrow to go to virginia tech for a the hardest road race yet and an ultra fast timetrial on sunday.


i qualified for collegaite nationals out in berkley CA, as long as i can get one of my finals moved im heading out there. may 9th - 12

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there was some major suffering that went on.... i was happy to finish i ended up 11th out of 35. the race was 66 miles long with "the wall" a steep steep steep climb we had to go up 6 times....


then today was a 25K timetrial.. i didn't stick around for results


i'll try to get some pictures up in a few days



only 2 weeks of classes and then exams.. and im done... i can't wait

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Originally posted by Joker

Cinnamon... thanks for the race reports. Sounds like your early season is off to a good start. Keep the reports coming!


In keeping with the trend...


Joker's forst race report of the season -


Two mile loop on mostly flat course with a slight false flat on one side. Seven laps. I raced the 4/5's because I haven't been training hard enough to go with the 3/4's. Anyway - guys all line up for the start, about 25 of us. Three guys from a new team and four guys, including me from my team. The rest are unattached. The ride starts off at a fairly easy pace for the first three laps. In the middle of lap four I decide I need to do some more work to sorta ride myslef into the race instead of being pack fill. I attack on the false flat and get a good 50 meters ahead of the group. No one chases me down and the group seems to staying their pace. I stay out on my own for half a lap before realizing it's retarded to be out there by myself. I ease up and wait for the group to catch me. I sit in till lap six and do the same thing. Again... no chasers. I try to stay out on my own till the end but I burned myself up about 300 meters from the line and watched almost every guy pass me. I had nothing left to even attempt to sprint. How sad is that? 300 meters from the line and then die. Someone had to be laughing at me. I finished 18th. I was kinda sad at first but on the ride home I felt pretty good. It could have been worse considering the amount of training I haven't done. And being able to attack definitely made me feel good about racing again. And hopefully it'll spark interest in another rider when I do it again next week.



Areankay... I can't believe you got that frame for only $45! Setting it up as a TT bike or fixed?


yeh i did it up as a fixed gear, i actually paid $125 but i still think thats a deal basicly ebay is my new freind

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Well, i got my new mountain bike about a month ago. 2003 specialized enduro comp. Its got a Pyslo on the front and a float rl on the back, hayes hydro's, mavic 223's, the compo group is a mix of house/lx-xt.

It rides so sweet, climbs like a dream for havin 125 mm and 136 mm front and back respectivly. To bad I won't be racing WIM series on it. Great bike to drop though, since I got it my drop ieght has changed from 4 feet w/ good landng to 6 feet with about any reasonable landing.


I just tuned my vintage (78?) Masi. Love that shit, it is sooo pretty. The lugs on that thing are amzing, all hand made in Italy. Need to get a old vintage jersey to go withmy old school cycling caps.

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Spade... sounds nice! I know there's some online store that sells tons of viintage jersey's but I'm at a loss for the name right now.


Race report:


Same course as last race but more guys, rain and raced in the opposite direction. The start is your normal start... slow and everyone getting comfortable. A lot more team riders in this race so tactics are being played all over the place... on the first and second laps. Which was weird to me. Lap four was a points lap and since I had no intention of even trying to place, I figured I'd put sme work in for my team mate who told me earlier that he wanted to place in the top five. So on the back side of the course, in the headwind I make a break for it. Not an attack just work my way to the front and put the pressure on. The 25 mph stroll was too easy on everybody so I get to the front and pull like a madman. The group stays on my wheel but unfortunately... I dropped my man. After the points lap I sit in and recover and work my way to the top five guys for the final sprint. About 400 meters from the line I'm in good position and waiting for the right moment. All the way to the right is a group of guys pounding the pedals for the line. I take off from behind the guy in front of me and go. I end up getting 8th in the sprint. Though for the overall I didn't even place in the top 15... which was kinda wierd to me since I would receive points for finishing 8th on the final sprint. Oh well, no biggie. It's all just for fun anyway.

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I had a point to point race on Saturday and the standard lap system on Sunday. No real exciting specifics, but one of the guys I have a rivalry with is starting to freak out. I was either right on his wheel or in front of him for the majority of the time. On Sunday he dropped me on a huge climb. I'm starting to get my legs and lungs back. Once I start riding regular again, I expect to seriously hurt him. I've started taking endurolytes about an hour before the start of the races. That combined with a bottle of accelerade seems to be the perfect match. Last week I got 9th. This past weekend was 8th and 11th. I start my regular commute next week. Looking damn forward to it.


Joker and Cinn...sounds like you guys are doing alright. Keep it up! I'm going to start doing hill climbs.

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im glad to see that everyone is out racing... it's finally spring here..and im loving it and with only 2 more weeks of class summer for me is just around the corner with nothing to do but ride my bike and work...


im going to san fran and berkely cali for collegiate road nationals.. it'll be my first time on the west coast... i can't wait

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Steve... if you haven't been training on the regular and you did that well in you race, you're going to be a monster come summer.


Cinn... congrats on your upcoming trip to the west! I wish I could come down and cheer you on. We'll have to get Dibs out there with one of those huge foam fingers, cheering you on.


Well, I haven't been out since my crit on Tuesday and I have another one this Tuesday... I need to get back into my regular regimine. I guess the race officials noticed the results were wacky and placed me correctly. I finished 7th out of 29 riders. Now if I can just do that well in the crit on Mother's Day when the points really count...

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