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man, i am beat the fuck up... a big HERE HERE to hesh when he was talking about mountain bikes being inefficient pieces o crap. i rode the mountain bike for the first time in a while today. i was supposed to meet my cousin at this spot, so i ride out there, 12 miles. now this completely sucks. i can go maybe 16mph if i'm really pushing it... i have these huge tread clunky 2.1 tires and whenever i try to climb hills it's really hard and the shock bobs on me... it just sucked... when i finally get out there and meet him i'm sweating my balls off... it's 90 degrees. we imediately proceed to climb this mountain... and he's all trying to whip my ass and ride his hardest because he knows that i ride bikes a lot. so i kill myself just to catch up to him and soon he gets really tired, and i make it to the top first, then there's a 3 mile all downhill section. that shit beat me up although it was really fun. some very good jumps too. all in all, we only rode about 10 or 11 miles in the woods before we proceeded to his house, 5 miles away. i just rode home on that inefficient bike, and not only am i tired, but i feel like somebody bashed my arms and shoulders with a crow bar for a few hours. what the fuck, brah? did i become a pussy riding on the road so much?

i'm not knocking mountain bikes... riding in the woods was a blast, and i like mountain bikes, but they really are inefficient. and i thought my road skills would translate into better success on the trail. nope. i just felt like a rookie out there. did i mention that my arms hurt?

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Uh-huh. That's why I like my single speed so much. It's already "inefficient" so all I have to do is sit back and enjoy the ride. The biggest problem I have with mountain biking is that it hurts my ass a lot more than riding on the road. When I got on my Pista the day after riding the trails, my booty was so sore that I couldn't sit down for the first couple of miles. Hehehehe. I think that mountain biking makes you a better rider though, because it forces you to make planned decisions and on-the-fly decisions while staying safe. It's good mental training in my opinion ... and definitely more of a rush. The drawback is that you can't get going as fast (for extended periods) as you can on a road bike.


All I can say is that bikes still make me smile ... even when my teeth are covered in dirt and bugs.

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So, I was outta town since Thursday afternoon...without any of my bikes. I've gotten used to riding so much that going that long without a ride nearly drove me insane. I actually had dreams about riding. Anyway...glad I'm back, hopefully I can get a decent ride in tonight (still have some family making the rounds).


The one thing I've noticed since I started riding mountain and road is the amount of upper body strength it takes to move the mountain bike around. Alkaline has it right on...single speed in the woods.

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Guest mikro137

from fatcopones post


ummmmmmmm, sorry a little late, but: Terrible One 20 5/8" Tenderizer brakeless ....



your bike scares me to this day.

its all about your feature in the odt video...

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woah guys, sorry i was away on an island in maine making some money...


what do i need to comment on? i've missed some really good discussion. sheeit.


umm, that bike does look familar, the forks are throwing me off, is the kid riding it in art school? nice kid, his first track bike?


the sheldon brown link is all you need to know, if anything there is confusing head to the l.b.s. chainlines are a fucking bitch on conversion rides, thats all i can say.


kissmyass, i just got in, email me or have the misses hollar, i'll try and see whats up w/ getting out there.


what else? hmmm, i did nothing but manual labor and eat shit food for about 3 weeks, im out of shape, ugh.

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Most of the time...where I live, motorists are (for the most part) pretty cool. I was finishing up a nice easy ride last night when some jackass yelled out his window the typical, "Get outta the way". For some reason, last night I snapped. I had just turned off onto a side street when he yelled. I prompty turned around and started chasing him down. Up ahead of him the light turned red and I thought hell yeah...I can catch him. I got to within 30 yards when the light turned green and he took off squealing his tires. I guess I just find it funny how "tough" some people are inside their cars.


Anybody done any racing lately? I've got one coming up Sunday.

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over the weekend i went to a small town in nor cal, nestled in the sierra nevada mtns called downieville. its a small gold rush town that is practically untouched, im talking this place looks straight out of a western movie, its all of 3 blocks long and consistis of one main street. anyways, this town is sort of a mtn bike wonderland, the towns main source of income is derived from mtn bike tourism durring the summer. we stayed in this little inn on a river, next morning we go to the local shop to get shuttled by van to the top of the mtn and then BLAM! 16 miles of brutal downhill ridding, some of wich is world cup downhill. water crossings, boulders, steep drops, you name it and you come across it on the way down. it was totally an amazing senic adventure, a truley beuatiful place and one of the most fun rides i've ever had. and never assume going down hill is going to be easy, i was sooo exhauted after that ride, i have even more respect for downhill racers now. downieville should be on every mtn bikers list of spots to hit before death.

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damn those fixie pictures brought me in to make a post. its been a while. a lot of shit has hit the fan but the bike has definately been a nice solace and break from everything. i got a new brooks saddle from a friend and after breaking it in i can tell you that everyone needs a brooks.


the white bianchi fixie is a fucking ghost it is so pretty. and probably the only fixie in those pics that i would mount. i just cant deal with the thought of people rocking spds on their fixies, even speedplays. times are the only thing that belong on a fixie or cages. spds are horrible and dont have the tension to hold your feet still and locked. the thing i love is the newer trend in cages to be doubled up or thick strap, yes its an old idea but it has come back around. the secret is a guitar strap im telling you it sucks your foot in and feels so nice once you are dialed in, for all the cage riders i suggest you rock this.


tour season is coming up and i started a tour post.


i am also looking to start wheelbuilding i saw some rad examples at a friends shop in boston recently, crows foot lacing. drive side 3x with soft radial on the farside, crazy shit like that. new ways to ride and feel. i want to learn twisty, and solder, i wish there was a website for it all because then....... youd have shauns custom wheels. and id take mail order and shit.


ill be around holla at me.









hesh i heard you met the name on my neck the day she left phils. she says hi. we are talking again trying to work shit out. but im a fucking mess. they want me on all these meds...grrr.

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Jan Ullrich...


Hey guys... it's Joker. I trust that everyone is doing well and all have been riding in the blistering heatwaves across America. Keep hydrated!


I'm still in Germany but should be home soon. My plans to head to Luxumbourg for the start of the tour have been cancelled due to lack of funds. (Damn gifts for family!!) But there has been a bit of interesting news in the papers and Eurosport television here in Germany. Jan Ullrich has failed a doping test. Test A was non-negative and it's likely that test B will come as positive as well. They're saying it's an amphetamine (sp?) of some sort. I'm watching German tv and trying to read German papers with a english to german dictionary... so forgive me if I screw this all up. It's huge news here. All over the tv and on the front page of all the papers. It came out a few days ago. On tv last night they were talking about it and showing a poster of all the known different kinds of ecstasy. I don't know if they're accusing him of that or if it's unrelated. I'm just telling you what I saw. I Hope they'll cover something of it on the coverage of tomorrows start. I was lucky enough to catch the end of some track racing on Eurosport as well. Eurosport is similar to OLN... without all the fishing crap.


I've ducked into a few shops here but nothing to write home about. Though the prices in comparrison to home are incredible. A Bianchi EV4 with full Mirage for $1400!!! That's a freakin' deal! There were many others. I had to refrain from buying a bike due to buying that mountain bike. The wife would kick me in the shins for sure.


I should be home soon but I just wanted to relay the info while I had a connection to the internet and some time. The weather here sucks!!!! It's been raining since I got here and really cold. Real cold. Wack. The painting has been real slow but I've got a few pieces running. I did this piece together with Vane from Australia that came out kinda cool... if you're into abstract stuff. Vitche from Sao Paulo is by far the freshest writer I've met. So humble and sooooo good.


Take care all and I'll talk with you again soon.

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Guest seno.oner

wheres the tour de france coverage? i went on the ESPN andNBC websites and neither of them have anything scheduled for coverage of it. what the fuck.

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Guest Jan Ulrich
Originally posted by seno.oner

wheres the tour de france coverage? i went on the ESPN andNBC websites and neither of them have anything scheduled for coverage of it. what the fuck.


OLN carries it.

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Originally posted by TEARZ


yo, i can't for the life of me get the hang of doing skids on my track bike. shit just doesn't happen for me. is it possible that i'm geared too high or does that have nothing to do with it? i'm running a 46x15 right now.




i run a 45x16 and i dont really have any trouble.

the larger the cog the easier the skid, i would move up one or two teeth.




i just finished building up my first track bike on friday, its so fun.

benotto frame durace/mavic wheels blah blah blah. im way happy

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Guest seno.oner

which is suppose to be the better of the two shimano models the dura ace or the ultegra im near to getting my new bike: trek 5200 and im having trouble on deciding which parts i want with it.

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Tearz put your balls on your stem, your ratio is under a 3 to 1 so it should be extremely easy to lock up i run a 53/17 and thats over a three to 1 and locking up is a cinch it really is all about nut placement for skids, if you want to learn to skip thats a different story, the name on my neck rides a 39/13 and i can skip her bike sitting down with one leg but my big ring makes it rough to skip you'll get the hang of it. put your nuts over your stem i swear youll learn in a heartbeat... and fuck being cool and ruining your knees get your ass a front break and make your ratio exactly 3 to 1. im a moron and ride a tough ratio and also have bad knees so listen to me about going direct 3to one it will save your acl's.

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like woah, see what happens when you rig junk.


i ride a 47/13 and skiding is a joke. put your balls on the stem and do it. then take your hands away, like woah!

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Originally posted by DIBS

over the weekend i went to a small town in nor cal, nestled in the sierra nevada mtns called downieville.


DIBS...this is where the SingleSpeed World Championships is going to take place.

Tell me more. The course is rumored to be 45 miles with 8000 feet of climbing. How'd it look to you?

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Ok, so its sooo fucking hot out I pretty much locked myself indoors and didn't ride much this weekend. We had one of our disorganized, beer-fest dirt races on Friday night. It was a damn good time. 3 B's....bikes, beer and boobies. Woke up Saturday morning with the most incredibly bruised legs (I seem to remember crashing in to another bike at around 20 mph).


Sunday the temperature was 99 with a heat index of 109. Did a three lap 21 mile mtb race. I raced this one a couple years ago in the same heat, so I knew what not to do. I took it easy and rode my own pace on the first and second laps. The third lap I used all I had. Well, I guess I took it too easy, I still had quite a bit left in me at the end. I ended up breaking in to the top 10 with a 9th place finish....12 seconds behind 8th.

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Originally posted by SteveAustin


DIBS...this is where the SingleSpeed World Championships is going to take place.

Tell me more. The course is rumored to be 45 miles with 8000 feet of climbing. How'd it look to you?


steve, yes downieville is a seriuos climb. 8000 ' seems about right to me, although i have not climbed it, being a climber by nature and havving ridden down it, it does not seem imposible. although it will be tough, very dry loose dirt, dust and more dust,alot of shale, some water crossings, lots and lots of rocks from size large to boulder big. the decent i road was called butcher rantch trail and it connecteted to 2nd divide. butcher is a world cup downhill trail, Gnarly. 2nd divide weaves through the trees at an even decent untill you come to a river crossing at wich point you do rolling technichal climbing/decending along side a river, the yuba i think, anyways your on a shale cliff(the trail is the edge of the clif and runs along its rim) clif side trail about 100 or more feet above the river and more enormous rocks belowe, not where you want to fall, not for the faint of heart, so much fun!! if you go i am sure the single speed worlds will be great, maybe youll ride 2nd divide, i dont think theyll have you do butcher, but there are soooo many trails to network and theyre all legal.you will have a great time. are you going to race there? if so let me know. ill try to come up there and meet you for a ride and see the race.

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Originally posted by DIBS

are you going to race there? if so let me know. ill try to come up there and meet you for a ride and see the race.


I wanna go pretty bad, but I have to make some choices.



1) Single Speed World Championships -- in Downieville

2) Cyclocross Nationals --in Napa


I can only go to one of these unless I manage to score a little extra cash between now and December. I'm leaning more towards the Cross Nationals, seeing as how I'm full on addicted. I may be able to squeeze the SSWC in though. I hear there is a contingent driving there, so I might be able to go cheap.


I went and looked at Cross bikes this weekend. Fuji wasn't bad $1000...had some rather low end stuff on it 105 etc., Jake the Snake had a little better stuff for $50 more and then my favorite...the Bianchi Axis...ooooo, shouldn't have looked at this one. It had XT deraileurs, Truvativ crankset, carbon fork, Shimano Deep V wheels all wrapped up in the standard Bianchi skin...for $1300. I know I really wanted steel, but...this seems like a good deal to me. Wonder if Bianchi is still taking apps for sponsorship....hmmm?

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