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what joker is thinking at the exact moment the picture was taken.


"i hate it when my right knee gets too hot i ride the whole rest of the day looking like i pulled one sock up too high and forgot to pull the left leg of my pants all the way down."


either that or:


"godamn these shitty pearl izumi knee warmers and that crappy stretched out elastic, i bought em when my quads were huge but know after recovering from all these shoulder injuries i have girly man quads and they wont stay up, time to sell the xtra larges on ebay and get a pair of mediums."


in jest, hope your feeling better.



(its just the picture angle, the right bootie looks like a pulled down knee warmer... i am famous for asymetrical body heat, my arm warmers (the lord jesus christs biggest grace on this planet) are always one up one down etc.)

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Joker, sorry to hear about your crash. I hope you get to feeling better real soon.


I busted one tooth when I fell off a Roller Racer (does anybody else remember those things?). I was about 12 or so. Now days I worry more about my lips. I have a really bad habit of biting my lip ring any time I'm physically exerting myself (I once went on a climbing trip, and when I got the pictures back, I was biting my lip in nearly every shot). Some day I'm going to fall and bite my lip off.

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they wanted me to get braces my entire teenage years. i passed at every oppertunity figuring i'd knock my teeth out at some point. hasn't happened yet, but when it does i'll be rocking nice fake straight teeth.

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i like the the looks of those yerohd out briko helmets. the guy in front is super stylin, looks like hes rollin a peugeot on 27's. down tube shifters and early 80s hoods! i think your bike looks too small cuz his looks too big. is that the one you crashed recently? think you'll be back in time for the next race? keep us posted on your racing tearz was that you who posted the de rosa earlier? is that what you'll be racing? i wish i had some normal doodes to train with. t crunch, you train with your dad? or do you have some guys your age to ride with? sorry about all the questions, 2nd cup of coffee 2 non-bicycle related midterms in the am

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ohno. Well i go to school in richmond va and my dad lives in charlottesville va so we don't get to train that often together. we have alittle bike club/team I train with this one kid, ben he's pretty good but the one think i can't stand is that everything is a race to him...sometimes we'll just be crusing down the road and out of no where he pulls out a full sprint and he's all looking back to see if im going to try to catch him... no i just let him go, if he keeps it up he'll just burn out and i'll have one less cyclist to beat.. but i always destroy him on the climbs just to let him know who's better...but i just started riding with this one kid andrew who is just pure talent he's 21 and is just strong as hell. we did a 65 mile ride yesterday with an average speed of 19.5 ride was hilly... I don't know if i can ride with ben anymore he's just too competitive.

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yes that was me who posted the de rosa earlier... i'm not going to race on it, although i thought about it for a while. the spacing is 126 and it's a long process (and expensive) to get all the parts needed to make it the ill bike it deserves to be. so i decided to take it slow with that project and gradually build it up and possibly get a paint restoration job done on it, because that bike is really beautiful. i'd be afraid to crash it if i raced it. and i'm in negotiations with my bike shop hook-up for this year's frame. what will it be? i don't know, i'll keep you guys posted on that as well as the training/racing, but all i know is that my tax return came in and i'm ready to bling. :) haha, not really.

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do you guys understand how long it took me to pay off my credit card? and now that its paid off its even harder not to rush out and run it back up again. i want a new ride drnit

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im in the SUPER bad credit debt boat. im ready to confront that demon though, i just need a new job with a liveable income and im goin after that dragon. keep the credit down my friends, a good friend of mine always says, if you cant pay for it in cash you dont need it. these words i need to live by.

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Yeah, Cinnamon... my coach told me the same thing. Avoid riding with competitive people. They'll burn themselves out by mid-season and then have negative energy for the rest of the year. He also said that any time you have the chance to ride with someone stronger than you, do it. You'll benefit from it. Even if you get dropped in the climbs. You still benefit. So I think riding with your new friend Andrew is the way to go.

Damn Tearz!! How many bikes you trying to have?


Does anyone know anything about Abici frames? My team just got a sponsorship deal through them and I can get a frame and fork set for real cheap. I just need to know if it's worth the money I don't have.



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haha, it's not even like that. i have a crappy road bike, an ok mountain bike, a nice track bike, the old de rosa frame (which was a complete steal) that isn't really built up, and a bunch of parts. :) so, i'll be working on 5, but really 4 since the other racer is hitting the junk heap it's so bad. plus, as aforementioned, i'm working with the dreaded credit card.

30 miles on the 46x17 fixed. feeling dogged, but the quads are rocks from those hills.

you know who i really dislike in the peleton? for some reason mario cippolini bugs the shit out of me. i can't stand him. he has no class, is an arrogant buffoon and is a bitch that wins a few stages thanks to like 7 guys leading out his sprints, and then he abandons every race before it gets hard. ARGH. i don't know why he bothers me so much, but he does. zabel is seven times the man cippolini is....

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Cinnamon, I agree with Joker. But remember that you will not always be the "weaker" rider, in the riding partnership with your friend Andrew and later in life. Sometimes stronger riders need a good friend to keep them motivated when they think that they have hit a wall. You can push him just as much as he pushes you, and you will both be better riders, and friends, for it. As far as later in life, don't ever forget that somebody was willing to help you once. Return the favor. If someone who isn't as strong as you needs a riding buddy, take them with you. I personally believe that this goes for all things in life ... helping other people achive something great feels just as good as doing it yourself. Know what I mean?

Sorry for rambling.

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yeah my dad was saying the same thing joker, alkaline about riding with people like ben


yeah it is true andrew may be stronger then me but i can hold my own fine. the handfull of rides ive gone on with him i last fine the first 2 1/2 hours it's after that his 3 more years of riding start to kick in and he can keep going strong. (there is also a posibility of me living with him next year so we would train even more together) I also ride with this really cool kid name braden who has alway been around bikes are just this year has started training and i ride with him 2 days a week and just in the past 4 weeks he has shown great improvment i usually ride 2 hours then go on med. hour and a half ride with him. im being the stronger rider sometimes and "weaker" rider


i just love riding.:love:

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al you summed it up 150%. thats a great way to approach life for sure.


i just bought a great book. "Nancy Clark's Sports Nutrition Guidebook", i got the title from http://www.bicyclecoach.com and it is everything and more i had hoped for. a good dummies guide to nutrition and how to live actively and eat right. it even has a section about fast food and how to make that shit somewhat healthy. $$

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im saying man. im trying to "train" now to. thanks for the motivation guys. cinnamon, theres a alley cat in richmond in may, i know its not your type of race, but it tis mine. maybe i'll be down to check you out....

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You're sayin'?... unh anh... I'm sayin'


I think I need to pick that book up! I exercise like a madman and lose no weight. All because I eat like shit. I need to learn myself the right way to eat for energy and health. All I have to do is have a routine and I'm set. For some odd reason, that works for me.


Whatever happened to the Cutter's Ride 2002? Well, I know I can't make it but isn't some of us still getting together in SF?

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i've had some success with the "training." i've managed to shed about 10 pounds total, putting me within 2-5 pounds of my optimal riding weight. i'm 5'10 and 168. i've done a lot of work on the trainer (up to six days a week), and doing intervals has really helped, even on the trainer... my lungs are certainly in better shape than even a month ago. i've really got to start putting in miles though. it's just been too cold here. i've been good about riding every weekend and doing intervals and climbing sets, but until today i hadn't managed anything more than 20 miles just because it's too damn cold (or the roads are snowy/icy). today was nice. i was sick (stayed home from work) and even managed to take off the arm warmers and get real sweaty on the way home. so this month i have to start logging some serious miles.

but i've certainly hit full fledged bike mania. realizing that there's a month until my first race, and thinking about getting a new bike, and training and man oh man i can't stop thinking about it. seems like some of you guys are in the same boat. hehe. it feels real good. i doubt i'll be able to make it out to sf for a cutters ride, but i'd certainly do an east coast trip at some point. who's down for boone, nc? haha.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

im saying man. im trying to "train" now to. thanks for the motivation guys. cinnamon, theres a alley cat in richmond in may, i know its not your type of race, but it tis mine. maybe i'll be down to check you out....


is that the bike messanger race where you have to pick up packages and stuff like that? my friend braden was telling me about it and we may do it just for kicks....if you come down let me know and we'll meet up


tearz 5'10 168 im 6'1 149

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

tearz 5'10 168 im 6'1 149


damn man i was just starting to feel good about myself for losing weight and you play me out like a fatboy. :beat: argh.

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my sf plans are riding the coattails of a possible internship. if i get the gig, no sf. if i don't get the job im in sf all summer acting like i stil know how to courier.devilush knows, get ready dibso.

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