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i got my heel caught in the spokes of my fixie and i just watched in horror as my ankle and foot were about to be broken. fortunately the cleat ripped out of my shoe. no fuckin joke, scary shit. oh and i met a guy who lost half of his finger ina chainring. that really happens. wow

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on sunday i didn't a durt trail ride and there was an 8 mile climb when i got to the top i was so sweety and then when you go down all the sweet evaporate adn it's cold as fuck... the best thing to do is to bring a trash bag or some plasic bag and stick it down your shorts covering your package so your shit doesn't freeze off.. trust me it works like a charm


yeah it is nice being 18 and have a month off from college

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

i got my heel caught in the spokes of my fixie and i just watched in horror as my ankle and foot were about to be broken. fortunately the cleat ripped out of my shoe. no fuckin joke, scary shit. oh and i met a guy who lost half of his finger ina chainring. that really happens. wow


..i've heard a story like that with the lost fingers..

not pretty..


it was so weird..i'm just about to get medical insurance after not having any for 6 years..so, i figured two weeks before it went into effect it would only be natural to break my foot...


be careful out there people!!


i'm still so fuckin thrilled to finally have a fixed gear..my boyfriend is insisting on putting a brake on it...i'm trying stop him..


oh, and those ems shirts that have a space for your thumb in the arm are fuckin awesome!

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Originally posted by Are2

those ems shirts that have a space for your thumb in the arm are fuckin awesome!

i haven't taken the damn thing off since it hit 32 degrees. bergelene its called
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are 2... we're on the same schedule homegirl. i broke my fingers just before my health insurance is about to kick in and i managed to go scott free for four years. ain't that a bitch.

can we see some pictures of some more real rides? i'm curious. we haven't seen any in a while.

as for gear, pants are the problem. obviously you have to wear something close fitting on the lower legs, especially on a fixie or you'll get dead with a quickness. i don't fuck with tights, but i've been giving it some serious thought. i've got dope santini arm warmers, and i'm thinking about getting some leg warmers too to prevent more wind damage to my already ashy ass legs. the other problem, as mentioned before, is shoes. i run clipless, so the shit goes right up through my cleat and my feet freeze 10 minutes into a ride. i like tighter fitting shoes so i can't run wool socks or anything and i don't think it would matter. the other option (besides windstopper booties)would be putting on the regular pedals with clips which wouldn't be the worst thing....

nobody has any comments on my whip? damn, tough crowd...

stonecutters in the deuce double o deuce.

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if its REALLY cold i either rock these helly hansen poly pants (tigter than tights) under whatever or if im just being casual i wear a more baggy fleeceish pair of burton pants under my jeans or whatever......umm yeah.........buy big toe clips and wear thick wool socks....ugh, this is why i snowboard in the winter...

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

i haven't taken the damn thing off since it hit 32 degrees. bergelene its called



Man, i got this awsome sims jacket that has the same thing built in,except its the normal jacket and its got the spandex hand warmer type thing built in, but its optional to use, and if you dont use it, you wouldent know that it was there. I love my jacket.

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i would post flicks, but i dont have a scanner. plus, all the pretty bikes are long gone from our collection. which reminds me since i dont have a job and all, i still need to get a new bike for the stonecutter ride. and to tell you the truth, i cant say anything bad about the weather here except for the rain which hasnt even affected me in any bit. nyah nah nyah nah! :crazy:

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shhee**t, i may join the lovely lady in unemployment soon. the bike shop is screwin me over right now, feelin dissed. cold feet, no good. neoprene booties or toe covers, pretty cheap and do the job pretty good. hey devilush, did you get the envelope in the mail i sent you yet? i havent been on a bike in 2 weeks, it must be the time of the year, i'm feelin lazey. got to get the wheele spinning again some how. uhhhggghh.

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Damn, I really need one of those shirts with the thumb hole. I checked the EMS website but they only have it in saphire blue (I mostly rock black shirts).


My lady called me last night. She can't pay her rent this month and asked if I could help her out ... there goes the money I was saving for a new bike.


Has anybody else noticed that bikes are really expensive now days? I can't find anything that I would want (mountain bike) for under a grand.

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my EMS is black...HAHAHA!!! and to rub more dirt in your eyes i found a killer deal on that aluminum lemond (the model name escapes me) its 01, and the guy at the shop said he'd let it go for a grand. fulll ultegra w/ those dope rolfe wheels.......wizordie

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when it's cold out...i have one of those jonny gee schwinn indoor cycling bikes. the thing is sweet. and sit back and watch the tour die france on tape pretending im right there next to lance.. but if it is could im all about layers lots of them b/c you can always take some off. and the booty covers are a must. as far a gloves i won these really nice canondail gloves in a race and they are sweet. and we got some snow last night only around and inch or two so im going to do some cyclocross riding today yayboyz!!!!

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Cold feet... no good. Here's what yer Uncle Joker does up here in the cold wet Northwest...

First, I pull on some nice thick Craft socks to keep the toes cozy. Then I pull on the shoes. Then I pull on these things called Storm Socks. I guess skiers and snowboarders wear them to keep their feet dry and warm. They're basically a neoprene bootie with no holes. But I cut holes in them for my cleats and heel pad on the my shoes. After that I pull on the warm booties. It sounds like a lot but trust me, I feel no cold and no wetness from rain after a good three hour ride.

Cold legs... no good either. Here's what I do...

First I put on the knee warmers. Then the bib shorts. Then the Assos Prosline bib tights. They got the Airblock sections in the knees and thermal inners all over. Toasty my friends.

Cold upper body... no fun there. Here's what I do...

I got the Craft Windblocker long sleeve undershirt. Then the Castelli long sleeve jersey and then finally a nice Pro team jersey for style over top. If it's raining, I pull on the castelli rain coat. It's clear and velcros up the middle. Keeps me dry for $19 and even blocks the wind. If it gets really cold I have this Windblocker Assos jacket that makes me sweat in 30 degree weather. It was abit pricey but man... so worth it.

Cold Hands... don't be like The Law. Try this...

Castelli makes these ral thin undergloves that protect from the wet and wind. I pull those on first. Then I pull on my Windstopper gloves to keep any and all wind from messing with me.

Cold noggin... it's like having a headache all day long. Here's what I do...

First the Windstopper skull cap. Fits tight and covers the ears. The I pull on the knit cap for extra warmth. If it's raining, I still use the windstopper skull cap, but I also put on a cycling cap and the my helmet. Wet weather always means helmet for me. Otherwise I can do without. I know... not very smart.

And for the eyes I use some Rudy Project glasses that I put yellow lenses in. Keeps things bright even at night.


Always have an extra set of gloves in your jersey pocket, wrapped in a sandwich bag on rainy days. I do this sometimes and I love myself for it when I'm about two hours in to my rides. I can switch out the undergloves and life is good again.


And if it's just too damn cold or wet I do the same thing Cinnamon does. Set the bike on an indoor trainner and put in the TDF 2001 video and race with the best of them.



Nice bike up there!! Hot! I might have to get those cranks... how much were they if you don't mind my asking?


I hope everyone had a good holiday season. But now that it's over it's time to get back out there and get some rides in. The first race of the season for me is in February and I'm not looking forward to it. I've barely trained at all in the month of december. So I have to get cookin' out there this month and early next. Cinnamon... do you race road in the spring/ summer months? What's the story on the Stonecutters ride?


Are2... tell your boyfriend to worry about his own bike! ;)

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joker, yeah this is going to be my first real road season. im not done with cyclocross just yet im traveling down th NC for 2 races this weekend

and then the next weekend i have one more. take a week off. then start training for the upcoming colleigent(sp) (representing virginia commonwealth) season then when im done with school i'll do the regular roadraces im hoping to get 20 or so road races under my belt this year. Make a name for myself.


but also i just remembered that i went to that applied science thing in baltimore. and i got you to to sign my poster gaint did. you told me you were really drunk. that was a long time ago. but any way damn that race is early in the season races dont' start till around late marck early april here

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Originally posted by Joker

Nice bike up there!! Hot! I might have to get those cranks... how much were they if you don't mind my asking?

thanks joker...hmmm. i was blingin' on those cranks. they are supposed to cost 250 bones. i paid 190 for them. which still isn't great. but hopefully they'll last forever just like the phils. the cranks and the wheels are the dope part about the bike. the frame and the rest of the components are aight, but nothing to get too geeked about. but it rides like a motherfuckin dream. it brings me righteous joy.

february seems ridonkulously early for a first race. i'm going to race at least a few times this season, i'm not sure how seriously, we'll see how it goes.

but i really am going to train in the mountains of boone this spring.

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Originally posted by HESHIANDET

hopefully yous can find me at t-town this coming spring.


word up hesh. maybe at the stonecutters ride we can all take a fieldtrip to hellyer park velodrome in S.J. yeehaw.

damn joker, assos this assos that, defintily rollin in style, must be rollin in $$$ too. that stuff is the nicest but it aint cheap.

i might actually get on my bike and do a good road ride this morning, maybe.:crazy:

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i'm a geek man. i just did 45 minutes on the trainer watching the 2001 paris-roubaix video. the subtitle is "the muddy hell." that race was absolutely nuts, for those of you that haven't seen it. it was hype. i got a good workout and sweated my ass off at 11pm. my brother also got me a nice present today. an early 90's campagnolo large glossy indurain poster.

and nobody i knew got killed in south central la.

i gotta say it was a good day.

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i just got my fixie together about 2 weeks ago and ive only ridden it about 5 times. yesterday i went on an hour ride on it and i did some pretty big hill and when you go down hill i know you have to apply pressure on the peddles to slow down the speed, but today my knees are killing me they feel like they have been ripped out of there sockets. do you get use to it or does it messed up your knees slowly over time untill they are nothing? and those things are a blast to ride but me and my cyclocross self was riding and there was a stick in the road and i tried to hop it not thinking i was on a fixie and i peddles kicked me up into the air and i road on my front wheel almost flipped over the bars. funny ish.

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Originally posted by cinnamon toast crunch804

i just got my fixie together about 2 weeks ago and ive only ridden it about 5 times. yesterday i went on an hour ride on it and i did some pretty big hill and when you go down hill i know you have to apply pressure on the peddles to slow down the speed, but today my knees are killing me they feel like they have been ripped out of there sockets. do you get use to it or does it messed up your knees slowly over time untill they are nothing? and those things are a blast to ride but me and my cyclocross self was riding and there was a stick in the road and i tried to hop it not thinking i was on a fixie and i peddles kicked me up into the air and i road on my front wheel almost flipped over the bars. funny ish.

hahaha, thats funny man. i remeber having awkward moments like that when i first started riding fixed(and i still do;) )i was on a wheelie kick for a while. i was getting good at them, but its strictly a drunk activity.and yes, your knees will hurt...

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Yeah Cinnamon, if you're going to be riding the bike on the road for anything but a trek around town to a friends or to the store... I'd say put a brake on there. Don't spoil your knees .


Tearz, I watched that Paris-Roubaix on OLN last year and it was slick. You can't help but cheer for George Hincapie. Dude was up against three or four Domo guys and still placed fourth. Even more sad was watching the Road to Paris documentary on the US Postal squad. They showed a small section of the P-R race. There's this scene where the camera is in the team car with Johan Bruyneel and he's talking with George on a two-way radio. George is telling him he needs someone from Postal to come to the front to help and Johan is just sitting there with this sad look on his face because he knows there's no one close enough to help him. Johan even calls Armstrong on the phone to ask for advice and Lance has nothing for him. It was just a sad moment.

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