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  1. hahahah but what about all the ketchup??? mcds fries suck
  2. LATEX PAINT SUCKS....never used that shit in a mop....it peels right off and it wont mix with thinner or nothing...use strickly enamel based paint
  3. here in SF some guy writes "Aviso" thats prolly one of my favorites..it means warning in spanish some other sick ass names Japan/Tokeo (becase im part jap) Sleaze Adek -this name is too sick Hear Merz Semz -although its common the letters are fly
  4. haah i do the same thing...some times part of my A is almost an exact backwards duplicate of part my S
  5. i never really liked blonde girls.....if i had to date a caucasian she would most likely be a brunette,right now im personally feeling this latina chick, this half latina/half white brown haired bearty, theres this viet chick that the entire school jocks that i wanna get, and some others, but they are the main ones
  6. kiwi mops can be racked at walgreens, rite aid, etc in the shoe polish section...empty out the shit inside...fill it up with your ink, take out the pressure reliever under the nib..boom..go wreck damage
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