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Encouraging Suicide -- Frequently Asked Questions


From: boboroshi@satanservice.org (SOD of CoE)

Newsgroups: talk.euthanasia, sci.psychology.misc, alt.suicide.holiday,

alt.pagan, talk.environment, alt.activism,

alt.politics.radical-left, alt.suicide.methods

Subject: Encouraging Suicide -- Frequently Asked Questions

Date: 5 Oct 1999 02:09:35 -0700

Message-ID: <7tcf8f$jv2@bolt.sonic.net>

Reply-To: boboroshi@satanservice.org (SOD of CoE)

Summary: General information about suicide and suicide encouragement.

Keywords: Suicide, Encouragement, FAQ

Replaces: 1.06


Archive-name: suicide/yes

Last-modified: 1999/10/05

Version: 1.07

Posting-Frequency: when convenient










suicide is a significant cause of death in many western countries,

in some cases exceeding deaths by motor vehicle accidents annually.

many countries spend pittances on suicide prevention, but nothing

on encouragement of suicide, being deluded by the religious into

devaluing death and the choice to end one's own life. luckily

there are still many ways we can ensure a quick and final end.

see the CoE Practical Suicide Guide, at this URL:




attempts at suicide, and suicidal thoughts or feelings are usually

a symptom indicating that a person is ready and needful of a change,

often as a result of some event or series of events that one

personally finds overwhelmingly traumatic or distressing. in many

cases the events in question will continue endlessly, their impact

remaining a function of a diseased life for decades unless the

person is able to put an end to it through dedicated self-



since this decision can be extremely difficult to make, this

article is an attempt to provide encouragement for suicide, so

that we may be prepared to recognize and help ourselves to end

the pain and the parasitic drain on ecological and social resources.



Help and Resource Information


this post is complemented by a 'Practical Guide' file containing

information about various means of self-termination and the pros and

cons for each as is currently known (the science is still in its

infancy apparently, with many physicians and pathologists either

deluded as to the effects of certain actions or clearly attempting

to prevent suicide to all our lasting detriment).


it may be posted to Usenet, but is also available from:




the information here is updated periodically, and is intended to be

informative rather than authoritative. readers are encouraged to offer

feedback, suggestions, criticism and any comments on ways they may

have found it helpful, perhaps prior to their own demise.




here are a number of frequently asked questions to help encourage

the proper response and dispel some of the common myths about suicide:


1. why do people attempt suicide?


people usually attempt suicide to block unbearable emotional pain

which is caused by a wide variety of problems. sometimes it is a

cry for help. a person attempting suicide is often so distressed

that they have decided to terminate their life rather than continue

to live it out in pain and anguish. sometimes heroic individuals

terminate their lives as symbolic sacrifices in protest against the

insanity which human beings are making of our planet and Mother.


many suicidal people, like most urban residents, feel terribly

alienated and isolated. because of the stigma and condemnation

surrounding suicide, we may not think that there is anyone we

can turn to who will provide advice regarding methods and valuable

counselling so as to inspire their courage to go through with it.


in the vast majority of cases a person attempting suicide

would choose a painless manner to die if such was available,

though this is condemned as 'wrong' by the current puritanical

and parental standards of most cultures.


some suicidal people give warning signs in the hope that they

will be rescued, but these are the less serious, seeking attention

rather than sincere about snuffing it.


2. aren't all suicidal people crazy?


of course not. having suicidal thoughts is a natural and rational

response to the horror being perpetrated by ignorant human beings.

it does not imply that one is crazy, or necessarily mentally ill.


people who attempt suicide are often acutely distressed and the

vast majority are depressed to some extent. this depression may

be a reactive depression which is an entirely normal response to

the difficult circumstances of modern life, and it may be an

endogenous depression which is the result of a diagnosable mental

illness with other underlying causes. of course 'mental illness'

is a category that is rather malleable and to some degree

determined by social bias.


the exact definition of depression itself as a diagnosable mental

illness (i.e. clinical) tends to be somewhat fluid and inexact, so

whether a person who is distressed enough to attempt suicide would

be diagnosed as suffering from clinical depression may vary in

the opinions of professionals and between cultures. in general

for the purposes of suicide *encouragement*, such a diagnosis is

completely irrelevant.


it's probably more helpful to distinguish between these two types

of motivations and treat each accordingly rather than to simply

diagnose all such depression as mental illness, even though a

person suffering from a reactive depression might match the

diagnostic criteria typically used to diagnose clinical



those experiencing a reactive depression in response to the blatant

insanity which the human species is demonstrating really have two honest moral choices with which to contend:


1) work with organizations like the Church of Euthanasia:




the Gaia Liberation Front:




and the Voluntary Human Extinction MovemENT:




to stop the overpopulation madness, or


2) self-terminate as a gesture of hope and as an example of

responsible integration to the planetary organism.


Appleby and Condonis[1] say of suicides:


The majority of individuals who commit suicide do not have

a diagnosable mental illness. They are people just like

you and I who at a particular time are feeling isolated,

desperately unhappy and alone. Suicidal thoughts and

actions may be the result of life's stresses and losses

that the individual feels they just can't cope with.


in a society where there is much stigma and ignorance regarding

both mental illness *and* suicide, a person who feels suicidal

may fear that other people will think they are "crazy" when asking

for support in terminating their life, and so are quite reasonably

reluctant to reach out for help to end the pain.


describing someone as "crazy", which has strong negative

connotations, isn't helpful in any case and is more likely to

inspire us to look elsewhere for assistance in our self-

termination, whether or not we may have a diagnosable

mental illness.


those who are suffering from a mental illness such as

schizophrenia or clinical depression do have significantly higher

success rates than average, and for this we can be thankful of

their insight and the symbolism of their courage, though they are

still in the minority of those who make the attempt. for these

people, having their illness correctly diagnosed could mean a

treatment which dissuades them from assisting human population



for more information about clinical depression, see the

alt.support.depression FAQ, available from:




3. will talking about suicide encourage it?


it depends what aspect you talk about. talking exclusively about how

to commit suicide can give ideas to people who feel suicidal, but

haven't thought about how they'd do it yet and this is probably the

best way to foster its occurrence. media reports that concentrate

solely on the method used and ignore the emotional backdrop behind

it can encourage copy-cat suicides.


4. so how can I contribute to the suicidal phenomenon?


people can usually deal reasonably well with the isolated stress

or trauma of considering what a mess we have made of things,

but when we begin to see the massive accumulation of such events

over an extended period, our normal ignorance and myopia begins

to give way and a natural suicidal tendency may surface.


stress or trauma brought on by any given event will vary from

person to person depending on their background and how they learn

to shut out the horrors of human immaturity and its repercussions.

some people are ripened in response to particular events bringing

world conditions to consciousness, and some may find certain

subjects and actions stimulating of suicide which others would

see as a positive experience (e.g. chopping down a tree or

building on a field of wildflowers and ground squirrels).


furthermore, individuals deal with stress and trauma in different

ways; the presence of multiple catalytic factors does not

necessarily imply a person will become suicidal.


depending on a person's individual response, encouragement

factors that may contribute to suicidal tendencies include:


Significant changes in:

- Relationships.

- Well-being of self or family member.

- Body image.

- Job, school, university, house, locality.

- Financial situation.

- World environment.


Significant losses:

- Death of a loved one.

- Loss of a valued relationship.

- Loss of self esteem or personal expectations.

- Loss of employment.


Perceived abuse:

- Physical.

- Emotional/Psychological.

- Sexual.

- Social.

- Neglect.


5. how would I know if someone I care about was contemplating suicide too?


suicidal people may give warning signs, consciously or

unconsciously, indicating that they would like help of some kind,

sometimes in the hope that they will be rescued.


these usually occur in groups, so often several warning signs

will be apparent. an individual can provide a spark to suicidal

clusters, and secretive conspiracies surrounding isolated and

fatalistic activities may be an indicator of a network which

one can join. the presence of one or more of these warning

signs is not intended as a guarantee that the person is

suicidal: the only way to know for sure is to ask them. those

who provide blatant warning signs are probably not too serious

about their intentions. there are many suicidal people who will

not wish to be joined in their final act.


typical warning signs which are often exhibited by people who

are feeling suicidal include:


Withdrawing from friends and family.

Depression, broadly speaking; not necessarily a

diagnosable mental illness such as clinical depression,

but indicated by signs such as:

- Loss of interest in usual activities.

- Showing signs of sadness, hopelessness,


- Changes in appetite, weight, behavior, level of

activity or sleep patterns.

- Loss of energy.

- Making negative comments about self.

- Recurring suicidal thoughts or fantasies.

- Sudden change from extreme depression to being

`at peace' (may indicate that they have decided

to attempt suicide).

Talking, Writing or Hinting about suicide.

Previous attempts.

Feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Purposefully putting personal affairs in order:

- Giving away possessions.

- Sudden intense interest in personal wills or

life insurance.

- `Clearing the air' over personal incidents from

the past.


this list is not definitive: some people may show no signs yet

still feel the calls of our planet for terminating the human

parasite, others may show many signs yet still be myopic; the

only way to know for sure is to ask. in conjunction with the

factors listed above, this list is intended to help people

identify others who may want to form a pact and self-terminate

as a group.


if a person is highly perturbed, has formed a potentially

lethal plan to kill themselves and has the means immediately

available to carry it out, they would be considered likely

to attempt suicide and we wish them success in their efforts.


6. I'm uncomfortable about the topic; can't we just avoid it?


suicide has traditionally been a taboo topic in western society,

which has led to further alienation and made these feelings stronger.

even after their deaths, the remains of suicide victims have often

been stigmatized by not being buried near other people in the

cemetery, the religious presuming that they have committed some

utterly unforgivable sin.


therefore, while avoiding the subject will encourage a few more

deaths through an exascerbation of the depression and ill-feelings

of those coming to awareness, it is better for us all if we begin

to see suicide as a rational solution to the termination of pain,

and support individual human sovereignty in a manner that not only

makes suicide possible, legal and as easy as getting our teeth

cleaned, but also allows us to discern who is serious about it and

who is seeking attention or trying to conform to the Hell that

our society is creating, despairing about not fitting in.


7. so what can I do to help them end their lives?


there are few people to whom a suicidal person can truly turn

for help in resolving their desires destructively; if you know

someone is feeling suicidal, or if you are feel suicidal

yourself, consider researching ideas as to how to end your

life painlessly and quickly, but do so fairly surreptitiously

so as not to draw undue attention until you get the

information you need. remember that it is illegal in

many countries to assist the act of suicide itself and may

constitute a form of murder by draconian standards. it is

best for those who assist one another to be locked into pacts

of secrecy while they investigate the options available.


there are organizations such as the Hemlock Society that provide

some rudimentary encouragement, especially for the terminally-ill.

this is the frontier of rational self-termination assistance,

including the valiant efforts of Dr. Kevorkian. others, such as

the Church of Euthanasia, may offer advice on methods or provide

you with files of its own or from the alt.suicide Usenet forums,

which are the forefront of terminal self-empowerment.


obtaining lethal chemicals and substances of a variety is actually

not too difficult, though the types of death associated with these

may often be very painful or impossible to guarantee, sometimes

with horrible side-effects. consult the Practical Guid for the

most up-to-date information we can accumulate.


if someone you know tells you that they feel suicidal, above all,

listen to them. find out why they are going to do themselves in,

discern if possible whether they are serious, and what they have

considered of their options. some are just frustrated, really

out to obtain attention and not really intending self-termination

so much as drawing attention.


if they are serious and you want to help them, tell them "I have

come to the conclusion that suicide should be a legal and easy

option for all people. the advice I would offer you would be to

resolve all your worldly affairs, isolate yourself from those

'do-goodnicks' who will attempt to stop your action, and then

use the most painless and quick method you have available with

the fewest possible loose-ends for others to clean up." try to

offer advice in the form of "I read in <source> that this is a

way to kill oneself fairly quickly." without actively suggesting

that their decision is a good or bad idea. in this way you can

prevent the possible legal ramifications of having offered

'encouragement' while assisting them in achieving their end.


if you are feeling similarly and intend to end your life, it may

be valuable to form a "suicide pact" whereby you both end your

lives simultaneously or within a group. ask them to promise you

that they won't tell others about your intentions even if they

decide differently down the road or are discovered after a

botched solitary attempt.


of course, if one is just trying to get help rather than being

really serious about a life-ending (this is often the case with the

young or those in desperate material circumstances), then you can

always recommend them to someone equipped to help them see through

their hypocrisy, such as a doctor, community health center,

counsellor, psychologist, social worker, youth worker, minister,

etc. etc. if they appear confused about the ethics of suicide and

need ministerial help from someone of conscience, then you may

recommend contact with the Church of Euthanasia in order to help

them get their head on straight.


don't try to "rescue" them and take their responsibilities on

yourself, becoming a hero and handling the situation on

your own. you can be the most help by referring them to someone

equipped to offer them the help they need, while you continue

to support them and remember that what happens is ultimately

their responsibility.


of course there is always the alternative of doing something

to attempt to stem and reverse the tide of evil procreationism

and eco-rape and the depression which contemplating this travesty

may inspire. ecology organizations and the right-to-die movement

always needs more volunteers to contribute their last acts to

a worthy cause. who knows, perhaps you will make such heroism



the CoE has attempted to foster and construct a 24-Hour Suicide

Assistance Hotline, but so far our efforts have been frustrated by

do-goodniks and those concerned with the possibility of being held

responsible for the deaths of those who are supported in their

natural desires. if you want to support this project, please do

so, perhaps by contacting your local telephone company in

suggesting the idea for an 800 Suicide Assistance Hotline.


8. help? counselling? isn't counselling just a waste of time?


counselling is certainly not a magic cure-all. it can be

effective only if it empowers a person to accomplish the actions

to which their hearts have moved them despite the corrupting

influences of social networks and religious fanatics. it is not

a "solution" in itself, but it can be a final, effective and

helpful step along the way to reducing the stress on our mom.


9. talk, talk, talk. it's all just talk. how's that going to help?


talking about something other than how to end the pain is usually

just a waste of time, we agree, especially when often the reason

for the discussion on the part of the 'concerned' is to dissuade

us from doing what we want to do rather than to facilitate it.

if we get alot of 'talking to' by supposed friends or those who

want to try to 'save' us, this should indicate to us that we

are selecting the wrong people to trust with our private affairs.


in the medium and longer term, it's more important to seek help

from those who know about methods and the quickness and painless-

ness of these methods. if suicide is the means by which we have

chosen to terminate the pain and drain of our lives, then looking

seriously at practical means of bringing an end to life is the

only real way to approach lasting and permanent resolution, and

there is a Practical Guide to assist you:




10. how would a suicide assistance hot-line work?


church members may vary as to the nature of the assistance they

have in mind (geography may also to some extent direct what can

be said or to whom).


in general the suicidal would be able to call us and receive

up-to-date information on the best methods of self-termination

and, given their circumstances (perhaps described in an hypo-

thetical manner), how they would best approach suicide in a

context that's less threatening than a face-to-face session.

talking the situation over with a caring, independent person

can be of great assistance to those who are being judged by the

world as 'wrong' for their natural urges. eventually we may

see legislation which makes self-termination in certain areas

a matter of choice. in this case we could offer recommendations

for relocation prior to doing oneself in.


telephone services are currently prohibited to us by virtue of

being owned by mega-corporations subject to greater social

pressure. the procreationist mentality is having its way with

limiting the freedoms of at least US citizens and this may

continue for the foreseeable future.


11. what about me; am I at risk?


we hope people that read this will one day attempt suicide,

and the greatest danger presently is not so much in providing

information to the waiting public as much as in taking an

active hand in the event or somehow coercing another. it is

generally advisable to be informed as to the local suicide laws

and liability issues regarding advice to others. these can

often be determined by contacting suicide prevention lines,

or public and legal reference librarians. be careful, since

some states require reporting of those who appear to be

considering suicide in some way.


12. how does suicide affect friends and family members?


suicide can be extremely traumatic for the friends and family

members that remain to degrade and consume what's left of the

planet, especially because most of us are deluded by outdated

and demonstrably false metaphysical and cosmological notions

associated with intrusive and perverted religions.


sometimes the people that attempt suicide think that no one

cares about us. this can be used as a point of manipulation

by the unscrupulous to hook into the guilt of the suicidal in

order to prevent us from trying to self-terminate. often in

modern society the atmosphere and social establishment has in

essence deadened people to a point where real concern is just

not possible.


in order to keep its slaves and workers in line, social systems

typically build guilt into the educational and moral system. some

sort of emotional-entanglement is instructed as a response to

the suicide of a family member or friend. "I should have known

and done something!", proclaim the deluded. it is probably

the best thing that can happen to a family to experience the

trauma and devastation of a suicide in that it begins to

inspire GENUINE feelings, REAL intimacy (when not just trying

to avoid a repeat on the part of another due to the lack of

real love in the family). it may also, if the suicide is well-

constructed, cause us as remaining parasites to look more closely

at WHY it was that suicide seemed like a rational alternative

to the nightmare which we are all participating in perpetuating.


this is the reason that we suggest that you become a member of

the Church of Euthanasia (coe@netcom.com) by paying $10 and taking

a lifetime vow not to procreate, sign the Registry prior to

your self-termination, and mention us in your will or suicide note.


survivors often find that people relate differently to them

after the suicide, and may be very reluctant to talk about what

has happened for fear of condemnation. this is usually the

repercussion of the sordid and immature relationship that the

surrounding culture has fostered about the discussion not only

of suicide, but of death in general, which has been turned into

a taboo. these people are encouraged to feel like failures. that

someone they imagine they cared so much about has chosen to end

their life may give them incentive to be fearful of forming new

relationships because of the intense pain they have experienced

through the relationship with the person who has killed themself.


sometimes chains of suicides can occur in families due to this

twisted social illness, and we think it is a natural minefield

designed to assist our planet move towards recovery.


13. hang on; isn't it illegal?! doesn't that stop people?


attempting suicide may be illegal, but this should make no

difference to those who are certain that it is our time to

die. you can't legislate against emotional pain, so making it

illegal will not stop people from feeling suicidal. it is

actually quite helpful in isolating the awakened, though it

should be noticed that, unfortunately, the vast majority of

attempts are unsuccessful, partially due to lack of basic

information and social antagonism toward this heroic act.


in some countries and states it is still illegal, in other

places it's not. we recommend moving to those places where

attempted suicide is legal before proceeding with the act,

just in case you don't succeed. also be aware of the likely

repercussions of any kind of unsuccessful suicide attempt.

even though suicide itself is legal in the US, for example,

those who attempt it unsuccessfully may have many of their

liberties removed and may be drugged into conformity with

social norms by the psychiatric community (for 'observation').


14. don't people have the right to kill themselves if they want to?


each of us is responsible for our own actions and life

choices. an individual *should* have the right to do as

one wishes with one's life, including to end it if we so

desire, even if societies legislate against it. Western

societies in particular tend to emphasise individual

rights over communal rights and responsibilities, though

this seldom extends to that which will in some measure

serve to debilitate or undermine the societal, procreative

force presumed to keep a community in place.


it is of course true that every person also exists as part

of a larger network of relationships of various types

which forms a context in which an individual's rights and

responsibilities are described. those of us who feel lonely,

isolated, distressed and hopeless about our future can

find it extremely difficult to find someone of unbiased

character with whom to resolve the important decision as to

whether or not to self-terminate. this often causes us

to grossly underestimate both the value of suicide to the

biosphere and the degree of freedom which we truly have

in determining how to end our lives when we choose.


discussions regarding rights can become emotional and rather

lack for logical substance. practically, we have the rights

which a society protects for our benefit. it is to all our

advantage to work toward a greater number of rights as these

concern our own body, life and integrity and the DESTRUCTION

of these as we so dictate.


ultimately, helping people to understand the practical and

legal limitations we are working with in discussing the

possibility of suicide so that those of us who are called might

deal with the obstacles more effectively, see our options

more clearly, and make better choices for ourselves and the

planet, empowers people much more valuably than attempting

to philosophize about whether someone has the 'right to die'.






1. "Hearing the cry: Suicide Prevention", Appleby and

Condonis, 1990. ISBN 0-646-02395-0






© 1999 by boboroshi@satanservice.org (SOD of CoE)

this article may be freely redistributed for personal use or

via Usenet News provided that this copyright message remains

intact. any other form of commercial distribution requires

explicit permission from the author.




Special Credit


some great degree of inspiration and goad was obtained in

reflection of the 'Suicide Prevention FAQ', posted to Usenet

by Graham Stoney (greyham@research.canon.com.au). small

bits of regurgitation may remain in this copy.




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Last Update June 29 2010 @ 07:59 AM

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Q: What is the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement?


VHEMT (pronounced vehement) is a movement not an organization. It’s a movement advanced by people who care about life on planet Earth. We’re not just a bunch of misanthropes and anti-social, Malthusian misfits, taking morbid delight whenever disaster strikes humans. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Voluntary human extinction is the humanitarian alternative to human disasters.


We don’t carry on about how the human race has shown itself to be a greedy, amoral parasite on the once-healthy face of this planet. That type of negativity offers no solution to the inexorable horrors which human activity is causing.


Rather, The Movement presents an encouraging alternative to the callous exploitation and wholesale destruction of Earth’s ecology.


As VHEMT Volunteers know, the hopeful alternative to the extinction of millions of species of plants and animals is the voluntary extinction of one species: Homo sapiens... us.


Each time another one of us decides to not add another one of us to the burgeoning billions already squatting on this ravaged planet, another ray of hope shines through the gloom.


When every human chooses to stop breeding, Earth’s biosphere will be allowed to return to its former glory, and all remaining creatures will be free to live, die, evolve (if they believe in evolution), and will perhaps pass away, as so many of Nature’s “experiments” have done throughout the eons.


It’s going to take all of us going





Graphic by Nina Paley

Colorized by Aaron Hackmann



Q: Are you really serious?

We’re really vehement.


Many see humor in The Movement and think we can’t be serious about voluntary human extinction, but in spite of the seriousness of both situation and movement, there’s room for humor. In fact, without humor, Earth’s condition gets unbearably depressing -- a little levity eases the gravity.


True, wildlife rapidly going extinct and tens of thousands of children dying each day are not laughing matters, but neither laughing nor bemoaning will change what’s happening. We may as well have some fun as we work and play toward a better world.


Besides, returning Earth to its natural splendor and ending needless suffering of humanity are happy thoughts -- no sense moping around in gloom and doom.




Q: Do Volunteers expect to be successful?

VHEMT Volunteers are realistic. We know we’ll never see the day there are no human beings on the planet. Ours is a long-range goal.


It has been suggested that there are only two chances of everyone volunteering to stop breeding: slim and none. The odds may be against preserving life on Earth, but the decision to stop reproducing is still the morally correct one. Indeed, the likelihood of our failure to avoid the massive die off which humanity is engineering is a very good reason to not sentence another of us to life. The future isn’t what it used to be.


Even if our chances of succeeding were only one in a hundred, we would have to try. Giving up and allowing humanity to take its course is unconscionable. There is far too much at stake.


The Movement may be considered a success each time one more of us volunteers to breed no more. We are being the change we want to see in the world.



Q: Does VHEMT have any enemies?

After we’ve seen a few hundred TV dramas where the good guy kicks the bad guy’s butt, it’s tempting to look at the real world with this same knee jerk, zero-sum mentality. We might look for an enemy to attack when championing our righteous cause, but in reality our enemy doesn’t have a butt to kick.


In the end, the real “enemies” are human greed, ignorance, and oppression. We can achieve more by promoting generosity, awareness, and freedom than we can by vainly kicking at a buttless foe.


Great progress will be made toward improving the quality of life on Earth by countering greed with responsibility, ignorance with education, and oppression with freedom.


Instead of meeting the bad guys in the street at high noon and shooting it out, why not invite them into the saloon to work things out?


Examples of unity.



Q: What is the official position of VHEMT?

Since the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement isn’t alive with a brain or a mouth, it can’t take positions or have opinions. It can’t get into arguments, tell people what to do and think, nor get punched for doing so.


Voluntary human extinction is simply a concept to be added to existing belief systems, not a complex code of behavior to live by. No committee of Movement shakers decides what position everyone else should take.


Most Volunteers subscribe to the philosophy embodied in the motto “May we live long and die out”, but if someone doesn’t want to live long that’s their business. Really, the only action required for becoming a VHEMT Volunteer or Supporter is not adding another human being to the population. A couple could conceivably be expecting and decide to become VHEMT. That new human would be the last one they produced. VHEMT Supporters are not necessarily in favor of human extinction, but agree that no more of us should be created at this time.


Volunteers are so diverse in religious, political, and philosophical views that it would be divisive to begin formulating official Movement positions. Beware of dogmas. We speak with our own voices.



Q: When and how did VHEMT start?

Roots of VHEMT run as deep as human history. Potential for a voluntary human extinction movement has been around for as long as humans have.


When Ice Age humans hunted animals to extinction, at least one of the sapient neanderthals among them may have reasoned beyond bewilderment. As the Fertile Crescent became a barren desert, and the Cedars of Lebanon were sacrificed for temples, someone must have thought, “this bodes ill.” When Romans fueled their empire by extracting resources from near and far, surely someone remarked, “Humanus non gratis,” or words to that effect. Someone had to get the idea that the planet would be better off without this busy horde.


Someone, that is, besides the middle-eastern god, Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah. Tradition tells how, in prehistoric times, this creator-god realized his mistake in making humans and was going to flush us from the system, but in a weak moment he spared one breeding family. Oops! (Genesis 6: 1-22).


The Story of Atrahasis, an earlier Sumerian myth recorded in Babylonian text, tells of multiple gods conspiring to rid Earth of the bothersome creatures they had molded out of clay. One sneaky god warns a human to build a boat before the flood, and the rest is our history.


We call The Movement VHEMT, but it’s undoubtedly been given other names throughout history. None have been recorded, as far as we know.


There must be millions of people around the world who are independently arriving at the same conclusion. A large portion of today’s Volunteers were vehement extinctionists before they learned of the title “VHEMT”.


The true origins of The Movement can be found in the natural abundance of love and logic within each one of us. Our in-born sense of justice guides us to make the responsible choice.



Q: Who is the founder?

No one person is the founder of VHEMT. Les U. Knight gave the name “Voluntary Human Extinction Movement” to a philosophy or worldview which has existed for as long as humans have been sapient. It’s an awareness which has been arrived at independently in many places throughout history, but had become lost amid societies’ pronatalism.


Like millions of other people, Les followed a simple train of logic, guided by love, and arrived at the conclusion that Gaia would be better off without humans. He could be considered the finder, having identified The Movement by giving it a name, though each of us finds the truth for ourselves.


Although Les has become known internationally as a spokesperson for The Movement, no one can speak for all VHEMT Volunteers. There is no official position on issues beyond what is implied in the name of The Movement.


Q: We have children. Can we still join?

Today’s children are tomorrow’s destiny. Our children have the potential for achieving the awareness needed to reverse civilization’s direction and begin restoring Earth’s biosphere. Most could use our help in realizing their full potentials.


Naturally you’re welcome to join, and you won’t be alone. When people gain the VHEMT perspective, they decide to add no more to the existing human family. They don’t pressure their children to give them grandchildren and might encourage them to make a responsible choice with their fertility.


There is no reason to feel guilty about the past. Guilt doesn’t lead to positive solutions. Being VHEMT has little to do with the past. It’s the future of life on Earth that Volunteers want to preserve.



Q: Are some people opposed to VHEMT?

At first glance, some people assume that VHEMT Volunteers and Supporters must hate people and that we want everyone to commit suicide or become victims of mass murder. It’s easy to forget that another way to bring about a reduction in our numbers is to simply stop making more of us. Making babies seems to be a blind spot in our outlooks on life.


The idea of all of us voluntarily refraining from procreation is often dismissed without much consideration. These examples are considered elsewhere at this site:


“People are going to have sex, you can’t stop that.”

“It’s a human instinct to breed.”

“But I just love babies.”

“Some of us should reproduce because we’re better than others.”

“Humans are a part of Nature.”

And so on.

However, if any of us thinks about the situation long enough, and makes the effort to work through those socially-instilled blocks to clear thinking, we will arrive at virtually the same conclusion: we should voluntarily phase ourselves out for the good of humanity and planet.


VHEMT is naturally in opposition to involuntary extinction of any species, as well as any efforts encouraging human extermination. There are presently concerted efforts supporting both of these horrors. For example:


Production and use of weapons.

Toxin production, such as petrochemical and nuclear.

Exploitation of natural and human resources.

Promotion of reproductive fascism.

And so on.

The above could be called the Terrorist Human Extermination Movement (THEM), but that’s labeling and encourages a “Them or Us” attitude.


VHEMT is opposed to what these people are doing, but it’s doubtful any would bother to return the favor. Really, there isn’t much point in opposing a voluntary movement which harms none and benefits all.


I think voluntary human extinction is misguided or worse.


Q: How do I join?


Being VHEMT is a state of mind. All you have to do to join is make the choice to refrain from further reproduction. For some, this is an easy decision to make. For others, it’s a moot issue. But for many, joining The Movement means making a monumental personal sacrifice.


The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement is not an organization, so no membership dues go to officials in offices. We are millions of individuals, each doing what we feel is best. Join with other VHEMT Volunteers and Supporters.


Latest About The Movement

The VHEMT web site has been available to visitors since July 1996. People all over the globe are visiting these pages, with translations in several languages. They say “There’s nothing more powerful as an idea whose time has come.” The Movement certainly has momentum, if that counts as powerful.


More impetus was added to our momentum on September 5, 2009, when the Discovery Channel’s Focus Earth included the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement’s solution in their episode about over population. Bob Woodruff’s interview of Les Knight and Nina Paley may be viewed online: “No More Children.”



Bob Woodruff discusses human breeding with Les Knight in Portland, Oregon



For Earth Day 2009, Laura Ingraham hosted Les on her syndicated radio program in advance of Steven Milloy, author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them. No, it’s not intended to be a parody.


On July 3, 2008 in a half-hour radio broadcast, Stephanie Potter interviewed Les about VHEMT. Archived at: The Recovery Zone.


In Time magazine’s number one non-fiction book of 2007, The World Without Us, Alan Weisman generously presents the VHEMT perspective.

A November 16, 2005 article in SF Gate - the San Francisco Chronicle online - by Gregory Dicum: “GREEN Maybe None: Is having a child - even one - environmentally destructive?” was picked up by UPI, appearing in many newspapers.


From there, quite a few radio talk shows invited Les to be interviewed and sometimes take calls from listeners. Les was a guest on “FOX News Live With Alan Colmes” radio show on November 29th, 2005. Alan also hosted Les for two Earth Day shows, April 27, 2004, and April 22, 2005, receiving calls from across North America. Les was on Alan’s show again on February 2, 2009.


On December 2, 2005, an MSNBC TV program, The Situation with Tucker Carlson, featured Les in a segment entitled, “Taking on the [Voluntary] Human Extinction Movement”. Although Tucker wasn’t fully in agreement with VHEMT, his questions allowed the main points to be shared with the audience. A transcript and video may be seen at their site. Tucker’s final comment: “I will say, that is the sickest thing I think I’ve ever heard, but you are one of the cheeriest guests we’ve ever had.?I don’t know how to--how the two fit together, but I appreciate you coming on. Thanks a lot.”


Selected articles, interviews of Les, mixed reviews, and so on may be seen at: Media Mentions



A major goal of our web site is to advance the population-awareness movement, which seems to have become stalled, and may have slipped back to where it was more than 35 years ago. Progressive population awareness groups advocate a one-child average and two maximum, but few, if any, dare to advocate zero procreation. Environmental groups avoid the controversial topic, preferring to work on consequences of our excessive breeding. Scientists acknowledge population’s effects, but also decline to include it in their suggested solutions.


Several online forums for sharing and discussing ideas related to voluntary human extinction are available. One for VHEMT Volunteers and Supporters includes over 1,400 subscribers and another includes more than 4,000.

On April 8, 2010, French TV, Global Arte, broadcast a 2:16 minute anti-natalist, pro-planet video which included VHEMT. (in French)

“Les anti-natalité font leur buzz” 2:16 minute video

Giving a talk, “Thank you for not breeding”, on February 16th, 2010, Les presented the VHEMT concept at Oberlin College and Conservatory, sponsored by Oberlin Animal Rights.


Les participated in a panel titled,“Human Population Density: Patriarchy’s Influence, Positive Signs, and Reproductive Freedom.” at the 26th annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in Eugene, Oregon March 9th, 2008. The panel also included Kelpie Wilson, Environmental Editor for TruthOut and author of Primal Tears, and Richard York, Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Oregon and co-editor of the journal Organization and Environment.



Q: How do I order bumper stickers (car stickers), buttons (badges), T-shirts, and back issues of These EXIT Times?


These items are readily available by postal mail from These EXIT Times, or online from CafePress.



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Vermin Supreme

By Simon Steinhardt

Photos by Adam Amengual

Graphics by Rad Mountain




On the campaign trail, Vermin Supreme likes to start his sentences with “I am the only candidate who supports…” And it’s true: he is the only candidate who supports fully funding time-travel research in order to go back and kill Hitler before he was born. He’s also the only candidate who makes mandatory toothbrushing his signature issue. After all, as he says in his dental manifesto, “Proper dental hygiene is essential to proper social order.” If you’re worried about flying monkey tooth fairies enforcing the mandatory toothbrushing laws, fear not, since Vermin Supreme is also the only candidate who promises that such creatures will not be used to that end.


Plenty of people make a career out of making a mockery of politics—it’s not hard to ridicule something that, more often than not, borders on farce. But few of them go so far as to legally change their name and party affiliation and pony up the cash it takes to get on the presidential primary election ballot, as Vermin did in Washington, D.C., in 2004 (as a Democrat) and in New Hampshire this year (as a Republican).


Vermin runs for president of the United States because it’s the highest office on the ballot, but his real campaign (or “cam-pain,” as he spells it) is for Emperor of the New Millennium. It’s an important job, considering he won’t be up for re-election until the year 2999 if he wins. And if he does, we’ll gladly yield to his mighty authoritarian leadership, as long as it’s as much fun as he promises.




Tell us about your campaign operation.

Baby, I am nationwide. I am fucking nationwide. That’s all I can say. I have constituents across this great nation of ours. Their level of support is indeed varying and wavering, but I’ve never blamed any of my supporters—and I use the term loosely—who will not actually contribute to my campaign, either with time or financial contributions. I understand that they may have to operate in a whole other dimension of reality.


You seem very focused on domestic policy—toothbrushing laws, legalizing human meat and so forth.

Yes, and free ponies for all Americans.


But where do you stand on foreign policy issues?

Well, I do believe that we should give the Iraqi people the opportunity to become a part of this great nation of ours. I firmly believe that Iraq would truly make a wonderful 51st state. It’s been quite some time since we’ve actually added a state to the union, and I believe the flag-makers of America could certainly use a shot in the arm in that direction, not that it’s strictly pork for them of course.


Are there any other prospects for statehood in your plan?

It looks like Iran is fixing to want to become a state. I’ve been watching the news, and it looks like they just might want to be our 52nd state, after Iraq. Once they’re all paying taxes to Uncle Sam and they’ve got the American flag flying over there, they’ll be instilled with pride for our nation. It will be such a beautiful, peaceful thing. Then, and finally then, they will be greeting us with flowers and roses and roadside flower stands and things like that.


Well it sounds like a mission accomplished to me.

Yes sir.


Now as far as I know, you’re the only candidate, at least in the Republican Party, who wears a clown nose. Why do you think John McCain doesn’t want to wear a clown nose?

Sir, I’d like to address that issue of the clown nose. That is a dirty trick, sir. That is a smear that my opponents have apparently tarred me with for some reason. If you look carefully, you will notice that I’m not wearing a clown nose, nobody has seen me wearing a clown nose, and it seems that it is being added after photos are taken and distributed to the media.


So what is your real nose apparel?

Occasionally sun block when it’s really hot out, man. I have a very fine nose, I’m not ashamed of my nose, and I’m not sure why all this censorship of my nose occurs in the media. It’s very strange. I think you’ll notice that sometimes it’s actually a blue dot that I think was on TV for a while. I think it originally came from the National Enquirer. I think they put it on the face of that rape victim of one of those Kennedy kids, and then they started using it on my nose. A lot.


So are you saying you refuse to wear a clown nose?

Once again, if that’s what the people want, if the focus groups indicate that I would gain a certain segment of the clown-loving audience, then I’m all for it. My own personal research has shown that more people tend to be afraid of clowns, and would not be likely to vote for an actual clown for the presidency of the United States of America, let alone any other office.


What sort of controversial figures are floating around your campaign that you’re trying to minimize contact with?

I believe for the sake of my campaign and trying to avoid scandals that may have occurred in my past, I’m going to say that I’ve never heard of the Church of Euthanasia. And let me also say further that I never appeared on The Jerry Springer Show with them. I hope I’m clear on that. If I’m seriously trying to avoid the biggest scandal from my past, once again, I deny it would be any affiliation with any suicide-abortion-promoting cannibal cult. Not me.


Now I’m going to give you a little fill-in-the-blank analogy here. Barack Obama is to hope as Vermin Supreme is to…

A big block of Velveeta-style cheese.


So would you say you’re running on a cheese-based campaign platform?

As they say, all hail the power of cheese, but only in a metaphorical sense I suppose.


Melted, in a block or powder?

Oh, it would certainly be a big block, a strong foundation for this country.


Do you have any pop artists working on Vermin-cheese posters or anything like that?

Well the contest is open. Did I mention the Vermin Supreme Presidential Library?


No—tell me about that.

What I have done, I have hijacked a portion of the New Hampshire Political Library, which is a part of the New Hampshire State Library. The New Hampshire Political Library exists to collect memorabilia from the New Hampshire primary, and what I have done is I have taken over a section of it, liberating a corner of it, and declaring it the Vermin Supreme Presidential Library.
That seems a little presumptuous, don’t you think? Declaring yourself “presidential” at this point?

Presidential is a word that, if you look it up in the dictionary, would be described as something that pertains to the presidency, and so in that definition of the term I believe I am perfectly justified in claiming that it’s a presidential library, since it does pertain to the presidency and my quest for it.


From your market research, what do you see as some hot-button issues this year that aren’t being addressed by the mainstream candidates?

Once again, my quadrennial issue of mandatory toothbrushing, the funding of time travel, the zombie preparedness issue—those are my three hot-button topics, and of course free ponies, which is just a fucking promise to get votes, quite frankly. I also want to lower the voting age to 6 and make Hannah Montana my running mate.


Now what do you see as the flaws in Barack Obama’s stance on the toothbrushing laws?

Soft on plaque.


What about McCain?

If you dig deep, it’s not explicitly labeled, but I have exclusive video documentation of Senator John McCain giving support to the mandatory toothbrushing law. The approximate quote goes something like this. I asked him, “Senator McCain, do you support mandatory toothbrushing?” And he responded as follows: “Why yes, as a matter of fact, my campaign staff has a lot of practice hiding in people’s bathrooms late at night in order to make sure they have brushed.” So I’d have to say that he did in fact give full-on support for it.


There have been rumors that John McCain has been trying to get you to drop out of the race and endorse him. What do you say to that?

Once again, they haven’t made me a serious offer yet for my consideration to do that.


So what would you consider a serious offer that you’d be willing to accept in return for your endorsement of Senator McCain?

I’d settle for a cabinet-level position or a large cash payoff to help retire my campaign debt.


What particular campaign post would you be looking for?

I’d have to go for agriculture.


John McCain seems to have moved towards the center on—

Well he did start to suck the fucking fundamentalists’ dicks for a little while there…


I was going to say he had shifted specifically on environmental policy, or has at least tried to market himself as “green.” Would you say you’re more connected to the party’s base on environmental issues?

Well you know I’ve always been a long-term advocate of weather dome technology. As the climate undergoes certain alterations—and it hasn’t been proven that it’s caused by humans, by any means—the technology of weather domes, ala Bucky Fuller, is a very important part of my thing. Or we could simply kick anyone who complains about the weather out of the country. Environmentally, yeah I would be the extreme—extreme—environmental president. You see what I’m saying? Because I know the kids like to use that word, “extreme,” so I’m trying to use that buzzword in my campaign as much as possible. If you could just insert “extreme” in between every other word in the interview, that would be very cool.


So I’m sort of the extreme environmental candidate, and I believe that we can solve the excess carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere if we carbonate every beverage drunk by every American. I think the carbonated soft drink industry is on the right track, but as president I would certainly increase the amount of carbonation in all beverages, and carbonate every beverage that is not carbonated yet. And that way, we can all share in the burden of consuming and dissipating these harmful CO2 gases that might do something at some point.


So you’re saying you would take the CO2 gases out of the air and put them into our water pipes?

And our milk, and our orange juice and all other juices, and we’d pump up the carbon dioxide content in beers and sodas and all that good stuff. It would be extra, like extreme I guess. That’s just my solution, although I haven’t run it by any scientists yet.


How do you feel about being labeled as a “fringe” candidate?

It’s a term I can live with. I accept it. I’d prefer “lesser-known,” but I’ve certainly been called worse than “fringe.”


Like what?

Well I’d rather not get into it. You might use these words against me.


Well they’re just coming out of your mouth, so they’ll be printed as such.

Yeah, well, I’m not falling into that trick. I’m smarter than that. I’ve been doing this for quite some time, sonny.

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[from http://members.tripod.com/~sinisterpath/blackmass.html ]


Missa Niger:


La Messe Noire


A true and factual account of the principal ritual of Satanic



The Black Mass



This document is based on the book by the same name, edited (and

introduction written by) Aubrey Melech. The location is given as

Hobsley, Gloucs. and the date Hallowe'en 1985. A copy of the book

is available from Realist Publications, PO Box 1627, Paraparaumu,

New Zealand, for NZ$20. The book has a brief history of the Black

Mass over the centuries. This has been left out of this document,

although if time permits in the future I will endeavor to type

this in also. Any comments or corrections on this document can be

sent to me c/- SinisterPath@hotmail.com.


Daemon est Deus Inversus


Alan Stuart


October 1997





The Black Mass is divided into five segments which, for the sake

of clarity, are given separately with a brief commentary upon

each one. The first segment is the INTROIT and consists of a

preparatory dialogue between the celebrant and his server(s)

which helps to set the tone for what is to follow. This segment

closely follows the form of the Christian Mass, yet the

dedication has been reversed, with the name of Satan substituted

for that of Jehovah or Christ. This part of the mass is brief and

private, with no rubric to define the actions of the priest or

his server(s) during its recital, and no call upon the assembled

worshippers to assist in any way with its performance.

The very first words of the Introit may well signal what is to

follow, but without any rubric must be regarded as merely a

conjecture as to the actual actions of the celebrant. The woman

who is to serve as altar for the mass, it must be assumed, has by

this time been conducted to her place. The acolytes have ignited

the censers and candles and made all ready for the rite

blaspheming Jesus Christ which is about to be performed. The

celebrant and those who are to assist him, in the case of this

ritual a boy child and a girl child, traditionally past the age

of seven, which is regarded as the philosophical age of reason,

approach the tabernacle. The priest, if such we may call him, may

well make a brief initial penetration of the altar at this point,

as suggested by the formula here given. The remainder of the

Introit may well be taken up with a ritual surveyal of the items

disposed for the celebration of this unhallowed rite.

The altar-boy is a byword in Catholicism. It is therefore most

appropriate that a Satanic Mass makes use of both a boy and a

girl for its servers, with the girl, as appears later, taking the

most active part. That there should be no overtly sexual usage

attached to her presence is perhaps more due to the restraint of

C19th Satanic ritual than to anything else. In view of the

copulation to come later and the rubric attaching to it we may

not be wholly mistaken in regarding the girl server's role as

somewhat sublimated.

The paraphernalia of the Satanic Mass, conveniently set to hand

within the sanctuary, if we may use such a term, will, from an

examination of the extant rubric, be as follows:

i) A consecrated Host, either sanctified by the renegade priest

who traditionally performs Satan's Mass or stolen from a church

tabernacle. It was on occasions obtained by a communicant of the

Catholics faith coating his or her mouth with alum, so that the

wafer did not spoil from contact with saliva, or else by rapid

removal and secretion in a small bag usually worn around the neck

expressly for this purpose.

ii) A supply of wine. Traditionally red wine, which better

maintains the analogy with the blood of Christ, is used for both

black and white masses. The strong red wine of Tarragona in

eastern Spain is one of the prime constituents of both the vino

sacro and the vinum sabbati. It has been known, though for the

wine used for black masses to be adulterated with a variety of

both noxious and hallucinogenic sundries.


iii) A Chalice to contain the wine. Customarily this is a silver

or any metal or substance but gold, as is a requirement for all

the altar furnishings used in Satanism. As LaVey rightly points

out, gold was the preferred metal of Christianity and other good

religions, and therefore blasphemies, with the Christian religion

might be maintained, the chalice will be equipped with a paten

and veil, though the decorations will be pagan or Satanic rather

than overtly Christian in their symbolism.


iv) A thurible and incense boat. Charcoal and some combustible

fluid, such as methylated spirits, will be required to ignite the

incense and liberate its fumes.


The incense may be anything from the finest church incense to

that which was described by Huysmans, who gave its ingredients,

though not their relevant proportions, as follows: 1. Asphalt

from the streets; 2. Leaves of henbane, datura and dried

nightshade; 3. Myrrh. Although he does not include it in his list

of prime ingredients, Huysmans also mentions a resinous odour

which would undoubtedly be hashish. The list is interesting in

containing Myrrh, one of the gifts of the Three Kings to the

Christ-Child, yet traditionally bitter and unacceptable, and

three poisonous and, in the literature of witchcraft, well-known

herbs. These are best examined separately:


a) Henbane, Hyoscyamus niger, has been regarded as poisonous

since the days of Dioscorides. Both seeds and capsules have been

smoked to relieve toothache, and its poisonous alkaloids

withstand both drying and boiling, making it an ideal constituent

for any incense. Ingested it is fatal to man and animal.


b) Thorn Apple, Datura stramonium, has very similar properties

with regard to drying and storage. It is a notorious poison and

regarded as a dangerous psychedelic deleriant, as is Henbane, as



c) Deadly Nightshade, Atropa belladonna. Atropos, in Greek myth,

was the third fate, the one who used her shears to cut the

threads of men's lives. Its poisonous alkaloids, like those of

Henbane and Thorn Apple, withstand boiling and drying and, like

them, it was a traditional ingredient of witches' flying ointment

and a psychedelic, creating excitement and delirium.


See Hansen for examinations of the role in the traditions of

witchcraft of all these plants.


v) An image of Satan. Obviously the nature and form of such an

image will be up to the individual interpretation of whatever

cult of Satanists is performing the mass. C19th Luciferans would

possibly imply the image of a beautiful youth, equating Lucifer

with the morning and evening stars as a male form of Venus. A

more blatantly pagan and sexual image of Satan which might

possibly also have been used as an alternative would be the

Sabbatic Goat depicted by Eliphas Levi.


vi) A bell.


vii) Candles and candle-holders. Huysmans' candles were black, as

demanded by tradition, and contained coal-tar and pitch for their

colouring. Today, with black candles available from most

department stores for dinner-party entertaining, less dramatic

colouring us used. Stearin has also replaced baby's fat which

used to be a staple ingredient of sabbatic lighting. The number

and design of the candelabrum is not stipulated by the rubric.

The author possesses a pair of candelabra, made for a C19th

Scottish occultist, which are two-branched and, at the union of

the branches, bear a double-horned head with a typically

Luciferan expression.


viii) A small cauldron.


ix) An aspergillus. LaVey inists that this should be phallic in

shape. Such insistence is at least I accord with the spirit of

Satanic ritual. By tradition only the altar is naked at the

outset of the celebration of the Black Mass. The celebrant, the

servers and the congregation at least wear token clothing.

Indeed, throughout history elaborate and full descriptions of the

robes worn by the alternative priest have been given by a variety

of sources. These range from a simple smock to full Satanic

canonicals, embroided with anything from acorns and phalli to

rams, goats and other Satanic beasts. It would seem logical from

the present rubric that the congregants should wear robes which

they will find easy to remove at the appropriate juncture.


* * *


V: In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanus introibo ad altare Domini


In the Name of our Great God Satan I will go in to the altar of

the Infernal Lord.


R: Ad Eum Qui laetificat meum.

To Him Who gives joy unto me.


V: Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini Inferi.

Our help is the Name of the Infernal Lord.


R: Qui regit terram.

Who reigns on earth.


V: Domine Satanus, Tua est terra. Orbem terrarum et plentitudinem

ejus Tu fundasti. Justitia et luxuria praepartia sedis Tuae.

Sederunt principes et adversum me loquebantur, et iniqui

persecuti sunt me. Adjura me, Domine Satanus meus.

Thine is the earth, Lord Satan. Thou hast founded the earth & the

fullness thereof. Justice and luxury are the preparation of Thy

Throne. Princes sat & spoke against me, & the wicked persecuted

me. Help me, Lord Satan.


Custodi me, Dominue Satanus, de manu peccatoris.

Keep me, Lord Satan, from the hands of the wicked.


R: Et ab hominibus iniquis eripe me.

And from unjust men deliver me.


V: Domine Satanus Tu conversus virificabis nos.

Lord Satan, Thou shalt turn again & quicken us.


R: Et plebs Tua laetabitur in te.

And They people shall rejoice in Thee.


V: Ostende nobis, Domine Satanus, potentiam Tuam.

Lord Satan, show us Thy power.


R: Et beneficium Tuum da nobis.

And grant us of Thy bounty.


V: Domine Satanus exaudi meam.

Lord Satan, hear me.


R: Et clamor meus ad Te veniat.

And let my cry come unto Thee.


V: Dominus Inferus vobiscum.

The Infernal Lord be with you.


R: Et cum tuo.

And with you also.


V: Gloria Deo Domino Inferi, et in terra vita hominibus fortibus.

Laudamus Te, benedicamus Te, adoramus Te, glorificamus Te,

gratias agimus tibi propter magnam potentiam Tuam: Domine

Satanus, Rex Inferus, Imperator omnipotens.

Glory to God the Infernal Lord, & on earth life & strength to

man. We praise Thee, we bless Thee, we adore Thee, we glorify

Thee, we give thanks to Thee for They great power; Lord Satan,

Infernal King, Almighty Emperor.





The first segment of the Black Mass to involve both the celebrant

and the assembled worshippers is the Offertory, in which the

kinds relevant to the black communion to follow are exposed and

tacitly accepted by the congregation. The black priest shows the

wine and the wafer, the latter traditionally consecrated host

stolen from a church or concealed during the hypocritical

communion of a false Christian. He then censes the altar and all

upon the table the altar rests upon. During a series of versicles

and responses he involves the congregation in the rite, thus

assuring himself of their loyalty to his infernal master and

their fitness to participate in what is to follow. The Offertory

culminates in a hosanna which is offered, as might be expected,

to the depths and not to the heights as custom demands.


* * *


The chalice & paten, upon which rests the wafer, are uncovered by

the Celebrant. He takes the paten in both hands & raises it

breast-high in an attitude of offering, then speaks the following



V: Suscipe, Domine Satanus, hanc hostiam, quam ego dignus famulus

Tuus offero Tibi, Deo Meo Vivo et Vero, pro omnibus

circumstantibus, sed ut pro omnibus fidelibus famulis Tuis: ut

mihi et illis proficiat ad felicitatem in hanc vitam. Amen.

Lord Satan, receive this host which I, They worthy servant, offer

to Thee, my True and Living God, for all here present, as also

for all Thy faithful servants, that it may avail for my own &

their rejoicing in this life. Amen.


Replacing the paten and the wafer he raises the chalice in like

manner, saying:


V: Offerimus Tibi, Domine Satanus, calix carnis stimulos ut in

conspectu majestatis Tuae, pro nostra utilitate et felicitate,

paceat Tibi. Amen.

Lord Satan, we offer to Thee the chalice of fleshly lust, that it

may arise in the sight of Thy majesty for our use & gratification

& be pleasing unto Thee. Amen.


He replaces the chalice upon the altar, then extends his hands,

the palms downwards, and says:


V: Veni Satanus, Imperator Mundi, ut animabus famulorum

famularumque Tuarum haec prosit oblatio.

Come Satan, Emperor of the World, that the souls of Thy servants

& handmaids may profit by this sacrifice.


The thurible & incense boat are brought forward & the celebrant

thrice sprinkles incense upon the burning coals, saying:


V: Incensum istud ascendat ad Te, Dominus Inferus, et descendat

super nos beneficium Tuum.

May this incense rise before Thee, Infernal Lord, & may Thy

blessing descend upon us.


He then takes the thurible & censes the altar & gifts. First he

censes the chalice & wafer with three swings widdershins and

bows. Then he raises the censer three times towards the Image of

Satan, then bows again. Lastly he censes the top & sides of the

altar three times, by circumnambulation if the appointments of

the temple be convenient.


V: Dominus Inferus vobiscum.

The Infernal Lord be with you.


R: Et cum tuo.

And with you also.


V: Sursum corda.

Lift up your hearts.


R: Habemus ad Dominum Inferum.

We lift them up to the Infernal Lord.


V: Gratias agamus Domino Inferno Deo Nostro.

Let us give thanks to the Infernal Lord our God.


R: Dignum et justum est.

It is meet & just so to do.


The celebrant raises his hands, palms downward, and continues:


V: Vere dignum et justum est, nos Tibi semper et ubique gratias

agere: Domine, Rex Inferus, Imperator Mundi. Omnes exercitus

inferi Te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti juberas

deprecamur, dicentes:

It is truly meet & just that we should at all times & in all

places give Thee thanks: Lord, Infernal King, Emperor of the

World, Jubilantly all the infernals praise Thee, & with them we

join our own voices, saying:


The Celebrant bows & says:


V: Salve, Salve, Salve.

Hail, Hail, Hail.


The bell is rung three times at this point.


V: Dominus Satanus Deus Potentiae, pleni sunt terra et inferi

gloria Tua. Hosanna in profundis.

Lord Satan, God of Power, Earth & Infernus are full of Thy glory.

Hosanna in the depths.





The third segment of the five comprising the present recension of

the Black Mass is the Canon. Up to this point the mass has been

blasphemous in language and accoutrements but has refrained from

any abnormal or deviant behaviour on the part of the worshippers.

In the Canon, however, we begin to appreciate the abandon

required not only of the celebrant but of the participating

congregation as well.

The asexual and, in its relegation of the role of woman to that

of participant but never priest, male dominated nature of

Christianity is noted and openly challenged by the words of the

celebrant and the actions of the congregation in exposing

themselves as the saying `let the sighing of the prisoners come

before thee' is uttered. Thus is the tone set for all that may

follow and the worshippers prepared to take their part in

whatever may be required of them. The contact of the priest with

the genitalia of the altar is both an extension and a

confirmation of the action noted above.

Aspersion with the urine of an acolyte is traditional to the

Black Mass, dating back to the undefined and ill-understood

practices of the sabbat of the witches performed in ages long

gone. That the acolyte should be female is appropriate, according

to the anonymous French author previously cited, who regarded the

foul rites of the sabbat in part as the revenge of woman upon her

male persecutors.


* * *


V: Domine Satanus, gentes christianorum, quae in sua feritate

confidunt, sinisterae tuae potentia conterantur. Pone illos ut

rotam, et sicut stipulam ante faciem venti. Excite, Domine

Satanus, potentiam tuam et veni. Vindica sanguinem servorum

tuorum, qui effusus est; intret in conspectu tuo gemitus


Lord Satan, the christians, who trust in their own fierceness,

may be crushed by the power of Thy left hand. Make them like a

wheel, & as a stubble before the face of the wind. Stir up Thy

might, Lord Satan & come. Avenge the blood of Thy servants which

has been shed; let the sighing of the prisoners come in before



Here the Celebrant and the congregation expose their genitalia to

the image of Satan, standing naked before Him as Adam before

Lilith. The Celebrant then says:


Credo in Satanus, qui laetificat juventum meam. Oramus te,

I believe in Satan, Who gives joy to my youth. We praise Thee.


Here the Celebrant kisses the Altar upon her genitals.


Dominus Inferus, miserere nobis. In spiritu humilitatis, et in

animo contrito suscipiamur a Te, Domine Satanus; et sic fiat

sacrificium nosterum in conspectu tuo hodie, ut placeat tibi.

Veni a porta inferi, redime me at miserere mei. Veni, Magister

Templi. Veni, Magister Mundi. Pleny sunt terra majestatis gloriae


Infernal Lord, have mercy upon us. In a humble spirit, & with

contrite heart, may we be received by Thee, Lord Satan; & may our

sacrifice be so offered as to be pleasing in Thy sight. Come from

the Gate of Hell; save me & have mercy upon me. Come, Lord of the

Temple. Come, Lord of the World. Earth is full of the majesty of

Thy glory.


The Celebrant extends his hands, palms downwards, over the

offerings on the Altar. The bell is then sounded. The Celebrant



Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae sed et cunctae familiae

tuae, quaesumus, Domine Satanus, ut placatus occipias; diesque

nostros in felicitate disponas, et in electorum tuorum jubeas

grege numerari.

We therefore beseech Thee, Lord Satan, to be appeased & to accept

this offering of our bounden duty as also of Thine whole

household; order our days in joy & count us within the fold of

Thine elect.


R: Ave Satanus.

Hail Satan.


The girl acolyte presents herself and raises her robe to reveal

her genitals. The boy acolyte holds a small cauldron beneath her

whilst she urinates into it.


V: Ecce sponsa Satanus. Domino Inferi in medio ejus est. Fluminis

impetus laetificat vivos et mortuos.

Behold Satan's bride. The Infernal Lord is in the midst of her.

The stream of the river makes joyful the living & the dead.


She completes her urination and the cauldron is handed to the

Celebrant, who raises it high to the image of Satan above the



V: Domine Satanus, torrente voluptatis Tuae potabis eos. Quoniam

apud te fons vitae; et in lumine tuo videbimus lumen.

Lord Satan, they shall drink of the torrent of Thy pleasure. For

with Thee is the well of life, & in Thy light shall we see light.


Domine Satanus corda nostra mundet infusio; et sui roris intima

aspersione foecundet.

May our hearts be cleansed by the inpouring of our Lord Satan; &

may he make them fruitful by sprinkling them with the dew of His



The Celebrant hands the cauldron back to the girl acolyte, who

holds it out for him to dip the aspergillus into her urine.


V: Qui stitit, veniat; et qui vult, accipiat aquam vitae.

Let that thirsteth, let him come; & he that will, let him take of

the water of life.


He asperges the congregation, saying:


V: Ego vos benedictio in nomine Satanus.

I bless you in the Name of Satan.


R: Ave Satanus.

Hail Satan.





Here, with the fourth segment of the Black Mass, the

Consecration, we are arrived at the very stuff of blasphemy

itself. All that has gone before, however foul it may have been

adjudged, was simply a prelude to the actions which here occur.

The wafer, the consecrated Host stolen from the tabernacle of a

nearby church, is here subjected to such shameful infamy as would

cause any Christian to cry out in horror. The purpose of the

naked women serving as an altar is made all too clear by the

actions of the priest during the Consecration. The congregation,

together with the celebrant, recites a parody of the Lord's

Prayer which, in its context, is both orison and creed of the

Satanic rite.

In this segment, the penultimate division of the Black Mass, the

genitalia of the altar and the Body of Our Lord are brought into

contact for the first time. It is by now a foregone conclusion

that worse is soon to follow, and a mounting excitement,

encouraged both by the actions of the celebrant and the

intoxicants and stimulants ingested prior to and during the

ritual, is the lot of each and every worshipper preset as the

climax of the rite approaches.


* * *


The Celebrant takes the wafer in his hands & bows low over it,



V: Hic est corpus Jesu Christi.

Here is the body of Jesus Christ.


He then elevates the wafer, places it between the breasts of the

altar, then touches it to the altar's vagina. The bell is rung.

The Celebrant replaces the wafer on the paten & picks up the

chalice, bending low over it and saying:


V: Hic est calix carnis stimulos.

Here is the chalice of fleshly lust.


He raises the chalice above his head, showing it to the assembled

worshippers. The bell is rung. The thurifier gives three swings,

then the chalice is replaced.


V: Oremus. Infera institutione formati, audemus dicere:

Let us pray. Taught by infernal example we may presume to say:


V/R: Pater Noster, Qui es in Inferis, Sanctificetur nomen Tuum;

Adventiat regnum Tuum; Fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in Infero et in

Terra; Cucem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie; Emitte spiritum

Tuum et renovabis faciem terrae; Libera nos ad luxuria; Libera

nos ad ubertate domus Tuae; Sicut in die ambulemus; Comedite

pinguia et bibite mulsum; Fornicemur; Adquae ut ferventius corda

nostra praeparentur, Flammis adure Tuae caritatis, Domine


Our Father, Who art in Hell, Hallowed be Thy Name; Thy kingdom

come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Hell; Give us this

day our daily light; Send forth Thy spirit & renew the face of

the earth; Deliver us unto luxury; Deliver us unto the

plenteousness of Thy house; Let us walk as in the day; Eat fat

meats & drink sweet wines; Let us fornicate; And, that our hearts

may be prepared for it, Inflame them with the fire of Thy live,

Lord Satan.


V: Ego sum radix et genus Lucifer, stella splendida et matutina.

Transite ad me, omnes qui concupiscitas me, et a generationibus

meis implemini. Tenebrae conculcabunt me, et nox illuminatio mea

in deliciis meis.

I am the root & stock of Lucifer, the bright and morning star.

Come over to me all ye that desire me and be filled with my

fruits. Darkness shall cover me, & night shall be my light in the



R: Quia tenebrae non obscurabuntur, et nox sicut dies


But the darkness shall not be dark, & night shall be as the light

of day.


V: Gratias agamus Domino Infero Deo Nostro

Let us give thanks to the Infernal Lord, our God.


R: Dignum et justum est.

It is meet & just so to do.


The Celebrant raises his hands palms down & says:


V: Vere dignum et justum est, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias

agere: Domine, Rex Inferus, Imperator Mundi. Omnes exercitus

inferi te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti juberas

deprecamur, dicentes:

It is truly meet and just that we should at times and in all

places give thanks to Thee, Lord, Infernal King, Emperor of the

World. Jubilantly all the infernals praise Thee, & with these we

join our own voices to say:


The Celebrant bows and says:


V: Salve, Salve, Salve.

Hail, Hail, Hail.


The bell is rung three times.


V: Dominus Satanus Deus Potentiae, pleni sunt terra et inferi

gloria Tua. Hosanna in profundis.

Lord Satan, God of Power, earth and Infernus are filled with Thy

Glory. Hosanna in the depths.





In this final segment, the Repudiation, all that has gone before

approaches and reaches its terrible and incredible climax. Here

the machinations of the priest and the perverse worship of the

congregants are both fulfilled in a manner as difficult of

description as it is of Christian approbation. Now is the

culmination of the Black Mass. Now is both the ultimate blasphemy

and the dismissal to whatever recreations they may desire of the

assembled worshippers. The Repudiation is both the final

consecration and the ultimate form of Satanic rebellion, if the

historical practice of a vile and depraved human sacrifice be not


The actions of the celebrant regarding the host have already been

intimated, and are now blatantly to be described in the rubric of

the Black Mass recension here published. The orgy indulged in by

the Satanists present has been described by our anonymous French

writer in speaking of the culmination of the witches' sabbat.

`They couple monstrously' he says. `The god of incest weds a son

to his mother, a brother to his sister, a young bitch and an old

greybeard or, conversely, a stripling and some toothless old

woman.' And these, it must be remembered, are simply the

heterosexual manifestations of the orgy. Our Frenchman continues

his catalogue with pederastic and even more refined examples of

sexual behaviour.

There may well be some error in the text which has come down to

us in so far as the fornicemur precedes the ecce calix. It is

both more logical and more in keeping with the abandoned spirit

of the rite for the order to be reversed, with the fornicemur

being in a closer proximity to the ite, missa est.


* * *


V: Ecce corpus Jesu Christi, dominus humilim et rex servorum.

Behold the body of Jesus Christ, lord of the humble & king of the



The Celebtant elevates the wafer to the Image of Satan, then

touches it to the altar's breasts & briefly into her vagina,



V: Beatus venter qui te portavit et ubera quae suxisti.

Blessed is the womb that bore thee and the paps that gave thee



He then continues the Repudiation, holding the wafer aloft once



V: Jesu Christi, dominus humilim et rex servorum, universi qui te

exspectant confundentur. Absque synagogis facient vos et timebis

a timore nocturno. Non dormietis et gladius transebit terminos

vestros. Filii hominum in tegmine alarum tuarum, Domine Satanus,


Jesus Christ, lord of the humble and king of the slaves, them

that wait upon thee shall be confounded. They will put you out of

the temples & you shall be afraid of the terror by night. You

shall not sleep and the sword shall pass through your quarters.

The children of men put their trust under Thy wings, Lord Satan.


R: Domine Satanus, salvos fac servot tuos.

Lord Satan, save Thy servants.


He sets the wafer on the end of his penis, saying:


V: Liberabo eum ad aspidem basiliscum, as leonem et draconem, ad

oni peccato, ad subitanea et improvisa morte, ad fulgure et

tempestate, ad flagello terraemotus, as peste, fame et bello, ad

morte perpetua, ad ira Satanus.

I shall deliver him unto the asp & the basilisk, to the lion &

the dragon, to all sin, to sudden & unprovided death, to

lightning and tempest, to the scourge of earthquakes, to plague,

famine, & war, everlasting death, to the wrath of Satan.


The celebrant inserts his penis, with the wafer attached, into

the vagina of the altar, saying as he does so:


V: Domine Satanus dicit: In comessationibus et ebrietatibus

resurgam. Desideria carnis perfic ietis. Manifesta sunt autem

opera carnis, quae sunt fornicatio, impudicitia, luxuria,

veneficia, ebrietates et comessationes. Caro mea vere est cibus.

Lord Satan saith: In rioting & drunkenness I rise again. You

shall fulfil the lusts of the flesh. The works of the flesh are

manifest, which are fornication, immodesty, luxury, witchcraft,

drunkenness and revelling. My flesh is meat indeed.


R: Caro mea vere est cibus.

My flesh is meat indeed.


V: Adoremus Te, Domine Satanus, et benedicimus tibi; quia per

spermem tuam redemisti mundi.

We adore Thee, Lord Satan, and blee Thee; for by Thy sperm Thou

hast redeemed the world.


R: Revelabitur gloria Domini; et videbit omnia caro salutare Dei

nostri Satanus.

The glory of the Lord shall be revealed; and all flesh shall see

the salvation of our God Satan.


V: Fornicemur ad gloria Domine Satanus.

Fornicate to the glory of Our Lord Satan.


The worshippers now fornicate indiscriminately, without regard to

privacy, sex or relationship with their partners. As their

efforts terminate the Celebrant takes the chalice and says:


V: Calicem voluptatis carnis accipiam et nomen Domini Inferi


Accept the chalice of voluptuous flesh which gives joy to our

life. Accept the chalice of voluptuous flesh in the Name of the

Infernal Lord.


The Celebrant drinks first, then presents the chalice to each

worshipper in turn, refilling it as required and saying:


V: Ecce calix voluptatis carnis qui laetitiam vitae donat. Accipe

calicem voluptatis carnis in nomine Domini Inferi

Behold the chalice of voluptuous flesh which gives joy to our

life. Accept the challice of voluptuous flesh in the Name of the

Infernal Lord.


When all have taken their fill he returns the chalice to the

altar with paten & veil in place. The Celebrant then extends his

hands, palms downwards, and says:


V: Pleni sunt terra majestatis gloriae Tuae.

Earth is full of the Majesty of Thy Glory


R: Tuere nos, Domine Satanus.

Shield us, Lord Satan.


V: Protege nos, Domine Satanus, Tuis mysteriis servientes.

Protect us, Lord Satan, who assist at Thy mysteries.


R: Domine Satanus dabit benignitatem et terra nostra dabit

fructum suum.

Lord Satan will give goodness and the earth shall yeild her



V: Placeat tibi, Domine Satanus, obsequium servitutis meae; et

praesta ut sacrificuum quod occulis Tuae majestatis obtuli, tibi

sit acceptabile, mihique et omnibus pro quibus illud obtuli.

May the homage of my service be pleasing unto Thee, Lord Satan,

and grant that the sacrifice I have offered in the sight of Thy

majesty may be acceptable to Thee & win forgiveness for me & for

all those for whom I have offered it.


The Celebrant bows to the altar, then turns to the congregation

with his left hand extended in cornu, saying:


V: Fratres et sorores, debitores sumus carni et secundum carnem


Brothers and sisters, we are debtors to the flesh, to live

according to the flesh.


Ego vos benedictio in Nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanus.

I bless you all in the Name of our Great God, Satan.


R: Ave, Satanus!

Hail Satan!


V: Ite, missa est.

Go, you are dismissed.





This is not the first time that a version of the Black Mass has

been published in English. At least one other edition is known to

the author, though it has never seen print in Great Britain. It

was one of the rites given by the modern American Satanist Anton

LaVey in his book THE SATANIC RITUALS <LaVey's Black Mass>, and

an examination shows that it was culled from a similar source to

that used herein. There are, however, significant problems for

anyone who attempts to study it.

LaVey's recension is flawed in certain respects. To begin with it

may have suffered some mistranslation from the French. Its title

is given as Le Messe Noir, a mistake a French scholar would not

make. All French nouns have a gender. Messe is feminine, and so

the definite article and adjective would be la and noire

respectively, their own gender deriving from that of the noun

they accompany. Additionally, the Latin of the text is not

translated, and also contains misprints. Long passages in English

with no Latin or French text equating are given. The rite

requires the use of three different languages, Latin, French and,

of course, our own English. And last but by no means least, both

the rubric and content of LaVey's Black Mass differ at certain

crucial points. It is thus confusing and difficult to study.

There can be little doubt that this work will have its critics

from both directions, that some will offer opprobrium because

such blasphemous matters have been made public, whilst others may

well know sufficient from sources of their own to believe that

they can criticise either its text or its authenticity. To all

these we can respond by saying that exposure to the public gaze

is one of the best ways of destroying the appeal and novelty of a

thing. That there are different sects of Satan's worshippers is

as true that there are many forms of Christian worship. There

must be several other forms of the Black Mass in both Christian

hands and those of the diversity of Satanists. Let some of these

also be published. Let those that should have knowledge of these

things have that knowledge so that they may work in the interests

of us all. Only then will the cloak of secrecy be pulled away and

the true nature of Satanism revealed.


Et vespere autem facto...





Jorgen Andersen, "The Witch on the Wall", Copenhagen, 1977.


Anon, L'Amour et la Magie, Paris 1926.


Kathleen Basford, The Green Man, Ipswitch 1978.


James Cleugh, Love Locked Out, London 1963.


Eric Ericson, The World, The Flesh, The Devil, New York 1981.


Robert Goldston, Satan's Disciples, New York 1962.


Harold Hansen, The Witch's Garden, Maine 1963.


H.M.S.O., British Poisonous Plants, London 1968.


Joris-Karl Huysmans, La Bas, New York 1972.


Richard Payne Knight and Thomas Wright, Two Essays on the Worship

of Priapus, London 1952.


Anton LaVey, The Satanic Bible, New York 1969.


Anton LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, New York 1972.


Jules Michelet, Satanism and Witchcraft, New York 1939.


Pamela North, Poisonous Plants and Fungi, London 1967.


Christopher Nugent, Masks of Satan, London 1983.


H.T.F. Rhodes, The Satanic Mass, London 1954.


Ronald Sheridan and Anne Ross, Grotesques and Gargoyles, Newton

Abbott 1975.


Peter Stafford, Psychedelics Encyclopedia, Berkeley 1977.


Montague Summers, Witchcraft & Black Magic, London 1946.


Montague Summers, The History of Witchcraft and Demonology,

London 1926.


Gerhard Zacharias, The Satanic Cult, London 1980.

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*In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi*!!


In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of

the world, I command the forces of Darkness to bestow their

Infernal power upon me!


Open wide the gates of Hell and come forth from the

abyss to greet me as your brother (sister) and friend!


Grant me the indulgences of which I speak!


I have taken thy name as part of myself! I live as the

beasts of the field, rejoicing in the fleshly life! I favor the just

and curse the rotten!


By all the Gods of the Pit, I command that these things

of which I speak shall come to pass!


Come forth and answer to your names by manifesting my






{NOTE: The Infernal names are listed here in alphabetical order

purely to simply referral to them.


When calling the names, all of them may be recited, or a given

number of those most significant to the respective working may

be chosen.


Whether all or only some of the names are called, they must be

taken out of the rigidly organized form in which they are listed

here and arranged in a phonetically effective roster.}



Abbadon Chemosh Loki

Adramelech Cimeries Mammon

Ahpuch Coyote Mania

Ahriman Dagon Mantus

Amon Damballa Marduk

Apollyn [sic] Demogorgon Mastema

Asmodeus Diabolus Melek Taus

Astaroth Dracula Mephistopheles

Azazel Emma-O Metztli

Baalberith Euronymous Mictian

Balaam Fenriz Midgard

Baphomet Gorgo Milcom

Bast Haborym Moloch

Beelzebub Hecate Mormo

Behemoth Ishtar Naamah

Beherit Kali Nergal

Bile Lilith Nihasa




Nija Samnu Tchort

O-Yama Sedit Tezcatlipoca

Pan Sekhmet Thamuz [sic]

Pluto Set Thoth

Proserpine Shaitan Tunrida

Pwcca Shamad Typhon

Rimmon Shiva Yaotzin

Sabazios Supay Yen-lo-Wang

Sammael T'an-mo



_The Satanic Bible_, by Anton LaVey, Avon Books, 1969; pp. 145-6.


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SAMMY DAVIS, JR. - b12-08-25, Samuel George Davis, Jr., d05-16-90, COS

"...The best performance [in "Poor Devil", a 1973 tv pilot] is by Adam West, who gleefully plays the villain.


"All that's memorable about this pilot is historical. You see outdoor scenes in San Francisco, and the clothing of the time. In this pilot a character is trying to get in touch with the underworld, and starts to phone the Church of Satan downtown. Satan (a youthful-looking Christopher Lee) uses the upside-down pentagram, with horns on it. The 2 fingered sign of Satan with a twist of the wrist, enables a devil to disappear.


"Sammy Davis who plays a devil was for a time a member of the Church of Satan. He socialized with the LaVeys and wore his Church of Satan medallion in public."

-- "Satan was big in 1970 San Francisco" comment by "pery-1" (CA), 7/12/04


(accessed 7/15/09)


"...Poor Devil [was] a pilot for a TV series that was never picked up. It starred Sammy Davis Jr. as Sammy the Poor Devil and Christopher Lee, typecast as Lucifer. Sammy plays a bumbling assistant to Satan who hasn't gotten a soul for him for 1400 years. Lucifer gives him one last chance when Sammy sets his sights on a a disgruntled accountant, played by Jack Klugman.


"Adam West plays Jack Klugman's mean boss and has never given the loyal Jack a promotion ��� which Jack thinks he deserves. Feeling slighted Jack tries unsuccessfully to steal money from his job. Sammy, sensing Jack's desperation, convinces Jack to sell his soul to Satan. In return, all of Jack's dreams will come true. Looks like the Poor Devil may get on Lucifer's good side.


"Sammy and Jack scheme a way to get Jack's boss fired and Jack is promoted to Chief Accountant. Seems as if Jack's dreams have come true and Sammy can finally stop working in Hell's fiery furnace. But Sammy has second thoughts about taking Jack's soul and finds a loophole in the contract giving Jack his soul back. Lucifer is none too happy with this outcome and orders Sammy back to Hell's fiery furnace for eternal damnation...poor devil.


"In 1973, in appreciation for his balanced approach to Satanism in the film Poor Devil, the Church of Satan made Sammy Davis Jr. an Honorary Warlock. The award was presented to Davis on stage during one of his performances at the Circle Star Theater in San Carlos, CA."

-- "Halloween Countdown" by 'Franklin Mint' (Frank Fusco) 10/6/08


Pilot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh2ysZixoXk

(both accessed 7/15/09)


"I've never let my blackness interfere with my religion. I've never allowed my religion to interfere with my blackness. I think they're too separate things. They intertwine, and they should be supportive of each other, but many people, up until 10 or 15 years ago (maybe in the last 8 years) weren't aware that 85 per cent of the Israelis are colored. They aren't white and blue-eyed. They are dark skinned (::pointing to his own arm::) -- dark, the people of the Middle East, this way."

-- EbonyJet Magazines Interview with Sammy Davis Jr.,

"Sammy Davis Jr. 1985"


















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Being a Compendium of Demon Names and Names of Satan

With Occasional Mention of People and Items Important to

Arts Sorcerous, Cults Satanic and Realms Infernal

Including Wrathful, Underworld, and Controversial Gods


a compilation of quotations, edited by 333



[Text sources (quotations) are indicated with triple caps

(e.g. DOS) and listed at the end of this document;

ed. comments are in square [brackets] like this one.]







The leader of the demon locusts described in the ninth

chapter of the Book of Revelation. This is the Hebrew

name of the Angel of the Bottomless Pit. The meaning

of the Hebrew word is 'the destroyer'. In Greek he is

identified as Apollyon, the name by which he is called

in "Pilgrim's Progress". [DOS]


Hebrew: [Hebrew], ABDON (destruction). See Job 28:22.

It was used as the name ofr a region of Gehenna in

later rabbinical writings, after such usages as occur in

Proverbs 15:11 and 27:20. In the New Testament it is

the name of the angel of the abyss, and occurs only in

Revelation 9:11. [TBO]


The angel of the bottomless pit, also known as "the

destroyer." Milton uses the name Abbadon to describe the

pit of Hell. Abbadon inspires anarchy and chaos. The

fallen angel of death and destruction, in Hell he is

chief of the demon locusts who have the faces of humans,

tails of scorpions, and bodies of winged horses. Abbadon

is often associated with Satan or Sammael, and is

often depicted with or confused with fellow angel of

destruction, Apollyon, who holds the keys to the Abyss.





Demon who commands sixty infernal legions. He appears

as a handsome cavalier on a winged horse. He knows the

future and all the secrets of war. [DOS]




In demonology, the word designates a demon with the

head of a cock, a huge belly, and a knottted tail. Also

Abraxas. [DOS]


A mystic term in vogue among the Gnostics. It can be

traced to Basilides of Alexandria, who used it in the

second century as a title for the divinity. In Greek

numeration, the seven letters of the word denote the

number 365, the days of the solar year, representing

a cycle of divine action. Moreover, 365 was supposed

to be the sum total of the spirits who emanated from

God. Occultists believe that the word has magical

powers when engraved on stones or gems and worn

as a charm. [DOS]








Mathers lists Adramalech as one of the ten evil sephiroth,

commanded by Sammael, the angel of poison. Children

were sacrificed to Adramelech in ancient times. His

cult probably originated in Syria and later was introduced

into Samaria.

In demonology, he is regarded as the grand chanceller

of Hell, superintendent of the Devil's wardrobe, and

president of the high council. He reveals himself in the

shape of a mule or a peacock. [DOS]


The king of fire. Originally a throne angel, Adramelech

is now an archdemon and a great minister of Beelzebub's

Order of the Fly. When called, he manifests himself in

form of a mule or a peacock. He was overthrown by the

angels Uriel and Raphael during the battle in Heaven.

He is in charge of the Devil's attire and livery and is

the patron of hypocrisy. [TD]


[aerial demons

One of the six classes of demons identified by medieval

theologians. They roam through the air but remain close

to human beings. They can fashion bodies for themselves

from thin air. Moved by passion like men, they can cause

natural disturbances. They can be invoked by sorcerers

and often change their shape. [DOS]]

aesma daeva


A serpent identified by the Scythians with the archfiend

Ahriman. [DOS]


Grand duke of the eastern region of Hell. He commands

thirty-one legions, teaches languages, causes terrestrial

spirits to dance, and routs enemies. [DOS]


One of the three demons who serve Lucifuge, Prime

minister of Lucifer. [DOS]


...cometh up in the form of an old fair Man, riding upon a

Crocodile, carrying a Goshawk upon his fist, and yet mild

in appearance. He maketh them to run that stand still,

and bringeth back runaways. ...and causeth Earthquakes.

He hath under his government 31 Legions of Spirits. [GAC02]



[age of demons

According to Hesiod, demons live ten times as long as

the phoenix which, in turn, lives ten times as long as

a man, or 680,000 years. Plutarch notes that demons

are also subject to disease and sickness, and reduces

their age to 9,720. [DOS]]





In the dualistic doctrine of Zoroaster, Ahriman (Angra

Mainyu, the 'Destructive One') is the principle of evil.

As the Evil Spirit, the great destroyer, and the source

of all evil, he is the arch enemy of Ahura Mazda, the

'Wise Lord.' Eventually, a great world catastrophe will

signal the defeat and disappearance of Ahriman. Ac-

cording to Zoroaster, Angra Mainyu and his twin Spenta

Mainyu are the eternal antagonists. In the Avesta,

Ahura Mazda is identified with the beneficent spirit. [DOS]




He is a Great Strong Duke. He appeareth in the form of a

very handsome Man in body, but with three Heads; the

first, like a Serpent, the second like a Man having two

Stars on his Forehead, the third like a Calf. He rideth on

a Viper, carrying a Firebrand in his Hand, wherewith he

setteth cities, castles, and great Places, on fire. He

maketh thee witty in all manner of ways, and giveth

true answers unto private matters. He governeth 26

Legions of Inferior Spirits.... [GAC23]





Chief executor of the decrees of the infernal court presided

over by Lucifer. [DOS]


Grand duke of Hell, depicted as a horned horseman with

the head of a lion. He commands thirty-six legions. His

dragon-footed horse is enormous. He teaches the secrets

of Heaven and the liberal arts. [DOS]


He is a Duke, Great, Mighty, and Strong, appearing in the

Form of a Soldier's {NOTE: Or Warrior} riding upon a Great

Horse. His Face is like that of a Lion, very Red, and having

Flaming Eyes. His Speech is hoarse and very big. His

Office is to teach the Art of Astronomy, and all the Liberal

Sciences. He bringeth unto thee Good Familiars; also he

ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC52]



alocas/alocer (see alloces)




According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of the

two hundred angels who rebelled against God and swore

allegiance to Samiaza.

amanos [see amane?]



Grand duke of Hell. He commands twenty-nine legions.

He has the head of a unicorn but also appears in human

form. He gives invisible concerts. Trees sway to the

sound of his voice. [DOS]


He is a Duke Great and Strong, appearing at first like a

Unicorn, but at the request of the Exorcist he standeth

before him in a Human Shape, causing Trumpets, and

all manner of Musical Instruments to be heard,

according to the Exorcist's Will. He giveth Excellent

Familiars. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits. [GAC67]









Supreme divinity of the Egyptians, became a marquis

of Hell in the Satanic tradition. The wolf-headed demon

with a serpent's tail vomits flame and commands forty

legions. Sometimes he takes the shape of a human with

an owl's head. He knows both the past and the future. [DOS]


...at the command of the Magician he putteth on the shape

of a Man with a Raven's head (simply).... He procureth feuds

and reconcileth controversies between friends. He governeth

40 Legions of Spirits. [GAC07]



He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the Form of

a Flaming Fire; but after a while he putteth on the Shape of

a Man. His office is to make one Wonderful Knowing in

Astrology and all the Liberal Sciences. He giveth Good

Familiars, and can bewray Treasure that is kept by Spirits.

He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC58]



A stone used for invoking demons. [DOS]]




Marquis of Hell. The owl-headed demon with the naked

body of a winged angel rides a black wolf and brandishes

a sword. He commands thirty legions. [DOS]


He is a Great Marquis, appearing in the Form of an Angel

with a Head like a Black Night Raven, riding upon a strong

Black Wolf, and having a Sharp and Bright Sword

flourished aloft in his hand. His Office is to sow Discords....

He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC63]


He is a Mighty Marquis, appearing at first in the form of a

Peacock, with great Noises. But after a time he putteth on

Human shape. He can teach Geometry perfectly. He

maketh Men very subtle therein; and in all Things

pertaining unto Mensuration or Astronomy. He can

transform a Man into the Likeness of a Bird. He

governeth 30 Legions of Infernal Spirits.... [GAC65]


He is an Earl, Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of

a Man holding a Great Serpent in his Hand. His Office is

to bring back both a thief, and the Goods which be stolen,

and to discover all Wickedness, and Underhand Dealing;

and underhand Dealing,; and to punish all Thieves and

other wicked People; and also discover Treasures that be

Hid. He rule over 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC72term]

angel of edom

angel-peacock [also Melek Taus]

A name given to Satan by the Moslem sect of Sunnite-

Saafites who worship him under the name of Iblis. The

name recalls the belief that the Fallen Angel recovered. [DOS]

angra mainyu

The Spirit of Evil, identified in the Avesta as the son of the

prophet Zoroaster. He transformed the Daeva of primitive

Iranian paganism into a legion of wicked spirits. Angra

mainyu, the 'Destructive One,' allies himself with destruction,

deceit, darkness, and death. The struggle between him and

Ahura Mazda makes up the history of the world. At the

end of the twelve milleniums accorded to the world. another

son of Zoroaster, Saoshyant, will usher in an era of eternal

peace. See Ahriman. [DOS]




antichrist [/antichristos]

Tertullian and others refer to him as the 'Ape of God.' See

Belial, Number of the Beast. [DOS]


The jackal-headed Egyptian god of the dead. In the

judgement hall of the gods, he presides over the weighing

of human souls. [DOS]


In Egyptian religion, a monster serpent, servant to the evil

god Set. Apep and other monsters daily obstructed the

passage of Re. Crushed and destroyed, it revived daily,

having been endowed with immortality. [DOS]


Serpent-crocodile monster in opposition to Ra, the sun

god, in Egyptian religion. [DAD]

apis (see apep?)

apollyon (also see abbadon)

The Greek equivalent of the Hebrew name Abaddon,

meaning 'the destroyer.' The Angel of the Bottomless

Pit is mentioned in the fifth chapter of the Book of

Revelation as the chief of the demon locusts. He is

also called Apollyon in "Pilgrim's Progress_. [DOS]

apophis (see apep)





ardat-lili (also "ardad-lile"?)

In Semitic legend, a female demon who copulates

with men. [DOS]













asasel (see azazel)





In Jewish demonology, an evil spirit sometimes credited

with causing matrimonial happiness. His cradle is the

Avesta, the sacred book of the Zoroastrian religion.

The Persians added the word *daeva* to the name

Aeshma. *Aeshma daeva*, 'demon of lust', later was

identified as the king of the demons. The genie of

concupiscence became a satellite of Satan in Christian


Asmodeus was the name of the chief demon

who possessed the body of Jeanne des Anges. He filled

her mind with 'shameful things'. [DOS]


He is a Great King, Strong, and Powerful. He appeareth

with Three Heads, whereof the first is like a Bull, the

second like a Man, and the third like a Ram; he hath also

the tail of a Serpent, and from his mouth issue Flames of

Fire. His Feet are webbed like those of a Goose. He

sitteth upon an Infernal Dragon, and beareth in his hand

a Lance with a Banner. He is first and choicest under the

Power of AMAYMON, he goeth before all other..... He

giveth the Ring of Virtues; he teacheth the Arts of Arith-

metic, Astronomy, Geometry, and all handicrafts

absolutely. He giveth true and full answers unto thy

demands. He maketh one Invincible. He showeth the

place where Treasures lie, and guardeth it. He, amongst

the Legions of AMAYMON governeth 72 Legions of

Spirits Inferior. [GAC32]


The Destroyer, the demon who killed the seven husbands

of Sarah in the Apocryphal Book of Tobit (3:8). It was

driven away to Upper Egypt by the burning fume from

the heart and liver of a fish, and bound there by the

power of the angel Raphael (8:2-3). In Jewish folklore

Asmodeus has the distinction of being able to outwit King

Solomon himself.

By tricking the king into removing the magic ring he used

to control devils, Asmodeus sat upon the throne for 40

years while Solomn wandered through his own kingdom

as a beggar. For this reason he was called "king of the

demons." The story is told of his birth that King David

had an emmision of seed while coupling with the

succubus demon Igrat in his sleep, and Igrat bore Adad,

king of Edom. When asked his name, he answered

"*Sh'mi Ad, Ad sh'm*," that is, "My name is Ad, Ad is my

name." Hence, he was called Ashm'dai, or Ashmodai

(Asmodeus) , king of the demons. See Patai 1980, 457

and 459. It is believed the name is actually a corruption

of Aeshma-Daeva (covetous demon), one of a group of

seven principle demons in Persian mythology. [TBO]


This dandified devil, the patron evil spirit behind

passion, lechery, pleasure, luxury, and sensuality,

runs the casinos and gambling houses in Hell. Able to

appear as the most beautiful, well-dressed young man

(or woman), he tempts his victims by encouraging them

to buy fancy clothes and follow meaningless fads. He

is the prince of profligates and loves to lure happily

married couples into adulterous liaisons, sometimes with

himself. This hapless devil prides himself on arranging

ridiculouly inappropriate marriages and leads humans

into squandering their assets. He wreaks havoc in

convents and monasters by seducing the inhabitants. His

mother may have been human (or, according to some, she

could even have been Lilith), but his father was an

angel. When Asmodeus visits some poor human in his real

form, he actually has three heads symbolic of lechery,

those of a bull, a ram, and a man. He also sports the

feet of a rooster. He cavorts around on the back of a

dragon wielding a spear. He is credited with having

invented carousels, music, dancing, drama, and, one

may assume, recreational drug use. [TD]


In Mazdean religion, chief emissary of Ahriman, the

Spirit of Evil. His function is to incite discord and

kindle warlike feelings among the nations. [DOS]

[assyrian demonology

The ancient Assyrians recognized a host of evil demons.

The monuments of Chaldea prove the existence of an

extremely complex demonology, including the *mas*,

*lamma* and *utuq*; the *alapi*, *alal*, and *nirgalli*; and

the disease-engendering demon of the southwest wind.

The mass, lamma, and utuq are divided into two classes,

good and evil. The alal appear to be demons of

destruction. The *labartu*, *labassu*, and *ahharu* are

ghosts, phantoms, and vampires. The nirgalli are lion-

headed and eagle-claw-footed demons. The *seirim of

Israelites recall Assyrian carvings which depict evil

spirits in the shape of goats. [DOS]]


Powerful grand duke in the western region of Hell. His

wife is Astarte, a Phoecian moon goddess with elegant

horns forming a crescent. He has the face of an ugly

angel, rides a dragon, and holds a viper in his left hand.

As treasurer of Hell, he wields great power. Wierus

states that he knows both the past and the future. He is

supposed to be one of the seven princes of Hell who

visited Faust. Astaroth (Ashtaroth, Ashtoreth, Astarte,

or Atargatis) was originally the Great Goddess of Canaan,

equivalent to the Babylonian Ishtar. As the goddess of

fertility, she was worshiped with lascivious rites. She

became a male demon with bad breath. [DOS]


He is a Mighty, Strong Duke, and appeareth in the Form of

an hurtful Angel riding on an Infernal Beast like a Dragon,

and carrying in his right hand a Viper.... [He also has a]

Noisome Breath.... He giveth true answers of things Past,

Present, and to Come, and can discover all Secrets.... He can

make men wonderfully knowing in all Libera Sciences. He

ruleth 40 Legions of Spirits. [GAC29]


[Hebrew], AShThRTh. In Greek, Astarte, a form of the

Babylonian goddess Ishtar. Since she is the female counter-

part of Baal (Judges 2:13) and is said to have been depicted

with horns by Lucian and Herodian, she is supposed to have

been a Moon goddess. She is called the goddess of the

Zidonians (I Kings 11:5) and was worshipped by Solomon,

who had married "many strange women" (I Kings 11:1),

among them some Zidonians, who influenced his religious

practices in his old age. In the medieval grimoires Astaroth

is metamorphosed into a male demon.... [TBO]


The treasurer of Hell. This devil was once a seraph and

now carries a viper in his hand while riding backwards

on a dragon. Astaroth also serves as a diabolical coach,

giving pep talks to the newer demons when they lose heart

and spurring them on to greater evil. He inspires sloth

and idleness. [TD]


Goddess of lust and sexuality. Known also as Astorath

in Satanic circles. The blood of a sacrificed child, mixed

with wine from the chalice, is offered to her. [DOS]

asto vidatu







avnas (see amy)

aym (see haborym)


Prince of Hell, commanding thirty-six legions of devils. [DAD]



azael/azzael (see also azazel)

According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of

the two hundred angels who rebelled against god.

The name is connected with the ritual of atonement

and associated by Milton with Satan. In Genesis he

is the leader of the sons of God who wedded the

daughters of men. Rendered as 'scapegoat' in the King

James Bible, Azael is understood to have borne the

sins of the people away from them to the Devil. [DOS]



Azazel, who in the "Zohar_ is one of the angels cast

down from heaven who sin with the daughters of

men, and who teach men sorceries. This is also

stated in the Book of Enoch:

What power was in them {men} that they

were able to bring them {the stars} down? [DOS]


Standard Bearer of the armies of Hell. Also *Satanael*. [DAD]


Leader of the demons and related to the devil of Arabian

and Islamic mythology, Iblis/Shaytan. This devil

supposedly taught men how to manufacture weapons and

women how to use make up. Also known as *Azael* [which

see]. In his true form he has seven serpent heads,

fourteen faces, and twelve wings. He may have been one

of the first angels to fall for refusing to bow down

before Adam and is the chief standard-bearer in Hell.

azi dahaka


One of the leaders of the two hundred fallen angels.

According to the Book of Enoch, he rebelled against

God and swore allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]

azmodeus (see asmodeus)




baal (also see bael)

According to the "Lemegeton_, the commander of the

armies of Hell. The name Baal, 'lord,' was applied to

many local deities in Syria and Palestine. The supreme

Baal was the great fertility god of the Canaanites.

Children were sacrificed to him.

In the Middle East, Baal was a generic name used by

several religious cults. He is a Semitic god of fertility,

whose worship was associated with gross sensuality.

Among the Phoenicians, Chaldeans, and Canaanites he

was the chief male divinity.

The term Baal was frequently used along with another

designation: e.g. Baal-Peor, who was the Moabite god

at Peor and whose worship was steeped in debauchery.

In Biblical times he was at one time worshipped by the

Israelites. [DOS]


The second chief of staff of the Abyss, Baal is the

patron devil of idleness. He commands sixty or seventy

legions of demons and resides in the eastern region of

Hell. He shows himself as a pudgy creature with the

arms of a spider and three heads: a toad, a cat, and

a man. [TD]


baalberith (see berith)



baalzebub (also see beelzebub)

The god of Ekron. Beelzebul, the name used for Satan

in the New Testament, mainly in reference to demoniac

possession, comes from the name of the god of Ekron.

In Hebrew the expression means 'Lord of the Flies.' [DOS]




[babylonian demonology

Demons had a central place in Babylonian life. Animal-

shaped demons inhabited the fields. Ghostly creatures,

half man and half-animal, haunted graveyards. Generally

called alu and gallu, they were designated more specifically

as lilu (spooks), utukku or etimmu (restless ghosts of those

who had met an untimely death), rabisu (vampires lying

in ambus), etc. Ardat-lili and Lilitu were female demons

who seduced men. Demons often banded together in

groups of seven. Sickness was attributed to the influence

of a demon. For example, ahhazu caused epidemics while

lamastu caused fever and endangered the lives of pregant

women and children. Plants, minerals, hair, feathers,

incantations, and exorcisms were frequently used in the

unending struggle against demons. [DOS]]



First king of Hell. His domain is the eastern section. He

commands sixty-six legions. One of his three heads is

shaped like a toad, another like a man, and the third

like a cat. The head of the powers of evil has a harsh

voice and is a good fighter. Those who invoke him

become alert and cunning, and they learn how to

become invisible when necessary. [DOS]


He appeareth in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat,

sometimes like a Toad, and sometimes like a Man, and

sometimes all these forms at once. He speaketh

hoarsely. [GAC01]

[bAGAHI LACA BACHABE: An ancient formula for

invoking a demon. [DOS]]


One of the evil demons who possessed Sister Jeanne

des Anges. Balaam's passion was 'all the more

dangerous because it seemed less evil.' The

"Lemegeton_ identifies Balaam (Balan or Balam) as

a three-headed devil who rides a bear, carries a hawk

on his wrist, and predicts the future. He is said to have

one head like a bull's, another like a man's, and a third

like a ram's. He is often shown naked. In the Old

Testament, a symbol of avarice, immorality, and idol-

worship. [DOS]


He is a Terrible, Great, and Powerful King. He appeareth

with three Heads: the first is like that of a Bull; the

second is like that of a Man; the third is like that of a

Ram. He hath the Tail of a Serpent, and Flaming Eyes.

He rideth uon a furious Bear, and carrieth a Goshawk

upon his Fist. He speaketh with a hoarse Voice, giving

True Answers of Things Past, Present, and to Come. He

maketh men to go Invisible, and also to be Witty. He

governeth 40 Legions of Spirits. [GAC51]


balberith (see berith)












One of the three demons in the service of Satanachia,

commander of the first legion of Hell. [DOS]


He is a Great Duke, and appeareth when the Sun is in

Sagittary, with four noble Kings and their companies

of great troops. He giveth understanding of the singing

Birds, and the Voices of other creatures, such as the

barking of Dogs. He breaketh the Hidden Treasures

open that have laid by the Enchantments of Magicians.

He is of the Order of Virtues, of which some part he

retaineth still; and he knoweth all things Past, and to

Come, and conciliateth Friends and those that be in

Power. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC08]


[barrett, sir william fletcher

British scientist and occultist (1845-1926). In "The

Magus" (1891) he describes, with illustrations, demons,

conjurations, spells, and necromancy. He differs from

Michaelis in ascribing attributes to demons: Mammon is

the prince of tempters; Asmodeus, the prince of evil

vengefulness; Belzebuth, chief of the false gods. He also

introduces new attributes for five demons: Pytho is the

prince of the spirits of deceit; Belial, prince of iniquity,

Merihim, prince of the spirits of pestilence; Abaddon,

prince of war and evil; and Astaroth, prince of accusers

and inquisitors. He believed in the existence of a spiritual

world, survival after death, and the possibility of

communicating with the dead. See Michaelis, Sebastien. [DOS]]


In Egyptian religion, a lion-headed or cat-headed

goddess whose cult originated in the protohistoric

cult of the lion or lioness. Her worship was associated

with the city of Bubastis. An aspect of Hathor, she

was the symbol of sexual passion. Termed in

inscriptions 'the lady of life,' she is commonly

represented as holding a sheild in one hand, a sistrum

in the other, and a basket over one arm. [DOS]


bathin (see bathym)


One of three demons in the service of Fleuretty,

lieutenant general of the forces of Hell. [DOS]


...a Mighty and Strong Duke, and appeareth like a

Strong Man with the tail of a Serpent, sitting upon a

Pale-coloured {Horse?} [poss. "ass"]. He knoweth the

Virtues of Herbs and Precious Stones, and can transport

men suddenly from one country to another. He ruleth

over 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC18]



beal (see berith)


[bearded demon, the

His name cannot be given lest people deal with him in

search of the Philosopher's Stone (as King Solomon and

Paracelsus are said to have done). [DAD]]


One of the demons who may be invoked by a Satanist. One

must summon him on Friday by writing 'Come Bechard' in a

circle three or four times. He requires a nut as a pledge. [DOS]


An oracle deity of the Ekronites. He was worshiped by the

Philistines and by idolatrous Hebrews who, in New Testament

times, called him the prince of devils. The name, derived

from Baalzebub, is used in the New Testament to identify

Satan. In demonology, he is the prime minister of the

infernal spirits. The name also appears as Beelzebul. [DOS]


In the Old Testament, the god of the Philistine city of Ekron

(II Kings 1:2). In the New Testament the Pharisees ascribed

the ability of Jesus to cast out devils to the power of this

arch-demon (Matthew 12:24). The name *beelzeboub* in the

Vulgate is usually translated "Lord of the Flies," but in the

best Greek manuscripts itis written *beelzeboul*, "Lord of the

Earth," which seems to be the correct rendering. [TBO]


The Devil's chief of staff and second only to Satan in

the organization of Hell. Known to many as the Prince of

Death, Beelzebub was Lucifer's closest companion and a

fellow Seraphim angel in Heaven. Beelzebub manifests

himself in the shape of a fly and presides over the

Order of the Fly. He tempts men with the grandparents

of all sin, envy and pride. He can send plagues of

flies. Heresy is attributed to Beelzebub, who blows his

bellows into the ears of heretics. [TD]


One of the seven demons who possessed Sister Jeanne des

Agnes. Behemoth often filled her mind with blasphemies

and gave her 'a very strange aversion' to her vocation. [DOS]


The Devil's cupbearer. Behemoth is the patron devil of

despair and gluttony. He appears in the shape of a

monstrous elephant with two bear's feet. He will also

take the form of a crocodile, whale, or hippopotamus

and is related to Leviathan. Behemoth presides over the

feasts of Hell and is responsible for dishing up food

and wine for the Devil. He entertains Hell's motley

crew with song and plays the role of night watchman,

as he is often awake all night. Unsurprisingly, he

creates chaos and havoc in the lives of men. [TD]


The Syriac name of Satan. [DOS]



He is a mighty King and terrible. He rideth on a pale horse

with trumpets and other kinds of musical instruments

playing before him. He is very furious at his first

appearance, that is, while the Exorcist layeth his courage;

for to do this he must hold a Hazel Wand in his hand,

striking it out towards the South and East Quarters....

This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be,

both of Men and of Women, until the Master Exorcist

hath had his desire fulfilled. He is of the Order of Powers,

and he governeth 85 Legions of Spirits. [GAC13]


One of the governors of Hell, Beleth presides over

eighty-five legions of demons. He rides a pale horse and

is announced by a blare of trumpets. [TD]



The most vicious of all the demons, he drives a fiery chariot

and is named, in the Book of Revelation, 'The Beast.' In

apocalyptic writings Belial (or Beliar) is the cosmic power

of evil, identified with death and the evil impulse in man.

In the War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness,

one of the Dead Sea scrolls, he appears as the leader of the

forces of evil: 'His purpose is to bring about wickedness

and guilt. All the spirits that are associated with him are

but angels of destruction.' [DOS]


He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created

next after LUCIFER. He appeareth in the Form of Two

Beautiful Angels sitting in a Chariot of Fire. He

speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he

fell first from among the Angels. His Office is to

distribute Presentations and Senatorships, etc., and to

cause favor of Friends and Foes. He giveth excellent

Familiars, and governeth 80 Legions of Spirits. [GAC68]


A demon of the New Testament (II Corinthians 6:15),

from the Greek *beliar*, which is a corruption of the

Hebrew [Hebrew], meaning "what is useless, of no

fruit," and by extension "wickedness, a wicked man, a

destroyer." The word is not used in the Old Testament

as a proper name. "Sons of *belial* signifies sons of

wickedness. (Judges 19:22). [TBO]


Prince of Trickery, Demon of Sodomy, sometimes

The Antichrist. It is likely he is also the one called

*Zephar* by the German demonogist Weir. [DAD]


The patron of arrogance, lies, and deceit, Belial is one

of the great fallen angels. A prince of the Order of

Virtues, he was created directly after Lucifer. His fall

from grace was equally impressive, and he rivals Satan

as a prince of darkness. The Cabalists of the fifteenth

and sixteenth centuries believed him to be God's most

heinous adversary. A great orator, he may appear

briefly as a gentleman, but his true nature always

reveals itself because the image is hollow. Belial

tempts men to disloyalty, gossip, and rebellion, and

instigates women to dress in finery, gossip in church,

and indulge their children. In some mythologies, Belial

was already actively opposing God from the bottom of

the Abyss. When Lucifer fell, he joined Belial in the

fiery pit and usurped his title. [AD]



A party devil. Belphegor manifests himself in the

shape of an attractive woman. Once a prince of the

Order of Principalities, he makes his earthly home in

Paris, where he finds it easy to tempt men to

licentiousness. He is the patron devil of discoveries

and ingenious inventions. Belphegor is also the

guardian demon of Paris -- if such a thing is

possible. [AD]




He is a mighty, Great, and Terrible Duke. He hath two other

Names given unto him by men of later times, viz.: Beale, or

Beal, and Bofry or Bolfry. He appeareth in the Form of a

Soldier with Red Clothing, riding upon a Red Horse, and

having a Crown of Gold upon his head. He giveth true

answers, Past, Present, and to Come. He can turn all metals

into Gold. He can give Dignities, and can confirm them unto

Man. He speaketh with a very clear and subtle Voice. He is

a Great Liar, and not to be trusted unto. He governeth 26

Legions of Spirits. [GAC28]


Chief Secretary and Archivist of Hell, a second-order

demon. [DAD]


Hell's minister of foreign affairs, chief secretary, and

keeper of the infernal archives. He is often called upon

to notarize pacts between human and the Devil. A

cantankerous spirit, he tempts men to be quarrelsome,

contentious, and blasphemous. He also inspires them to

commit murder. Baal-Berith is the patron devil of dis-

obedience. [TD]


In Egyptian religion, an ancient phallic god, represented

as standing on a lotus ready to devour his own progeny.

Later, his image was widely used as an amulet, through-

out the Greco-Roman world down to the Middle Ages. [DOS]

["Beth Elohim_

A Cabalistic treatise on angels, demons, and souls. The

Hebraic expression means 'house of god.' [DOS]] [by Abraham

Cohen Irira?]





He is an Earl, and appeareth in the Form of a Monster;

but after a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he

putteth on the shape of a Man. His Office is to make

one knowing in Astrology, Geometry, and other Arts

and Sciences. He teacheth the Virtues of Precious

Stones and Woods. He changeth Dead Bodies, and

putteth them in another place; also he lighteth seeming

Candles upon the Graves of the Dead. He hath under

his Command 6 {NOTE: Should probably be 60 instead

of 6} Legions of Spirits. [GAC46]


bileth (see beleth)


bime (see bune)



[black books (grimoires)

Manuals of magic, pseuepigraphically ascribed to Solomon,

Albertus Magnus, certain Popes, and other karcists or

wizards. Highly popular during the Middle Ages, they

describe many occult practices, rituals, and ceremonies.

Among the most notable: "Liber Spirituum_; the Hebrew

manual translated into Persian and later into Latin (1802);

"Grimoirium Verum_, by Alibeck the Egyptian (1517);

"The Constitution of Honorius_, attributed to Pope

Honorius III; "Little Albert_; _Red Dragon_; _Arbatel_;

"Tonalamatl_, the ancient Mexican manual; _Y-Kim_, an

obscure Chinese work assigned to the fourth millenium

B.C.; "Red Book of Appin_; Hell's Coercion_, attributed to

Johannes Faustus; "The Black Hen_; _The Great and

Powerful Sea Ghost", by Faustus; _Lemegeton, or the

Lesser Key of Solomon", which describes the demonic

hierarchy; "The Key of Solomon_, ascribed to King

Solomon; "The Testament of Solomon_, a tenth-century

account of the building of the Temple by Solomon with

the aid of demons; "Liber Pentaculorum, the Sage of

the Pyramids"; _The Almadel_; and _The Book of Raziel_,

reputedly derived from "The Book of Signs_, a handbook

on magic attributed to Adam. [DOS]]

["Black Dragon_

A popular grimoire. Attributed to Honorius, it contains

instructions for summoning demons and making pacts.

Each day of the week calls for a different procedure.

On Monday, Lucifer is invoked; on Tuesday, Frimost;

on Wednesday, Astaroth; on Thursday, Silcharde; on

Friday, Bechard; on Saturday, Guland; and on Sunday,

Surgat. [DOS]]

black man

The Devil. [DOS]

["Black Pullet_

A grimoire supposedly published in Egypt in 1740 but

probably dating from the latter part of the eighteenth

century. Also known as the "Black Hen_. [DOS]]

bofry/bolfry (see berith)


A goblin or specter/bugbear. The Devil [DOS]]


["Book of Enoch_

Many demonological beliefs have their source in the

apocryphal work attributed to Enoch and composed

in the second century B.C. The Book of Genesis notes

that the children of God chose the most beautiful

daughters of men as their mates, and it makes Enoch

a grandson of Adam.

The Book of Enoch relates that the two hundred children

of God swore allegiance to their leader Samiaza. They

came down to Aradis, near Mt. Armon. Each chose a

wife and taught her the properties of trees and roots,

magic spells, and witchcraft. The women gave birth

to giants.

Anarchy, war, and massacres ensued. God charged Uriel

with the task of warning Noah of the coming flood. To

Raphael he entrusted the mission of capturing Azaziel,

one of the angels responsible for the revolt against God.

God ordered Raphael to bind him hand and foot, pile

sharp, heavy stones on him, and envelop him in darkness.

Samiaza and the other rebellious angels were to be

chained under the earth for seventy generations, until

the final Judgement. Their sons were to be slaughtered.

At the Final Judgement, rebellious angels and their

chiefs were to be condemned to be hurled into the

depths of a fiery pit, where they would suffer endless


The leaders of the two hundred angels were, in addition

to Samiaza: Urakabarameel, Akikel, Tamiel, Ramuel,

Danel, Azael, Amers, Batraal, Amane, Zavehe, Samsavael,

Ertrael, Turel, Yomael, and Zazael.

The fallen angels are credited by Enoch with

engendering a race of evil spirts whose mission is to

torture mankind. [DOS]]


One of three infernal demons in the service of Agaliarept,

commander of the second legion of Hell. [DOS]


... a Great President, and at the command of the Magician

he putteth on a Human shape with Great Teeth, and two

Horns, carrying a bright and sharp Sword in his hand.

He telleth all things Past, and to Come, and reconcileth

Friends and Foes. He ruleth over 60 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC17]


One of three demons in the service of Agaliarept,

commander of the second legion of Hell. [DOS]


...a Great President. He appeareth in Sagittary, and that

is his shape when the Sun is there. He teaches

Philosophy, both Moral and Natural, and the Logic Art,

and also the Virtues of all Herbs and Plants. He healeth

all distempers in man, and giveth good Familiars. He

governeth 50 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC10]


He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the

form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a

Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and

comely Voice. He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth

the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your

Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him

Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands.

And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC26]






In medieval demonology, a powerful demon generally

identified as the grand president of Hell. [DOS]







Grand Master of Hell. He generally appears as an

elegant man with the head and wings of a blackbird.

When he appears as a human being, he carries a

tapered saber. The cleverest Sophist in Hell had an

encounter with him. Caym understands birds, oxen,

dogs, and the sound of waves. He knows the future.

At times he appears as a man adorned by a tuft and

a peacock's tail. He commands thirty legions. [DOS]


He is a Great President, and appeareth in the Form of

the Bird called a Thrush at first, but afterwards he

putteth on the Shape of a Man carrying in his Hand a

Sharp Sword. He seemeth to answer in Burning Ashes,

or in Coals of Fire. He is a Good Disputer. His Office

is to give unto Men the Understanding of all Birds,

Lowing of Bullocks, Barking of Dogs, and other

Creatures; and also of the Voice of the Waters. He

giveth True Answers of Things to Come. He was of the

Order of Angels, but now ruleth over 30 Legions of

Spirits Infernal. [GAC53]

cali (also see kali)

Queen of demons and sultaness, according to Collin de

Plancy. Human victims were sacrificed to her. [DOS]


The offspring of succubi and incubi. [DOS]

camio (see caim)


The patron devil of lewd and obscene behavior he

tempts people to act shamelessly. He is often

invoked by witches during a Sabbat. [TD]


Once a prince of the Order of Powers, Carreau makes

people harden their hearts. [TD]


caym (see caim)





One of the demons listed by John Weir. Chemosh

was worshiped as a god by the Moabites. [DOS]


In Greek religion, the oldest of the gods, the father

of Night and Hell. [DOS]


In classical mythology, the deity who ferried the

dead over the Styx, collecting as his fee an obol

which had been placed in the mouth of the

passenger. [DOS]


Boatman of Hell who ferries souls across the

Styx or Archeron. [DAD]



The Etruscan demon of death. [DOS]


Grand Duke of Hell. [DAD]



(The Black God). Evil, misfortune, death and night to the

Baltic and Slavic peoples. [DAD]



chieftain of hell (see beelzebub (j.weir))




a mighty demon conjured up by Aleister Crowley

in the Algerian desert. Some occultists claim that

he was possessed by the demon for the rest of his

life. Choronzon appeared, shouting the words that

will open the gates of hell: *Zazas, Zazas, Nasatanada,

Zazas*. [DOS]


One of the devils listed in the "Lemegeton_.

He rides a black horse and has dominion over

all the spirits of Africa. His name probably

derives from the Cumerians, mentioned by

Homer. [DOS]


He is a Marquis, Mighty, Great, Strong and

Powerful, appearing like a Valiant Warrior riding

upon a goodly Black Horse. He ruleth over all

Spirits in the parts of Africa. His Office is to

teach perfect Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, and to

discover things Lost or Hidden, and Treasures.

He governeth 20 Legions of Infernals.... [GAC66]





The "Great Key of Solomon_ gives the following directions

for invoking a spirit for the purpose of making a pact

with him. Here the pact is to be made with Lucifuge.

Emperor Lucifer, Master of all the rebellious spirits,

I beg you to be favorable in the invocation that I

make to your great Minister Lucifuge Refocale, as I

wish to make a pact with him....

O great Lucifuge! I beg you to leave your abode...

and to speak to me. Otherwise I shall constrain

you by the power of the great living God, his dear

Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Obey promptly, or you wil be tortured eternally by

the force of the potent words of the Great Key of

Solomon that he himself used to bind the rebellious

spirits to accept his pact.

So come forth instanter! or I shall torture you

endlessly by the force of these powerful words from

the Key: Agion, Telegram, vaycheon stimulamaton y

ezpares retragrammaton oryoram irion esytion

existion eryona onera brasim moym messias soster

Emanuel Saboot Adonai, te adoro et invoco. [DOS]]


One desiring to summon the Devil must adhere to certain

rules. Lucifer may be invoked on Monday at dawn,

provided the conjurer wears a new stole and surplice

and offers a live mouse as a pledge. Frimost can be

summoned only between nine and ten p.m. on Tuesday;

he requires as a pledge only a pebble found during the

day. Astaroth will appear between ten and eleven on

Wednesday if he is invoked in the name of the Father,

Son, Holy Ghost, and the Virgin Mary. See also Silcharde,

Bechard, Guland, and Surgat. [DOS]]




Demon of impurity and slovenliness (according to

Sebastien Michaelis, 1613). [DAD]


He appeareth in the Form of an Angel. He is a Duke

Great and Strong, speaking something Mystically of

Hidden Things. He teacheth the Art of Geometry and

the Liberal Sciences. He, at the Command of the

Exorcist, will produce Great Noises like the Rushings

of many Waters, although there be none. He warmeth

Waters, and discovereth Baths. He was of the Order

of Potestates [sic], or Powers, before his fall, as he

declared unto the King Solomon. He governeth 48

Legions of Spirits. [GAC49]


Another former prince of the Order of Powers, Crocell

presides over forty-eight legions of evil spirits. He

teaches geometry and the liberal arts and has the power

to turn water freezing cold or scalding hot in moments.





In Celtic oosmogony, the power of evil. [DOS]


In Slavic mythology, this is an evil deity, akin

to the Zoroastrian Ahriman, the Spirit of Evil. [DOS]






A demon, according to lists compiled by medieval

demonologists. Dagon was the great god of the

Philistines. They placed the Ark in his temple

after capturing it from the Israelites. [DOS]


Baker of Hell, member of the House of Princes. [DAD]


Dagon was the national god of the Philistines,

appearing in the form of a kind of merman with the torso

of a man and the body of a fish. He serves as the pantry

chef in Hell's kitchen. [TD]





He is Duke Great and Mighty, appearing in the

Form of a Man with many countenances., all Men's

and Women's Faces; and he hath a Book in his

right hand. His Office is to teach Arts and Sciences

unto any; and to declare the Secret Cousels of any

one; for he knoweth the Thoughts of all Men and

Women, and can change them at his Will. He can

cause Love, and show the Similtude of any person,

and show the same by Vision, let them be in what

part of the World they Will. He governeth 36

Legions of Spirits.... [GAC71]; for

he knoweth the Thoughts of all Wis



He appeareth in the Form of a Star in a Pentangle...

at first; but after, after command of the Exorcist,

he putteth on the Image of a Man. His Office is to

discover the Virtues of the Birds. and precious

stones, and to make the similtude of all kinds of

Birds to fly before the Exorcist, singing and

drinking as natural Birds do. He governeth 30

Legions of Spirits, being a Great Marquis. [GAC 70]

[defenses against demons

The sign of the cross is the most powerful weapon

against the Devil. Next comes holy water, then

bells, the relics of saints, and certain natural

objects -- gems such as chrysolite and agate, plants

such as garlic and rue, salt, the cock, and a herb

called by the French *permanable*, which can

enchant demons. [DOS]]


In Greek, the word means 'artisan.' It was used

by Plato to designate the creator of the universe.

The Gnostics, Marcionites, Paulicians, and other

heretical sects used it to designate the evil power

responsible for matter. Also called Demiurgus or

Demiurgos. [DOS]


An obscure Roman deity associated with the Underworld.

In the late Roman Empire, he was invoked in magic rites. [DOS]


A word used to denote a lower order of super-

natural beings, generally thought to be hostile to

mankind. Belief in such beings is widespread. The

ancient Mesopotamians lived in fear of demons,

commonly represented in their art with human

bodies and animal heads. Both the Babylonians

and Assyrians thought the demons were evil spirits

who came from beneath the earth or ghosts of the

unburied dead. In Greece, the word *daimon* had

a good as well as a bad connotation. Socrates had a

familiar demon who warned him when he was on

the point of making a wrong decision. The rise of

Christianity, with its condemnation of the spirits of

the pagan world, assumed to be in league with the

Devil, transformed demons into malevolent spirits. [DOS]]

[demon of Socrates

*De deo Socratis* by Apuleius. According to

Thorndike, Apuleius has good deal to say in this

treatise about the substance forming the bodies of

demons. "Their native element is the air, which

Apuleius thought extended as far as the moon. ...

But their bodies are very light and like clouds, a

point peculiar to themselves" (Thorndike, 1:240). [TBO]]

[demons, lists of

See Michaelis, Sebastien, and Barrett, Francis. [DOS]]

destroyer, the

One of the epithets ascribed to Satan. The literal meaning

of the Hebrew word Abaddon, the name used to identify

the leader of the demon locusts described in the ninth

chapter of the Book of Revelation, is 'the destroyer.' The

worship of the Hindu god Shiva is grounded on the idea

that pure being is attained only after material fetters

have been destroyed. [DOS]


The Persian name of Satan. [DOS]


Alphonsus de Spina identified ten varieties of devils:

1. Fates.

2. Poltergeists, who create mischief by night.

3. Incubi and succubi, who pollute nuns by night.

4. Marching hosts, who sound like hordes of men.

5. Familiar demons, who eat and drink with men.

6. Nightmare demons, who disturb men's dreams.

7. Demons formed from semen and the odor accompanying

copulation. These demons cause men to have erotic

dreams so that they can 'receive their emission and

make the reform a new spirit.'

8. Deceptive demons, who appear now as men, now as


9. Clean demons, who assault only holy men.

10. Demons who cause old women to believe that they

fly to Sabbats. [DOS]]

devil ('the')

The word devil is derived from Greek *diabolos*,

'slanderer,' 'accuser.' Generically, it designates a spirit

of evil. In Jewish and Christian theology, it designates

the arch adversary of God and man, the supreme spirit

of evil. The Devil is recognized as the chief of the fallen

angels. In dualist systems of theology, he is recognized

as the source of evil.

In the Old Testament the Devil is rarely mentioned. Here

he appears as the tempter and tormenter, the master of


Christian doctrine makes the beatific vision accessible to

men and angels alike, but only after they have been tested.

Some of the angels failed the divine test (the exact nature

of their failure is controversial). One devil -- Satan, Beelzebul,

or Lucifer -- is assumed to have seduced the others. Some

scholars make Lucifer and Satan one and the same, Lucifer

being the name by which Satan was called before he failed

the divine test and was cast out of heaven.

The New Testament gives the Devil power over the world

and mankind. Even though Christ redeemed man and destoyed

the Devil's power, God still permits the Devil to tempt man

through his nature or body.

The Catholic Church teaches that the Devil will not be found

in Hell until the last day. He was created by God, as were his

wicked companions. All were good and by their own fault fell

into sin. The devils still tempt and persecute mankind. They

are pure spirits with an intelligence of high order. Each has

a will obstinately bent on evil. They are intelligent individuals

responsible for their own deeds. See Demon, Lucifer, Satan. [DOS]


There is no known depiction of the Devil before the sixth

century. Christianity was recognized in Europe in the

fourth century, and it seems to have taken a couple of

centuries for Lucifer and his legions to show their

countenances. When they did, it was in the form of small,

black, impish figures.... Much of the attributes popu-

larly associated with the Devil are actually demonized

facets of pagan and other non-Christian religions, images

subverted by the early Christian fathers to help their

nascent religion gain solid ground. [TD]

devil and psychoanalysis

In Rosette Bubal's work "La Psychanalyste du Diable_ (1953) the

Devil is the incarnation of the mean father and also of the great

god Pan. [DOS]

[devil's mark

A mark of identification made by the Devil to seal a compact.

According to Ludovico Maria Sinistrari's "De Demonialitate_

(1700), the Devil imprints on a witch some mark, especially on

those whose constancy he suspects. That mark, however, is not

always of the same shape or figure; sometimes it is the likeness

of a hare, sometimes like a toad's foot, sometimes a spider, a

puppy, a doormouse. It is imprinted on the most secret parts

of the body; with men, under the eyelids or perhpas under the

armpits. [DOS]]

[diabolic hosts

John Wier concluded that the diabolic monarchy

consisted of 72 princes and 7,405,926 devils. He

determined that the devils were grouped in 1,111

legions of 6,666 each. He distinguished six kinds of

demons, refined by later theologians as follows:

(1) Igneous demons, who never descend to the earth;

(2) Aerial demons, who roam through the air and

appear on occasion as men;

(3) Terrestrial ones, who dwell obscurely among

men or set snares for hunters and travelers;

(4) Aquatics, who cause storms at sea;

(5) Subterraneans, who dwell in caves and are very

spiteful; and

(6) Lucifuges, who shun the light of day and assume

corporeal features by night. [DOS]]

[diabolic pact

Though a pact between the Devil or one of his henchmen

and a man or woman may vary in detail, it always


1. Preparation for the pact (abstinence from meat, etc.).

2. An invocation in the form of a ritual accompanied by

the sacrifice of a black fowl, fire, etc.

3. A complex set of formulas.

4. The appearance of the devil.

5. Signing the pact with blood drawn from the left arm.

On signing the pact, the individual 'loses his double' --

that is, he casts no shadow and his image cannot be

seen in a mirror. [DOS]]


dick ('lusty dick')


dionysus (bacchus, liber)

In classical mythology, the god of wine and fertility. His cult

was widespread in Thrace, where the Thracian women were

particularly dedicated to his orgiastic rites. The womenk,

Maenads, in their ecstatic frenzy, abandoned their homes,

roamed the fields and hillsides, dancing, swinging their

flaming torches. In their passion they caught and tore apart

animals, sometimes even children, and devoured the flesh,

thus acquiring communion with the divinity. Dionysus

himself at times appeared to them in the form of some

animal, usually a bull. Celebrations, of a milder type, were

also held on Mount Parnassus.

In the mystic cult, Dionysus was associated with the Lower

Regions. This cult became highly popular in Hellenistic and

later on in Roman times. The cult of Dionysus as practiced

by his devotees is presented dramatically in Euripides'

tragedy "The Bacchae_.

Modern scholars surmise that memories of the cult of

Dionysus survived and influenced the Sabbat. In animal

form, the Greek deity sometimes appeared as a goat. At

Eleutherai he was called Malanaigis, 'he with the black

goatskin.' Like other fertility deities, he was associated

with the underworld. He was attended by satyrs, lustful

goat-spirits, for whom he served as the object of orgiastic

rites. [DOS]

dis/dis pater

In Roman religion, an underworld deity, identical with

the Greek God Pluto. His worship was introduced into

Rome with that of Proserpina in 249 B.C. He is also called

*Dis pater*.

The Celts claimed descent from Dis. In Norse mythology

Dis is a generic title referring to any of several super-

natural beings, including the Valkkyries, Norns, and

tutelary spirits. The Slavs, like the Celts and the Teutons,

revered an evil demon much like the three-faced one

portrayed by Dante as Dis: a red face in the middle, a

whitish-yellow face on the right side, and a black face on

the left side. Dis recalls the three-headed hoar-giant of

the Edda, Hrim-Grimnir, as well as Triglaf, the Slavic

deity. [DOS]





The Devil's accomplice. Dogs are also faithful companions

of necromancers. The Devil assumes the shape of a dog to

help the necromancer without arousing suspicion, but his

presence is betrayed by his black hair. Early magicians

believed that demons appeared as dogs. Plutarch relates

that a black dog came to Cimon to announce his impending

death. Early Christians drove dogs away from their

churches. The Furies were called the dogs of hell, and

black dogs in ancient times were sacrificed to infernal

deities. [DOS]


The patron demon of terror and trembling. Dommiel ...

guards the gates of Hell. (Incidentally, there are no keys

for Dommiel to hold because the gates of Hell are open

twenty-four hours a day and are *never* locked. [TD]



dragon of revelation

A group of Waldensians near Turin were accused in 1388

of worshiping the Great Dragon of Revelation. More

powerful than God, he was said to have created the earth. [DOS]




The Guardian of Egypt during the Hebrew exodus, Dumah was

the angel of the "silence of death." He is one of the

seven princes of Hell. [TD]



Demons accused by the Gauls of copulating frequently with

women. [DOS]


Demons abiding in caves and woods. They are mentioned in

the writings of St. Augustine. See Duses. [DOS]




eblis [see Iblis?]




Celtic god of darkness, one of the evil Formors. [DAD]



...a Great Duke, and appeareth in the form of a goodly Knight,

carrying a Lance, an Ensign, and a Serpent. He discovereth

hidden things, and knoweth things to come; and of Wars,

and how the Soldiers will or shall meet. He causeth the

Love of Lords and Great Persons. He governeth 60 Legions

of Spirits. [GAC15]



One of the Nine Mystic Names used to summon demons.


One of the Nine Mystic Names used to summon demons.


One of the Nine Mystic Names used to summon demons. [DOS]]


In Japanese folklore, the chief judge of the Hell. He presides

over Meifu, the dark tribunal. [DOS]


["Enoch, Book of_

A collection of parts of many works by Pharisaic writers in

Palestine and Hellenistic Jews in Egypt. The Book of Enoch

is the source quoted by the first Fathers who sought the

origin of demons. Written in the first and second

centuries B.C., the First Book survives through Ethiopic,

Greek, and Latin versions. The Second Book, written about

the beginning of the Christian era, survives only in a

Slavonic version. The Book of Enoch led the Fathers to the

conclusion that evil angels, seduced by their own passions,

copulated with the sons of men and produced giant

demons. See Book of Enoch. [DOS]]



Son of Chaos, guardian of the darknesses

surrounding Tartarus. [DAD]


In the Sumero-Akkadian pantheon, Ereshkigal is 'lady of

the great place' (queen of the underworld). In Sumerian

texts, she is said to reign in her palace, ever on guard

over the fount of life. The evil demon, Death, is her

offspring and servant. [DOS]







In Greek mythology, a dark, cannibalistic demon.

Pausanias identifies the demon as one who 'eats off all

the flesh of corpses' and describes Polygnotus' painting

of him in these terms: 'He is of a color between blue

and black, like that of meatflies; he is showing his

teeth and is seated; under him is spread a vultur's skin. [DOS]


A minor devil, he was of the Order of Angels when he fell

and is that much closer to humanity. Therefore, he finds

it relatively easy to dwell with mortals. It was Exael

who taught men how to make machines of war and to fashion

jewelry from silver and gold. He may have played a role

in the development of the perfume industry. [TD]





[fallen angels

During the patristic period, apocryphal scriptures,

particularly the Book of Enoch, had considerable

influence on the concept of demons. Justin Martyr,

Tertullian, Cyprian, and others held that the demons

were the sons of the fallen angels and human

mothers. See Azazel, Lucibel, Semiazas. [DOS]]


Attendant demons attached to a witch. They

sometimes assumed the shape of a human being

but appeared more frequently as animals: goats,

lizards, ferrets, moles, birds, dogs, apes. They are

identified by names in demonologically writings:

Phrin, Rapho, Robin, Zewuiel.... [DOS]]


Afrasiab, identified by the Scythians with Ahriman,

probably was known by the Turanians as

Farrusarrabba. [DOS]

father of lies

A name given to the Devil (John 8:44). [DOS]


Whether legendary or real, Faust is the prototype of

the man who has sold his soul to the Devil in

exchange for youth and honors. He practiced magic

in Prague, invoked spirits in Wittemberg, and

claimed to have ridden through Hell astride

Belzebuth. He performed miraculous cures, flew

through the air, was cursed by Luther, and was

imprisoned. At the end of the pact, the Devil

caused him to suffer a horrible death. Afterwards

he appeared several times to his faithful servant

Christopher Wagner. [DOS]]



In Norse mythology, a treacherous wolf, the off-

spring of Loki and Angerbotha. [DOS]

flauros (see haures)


The name by which the Devil is called in the

"Lemegeton_, where he appears as a man with wings. [DOS]]


He is a Mighty Duke and Strong. He appeareth in the

Form of a Man with Gryphon's Wings. His office is to

slay Men, and to drown them in the Waters, and to

overthrow Ships of War, for he hath Power over both

Winds and Seas.... He also hath hopes to return to the

Seventh Throne after 1,000 years. He governeth 30

Legions of Spirits. [GAC41]


He is a Mighty President, and appeareth in the Form of

a Strong Man in Human Shape. He can give the under-

standing to Men how they may know the Virtues of all

Herbs and Precious Stones. He teacheth the Arts of Logic

and Ethics in all their parts. If desired he maketh men

invisible, and to live long, and to be eloquent. He can

discover Treasures and recover things Lost. He ruleth

over 29 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC31]


In medieval demonology, the grand president of

Hell. He commands twenty-nine legions, appears

in the shape of a robust, white-haired man, and

teaches logic, rhetoric, and other subjects. [DOS]


He is a Knight, and appeareth in the Form of a Cruel

Old Man with a long Beard and a hoary Head, riding

upon a pale-coloured Horse, with a Sharp Weapon in

his hand. His Office is to teach the Arts of Philosophy,

Astrology, Rhetoric, Logic, Cheiromancy, and

Pyromancy, in all their parts, and perfectly. He hath

under his Power 20 Legions of Spirits. [GAC50]


A senator in Hell, Forcas spends his infernal days

teaching rhetoric, logic, and mathematics. He is master

of the Devil's stables and can render objects invisible

at will. When invoked, he can help find lost objects.




He is a Mighty and Great Marquis, and appeareth in the

Form of a Great Sea-Monster. He teacheth, and maketh

men wonderfully knowing in the Art of Rhetoric. He

causeth men to have a Good Name, and to have the

knowledge and understanding of Tongues. He maketh

one to be beloved of his Foes as well as of his Friends.

He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits, partly of the Order

of Thrones, and partly of that of Angels. [GAC30]



One of the demons who can be invoked by mortals.

He can be summoned only between nine and ten

o'clock on Tuesday night. He requires as a pledge

the first pebble that a conjurer has found during

the day. [DOS]


A murderous fallen angel once of the Order of Thrones,

Furcalor enjoys sinking warships. He appears as a

human with the wings of a griffin. [TD]

furcas (see forcas)


Count of Hell. He reveals himself as an angel or a

winged stag with human arms and a flaming tail.

He commands twenty-six legions and controls

storms. He lies unless confined in a magic triangle. [DOS]


He is a Great and Mighty Earl, appearing in the Form of

an Hart with a Fiery Tail. He never speaketh truth unless

he be compelled, or brought up within a triangle.... Being

therein, he will take upon himself the Form of an Angel.

Being bidden, he speaketh with a hoarse voice. Also he

will wittingly urge Love between Man and Woman. He

can raise Lightnings and Thunders, Blasts, and Great

Tempestuous Storms. And he giveth True Answers both

of Things Secret and Divine, if commanded. He ruleth

26 Legions of Spirits. [GAC34]




He is a Great President and a Mighty Prince. He appeareth

when the Sun is in some of the Southern Signs, in a Human

Shape, going before Four Great and Mighty Kings, as if he

were a Guide to conduct them along their way. His Office

is to make men Insensible or Ignorant; as also in Philosophy

to make them Knowing, and in all the Liberal Sciences. He

can cause Love or Hatred, also he can teach thee to conse-

crate those things that belong to the Dominion of AMAYMON

his King. He can deliver Familiars out of the Custody of

other Magicians, and answereth truly and perfectly of things

Past, Present, and to Come. He can carry and re-carry men

very speedily from one Kingdom to another, at the Will and

Pleasure of the Exorcist. He ruleth over 66 Legions of Spirits,

and he was of the Order of Potentates. [GAC33]


Governor of the southern region of the Pit, Gaap rules

sixty-six legions of demons. He manifests himself as a

human sporting huge bat wings. [TD]




gamigin (see samigina)


He is a Duke Strong and Powerful, and appeareth in the Form

of a Beautiful Woman, with a Duchess's Crown tied about her

waist, and riding on a Great Camel. His Office is to tell of all

Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and

what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both

Young and Old. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. [GAC56]







[Gide, Andre

French writer, author of the Satanilc text "Les Caves of

du Vatican". Andre Gide (1869-1951) presented his

theory of the "gratuitous crime" in "The Caves of the

Vatican" (1913). His diabolic theory is illustrated by

the crime committed by the hero, Lafcadio. Gide

admitted in his last work that 'If I believed in the

Devil... I would say that I have a pact with him.' He

popularized the notion that no work of art is possible

without the Devil's collaboration. [DOS]]




One of the seventy-two devils listed in the "Lemegeton_.

He teaches all of the arts and sciences, but also incites

murder; One of the three demons who serve in Nebiros,

field marshal and inspector general of Hell. [DOS]


He is a mighty President and Earl, and showeth himself

in the form of a Dog with Wings like a Gryphon. He

teaches all Arts and Sciences in an instant, and is an

Author of Bloodshed and Manslaughter. He teacheth all

things Past, and to Come. If desireth he causeth love both

of Friends and of Foes. He can make a Man to g Invisible.

And he hath under his command 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC25]



According to popular legend, the Devil's creation, symbolic

of lechery. The goat in medieval folklore appears as the

symbol of Judaism and the Jewish God. The goat's beard

or goatee, a supposedly characteristic features of the

Jewish physiognomy, was also considered to be a physical

token of the Jew's Satanism. The Devil, frequently

represented as having goat's horns, often took the form

of a goat. In this shape he was worshiped by his

devotees, who often sacrificed a goat to him.

Satan appears at the Sabbat in diverse forms, but as the

Devil himself and as Leonard, patron of witches and

wizards, he appears in the form of a three-horned goat.

The middle horn serves as a torch to illuminate the

area. The sight of the black-crowned beast inspires

terror. His long tail covers a face-like rump on which

the faithful bestow their kisses. [DOS]]

god (of: evil, darkness, night, this world, death, the dead,

the underworld)

gong gong


grand architect

grand bois

(Big Woods). Haitian master of the forests of the

night. [DAD]

great below

great dragon

gremory (see gamori)


Once a prince in the Order of Thrones, the lecherous

Gressil now tempts men with impurity and slothfulness.



A magician's handbook. Medieval grimoires were

falsely attributed to Solomon, Alexander the Great,

and Hippocrates. See black books. [DOS]]

[grimoire of honorius

One of the most diabolical handbooks on magic ever

written. It overflows with impassioned appeals to

God and pious statements, yet prescribes the most

ruthless steps for summoning the Devil: slaughtering

a lamb, tearing out the eyes of a black cock, etc. The

grimoire probably dates from the sixteenth century.

It was first published in Rome in 1670. [DOS]]

[grimoirium verum

An eighteenth-century French grimoire based on the

"Key of Solomon_. It purports to have been published

by Alibeck the Egyptian in 1517. [DOS]]


...a great and strong Duke.... He appeareth like a Xenopilus.

He telleth all things Past, Present, and to Come, and showeth

the meaning and resolution of all questions thou mayest

ask. He conciliateth and reconcileth friendships, and giveth

Honour and Dignity unto any. He ruleth over 40 Legions of

Spirits. [GAC11]







He is a President, appearing in the Form of a Mighty

Bull with Gryphon's Wings. This is at first, but after,

at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human

Shape. His Office is to make Men wise, and to instruct

them in divers things; also to Transmute all Metals

into Gold; and to change Wine into Water, and Water

into Wine. He governeth 33 Legions of Spirits. [GAC48]


Duke of Hell. He has three heads: that of a cat, man,

and snake. He sits astride a viper, holding a torch.

He commands twenty-six legions and is the demon of

holocausts. [DOS]




He is a Great Earl, and appeareth in the Form of a Stock-

Dove. He speaketh with a hoarse Voice. His Office is to

build up Towers, and to furnish them with Ammunition

and Weapons, and to send Men-of-War to places

appointed. He ruleth over 26 Legions of Spirits. [GAC38]



hanty penyardin





harry ('old harry')



Dangerous goddess at twilight and dawn in Polynesia. [DAD]


He is a Great Duke, and appeareth at first like a

Leopard, Mighty, and Terrible, and Strong, but after

a while, at the Command of the Exorcist, he putteth

on Human Shape with Eyes Flaming and Fiery, and

a most Terrible Countenance. He giveth True

Answers of all things, Present, Past, and to Come....

He will, lastly, talk of the Creation of the World,

and of Divinity, and of how he and other Spirits

fell. He destroyeth and burneth up those who be

the Enemies of the Exorcist should he desireth it;

also he will not suffer him to be tempted by any

other Spirit or otherwise. He governeth 36

Legions of Spirits. [GAC64]


One of the seventy-two devils King Solomon shut up in a

brass vessel and threw into a lake, Haurus is a leader in

Hell and is able to divine the truth about events

occurring in the past or future. He may take the form of

a leopard, a human, or some combination of both. [TD]


In classical mythology, a triple goddess, patroness of

witchcraft. She is mentioned by Hesiod, the Greek

poet. She is depicted as being accompanied by the

souls of the dead. Dogs howl at her approach. Her

statues were in three forms: as Selene, the moon, in

heaven; as Artemis, the huntress, on earth; and as

Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. Her name is

associated with sinister rites and sacrifices. Her

emissaries were a ghastly ghoul called Mormo and

Empusa. [DOS]]


In Norse mythology, the daughter of Loki. She was the

goddess of death and presided over the underworld in

Neiflheim {??}. [DOS]


A stone used in demonic offerings in occult rites. [DOS]]


In Norse mythology, the realm of Hel (Hela), goddess of

the underworld. The dark, misty region is encircled by

the river Gjoll. [DOS]]



One of the names of the divine patron of witchcraft.

Herodias was the enemy of John the Baptist. Burchard,

Bishop of Worms, says that the pagan goddess of the

night-riders of the Middle Ages was also called Herodias

and Holda. John of Salsbury says that the ignorant

believed that the Queen of Night or Herodias summed

them to meetings by night. [DOS]



[hierarchy of demons

According to "The Key of Solomon_, the three principal

infernal spirits are Lucifer, Beelzebub, and Astorath.

They are, respectively, Emperor, Prime Minister, and

Grand Duke. After them come the superior spirits that are

subject to them: Lucifuge, Prime Minister; Satanachia,

Grand General; Agaliarept, Grand General; Fleuretty,

Lieutenant General; Sargatanas, Brigadier; and Nebiros,

Field Marshal. They have at their command millions of

lower spirits in addition to the eighteen spirits immediately

subordinate to themselves; Bael, Agares, Marbas, Pruslas,

Aamon, Barbatos, Buer, Gusoyn, Botis, Bathim, Pursan,

Abigar, Loray, Valefar, Forau, Ayperos, Nuberus, and

Glasyabolas. [DOS]]

[hierarchy of hell

John Weir's complete hiearchy of hell includes the supreme

chieftain, Beelzebuth; Satan, who occupies second place;

Euronymous, Prince of Death; Moloch, Prince of the Land of

Tears; Pluto, Prince of Fire; Baalberith, Proserpine, Astaroth,

Adramelek, Nergal, Chamos, Melchom, Behemoth, and Dagon;

Baal, Commander of the Armies of Hell; Lucifer, who

dispenses justice; Asmodeus, who is in charge of the

gambling-houses; the Antichrist, reduced to a mime and

juggler; and demonic ambassadors to England (Mammon),

Turkey (Belial), Russia (Rimon), and Spain (Thamuz). [DOS]]


[according to Weir] (who wrote in the sixteenth

century)..., Hell [has] 66 princes, each commanding

6,666 legions, each legion comprising 6,666 devils.

That would amount to about half the world's

population in his time. This looks suspiciously like

a riff on the number of the Beast of The

Apocalypse, 666, which some cabalists say is 600

(false religion), 60 (greed), and 6 (this world). [DAD]



hmin nat


One of the names of the Queen of Night, the divine patron

of witchcraft. She was originally a Teutonic goddess. [DOS]


In Norse mythology, the god of death. He causes sickness

and disaster. He drags men into his cave, where he

tortures them. [DOS]


A patron devil of musical discord, he blows the trumpet

to gather the ministry of Hell together. [TD]

horny ('old horny')


In Canaanite religion, the deity who presides over death.

Identified with Mot. [DOS]


The three-headed hoar-giant of the Edda. He lives

at the door of death. [DOS]



A demon who takes pleasure in conversing with men and

doing them favors. [DOS]





In alchemy, the demiurge who lies captive in the

darkness of matter. He is that part of the deity

that has been swallowed up in his own creation,

the dark god who reverts to his original state of

luminosity in the mystery of the alchemical

transmutation. In Hebrew legend, he is the

supreme archon. The Hebrew word menas 'child

of chaos' and suggests a parallel between

Ialdabaoth and Baal, Kronos, and Saturn. In the

writings of the Gnostics, he is the evil spirit who

created the Lower World. [DOS]



The Devil of Islam. According to the sacred book

of the Yezidi, the Book of Revelation and the Black

Book, Iblis is a fallen archangel. He damned himself

because of his exclusive love of th idea of divinity.

God pardoned him and entrusted to him the govern-

ment of the world and the oversight of souls. The

minister of God, called Malak Tawus or 'Peacock Angel,'

is deemed worthy of adoration by the so-called 'Devil-

Worshippers.' [DOS]



ik ('ik)


Causes headaches and other ills, say the Cunas of

Panama. [DAD]


ils ('ils)


Imamaih oversees voyages and can be invoked to

destroy and humiliate enemies. [TD]



An evil spirit supposed to lie upon sleeping women and

have intercourse with them. According to a papal bull

issued by Pope Inncent [VIII] in 1484:

Many persons of both sexes, forgetful of their

own salvation, have abused incubi and succubi.

Some Church Fathers maintain that an incubus is an angel

whose lust for women brought about his fall. He

corresponds to the succubus who appears to men. When

associated with a particular witch, both are known as

familiars. The incubus is called by other names: *follet*

(French), *alp* (German), *folleto* (Italian), *duende*

(Spanish). [DOS]


An incubus (*incubo*), nightmare, from *incubare*, to

lie upon, weigh down, brood) is a demon who has sexual

intercourse with women in the form of a man during

sleep. As the Latin root suggests, it was linked with the

oppression and difficulty of breathing that often

accompany nightmares, and is in fact caused by the

substance of spirits interacting with the human body.....

This belief is very ancient.

Though, indeed, the wise Egyptians do not

plausibly make the distinction, that it may

be possible for a divine spirit so to apply

itself to the nature of a woman, as to

inbreed in her the first beginnings of

generation, while on the other side they

conclude it impossible for the male kind

to have any intercourse or mixture by the

body with any divinity, not considering,

however, that what takes place on the one

side must also take place on the other;

intermixture, by force of terms, is

reciprocal. (Plutarch "Numa Pompilius."

In "Lives_ {Dryden, 77})

The offspring of such unions, among them Merlin

and the future Antichrist, are called *Adamitici*,

"and they say that in their infancy such children

cry day and night, and are heavy but emaciated,

and yet can suck five nurses dry. ... Others, on the

other hand, claim superhuman powers for such

children, and assert that they possess some

attributes of divinity ..." (Remy {1595} 1930,

1:7:20). [TBO]]



[invocation of a demon

Among the ancient formulas for invoking demons are

these: Palas aron azinomas; Bagahi Iaca Bachabe; and

utteranc of the nine divine and mystic names -- Eheieh,

Iod, Tetragrammaton Elohim, El, Elohim Gibor, Eloah

Va-Daath, El Adonai Tzabaoth, Elohim Tzabaoth,

Shaddai. [DOS]]



He is an Earl, and a Mighty Prince, and appeareth in the

form of an Angel with a Lion's Head, and a Goose's Foot,

and a Hare's Tail. He knoweth all things Past, Present,

and to Come. He maketh men witty and bold. He

governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC22]



Because meteoric iron was used by man long before it

was smelted, iron can be used effectively against demons.

Since it first came from the heavens, demons fear it. [DOS]]






Aztec god that brought earthquakes, cold,

destruction. [DAD]



In Maya religion, the goddess of suicides. She is an evil

spirit, seducing and killing men at crossroads. [DOS]












Demon of Falsehoods. [DAD]


Among the heathen Arabs, a demon representing one

of the hostile forces of nature. To Moslems jinn (the

plural form of jinni) may be either good or evil super-

natural beings. Solomon is supposed to have possessed

a magic ring which gave him power over the jinn. [DOS]]











kalee (see kali)


kali/kalee (also see cali)



Guards animals but also brings death to the world, say

the Yupas of Panama. [DAD]

karuiles siunes



Name of the 'fifth Satan' who taught men the secrets of

destruction (I Enoch 69:12). [DOS]


The Incan god of the underworld. Also known as Illapa. [DOS]









kerberos (see cerberus)


["Key of Solomon_

The Most famous grimoire, or handbook of magic, ever

written. It exists in many versions in various

languages. Josephus referred in the first century A.D.

to a book supposedly written by Solomon and

containing incantations for summoning evil spirits.

Legend holds that the magic manual was composed

by devils and hidden under Solomon's throne. A

Greek version of the manual, preserved in the British

Museum, may date back to the twelfth century. Most

versions, in French or Latin, date from the eighteenth

century. Aleister Crowley edited, translated and --

unfortunately -- bowlderdized the work. [DOS]]

kimaris (see cimejes)



Entertainment Director of Hell, patron of comedians. [DAD]


The dramatist and manager of the infernal theater, Kobal

tempts men with pretense and fraud. [TD]



koschei ('koschei the deathless')


koyote (see coyote?)














lature dano





A four-part handbook on magic, also called "Lesser

Key of Solomon, written before 1500. The origin and

meaning of the term are obscure. The four parts of

the work are Goetia, Theurgia Goetia, the Pauline Art,

and the Almadel. [DOS]]


Inspector-General of Black Magic Sorcery, The Great

Negro of the witches' sabbats as a giant black goat.

In Germany, *Urian*.


He is an Marquis Great in Power, showing himself in the

likeness of an Archer clad in Green, and carrying a Bow

and Quiver. He causeth all great Battles and Contests;

and maketh wounds to putrefy that are made with

Arrows by Archers. This belongeth to Sagittary. He

governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC14]



The leader of the heretics, according to Balberith's

account. He tempts men with sins directly repugnant

to the Christian faith. His adversary is Peter the Apostle.

In rabbinical tradition he is a demon who appeared in

his masculine incarnation as Samuel (Salamiel) and

seduced Eve, then in his feminine incarnation as Lilith

and seduced Adam. [DOS]


The admiral of the Devil's navy, Leviathan is depicted

in the Bible (Isaiah 27:I) as the primordial she- (or

he-) dragon of the sea. Created with Behemoth on the

fifth day, these two gargantuan devils devour damned

souls. Leviathan has hordes of water demons, sprites,

and nymphs to do his bidding. On Judgment Day, all but

the saved will be swallowed by this sea monster. [TD]



lilith (see also lilitu)

The ancient Jews believed that Lilith bore Adam many

children before she abandoned him for the demon

Samael. The first she-demon in human history, she is

supposed to have hated Eve's children and their

descendants. When sons were born, superstitious Jews

displayed cards on which was written, 'Adam and Eve,

enter here; Lilith, remain outside.' [DOS]


Although Lilith was not an angel, she was directly

created by God. The Devil's consort, the Queen of Hell,

and the daughter of night, Lilith is a holy terror.

Driven by an insatiable hunger of envy, Lilith stalks

the world by night raping men in their sleep and sucking

their blood, or stealing their newborn children from

their cribs and eating them. According to ancient Hebrew

beliefs, God created Lilith to be Adam's first wife; but

he made them unequal, connected back-to-back like

Siamese twins. When they argued incessantly, God decided

to split them into individual people, but this did not

do. Lilith hated being a housewife under her husband's

thumb all the time. She questioned masculine supremacy

and was not a big fan of the missionary position, which

was what Adam (and one surmises, God) preferred in their

sexual relations.


Lilith ran away with a band of demons, with whom she

spawned a generation of evil creatures called Lilin

or Lilis, often depicted as owls. Owls were considered

to be evil birds of night that could not look directly

at light. As bad as she was, Adam missed her and

complained of his loneliness to his maker. God created

Eve (from Adam's rib, lest there be any lingering

question who was dominant) and sent three angels --

Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangalef -- to fetch Lilith.

They found her with her vile prgenjy and demanded she

return, but she would not. As punishment, God decreed

she be banished and that all of her children die in

infancy. Lilith grew despondent and went to throw

herself into the Red Sea. The three angels were

genuinely moved by Lilith's despair and compensated

her with power over newborn boys for the first eight

days of their lives, the first twenty days for newborn

girls. Lilith in return promised not to harm children

who had the three angels' names written anywhere near



Alone outside of Paradise, Lilith happened upon another

creature divorced from God, the Devil, who in the

Talmud legend takes the name of Sammael. Bound by their

mutual hatred of humanity, Sammael and Lilith spawned

a generation of devils and wicked creatures. Some

beliefs claim it was Sammael and Lilith who plotted the

downfall of mankind in Eden. In many artistic repre-

sentations, the serpent is actually Lilith, not Satan.

In others, Satan seduces Eve while Lilith works her

charm on Adam, and it is all euphemized in the idea of

tasting forbidden fruit. While many cultures revile

Lilith as the epitome of evil femininity, in others

she has come to represent the fight for women's equality

and free sensuality. In the Talmud, it is not Lilith's

hatred for babies that drives her into nurseries, but

her love of them. Barren for eternity, she longs to

press a warm baby against her breast. According to the

same belief, if a baby smiles during the Sabbath,

Lilith is amusing it. [TD]

lilitu (see also lilith)




One of three demons serving Sargatanas, brigadier

general of the legions of Hell. [DOS]

lord of hell, seducer of mankind

lord of the flies (beelzebub)

lord of the underworld

lordly monarch of the north


Babylonian god of pestilence and disease. [DOS]


The Book of Isaiah (14:12-15) describes Lucifer and

foretells his destiny: 'How art thou fallen from Heaven,

O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? How art thou

fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations? ...

And thou saidst in thy heart: I will... exalt my throne

above the stars of God.... But yet thou shall be brought

down to hell, into the bottom of the pit.' Origen and

many of his successors affirmed that Lucifer, once a

heavenly spirit, had been cast into the pit of hell

because he tried to make himself the equal of God.

Thus they identified Satan, the adversary, with Lucifer,

'the bringer of light.'

Christ said (Luke 10:18): 'I saw Satan like lightning

falling from Heaven.' The Latin name Lucifer is a

translation of the Greek Hebrew word *Helel*, referring

to the morning and evening star and meaning light-

bearer.' Thus Lucifer is identified with Satan, the

archangel who rebelled against God.

In demonology, Lucifer is emperor of the infernal

spirits. He tempts men by appealing to their pride

and selfish interests. As one of the popular acid rock

groups [black Sabbath] phrases it, 'your for me {Lucifer}

has just got to be real,' for it has endured through time. [DOS]


Prime Minister of the infernal spirits. He commands

three subordinate spirits: Ba�l, Agares, and Marbas.

Also known as Lucifuge Rofocale, he has power

assigned to him by Lucifer over all the treasures of

the world. [DOS]

lusty dick





[magic circle

A diagram drawn around an object or a person prior

to a magic operation. The circle, drawn around the

karcist with a new sword, symbolizes the separation

of the wizard from the infernal powers. Honi Ha

Me'agel, a first-century Hebrew magician, was known

as the circle drawer because he often stood within

the magic circle and produced rain. Reginald Scot's

"Discoverie of Witchcraft_ (1584) offered this advice:

As for the places of Magical Cirlces, they are to

be chosen melancholy, doleful, dark and lonely;

either in Woods or Deserts, or in a place where

three ways meet, or amongst ruins of Castles,

Abbeys, Monasteries, etc., or upon the Seashore

when the Moon shines clear, or else in some

large Parlor hung with black..., with doors and

windows closely shut, and waxen candles

lighted. [DOS]]


Demons collaborate with magicians, according to

Tertullian, Origen, and Bossuet. Magicians were

excommunicated by the Councils of Agde (506),

Orl�ans (511), Narbonne (589), Reims (625), Tours

(813), Paris (829), Angers (1294), Cologne (1357),

and Rouen (1445). [DOS]]

["Magick in Theory and Practice_

One of the best books ever written on the subject

of magic. It was published in 1929 by Aleister

Crowley, the self-styled 'Great Beast'. [DOS]]

[magic manuals

Legend holds that the devils composed several

handbooks on magic and hid them under Solomon's

throne. After his death, they urged his courtiers to

dig under his throne to learn how he had secured

control over men, spirits, and the wind. According

to the Koran:

And they followed the device which the

devils devised against the kingdom of Solomon;

and Solomon was not an unbeliever; but the

devils believed not, they taught men sorcery. [DOS]]





Grand president of Hell. He commands forty legions.

He appears as a crow and often deceives those who

make sacrifices to him. He builds impregnable

fortresses and easily storms enemy ramparts. [DOS]


He appeareth at first like a Crow, but after he will put

on Human Shape at the request of the Exorcist, and

speak with a a hoarse Voice. He is a Mighty President

and Powerful. He can build Houses and High Towers,

and can bring to thy Knowledge Enemies' Desires and

Thoughts, and that which they have done. He giveth

Good Familiars.... He governeth 40 Legions of Spirits. [GAC39]

malthas/malthus (see halphas)




From *mamoona*, the Aramaic word for "riches."

It occurs only in the New Testament, where it is

almost personified (Luke 16:13). The personification

was completed in the 14th-16th centuries, when

Mammon became the demon of covetousness. [TBO]


The devil of avarice, Mammon is a special ambassador to

England. His supreme wickedness puts him on the same

level as Satan, Beelzebub, and, in some legends, Lucifer

himself. Mammon tempts men to covet belongings. He is so

stooped with the weight from his fall that he cannot

stand erect and spends his days staring at the ground. [TD]






Evil spirit of the night in New Guinea.



He is a Great Earl and President. He appeareth like a

great Bull with a Man's face. His office is to make Men

very knowing in Astronomy, and all other Liberal

Sciences; also he can give good Familiars, and wise,

knowing the virtues of Herbs and Stones which be

precious. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC21]


One of the three demons in the service of Lucifuge,

prime minister of Lucifer. [DOS]


He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the

form of a Great Lion, but afterwards, at the request

of the Master, he putteth on Human Shape. He answereth

truly of things Hidden or Secret. He causeth Diseases and

cureth them. Again, he giveth great Wisdom and

Knowledge in Mechanical Arts; and can change men into

other shapes. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC05]



He is a Great and Mighty Marquis, appearing at first in the

Form of a Wolf having Gryphon's Wings, and a Serpent's

Tail, and Vomiting Fire out of his mouth. But after a time,

at the command of the Exorcist he putteth on the Shape of

a Man. And he is a strong fighter. He was of the Order of

Dominations. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. He told

Chief, who was Solomon, that after 1,200 years he had

hopes to return unto the Seventh Throne. [GAC35]






In pre-Christian literature Mastema is frequently

identified as an evil prince. In apocalyptic writings,

the word designates the cosmic power of evil,

identified with the evil impulse in man and with

death. According to the Book of Jubilees, written

before 96 B.C., he is the chief of the evil spirits

resulting from the union of the fallen angels and

mortals. After God intervened, he remained in

control of one-tenth of the fallen angels 'in order

that they might continue to serve Satan on Earth.'

He counseled God to test Abraham. In Egypt he

aided the sorcerers who opposed Moses. [DOS]


This rebel angel is the accusing angel of Hebrew

mythology. He is the executioner who slaughtered the

firstborn of Egypt and who tried, unsuccessfully, to

murder Moses. [TD]





In Japanese folklore, the dark tribunal, presided

over by Emma[-O], the stern judge. [DOS]


Treasurer of the House of the Princes of Hell. [DAD]


melek taus

The Devil, chief of the angelic hosts, according

to the Yezidis. [DOS]


Name of the demon with whom Faust signed a

pact. The name may be a faulty Greek rendering

of Lucifuge, 'Fly the light'. [DOS]


The destroyer and prince of deceit, Mephistopheles is a

smooth character with an engaging wit and a polished

manner. Due to his uniquely entertaining repartee, he is,

on occasion, allowed an audience with God. Because of his

dashing ways, he is often sent by the Devil to tempt

modern humans to sell their souls. [TD]




Prince of Pestilence. [DAD]


meslamtaea (nergal)

A cthonian god in the Sumerian pantheon. His

temple in Cuthah, called 'He Who Issues from

Meslam,' indicates that he may have been a tree

god originally. The son of Enlil and Ninlil, he

appears in hymns as a warrior. As Nergal, he is

ruler of the underworld and husband of

Ereshkigal. [DOS]

[mesopotamian demons

The fear of demons perpetually overshadowed

the daily lives of the Semitic tribes dwelling in

Mesopotamia. Mesopotamian art abounds in

representations of terrifying demons, commonly

with human bodies and animal heads. Man was

regarded as practically defenseless against countless

malevolent spirits capable of assuming any shape

and moving unseen from place to place. They

preferred ruins and desolate places. Some were

the ghosts of the unburied and vengeful dead;

others emerged from beneath the earth. The one

most feared was perhaps the lion-headed fever

demon. [DOS]


[michaelis, sebastien

In his "Histoire admirable de las possession et

conversion d'une penitente" (1613) Father

Michaelis lists three hierarchies of demons;

(1) Belzebuth, Leviathan, Asmodeus, Balberith,

Astaroth, Verrin, Gresil, Sonnillon; (2) Carreau,

Carnivean, Oeillet, Rosier, Verrier; and (3) Belial,

Olivier, Juvart. He ascribes to these demons the

following attributes: Belzebuth tempts through

pride; Leviathan tempts one's faith; Asmodeus

tempts through luxury; Balberith suggests

blasphemy and homicide; Astaroth tempts through

vanity or laziness; Verrin through impatience;

Gresil through impurity; Sonnillon through hatred;

Carreau tempts without pity; Carnivean tempts

through obscenity; Oeillet tempts against poverty;

Rosier tempts through love; Verrier tempts against

obedience; Belial tempts through arrogance; Olivier

through cruelty and avarice; and Juvart takes

control of different bodies. [DOS]]


Aztec goddess of death, consort of Mictlantecuhtli. [DOS]







minister of god


Described in Canto V of Dante's "Inferno", Minos

assigns sinners to their various tortures in Hell.

He has a long tail that he wraps around himself. [TD]


Misroch is the Devil's cook and inspires hatred

between men. He was originally an angel of the Order

of Principalities and worshipped by the Assyrians.

Misroch has the head of an eagle and was at one time

the guardian of the famed Tree of Immortality, the

fruit of which he uses in his recipes. [TD]

mkha' sgroma

A frightful demon worshiped by Tibetan Buddhists.

The Tibetan goddess, the counterpart of the Hindu

goddess Kali, is represented as a lion-headed monster

surrounded by a halo of flames. [DOS]


A terrifying devil, Moloch serves as the chief of the

army in Hell. He ws once a Canaanite deity, worshipped

by early Semites who sacrificed their firstborn

children in the fires of his temple located just

outside Jerusalem. Moloch's face and hands are smeared

with blood of murdered children and the tears shed by

their grieving mothers.



Demonologists link certain demons with certain months:

January and Belial, February and Leviathan, March and

Satan, April and Astarte, May and Lucifer, June and

Baalberith, July and Belzebuth, August and Astaroth,

September and Thamuz, October and Baal, November

and Hecate, December and Moloch. [DOS]]

morax (see marax)




In Roman religion, the personification of Death. [DOS]


The Canaanite literature unearthed at Ugarit contains

the tale of the struggle between the supreme god Baal

and the sea-god Yam. Baal is slain and brought down

to the kingdom of the dead, ruled by Mot. Baal's dis-

appearance brings life on earth to a standstill until the

warrior-goddess Anat kills Mot, making possible the

return upon earth of Baal and, with him, fertility and


She seizes the god Mot;

With sword she cleaves him...

In fields she sows him. [DOS]


Phoenician god of the dead, identified with Pluto. [DOS]


In the age of the Upanishads, Mrtyu was the name of

the Indian Satan. Later he was called by the derivative

name of Mara. [DOS]


An epithet of Vulcan, also used to name Satan. [DOS]


Servant of the House of Princes, lieutenant to

Leonard. [DAD]


Demon of music, count of Hell. He appears astride a

vulture, shaped like a giant soldier. [DOS]


He is a Great Duke, and an Earl; and appeareth in the

Form of a Warrior riding upon a Gryphon, with a Ducal

Crown upon his Head. There do go before him those his

Ministers with great Trumpets sounding. His Office is

to teach Philosophy perfectly, and to constrain Souls

Deceased to come before the Exorcist to answer those

questions which he may wish to put to them, if desired.

He was partly of the Order of Thrones, and partly of

that of Angels. He now ruleth 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC54]


Iranian demon of eclipses and darkness. [DAD]





In Jewish tradition, a demoness who smothers

newborn children and seduces men in their sleep. [DOS]


Marquis of Hell. He appears in the shape of a crow.

He has a hoarse voice and teaches eloquence and the

fine arts. Also called Gerberus. [DOS]


a most valiant Marquis, and showeth in the form of a

Black Crane fluttering about the Circle, and when he

speaketh it is with a hoarse voice. He maketh men

cunning in all Arts and Sciences, but especially in the

art of Rhetoric. He restoreth lost Dignities and Honours.

He governeth 19 Legions of Spirits. [GAC24]


Marquis of Hell, connected with Cerberus. [DAD]


A name applied to the princess of all the succubi. [DOS]


In magic and witchcraft successful invocation or

exorcism may depend on exact knowledge of a

name. In Egyptian mythology Isis learned by

trickery the secret name of Re. Some people (the

Hindus, for example) try to conceal the names of

their children to protect them against demons. [DOS]]

[names of satan

"Malleus Maleficarum", a fifteenth-century treatise

by Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger, indicates

that Satan may be invoked under several names,

each with a special etymological significance.

As Asmodeus, he is the Creature of Judgement.

As Satan, he becomes the Adversary.

As Behemoth, he is the Beast.

Diabolus, the Devil, signifies two morsels: the

body and the soul, both of which he kills.

Demon connotes Cunning over Blood.

Belial, Without a Master.

Beelzebub, Lord of Flies.

Here are the names by which he is generally known

in various languages:

Arabic: Sheitan

Biblical: Asmodeus (or Belial or Apollyon)

Egyptian: Set

Japanese: O Yama

Persian: Dev

Russian: Tchort

Syriac: B�herit

Welsh: Pwcca. [DOS]


The Devil is a being of infinite forms that has almost

as many names. The word *devil* is derived indirectly

from the Greek word *diabolos*, meaning slanderer,

which appears in ancient Hebrew texts. Devil and Satan

have become synonymous; but Satan comes from the Hebrew

word *satan*, meaning adversary, and he acts as the

opposing angel in the Old Testament. The satan was not

associated with a principle of evil, but with God. In

fact, Satan in the Old Testament was a messenger of

God. Although some strains of religious thought

differentiate between the Devil and Satan as distinct

entities, the Prince of Darkness or any of his peers

will answer to any of the following: Abbadon, Apollyon,

Ascmedai, Asmodeus, Baal, Beelzebub, Belial, Demon,

Devil, Dragon, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mephistopheles,

Sammael, Satan, or Serpent.


Many cultures believed that one risked the possibility

of beckoning the Devil by speaking his neame, so a

host of euphemistic appellations evolved. Of the

several hundred some of the most common are: The Baker

(because he pops sinners in the over to roast), the

Stoker (fueling the fires of Hell), the Poker, Diablo

(Spanish), Diable (Italian), Teufel (German), Tempter,

Old Hairy, Old Horny, Bogeyman, Old Bogie, the

Deceiver of Mankind, Archfiend, Dark Prince, Black

Jack, Horny Jack, Lusty Dick, the Accuser, the Fallen

Star of Morning, the Apostate, the Old Gentleman,

Gentleman Jack, the Black Dog, the Prince of the Pit,

the Potentate of the Pit, and Dickens. [TD]]

namtar (namtaru)

In the Sumerian version of Ereshkigal's descent to the

underworld, Namtar is the offspring and servant of

the guardian of the fount of life. He is the evil demon,

Death. He uses the sixty diseases under his charge to

bring death to mankind. Namtar is also a Sumerian

word designating fate, similar to classical Moira. [DOS]



naphula (see vapula)


nature ('human nature'; 'wild nature')


According to the Gnostics and the Albigenses, nature

is the work of the accursed angels; matter is evil,

Medieval Christians considered nature to be under

Satan's power, following man's original sin. They

assumed that nature was possessed of devils, and

that the spirit of Satan pervaded and subjugated

the material world. [DOS]]



Field Marshal of the infernal spirits. He has command

over Aperos, Naberus, and Glasyabolas. He has power

to inflict harm on whomever he wishes, to teach the

properties of things, and to predict the future. [DOS]







nergal/nergel (see also meslamtaea)

The Sumerian god of the Lower Regions, husband of

Ereshkigal. He may be equated with the Greek god

Pluto, who ruled the Underworld. Nergal, like the

Biblical Satan, originally dwelt in heaven. [DOS]


Chief of Secret Police of Hell, a second-order demon,

married to Allotu. [DAD]


nick ('old nick'; nekker)

night ('father of the night'; 'queen of the night')





[nine mystic names

The medieval grimoire "Key of Solomon_ lists nine

mystic names to be used in summoning demons:

Ehieh, Iod, Tetragrammaton Elohim, El, Elohim

Gibor, Eloah Va-Daath, El Adonai Tzabaoth, Elohim

Tzabaoth, Shaddai. [DOS]



In Hindu mythology, goddess of death. [DOS]

nisroch (see misroch)



[number of demons

According to Talmudic tradition, there are 7,405,926

demons. [DOS]]



One of the demons in charge of infernal pleasures. [DOS]


Grand Publicist of the Pleasures of Hell, an inferior

demon. [DAD]


Chief cook in the kitchen of Hell. He presides over the

pleasures of the table. [DOS]


Chief of the House of Princes of Hell, a second-order

demon. [DAD]


Daughter of Chaos, sister and wife of *Erebus*. [DAD]




A cult originated by the Ashanti, who predominated

among the African natives brought to the West Indies.

The chief center of the cult is Jamaica. Claude McKay,

the twentieth-century Jamaican poet, wrote: 'Obeah is

black people's evil God. Of the thousands of native

families, illiterate and literate... there were few indeed

that did not worship and pay tribute to Obi, the god

of Evil....' Its practitioners, called obeah men or

women, rely on sorcery, magic ritual, poisonous herbs,

and fear, in casting spells, locating missing items, and

causing sickness or accidents. [DOS]

Among the items used by the obeah man are blood,

feathers, teeth, grave dirt, rum, egg-shells, cards,

mirrors, camphor, culphur, myrrh, incense, asafoetida,

shells, wooden images, and strangely shaped sticks.

The obeah man is engaged to make love philters,

exorcise evil spirits, inflict harm on a disliked person,

prevent theft, etc. An obeah man who uses incantation

at home may appear in court to influence witnesses,

jury, and judge. [DOS]


A demon named in all ancient Hebraic incantation, used

to banish fever. The fever subsided as the demon's name

was uttered in diminishing size:







Os [DOS]

ochus bochus






old (horny, splitfoot, cloverfoot)

old nick

Colloquial name for the Devil, derived ultimately from Nikker

(Nekker), a Teutonic water sprite whose appearance was

supposed by sailors to forebode death. As a harbinger of

death, he is closely related to the banshee of Irish and Scottish

folklore. Names similarly used for the Devil are Old Harry,

Old Scratch, and Old One. [DOS]

old one

In many primitive religions the Old One is an epithet of the

chief deity, who is generally a creator. In English, the term

designates the Devil. [DOS]

old scratch

A sobriquet of the Devil. It derives from an old Germanic

word meaning goblin or wizard. [DOS]


Once an Archangel, Olivier now encourages mortals to be

cruel and insensitive to the poor. [TD]




Count of Hell. He is an expert in astrology and in

metamorphoses. He carries a serpent in each hand. [DOS]


He is a Great Marquis, and appeareth in the Form of a

Lion {NOTE: Or "with the Face of a Lion."}, riding upon

a Horse Mighty and Strong, with a Serpent's Tail; and

he holdeth in his Right Hand two Great Serpents hissing.

His Office is to teach the Virtues of the Stars, and to

know the Mansions of the Planets, and how to under-

stand their Virtues. He also transformeth MEn, and he

giveth Dignities, Prelacies, and Confirmation thereof;

also Favour with Friends and with Foes. He doth

govern 30 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC59]


Demon of eclipses in Guyana. [DAD]


He is a Great and Mighty Prince, appearing at first like a

Horse; but after the command of the Exorcist he putteth

on the Image of a Man. His Office is to discover all

things Past, Present, and to Come; also to give Dignities,

and Prelacies, and the Favour of Friends and Foes. He

giveth True Answers of Divinity, and of the Creation of

the World. He is very faithful unto the Exorcist, and

will not suffer him to be tempted of any Spirit. He

governeth 20 Legions of Spirits. [GAC55]


A minor demon familiar to the Comte de Corasse and

the Comte de Foix. [DAD]


He is a Great President, and appeareth like a Leopard at

the first, but after a little time, he putteth on the Shape

of a Man. His Office is to make one cunning in the

Liberal Sciences, and to give True Answers of Divine

and Secret Things; also to chnage a Man into any Shape

that the Exorcist pleaseth, so that he that is so changed

will not think any other thing than that he is in

verity that Creature or Thing he is changed into. He

governeth 3 {NOTE: Should probably be 30....} Legions. [GAC57]




The Japanese name of Satan. [DOS]





[pact with the devil

A medieval Grimoire describes the manner of making

a pact with the Devil:

The magician cut a bough of wild hazel that had

not yet produced fruit, with a new knife, at sunrise

Then he brought a bloodstone and two wax candles

to some secluded spot.... With the bloodstone he

traced a triangle on the floor, and placed the

candles by the triangle. A circle was now made

around the triangle. Within the triangle, holding

a hazel wand, the magician uttered his conjuration:

Aglon Tetragram Vaycheon Stimulathon

Erohares Retragsammathon Clyoran Icion

Esistion Existien Eryona Onera Erasyn Moyn

Meffias Soter Emmanuel Saboth Adonai,

I call you. Amen.

See Conjuration.

According to the "Great Key_, attributed to Solomon, to

command the forces of nature one must first learn the

names, qualities, and jurisdiction of the six demons

empowered to make pacts. Each of the six is served by

three lesser demons: Lucifuge by Bael, Agares, and

Marbas; Satanachia by Pruslas, Aamon, and Barbatos;

Agaliarept by Buer, Guseyn, and Botis; Fleuretty by

Bathym, Pursan, and Aligar; Sarganas Sargatanas by

Loray, Valefar, and Forau; and Nebitos by Ayphos,

Naberus, and Glasyabolas. [DOS]]


Powerful demon. He appears as a robust man with the

face of a woman, mounted on a camel. [DOS]


...a Great King, and very obedient unto LUCIFER. He

appeareth in the form of a Man sitting upon a Dromedary

with a Crown most glorious upon his head. There goeth

before him also an Host of Spirits, like Men with Trumpets

and well sounding Cymbals, and all other sorts of Musical

Instruments. He hath a great Voice, and roareth at his

first coming, and his speech is such that the Magician

cannot well understand unless he can compel him. This

Spirit can teach all Arts and Sciences, and other secret

things. He can discover unto thee what the Eart is, and

what holdeth it up in the Waters; and what Mind is, and

where it is; or any other thing thou mayest desire to know.

He giveth Dignity, and confirmeth the same. He bindeth

or maketh any man subject unto the Magician if he so

desire it. He giveth good Familiars, and such as can teach

all Arts. He is to be observed towards the West. He is of

the Order of Dominations [NOTE: Or Dominions, as they

are usually termed.]. He hath under him 200 Legions of

Spritis, and part of them are the Order of Angels, and the

other part of Potentates. Now if thou callest this Spirit

Paimon alone, thou must make him some offering; and

there will attend him two Kings called LABAL and ABALIM,

and also other Spirits who be of the Order of Potentates

in His Host, and 25 Legions. And those Spirits which be

subject unto them are not always with them unless the

Magician do compel them. [GAC09]


Master of Ceremonies of Hell. [DAD]


A high-ranking devil, Paimon takes the form of a young

woman wearing a crown and riding a camel. He is the

master of ceremonies in Hell and commands two hundred

legions of fiends. He supplants mortal thoughts with

his own. [TD]

[palas aron azinomas

An ancient formula for invoking a demon. [DOS]]


papiyan (see mara)



paymon (see paimon)


Assyrian demon, son of Hanpa, the king of the evil spirits

of the air. [DOS]

peacock lord (see melek taus)



In Greek religion, the daughter of Demeter, the earth-

mother, and Zeus. Abducted by Hades (Pluto), she was

allowed to spend only the summer months with her

mother, becoming the symbol of the vegetation powers

of nature. [DOS]






He is a Great Marquis, and appeareth like the Bird Phoenix,

having the Voice of a Child. He singeth many sweet notes

before the Exorcist.... He is a Poet, good and excellent. And

he will be willing to perform thy requests. He hath hopes

also to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,200 years more,

as he said unto Solomon. He governeth 20 Legions of

Spirits. [GAC37]

phoenix (see phenex)




Terrifying god of night of The Baltic. [DAD]


A euphemistic name for the Greek god of the underworld.

He was the son of Cronus and Rhea, husband of Proserpine,

and brother of Zeus and Poseidon. Black victims were

sacrificed to him, particularly at Elis, where he was Hades,

god of the dead. [DOS]




A stone, marked with blood-like stains, used to compel

demons to answer questions. [DOS]]


Personified "gloomy night" of the Maori. [DAD]

prince of this world

An expression used by Jesus to designate Satan. [DOS]

procell (see crocell)


The demons regularly copulate with each other and

reproduce their own kind, according to certain Cabalists.

Sammael, a prominent figure in rabbinical demonology,

personifies the principle of evil. His four wives are said

to have given birth to countless demons. St. Thomas

Aquinas and other theologians affirm that devils have

no seed of their own but become succubi, receive the

seed of a man, then transform themselves into incubi

and impregnate the women with whom they copulate. [DOS]]



One of three demons in the service of Satanachia, grand

general of Satan's legions. [DOS]




One of three demons in the service of Fleuretty, lieutenant

general of the legions of Hell. [DOS]


...a Great King. His appearing is comely, like a Man with a

Lion's face, arrying a cruel Viper in his hand, and riding

upon a Bear. Going before him are many Trumpets

sounding. He knoweth all things hidden, and can discover

Treasure, and tell all things Past, Present, and to Come. He

can take a Body either Human or Aerial, and answereth

truly of all Earthly things both Secret and Divine, and of the

Creation of the World. He bringeth forth good Familiars,

and under his Government there be 22 Legions of Spirits,

partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of

Thrones. [GAC20]



The Welsh name of Satan. [DOS]



Prince of Falsehood. [DAD]


In Greek mythology, a monstrous serpent slain by Apollo

in the caves of Mount Parnassus. The Revised Version

of the New Testament identifies him in the margin as a

soothsaying demon. [DOS]




In Egyptian religion, she was the goddess of matter

that has been revivified. [DOS]




A demon said to have been a wise man at one time.

Known as the strangler, he personifies the *rhabDOS*

or wand, one of the supreme emblems of magical

power. The wand or rod is also a phallic symbol. [DOS]


One of the most horrible demons of ancient Mesopotamia.

He hid in the shadows and leaped forth to overpower his

victims. [DOS]


A raging monster, the dragon of darkness, the 'crooked

serpent' formed by the hand of God (Job 26:13). [DOS]


Hindu demon snake. He was thought to be on the point

of swallowing the sun god during a solar eclipse. [DOS]



A hindu demon and vampire. [DOS]


One of the leaders of the angels who rebelled against God

and swore allegiance to Samiaza. The story is recorded

in the Book of Enoch. [DOS]





He is a Great Earl; and appeareth at first in the Form of a

Crow, but after the Command of the Exorcist he putteth

on Human Shape. His office is to steal Treasures out [sic]

King's Houses, and to carry it whither he is commanded,

and to destroy Cities and Dignities of Men, and to tell all

things, Past, and what Is, and what Will Be; and to cause

Love between Friends and Foes. He was of the Order of

Thrones. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC40]


Hindu demon who ravished Sita, wife of Rama, in the

"Ramayana_. [DOS]




[red book

The Sabbat opened with a ritual of allegiance to Satan,

who then opened his red book and called the roster of

those present. [DOS]]

["Red Dragon_

Handbook on magic. It is based on the "Grand

Grimoire". [DOS]

red man





A demon who served as ambassador to Russia,

according to medieval demonologists. He was a

Syrian god whose temple was at Damascus. [DOS]


Rimmon is the only doctor in Hell. He is the ambassador

to Russia and a lowly devil in the scheme of things. In

Babylonian times he was believed to be the conjurer of

thunder and storms. His symbol is the pomegranate. [TD]


Name given by Bodin to the offspring of an

incubus and a woman. [DOS]


Rofocale is Lucifer's second name and is syonymous with

the Devil himself. In addition to being the Potentate

of Evil, he has control over the world's treasury. [TD]


A lesser demon who commands nineteen legions. [DOS]


He appeareth in the Form of a Monster. He teacheth the

Art of Rhetoric very well, and giveth Good Servants,

Knowledge of Tongues, and Favours with Friends or Foes.

He is a Marquis and Great Earl; and there be under his

command 19 Legions of Spirits. [GAC27]


The patron devil of seduction, Rosier tempts humans to

fall in love. He puts syrupy words of love in the

mouths of mortals and causes them to act like fools. [TD]


ruler of the underworld

rulers (demonic)

...amongst the evil spirits... there are four which as most

potent kings are set over the rest, according to the four

parts of the world, whose names are these, viz. *Urieus*,

king of the east; *Amaymon*, king of the south;

*Paymon*, king of the west; *Egin*, king of the north:

which the Hebrew doctors call more rightly thus,

*Samuel*, *Azazel*, *Azael* and *Mahazuel*, under

whom many other rule as princes of legions and rulers;

also there are innumerable demons of private offices.

{ED. NOTE: *evil spirits* -- These names occur in a

variety of forms and places. It may be useful to give

some comparisons:

*Testament of Solomon* (12th or 13th century):


Oriens Amemon Boul Eltzen

*Pseudomonarchia Daemonium* by John Wierus (1515-1588):

Amaymon Gerson Goap Zymymar

*Livre des Esprits* (late 15th or early 16th century):

Orient Amoymon Paymon Cham

*Grimoire of Pope Honorius III*:

Magoa Egym Baymon Amaymon

*Grimoire of Pope Honorius III* (variant edition):

Maymon Egin Paymon Amaymon}.

Moreover, the ancient theologians of the Greeks reckon

up six demons, which they call Telchines, others

Alastores, which bearing ill will to men, taking up water

out of the River Styx with their hand, sprinkle it upon

the Earth, whence follow calamities, plagues, and

famines; and these are said to be *Acteus*,

*Megalezius*, *Ormenus*, *Lycus*, *Nicon*, *Mimon*.







He was a Thraco-Phrygian deity, who was sometimes

identified in Greek mythology with Dionysus and in

Roman religion with Jupiter. His cult was predominant

in Lydia and Phrygia. In the late fifth century B.C.

Sabazius was also worshipped in Athens. His cult was

linked with that of Cybele. Symbolically, he was

represented by a snake. The snake was also a central

feature in the mystery cult of Sabazius. Sculpturally,

he was depicted in Phrygian costume, bearing the eagle

and the thunderbolt of Zeus. His Greek designation as

*kurios Sabazios*, Lord Sabazius, has led some scholars

to consider him as the Jewish God, the Lord Zebaoth. [DOS]


He is a Marquis, Mighty, Great and Strong, appearing in

the Form of an Armed Soldier with a Lion's Head, riding

on a pale-coloured horse. His office is to build high

Towers, Castles and Cities, and to furnish them with

Armour, etc. Also he can afflict Men for many days with

Wounds and with Sores rotten and full of Worms. He

giveth Good Familiars at the request of the Exorcist.

He commandeth 50 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC43]

saitan (see satan)


Demon of darkness who judges and can be nasty,

West Africa. [DAD]

salamiel (see samael)


He is a Great and Mighty Duke, and appeareth in the

form of a gallant Soldier riding on a Crocodile, with a

Ducal Crown on his head, but peaceably. He causeth

the Love of Women to Men, and of Men to Women; and

governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. [GAC19]


In rabbinical tradition, the incarnation of Leviathan,

the demon seducer of Eve. [DOS]


Samael, one of the three great princes of Gehenna,

the storehouse in the north of the world that holds

all reserves of fire, frost, snow, hailstones, storm,

darkness, and violent winds. It is the dwelling

place of harmful demons and destructive spirits,

has three gates opening onto the Earth. Samael

guards the third gate in the valley of Ben Hinnom

opposite Zion and Jerusalem. He is the arch-foe

of the highest angel, Metatron, and is called Prince

of the Accusers and the Evil Inclination (as

opposed to Gabriel, the Good Inclination).

The sons of God were the sons of Cain

For when Samael mounted Eve, he

injected filth into her, and she conceived

and bare Cane. And his aspect was unlike

that of the other humans, and all those

who came from his side were called sons

of God. ("Zohar_, In Patai 1980, 471)

He is mentioned in the "Heberw Book of Enoch_

by Metatron, who says: "Even Sammael, the

Prince of the Accusers


Angel of Death, Prince of the Air, perhaps the one

who tempted Eve. [DAD]


His name is a combination of the Hebrew *sam*, meaning

poison, and *el*, or angel. He is the devil of death and

prince among demons and magicians. In some traditions it

is he who slithers into the Garden of Eden and seduces

Eve, thereby impregnating her with Cain. Sammael and

Satan are often confused, and thus are interchangeable

in some histories. He is reportedly a handsome, red-

headed young man and is quite difficult for females to

resist. Sammael is said to have a great appreciation

for human art and is considered to be the first art

critic. [TD]


The Druidic god of death. He assembled the souls of

evil men, condemned to inhabit animal bodies,

annually on the evening preceding All Saint's Day.

All Hallows Eve (Halloween) recalls the ancient

festival. [DOS]

samiaza/samjaza (see semyazah)


...a Great Marquis. He appeareth in the form of a little

Horse or Ass, and then into Human shape doth he

change himself at request of the Master. He speaketh

with a hoarse voice. He ruleth over 30 Legions of

Inferiors. He teaches all Liberal Sciences, and giveth

account of Dead Souls that died in sin. [GAC04]


samuel (see samael)



sarapis (see serapis)


Brigadier of the infernal spirits. He controls Loray,

Valafar, and Forau. He has the power to confer

invisibility, to transport people everywhere, to open

any lock, and to teach every trick. He commands

many demonic brigades. [DOS]



The name by which the Devil is commonly called in

the Bible, popular legends, and poetry is the English

translation of a Hebrew word meaning 'adversary.'

The Talmud states that he was once an archangel but

lost his place in Heaven because of pride and disobe-

dience. With the definite article in Hebrew, the word

denotes the supreme adversary of man. Also called

the Prince of Darkness, the Devil, Lucifer, and the

Archfiend, he belongs to the world of the supernatural.

He is identified with the serpent in the Garden of Eden

and with Beelzebul in the New Testament references

to demoniac possession. In later Judaism, under the

influence of Persian dualism, he is identified with the

cosmic power of evil. [DOS]


Satan is the vice president of Hell, second only to the

Devil himself and a significant player in the hierarchy

of Hell. His name means adversary in Hebrew, and he is

the angel who occupies that role in the Old Testament.

One of Yahweh's angels of destruction, it is Satan who

rains misfortune on the head of poor Job. In the New

Testament, Satan becomes synonymous with the Devil. It

is Satan who tempts Eve through the serpent and plagues

Jesus in the desert. Often confused with Lucifer,

Satan also was a Seraphim bedecked with twelve wings,

twice the amount customarily allotted to an angel of

that rank. It may be that Satan really is the Evil One,

the Prince of Hell, but enough writers and artists have

depicted him as Lucifer's principal vassal that he

merits a separate entry here. Satan tempts humans to

anger, in addition to every other sin imaginable. [TD]


Grand General of the infernal spirits. He commands

Pruslas, Aamon, and Barbatos. He can make women

completely submissive to his will. He commands the

great legion of demons. [DOS]


The Greek transliteration of the word Satan. It is

used throughout the New Testament. [DOS]

satanael/satannael (see samael)


The cult of Satanism with its necromantic rites,

hierarchy of demoniac powers, and monstrous

distortions of orthodox beliefs, is rooted in the

Manichaean cult of ancient Persia and has endured,

overtly or covertly, through the centuries. A

revival of interest in a material Arch Fiend in the

post-medieval period resulted in many ecclesiastical

and secular prohibitions against Satanism, and in

the condemnation and killing of hundreds of

sorcerers. Satanism was popularized in the earlier

decades of this century by Aleister Crowley and

has flourished in seclusive drawing rooms and in

secretive clubs throughout Europe and the Americas.

Contemporary interest in Satanism, now at its peak,

has been ascribed to various causes: the urbanization

of society with a break-down of social controls, the

failure of the modern church to appeal to the mind

of the young and to satisfy their spiritual needs, the

anxieties and uncertainties that result from the

presence of a great number of conflicting forces,

ideals, etc.

First used in 1896 in connection with a Black Mass,

the term Satanism today is used in both a narrow

and a broad sense. In a narrow sense, it designates

the cult which defiles or travesties Christian rites.

In a broad sense, it designates Satan's domnion over

the world and man's tendency to imitate him in his

behavior toward God. [DOS]

[satan's attributes

Numerous figures out of Western mythologies have

contributed to the evolution of a composite set of

characteristics now attributed to Satan. The classical

mythologies embraced a whole race of maleficent

genii, monsters, and evil demons of every sort: Typhon,

Medusa, Geryon, Python, lemures, larvae, Febris, etc.

In contact with northern barbarians, Satan became

Germanized. Loki, the dark god Tiw, the death goddess

Wyrd, the wolf Fenris, elves, sylphs, and gnomes all

conferred new attributes on Satan. [DOS]]

[satan's chariots

A nickname given to early locomotives. Inventions

and scientific innovations have often been ascribed

to the Devil. Pope Gregory XVI called steam Satan's

invention. [DOS]]

[satan's daughters

A group offering instruction in occult practices,

including the fabrication of voodoo figures, ritual

candles, etc. [DOS]]

sataran ('the serpent goddess')


savnok (see sabnock)

scox (also see chax)

Duke of Hell. Deceitful, he steals money and keeps

it for two centuries before returning it. [DOS]


sear (see seere)


In Egyptian religion, the name of a host of demons in the

underworld. [DOS]

[secret names

In many societies people believe that to discover the name

of a person or supernatural being is to gain power over him.

Hence the use of hidden or secret names. The hidden

name of the Egyptian god Re was known only to Isis.

Marduk, the Babylonian god, had fifty secret names. [DOS]

["The Secret of Secrets_

Handbook of magic. "The Secret of Secrets_, also called

"True Black Magic_, is a French version of the _Key of

Solomon". It was published in 1750. [DOS]


Demon of destruction. [DOS]


seducer of mankind


A demon described in the "Lemegeton_ as 'indifferently

good or bad' and ready to 'do the will of the operator.' [DOS]


He is a mighty Prince, and Powerful, under AMAYMON.,

King of the East. He appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful

Man, riding upon a Winged Horse. His Office is to go and

come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a

sudden [sic], and to carry or re-carry anything which the

Exorcist desireth. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. [GAC70]


seir (see seere)




semjaza (see also semyazah)

An evil prince mentioned frequently in pre-Christian

literature. [DOS]


The chief of the fallen angels, according to the Book

of Enoch. [DOS]



serapis (roman)/sarapis (egyptian)

Egyptian god of the underworld and healing. In Rome he

was called Serapis.


The god of darkness and the sworn enemy of the gods of

light originated in the Egyptian desert and represents

drought and storm, the two arch enemies of agrarian

tribes. The enemy of gods and men, he stands for every-

thing that can be destroyed by fire. More ancient than

the Hebraic Satan or the Greek Typhon, he was identified

with the supreme god of the Hyksos. Set killed his

brother by tricking him into lying down inside a coffin,

then closing the lid throwing the coffin into the Nile.

Thus Set became the patriarch and patron of fratricide. [DOS]

[seven deadly sins

Peter Binsfield lists the demons credited with the power

to provoke people to commit the seven deadly sins:

Lucifer: Pride

Mammon: Avarice

Asmodeus: Lechery

Satan: Anger

Beelzebub: Gluttony

Leviathan: Envy

Belphegor: Sloth [DOS]

[sexual union

Sexual union with the Devil is an essential element of

witchcraft. According to Vance Randolph's "Ozark

Superstitions", a Devil's representative, a man who is

already a member of the cult, has intercourse with a

woman initiate for three nights in succession. The

rite occurs at midnight, in the dark of the moon, at the

family burying-ground of the world-be witch. Women

who have been initiated into a cult report that the

initiation 'is a much more moving spiritual crisis than

that which the Christians call conversion.' [DOS]]


Demon who struck people blind. The Jews also had

goat demson (*Schirim*, *Seirim*), demon monsters

(*Behemoth*, *Leviathan*), and *Lilim*, *Nazzikim*,

*Ruchoth*, and many more. [DAD]]

shaitan/sheitan (see satan)

The Arabic name of Satan. [DOS]



He is a Great Marquis and appeareth in the Form of

a Stock-Dove, speaking with a voice hoarse, but yet

subtle. His Office is to take away the Sight, Hearing,

or Understanding of any Man or Woman at the

command of the Exorcist; and to steal money out of

the houses of Kings, and to carry it again in 1,200

years. If commanded he will fetch Horses at the

request of the Exorcist, or any other thing.... He can

discover all things that are Hidden, and not kept by

Wicked Spirits. He giveth good Familiars, sometimes.

He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC44]

sheitan (see satan)

shemhazai (see semyazah)


The first or highest of the three members of the Hindu

trinity is often called 'the destroyer'. He is often

depicted as dancing. Worship of Shiva is a response to

his call for men to put away or destroy desire and all

else that binds them to their material incarnation and

to seek the freedom of pure being -- the divine

kingdom that lies beyond the manifestations of form. [DOS]


One of the demons who may be summoned by a

necromancer. Bread will induce him to appear

between three and four o'clock on Thursday

morning. [DOS]



He is a Great Prince, and appeareth at first with a

Leopard's head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but

after the command of the Master of the Exorcism

he putteth on Human shape, and that very beautiful.

He enflameth men with Women's love, and Women

with Men's love; and causeth them also to show

themselves naked if it be desired. He governeth

60 Legions of Spirits. [GAC12]




Like all other forms of sexual aberration, sodomy is

cultivated by Satan and his followers. Divine sodomy

involves the use of the Eucharist in satisfying sexual

passions. [DOS]]

[solomon's ring

Solomon is said to have possessed a magic ring

enabling him to command the angels and all the forces

of nature. [DOS]]

[solomon's throne

Devils are reputed to have hidden magic manuals

under Solomon's throne. See Magic Manuals. [DOS]]



Demon of Hate (Michaelis). [DAD]


An adept in the occult, bound to Satan in return for

knowledge and skill in magic. Traditionally, he is

represented as having a fixed stare. He keeps his

occult power only so long as his feet touch the


In 1591 J.G. Godelman defined sorcerers as those who

by evil spells, dire curses, etc. harm and destroy the

lives and health of men and beasts. [DOS]]


The use of power gained through control of

supernatural forces. In a strict sense, sorcery is

universal and timeless, whereas witchcraft is

limited for the most part to the period between

1450 and 1750 and to the Chrisitan nations. [DOS]]


splitfoot ('old splitfoot')


An epithet of Yama, the god of death and king of

the underworld. [DOS]



He is a Great and Powerful Prince, appearing in the Shape

of a Mighty Raven at first before the Exorcist; but after he

taketh the image of a Man. He teacheth the Art of

Astronomy, and the Virtues of Herbs and Precious Stones.

He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC36]



[subterranean demons

A class of demons identified by medieval theologians,

following the suggestions of Jean Wier. They live in

caves, are spiteful by nature, and work to bring about

the ruin of the human race. [DOS]]


Chief of the eunuchs in the palace of the princes of

Hell. The favorite of Proserpine, he is the demon of

jealousy. [DOS]


Another indigent devil who tempts men to lechery, Succor-

Beloth presides over the Devil's harem. [TD]

[succubus (see also incubus)

An evil spirit thought to assume the shape of a female

for the purpose of having intercourse with a man. [DOS]]


In Celtic religion, he was a cthonic god identified with

Pluto. He was the god of the dead. In another aspect,

he was a deity who presided over fertility. [DOS]




In the Finnish epic poem, the "Kalevala_, the name of

the Spirit of Evil whose saliva produced the serpent of

sin. [DOS]






In Norse religion, the fire god who is destined to

destroy the universe. [DOS]


In ancient Japanese religion, the storm god,

representing all that is dark, violent, or evil. [DOS]


A Hittite god, identified with the Egyptian god Set. [DOS]


In Egyptian religion, another name for Set, god of

darkness. [DOS]



Demons frequently are associated with swine. Two

thousand demons asked jesus to allow them to enter

a herd of swine. 'And the unclean spirits went out,

and entered into the swine; and the heard ran

violenly down a steep place into the sea.' (Mark 5:13). [DOS]

[sympathetic magic

The ancient view of the underlying unity of all things,

summed up in the expression 'as below, so above,' is

at the heart of sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic

is based on the principle that like affects like, that a

desired result may be achieved by mimicry, imitation,

incantation, etc. [DOS]]


[system of correspondences

Necromancers use a system of correspondences to

control the occult forces of the universe. Planets,

metals and colors are linked in this manner: Sun, gold,

yellow; Moon, silver, white; Mercury, quicksilver, grey

or neutral; Venus, copper, green; Mars, iron, red;

Jupiter, tin, blue; Saturn, lead, black. [DOS]]







An Etruscan god of the underworld. [DOS]



One of the leaders of the angels who rebelled against

God, according to the Book of Enoch, and swore

allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]






Female controlling the night when "there is more of

whatever is bad," say the Navajo of Arizona. [DAD]


The Russian name of Satan. [DOS]


[ten evil sephiroth

Ten evil sephiroth ruled by archdemons commanded

by Sammael, are listed by Sajuel Mathers: Satan and

Moloch, Beelzebub, Lucifuge, Ashtaroth, Asmodeus,

Belphegor, Baal, Adrammelech, Lilith, and Naamah. [DOS]]


[terrestrial demons

Hurled from Heaven for their sins, they dwell in the

forests, where they set snares for the unwary, or in

the open country, where they lead travelers astray. [DOS]

["Testament of Solomon_

A grimoire written in Greek, 100-400 A.D. [DOS]]


In Aztec religion, the god of the upper air who watched

over the affairs of men. Originally the chief god of the

Nahuas, he was later identified with many gods or

conquered tribes. Each year a youth who had imitated

him was sacrificed on his altar at Tenochtitlan. He was

also known as Yaotzin ('The Enemy'), and was

worshiped by the Mexican witches at their sabbat. [DOS]


Aztec god of "Smoking Mirrors." Has numerous

oppositions in him but is bad in his Black

manifestation as when the god of sorcerers, etc. [DAD]


Ambassador of Hell, Creaotr of The Holy

Inquisition, Inventor of Artillery. [DAD]

["Theatrum Diabolarum_

A voluminous collection of the views of Luther and his

followers concerning the existence, power, and nature

of devils. The work was edited by Sigmund Feyerabend. [DOS]

the devil

thief of paradise




In Semitic-Babylonian religion, the primal Mother,

symbol of darkness and chaos. She is represented

as chaotic waters, a raging serpent, a monstrous

dragon. [DOS]







(Rational Owl). Toltec (Mexico) god of evil and night. [DAD]


An evil spirit worshiped by the Indians of Florida. [DOS]


Night demon (with waxen wings) in the Baltic and

Russia. [DAD]


In teutonic religion, an earth demon or a personified

nonhuman power. [DOS]]



The Etruscan demon of infernal tortures. [DOS]




According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of

the rebellious angels who swore allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]


The Polish Faust. He had written the fateful pact with his

own blood on an ox-hide. One day while he was astounding

others with his feats, he was reminded by the Devil that

the appointed hour had come. He first sought protection by

approaching a sleeping infant, then surrendered when

reminded that a gentleman cannot break his word. [DOS]


In Classical mythology, a hideous monster, father of

Cerberus, the Chimera, the Sphinx, and other monsters.

Later he is identified by the Greeks with the Egyptian

Set. [DOS]


Aztec deities who preside over evil. They descend as

monsters from the sky to devour mankind whenever

an eclipse of the sun occurs. [DOS]



ualac (see volac)



Lesser demon who keeps the fires of Hell burning. [DOS]


Stationary Engineer of Hell, Inventor of Fireworks,

maybe Cooking Out. [DAD]

underworld lord/queen


Head of the HMO of Hell, Demon physician and

apothecary. [DAD]





One of the leaders of the fallen angels, according to the

Book of Enoch. [DOS]

urian (also see leonard)

Satan or Leonard. In Germany he presides at the Sabbat

on Brocken. He appears in this role in Goethe's "Faust_. [DOS]



He is a Duke, Mighty, and Strong; and appeareth in

the Form of a Might Dromedary at the first, but after

a while at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on

Human Shape, and speaketh the Egyptian Tongue, but

not perfectly. {NOTE: He can nowadays converse in

sound though colloquial Coptic. -- Ed.} His Office is to

procure the Love of Women, and to tell Things Past,

Present, and to Come. He also procureth Friendship

between Friends and Foes. He was of the Order of

Potestates [sic] or Powers. He governeth 37 Legions

of Spirits. [GAC47]






valac (see volac)


Duke of Hell. On good terms with robbers, he has the head

of a thief and the body of a lion. He is one of three demons

in the service of Sargatanas, brigadier general. [DOS]


He is a mighty Duke, and appeareth in the shape of a Lion

with an Ass's Head, bellowing. He is a good Familiar, but

tempteth them he is a familiar to steal. He governeth 10

Legions of Spirits. [GAC06]

valak (see volac)

valefor (see valafar)


In Norse mythology, the beautiful daughters of Odin. They

hover over the field of battle, choosing those to be slain

and conducted to Valhalla. They were originally demons. [DOS]

valu (see volac)



He is a Duke, Great, Mighty, and Strong; appearing in the Form

of a Lion with Gryphon's Wings. His Office is to make Men

Knowing in all Handicrafts and Professions, also in Philosophy,

and other Sciences. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC60]

varsavarti (also see mara)

One of the favorite names of the Buddhist Devil. The name

means 'he who fulfills desires.' In his capacity as

Varsavarti, Mara personifies fulfilment of the triple thirst:

the thirst for existence, pleasure, and power. [DOS]



...a Mighty Prince, being of the same nature as Agares....

...his office is to declare things Past and to Come, and to

discover all things Hid or Lost. And he governeth 26

Legions of Spirits. [GAC03]


In Hindu mythology, the eight evil deities who attend

Indra. They are personifications of cosmic phenomena. [DOS]



velu mate


He is a Duke Great and Strong, and appeareth like a Mermaid.

His office is to govern the Waters, and to guide Ships laden

with Arms, Armour, and Ammunition, etc., thereon. ... he can

cause the seas to be right stormy and to appear full of ships.

Also he maketh men to die in Three Days by Putrefying

Wounds or Sores, and causing Worms to breed in them. He

governeth 29 Legions of Spirits.... [GAC42]


Master of Ceremonies of the House of Princes of Hell. [DAD]


Verrier tempts men to disobey by making their necks too stiff

to bow to the yoke of obedience. [TD]





He is a Great King, and an Earl; and appeareth in the

Form of a Lion {NOTE: or "with the Head of a Lion," or

"having a Lion's Head," in some Codices.}, riding upon

a Black Horse, and bearing a Viper in his hand. His

Office is to discover Things Hidden, Witches, Wizards,

and Things Present, Past, and to Come. He, at the

command of the Exorcist, will build Towers, overthrow

Great Stone Walls, and make the Waters rough with

Storms. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. [GAC45]



He is a President Mighty and Great, and appeareth like a

Child with Angel's Wings, riding on a Two-headed

Dragon. His Office is to give True Answers of Hidden

Treasures, and to tell where Serpents may be seen. The

which he will bring unto the Exorcisor without any Force

or Strength being by him employed. He governeth 38

Legions of Spirits.... [GAC62]

voso (see ose)

voval (see uval)


In Vedic mythology, the leader of the demons, generally

represented as a serpent or dragon. [DOS]

vual (see uval)




wannein nat


The legend of the heavenly Watchers, or 'Sons of God'

who married the daughters of men, has its source in

the Book of Enoch (3:3):

The Watchers called me, Enoch the Scribe,

and said to me: Enoch, thou scribe of

righteousness, go, declare to the Watchers

of heaven, who have left the high heaven

and defiled themselves with women.... 'Ye

shall have no peace nor forgiveness of sin.'

Thus the former prince of the heavenly spirits used

his power to engender evil demons. [DOS]


In another story alluded to in Genesis and in the Book of

Enoch, God created an order of seven angels called the

Watchers or Grigori. They were sent to oversee the

affairs of the first generations of men and to give

instruction on how to survive in the distinctly un-Eden-

like world outside the gates of Paradise. Once Adam and

Eve began to procreate, the beauty of their daughters

tempted these angels to do quite a bit more than watch.

They made nightly visits, relishing the touch of human

flesh. As a result, they were tossed from Heaven and

landed on the surface of the earth, where they espoused

their mortal lovers. In the words of Genesis, "When men

began to multiply on earth, and daughters were born unto

them, that the Sons of God saw the daughters of men that

they were fair, and they took them wives of all which

they chose (6:1-2).


The Watchers are identified as the angels Armaros,

Arakiel, Azazel, Baraqel, Ezekeel, Gadreel, Kawkabel,

Penemue, Sarial, Samjaza, and Shamshiel.


The Watchers were giants, and they taught their human

spouses the secrets of the divinity that up to then had

only been whispered by God into the ears of Adam. These

teachings, known as the Cabala, revealed the arts of

astrology, botany, healing, and magic. But the union of

these angels and women was unnatural and an outrate to

God. In one legend, their progeny were born horrendous,

cannibalistic, monsters who ungratefully devoured their

parents, and God was forced to scourge the earth to be

rid of them. In another tale, the children of the

Watchers were also giants, but they became great

priests, poets, and artisans who taught the human race

well. Regardless of the finale of these different

versions, God decided to round up the Watchers and cast

them into the Abyss to serve Satan. [TD]]


[wild nature]

[witches' broth

Made from the flesh of infants and men who had died

by hanging, frogs, black millet, and magic powder,

witches' broth enabled those who drank it to fly

through the air. [DOS]]

[witch's marks

Protuberances for familiars to suck. Technically, they

are the extra breasts or nipples possessed by rare

individuals. [DOS]]


Satan is referred to as the Prince of this World and as

the God of this World. The Church Fathers, recognizing

the close ties between sinners and Satan, regarded the

world as the 'mystical body' of Satan. [DOS]]

[worship of satan

According to William of Paris' twelfth-century "Le

Legibus", Satan appears in the form of a black cat or a

toad and demands kisses from his adherents: 'one

abominable kiss, under the cat's tail, the other, a

horrifying one, in the toad's mouth.' [DOS]]


In Teutonic mythology, the goddess of death. [DOS]




Lesser demon. At the time of the rebellion of the

angels, he suggested setting fire to Heaven. He

kindles the fires of Hell. [DOS]


A rabble-rouser of the worst sort, Xaphan suggested the

rebels set fire to Heaven during the battle of the

angels. His idea met with a warm reception; but, before a

spark could fly, the lot of them were cast into the

Abyss. Xaphan fell hard thanks in part to his fiendish

inventiveness. Now he fan the flames of domnation; a

set of bellowes is his fitting attribute. [TD]


Demon of lies, miraculous tales, and fanciful prodigies. [DOS]


The first word in an ancient formula used to invoke

malefic demons. The complete formula is *Xilka, Xilka,

Besa, Besa*. [DOS]]




In popular Indian folklore, a class of demons who devour

men. [DOS]]

yama (see o-yama)


yaotzin (see tezcatlipoca)


Demon who 'seduced all the sons of the holy angels'

and persuaded them to descend to the earth to copulate

with mortals (Enoch 68:4). [DOS]




According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of the

rebellious angels who swore allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]






He is a Great King and President, appearing at first in

the Form of a Bull with Gryphon's Wings; but after a

while he putteth on Human Shape. He maketh Witty.

He can turn Wine into Water, and Blood into Wine,

also Water into Wine. He can turn all Metals into

Coin of the Dominion that Metal is of. He can even

make Fools Wise. He governeth 33 Legions of Spirits [GAC61]






According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of the

rebellious angels who swore eternal allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]

zazel (azza) (also see azazel)

According to the Book of Enoch, one of the leaders of the

rebellious angels who swore eternal allegiance to Samiaza. [DOS]


zemes mate


He is a Great Duke, and appeareth in Red Apparel and

Armour, like a Soldier. His office is to cause Women to love

Men, and to bring them together in love. He also maketh

them barren. He governeth 26 Legions of Inferior Spirits.... [GAC16]

zephar (see also zepar?)

Grand duke of Hell. According to John Weir, he induces men

to practice pederasty. [DOS]



In the Zend Avesta, the personification of evil in the shape

of a serpent. [DOS]





DOS -- "Dictionary of Satanism", by Wade Baskin, published by

the Philosophical Library, New York, 1972 edition.


GAC -- "The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King", ed. by

Aleister Crowley, published by The Equinox Ltd., printed

by The Garden City Press Ltd., 1st Facsimile Edition 1976.

CONTENT: (from GAC: These be the Mighty Kings and

Princes which King Solomon Commanded into

a Vessel of Brass, together with their Legions.


GAAP, were Chief. And it is to be noted that

Solomon did this because of their pride, for

he never declared other reason [sic] why he

bound them all into a deep Lake or Hole in

Babylon, wondering to see such a thing, they

did then go wholly into the Lake, to break

the Vessel open, expecting to find great store

of Treasure therein. But when they had

broken it open, out flew the Chief Spirits

immediately, with their Legions following

them; and they were all restored to their

former places except BELIAL, who entered

into a certain Image, and thence gave

answers unto those who did offer Sacifices

unto him, and did worship the Image as

as their God, etc.)


TBO "Three Books of Occult Philosophy", by Henry Cornelius

Agrippa of Nettesheim, ed. Tyson, publ. by

Llewellyn, 1997.


TD "The Devil: A Visual Guide to the Demonic, Evil,

Scurrilous, and Bad", by Genevieve Morgan and

Tom Morgan, Chronicle Books, 1996.




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all rights reserved; do not reproduce this file

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The Online Demon Dictionary



TOKUS (The Ordur of Khaos Under Satan)



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Satanism and the Afro-Caribbean Traditions


by Kenaz Filan


It is hard to say which has been more maligned, modern Satanism or Afro-Caribbean traditions like Vodou and Santeria. According to Hollywood, Vodou ceremonies consist of blood-smeared witch doctors torturing animals to appease the forces of darkness. According to urban legend and fundamentalist propaganda, Satanists infiltrate day care centers in the name of Lucifer. The reality (as reality is wont to be) is considerably different. Far from being obsessed with death and torture, the Afro-Caribbean faiths are strongly life-centered and life-affirming spiritual traditions. Modern Satanists, in a similar vein, are far more likely to be found in recording studios or art galleries than in pre-schools. And yet there are numerous similarities (and a few very important differences) between these two worldviews. A study of the areas where they converge and diverge can help us understand both of these traditions, as well as the fears and prejudices of our culture.




Until very recently, the term “Satanism” was not something you did, but rather a convenient stick with which to beat anyone who proved inconvenient to the religious and political hierarchy. Moslems, Jews, heretical Christians and other unfortunates were accused of worshiping the “father of evil” at moonlit sabbats featuring writhing orgies, sacrificed infants and covenants in blood. These accounts were frequently “verified” in torture chambers and embellished by folk tradition and sexually frustrated clergymen into tales guaranteed to arouse revulsion and hatred. In the present day, Satanists are envisioned as a shadowy, Illuminati-like organization with tentacles in child pornography, drug dealing, “snuff films,” and world government; imagine Protocols of the Elders of Zion as a Hammer film and you’ll get the idea.


Modern Satanism, as described in Anton LaVey’s The Satanic Bible and as practiced by members of the Church of Satan, is a considerably more sedate affair. LaVey envisioned Satan not as an actual anthropomorphic being, complete with horns, tail and pitchfork, but as a symbol of man’s animal nature and of indulgence in the pleasures of the flesh. Those Church of Satan members who perform ritual typically see it not as “summoning powers from Hell” but rather as psychodrama and emotional release. A “Black Mass,” for example, becomes not a tool to evoke Satan to visible appearance but rather a way to break the chains of a Christian upbringing. Many Satanists actually eschew ritual altogether. They reject not only Christianity but mysticism in general and are frequently dogmatic materialists and skeptics.


Sacrifice, be it animal or human, is not part of modern Satanic ritual. The idea of sacrificing anything to ANY god, whether you call that god YHVH or Satan, is seen by modern Satanists as repellent and degrading. A Satanist would sooner spit in a deity’s eye than say “Please, Mr. Deity, will you do this favor for me if I kill this cat in your name?” Rather than sacrificing an animal, a modern Satanist is more likely to try to learn from it; Satanists see man as “just another animal” and strive to get in touch with their own inner beast.


(I am aware that there are self-proclaimed Satanists who are not influenced by, or who did not understand, LaVey’s work and who may commit violent or criminal acts in the name of Satan. Richard “the Night Stalker” Ramirez comes to mind immediately; the stereotypical glue-sniffing pet-killing metalhead teen would be another example. For the purposes of this discussion, I am not including this subset. This article deals with modern religious movements, not abnormal psychology, and these people no more represent modern Satanism than Jim Jones represents modern Christianity.)


The Afro-Caribbean traditions are a synthesis of various elements. At their heart are the religious practices and deities of western Africa, mostly from the Fon and Dahomey regions. These are combined with images and legends from Roman Catholicism; Santeria, for instance, identifies St. Barbara with the thunder god Chango and St. Lazarus with Babalu-Aye, orisha of healing and medicine. Altars to the orishas (Santeria) or lwas (Vodou) will typically feature statues of these saints or religious figures, together with various items connected to the deity in question. One might, for instance, find a statue of the Virgin on an altar to Erzulie, lwa of love and beauty; around it might be sugar cakes, a bottle of perfume, pink roses, and jewelry. Added to the mix are various deities and ideas from pre-Columbian cultures. In Santeria the figure Maximom (syncretized with St. Simon Judas) is a modern representation of an Indian fertility deity named Macha. Many of the petro lwas, entities known for their fury and quick action, originally came from the Arawak and Carib cultures; the ghedes, Vodou spirits of death, are known for obscene jokes, as were the spirits of the dead in the pre-Columbian cultures of Hispaniola. Finally Western magical, ceremonial and hermetic traditions like Freemasonry and spiritualism have been thrown into the mix, making for a veritable religious gumbo.


While there are many differences between the various traditions, and even within a particular tradition, there are certain notable similarities. First and foremost is the practice of spirit possession. In each of these traditions worshipers are at times “ridden” by the various entities, who then proffer their blessings (or warnings, or curses) on those assembled for the ceremony. These possessions are quite impressive. A hougan ridden by Oggun Ferri, for example, may lie atop the point of a sword placed in the ground without getting cut or impaled, while one ridden by Baron Samedi might gulp down a mixture of rum and hot peppers which would leave any faker gasping for breath. The altered state which leads to “riding” is achieved through drumming and dancing; to a casual observer, a Vodou or Santeria ceremony may well look like a Carnival celebration.


These traditions also involve sacrifice. One who wishes to gain the favor of the lwas or orishas must make offerings appropriate to the particular spirit. A Santero who wishes to appease Ellegua (the opener of the gateway, called Legba in Vodou and Exu in Candomble), might offer him rum, candy and toys; to gain the favor of Oshun (orisha of love), he might offer honey and a statue to the Madonna de la Caridad del Cobre. These offerings frequently involve animal sacrifice. While some Westerners find this shocking, it must be taken in its proper context. For the most part the sacrificed animals are later fed to the congregation; we should also remember that these practices originate in cultures where one may frequently see animals killed. We have distanced ourselves from our abattoirs and can purchase our meat without being reminded that it was once a living animal. This luxury is not available to most rural Haitians or Cubans. For them killing a chicken is not “a vile sacrifice to the forces of darkness”– it’s the first step in making soup! They do not have our gag reflex upon seeing a chicken beheaded or a goat’s throat slashed. It is something they have seen frequently since childhood, and no more repulsive to them than a trip to our local supermarket’s Meat Department is for us. (Those who would still condemn them should also note that these animals are killed as quickly and humanely as possible, and are generally treated with far more care, concern and respect than those killed on our “factory farms” and turned into Oven Stuffers and hamburger patties).


Finally, the Afro-Caribbean traditions are initiatory. While anyone may attend Santeria or Vodou ceremonies or make offerings to the lwas or orishas without any special training, one who wishes to lead ceremonies or present himself as a Babalao or Hougan must first be trained in various facets of the religion by one who has already undergone this training, and must follow various tenets and taboos leading up to an initiation ceremony. These ceremonies have not yet been committed to print and can only be performed by one who has the lineage to do so i.e. by one who was himself or herself properly trained. Some have theorized that this concern with secrecy and initiation is a result of slaveowner persecution against the African faiths. More than a few Blacks were put to death in extremely unpleasant ways for practicing “witchcraft” and secrecy quickly became a necessity for those who wished to serve the ancestors and the African Powers. Others point to the various secret societies and “coming of age” ceremonies of African culture. Whatever the root cause, the practical result is that you can only learn so much Vodou or Santeria on your own. While there are several excellent books on Vodou (Maya Deren’s Divine Horsemen is particularly recommended) and Santeria (anything by Migene Gonzales-Wippler is good), sooner or later an interested student must find a teacher willing to initiate and train him.

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