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Simple Recipe:


Many types of paper that can be used include:

Computer Paper (unprinted)

Newspaper (If you want a grayish colored paper)


Egg Cartons

Old Cards (For heavier paper)

Toilet Paper

Paper Bags

Non Waxed Boxes (Pre-soak in warm water)

Office Paper

Tissue Paper (For finer paper)

Typing Paper


Construction Paper

Supplies you'll need:


Window Screening (mold)

Wood Frame (old picture frame can be used too) (deckle)

Plastic Basin/Tub (Large enough to totally immerse frame)

Blender/Food Processor (For making paper pulp)

White Felt or Flannel Fabric

Staples or Tacks (For tacking screen on frame)

Liquid starch (optional)



1. Select the pieces of paper to be recycled. You can even mix different types to create your own unique paper.


2. Rip the paper into small bits, and place into the blender. (about half full). Fill the blender with warm water. Run the blender slowly at first then increase the speed until the pulp looks smooth and well blended. ( 30 -40 seconds) Check that no flakes of paper remain. If there are, blend longer.


3. The next step is to make a mold. The mold, in this case, is made simply by stretching fiberglass screen (plain old door and window screen) over a wooden frame and stapling it. It should be as tight as possible.


4. Fill the basin about half way with water. Add 3 blender loads of pulp. (the more pulp you add the thicker the finished paper will be) Stir the mixture.


5. Now is the time to add the liquid starch for sizing.(This is not necessary but if the paper is going to be used for writing on, you should add some, the starch helps to prevent inks from soaking into the paper fibers.) Stir 2 teaspoons of liquid starch into the pulp.


Place the mold into the pulp and then level it out while it is submerged. Gently wiggle it side-to-side until the pulp on top of the screen looks even.


6. Slowly lift the mold up until it is above the level of the water. Wait until most of the water has drained from the new paper sheet. If the paper is very thick, remove some pulp from the tub. If it is too thin, add more pulp and stir the mixture again.


7. When the mold stops dripping, gently place one edge on the side of a fabric square (felt or flannel square). Gently ease the mold down flat, with the paper directly on the fabric. Use a sponge to press out as much water as possible. Wring the excess water from the sponge back into the large plastic tub.


8. Now comes the tricky part. Hold the fabric square flat and slowly lift the edge of the mold. The wet sheet of paper should remain on the fabric. If it sticks to the mold, you may have pulled to fast or not pressed out enough water. It takes a little practice. You can gently press out any bubbles and loose edges at this point.


9. Repeat the steps above, and stack the fabric squares on a cookie sheet. Save one fabric square to place on the top of the stack to cover the last piece of paper. Use another cookie sheet to press the remaining water out of the stack. (do this outside or in the bathtub, it can make a mess)


10. After you press the stack, gently separate the sheets. They can be dried by hanging on a clothesline or laying them out on sheets of newspaper. When they have dried peel them off the fabric and voila! you have paper!

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today's magic word pt 7





Main Entry: com·pla·cent


Pronunciation: k&m-'plA-s&nt


Function: adjective


Etymology: Latin complacent-, complacens, present participle of complacEre to please greatly, from com- + placEre to please

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Originally posted by CinchedWaist


i'm so bored.

i'm going to be in this thread all day. maybe.


shit, i'm bored too...aww dogs and cats how cute!


i feel the urge to post random pics of cute animals now...


damn you batman, where's my package?!

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