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the NEW sketch thread


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First of all thanks Viper and xoXox, and then xoXox I know what you mean, the thing is I'm actually trying to change peoples mind (haha that sounds stupid^^) cuz when they see graffiti they always think about wildstyles and shit, so I was thinking about something that would stand out a little more in the street and a little less graffiti like. But yeah at the very start those letters are for some graphic design shit

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I think that you should try and scale back your work homie...work on your foundational letter structure first and foremost because from there you can gradually expand your ideas..you have the thought down now make it say what you want it to...right not my honest opinion it looks like a jumbled mess because there is no recognition of letters...NO its doesnt have to be readable but it still has to havwe some umph to it....i know what it says and it still doesnt come of as Goes its more like pgies...idk..the cracks are proper...but you need to work on your white lines homie..they are off in more than a few places like the top of the G thingy thats a flat surface no need for a line there orthe line from the G thingy to the O its on both sides...i guess im saying understand it more...and get them correct dont let them overlap your blacks...one way to make sure it doesnt happen is to go back with a fine tip black and correct it or color the whole joint first white line it then hit it with the black real easy and can find some cool effects that way too....

OVERALL: just my 2 cents homie take it or leave it peace

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@ Unleaded gas: yeah I feel you on that piece. Im out west and my buddie out here wanted me to try out a more west coast style which is out of my element. My normal style has much more of an emphasis on letter structure. Some shit ive done recently (reposts mostly):





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All of those peices are dope, love the script and red and black 3D on the 'fuck a green jacket' peice, goes great with the mixed blue fill.

How long did the peice with the girl in take you? The fill in that is insain!

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The purple on the GAS peice after the Ceave picture is real nice, if it was moved up a bit and thicker it would be even better.

Your colour schemes are banging, the last pic is ... dunno how to really describe it, kidna juicy aha

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