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  1. Never finished mine but fuck it, will post it with my next entry
  2. Sneek, it fits together and the outline is a bit dif. I would write reviews but I just refreshed the page and lost them :| Mabey later
  3. Yokai, rub out the work lines and put some hot colours in, otherwise it's good. Hi Cres, your peice has a nice flow but I'm not liking the overlap on the top of the R, but I assume that is only there because it was a quick freestyle? Like I said, nice flow.
  4. I know what you mean about the 3D, just wanted to see how it turned out
  5. It looks abit Like Sueme' style but not loads, only the S and E, only slightly anyway. jus sayin
  6. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5189/5657154558_025809fb66_z.jpg' alt='5657154558_025809fb66_z.jpg'> Alpha Battle - E by It's Justa Boy, on Flickr[/img] Was going to add colour seeing as it's pnly 10 am here but yeah, it's Eastern time :(
  7. Sik -TwentyFo, that's alot better, it's all the same height and roughly the same proportions which make it better to look at straight away. The S needs to flow more at the top and bottom, the top overlaps the body so try and bring it out slightly more if you can because you would still be able to fill up the dead space with 3D (Don't do loads though). And on the tail of the S it seems thicker than the body so instead of having it as a line finishing kindo of like a spike, try and curve it so it looks more like an S should :)
  8. Thanks! What do you think I could do to improve it?
  9. http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5188/5646859180_ae1eef8c37_z.jpg' alt='5646859180_ae1eef8c37_z.jpg'> BERM 12oz by It's Justa Boy, on Flickr[/img]
  10. Fuck sake, can't figure this dumb shit :mad: , here the link. http://www.flickr.com/photos/58532755@N02/5646859180/
  11. I will put mine up in a bit, nice colours Skatey
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