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the NEW sketch thread


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Hey everyone, I've been lurking these forums for years now but never really bothered to post though I think its time that changed a bit. Always nice to get insight on your work from those who would be able to appreciate it most. I write Ocd (usually spelled out phonetically as Oside) but a lot of people know me as metrik as well, so i tend to float between the two names depending on the situation. I normally do figurative work, characters being my first love, but letterforms constantly intrigue me and offer a fallback for when the ideas just arent flowing. Anyways, heres some of my more recent stuff -



And heres a couple collabs in progress with my friend and brethren Ohde, though i mostly did the characters on them. If youre interested in my characters definitely check out my flickr.


(I did the E)



more to come soon,


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Yeah bro,Nice one Vims!!

Added color,not quite finished.



coloring came out dope.

extend the "C" a bit tho...(im hopin its a C not a T) its lookin a lil condensed.

3D would be ill too.


if youre actually painting this, give it another sketch.


you got the right idea, but you could tweak some things.


i like where youre goin tho, brahhh.


ps. needle character is ill.



**on third thought, that "C" or "T" might be an "L"...

rework the last letter a lil bit homeslice.

and its unnecessary bringing the last letter extension past the character on the left.


not hatin just statin...

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yeah alts, love where thats going, wanna see it done.


Yeah bro,Nice one Vims!!

Added color,not quite finished.



this C looks more like a Z. the bigger structures are typically

interpretted as the strokes of the letters, with the smaller additions

becoming just that, additions to a greater structure.


if you like reversed the whole top half of that letter, with the

arrow thats currently on the front moved instead to the back of the

letter, and the negative space between that topmost bar and the

midbar becoming part of the inner negative space, that would have

a greater appearance of a C.


that being said, i think this piece is sick and it shows you got the

right ideas, they just need to be executed accordingly.


remember: if they can misread it, they will. that fokus is money.

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