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Everything posted by heydontlookdownthere

  1. totes berd, that zorber.... i like that E on that exup
  2. that fucking stoe!! bump rosek and rek6 coming out to play
  3. bump errbody doin' the damn thing
  4. that last one is looking right! dope shit
  5. fuckin bump ruiner, thats the troof
  6. that ALTS is mad tight, the designs in the S set it off, bottom of the T is cool too.
  7. Wins! That W I connection is killer, fowl always coming through with the crazy 3-deez
  8. Bump that obso zorb joint, hawt dayum
  9. bump that sicr highway spot, bump people painting
  10. sorry if some of the pictures are too large, don't post very often. edit:last few are stolen
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUb06iLjTKA
  12. heck yeah, bump some air jordans and that dead rat
  13. good to see some older jazz, yoski makin' my brain explode with them fills
  14. pyle on the grind, bump that iree. gripe with them colors.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJ8G2s--1zA
  16. take this ish to pm's or post some flicks
  17. obsoe brown with the stylin' fonts. wooord
  18. that jerx and fowl, nice floaters. bump
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