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^^Are you a cave-man/Jar Jar Binks enthusiast?

People never look at the first page...


But they should.


I'm bored and I need drugs to have a good time...

Sike. But I love drugs none the less. I didn't actually

do any drugs tonight, but if I had... I wouldn't be on

the internet now. Food is about ready and life couldn't

really get any better. Drop out of school now! Don't

take Flu shots, and for all that it's worth... Live free

lives doing exactly what you want to do.

Fuck yeah.

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1. get a big mixing bowl or somethin.

2. get something to stir with like a stirrer

3. mix together all of the following-


-black india ink

-some marsh or whatever similar brand of ink

-purple rusto paint

-GLITTER, lots of glitter

-your fav color of hair dye

-crack open a HI-LITER and dump the ink in

-maple syrup, not Aunt Jemima, but the real maple syrup thats nice and runny


There it is. The amounts of each can be changed depending how much of each you have. Pour it all into your mop or try freezing it and see if it will work like a meanstreak. Anyways, the glitter makes the ink look bad ass and all sparkly in the sun. The maple syrup is for consistency. The HI-LITER ink puts a weird look on the overall ink. I suggest adding in some metal balls or something to shake so the rusto paint and maple syrup stay nice and smooth. Anyways, go ahead and mix it up and pour it into your mop. Shake it up and go bomb. Remember, even though it has tasty maple syrup in it, do not consume this ink. You will get a bad stomache ache. Have fun with the graff inventor death ink and lets all make a big deal out of this like Krink. WOO HOO!


Has anyone actually made this and tested it out?

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That recipe is the biggest joke.

If you go about 25 pages into this

thread, you see a bunch of fake recipes

like that one. Only squares and toys have

ever attempted to put maple syrup, eggs,

or any other foods into their mix. And freezing

anything will not make a streak.


But it's still entertaining to see these mixes come

back from the grave... you know, where it belongs.

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The best mix you will ever use is the

basic glossy black oil based rusto with

basic paint thinner. It's simple and cheap.


If your shit is getting buffed, having more

staining power isn't going to help you. You

just need to hit up more spots in places the

buff can't get to and reclaim old spots. It's

the give/take of writing.

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i jsut posted those cause ppl asked...im not gonna be makin that gheto p n t thang thang paint...

i got a question though. ive been puttin bucket and thinner with standard ratios in mops for a bit now and even with the SQUEEEEEZIEST mops, i can only get drips on the first coupla tags. after the level of paint goes down bout an inch (in a 5 to 6 inch mop) say byebye drips. anyone know why this is happening? how do people keep gettin crazy drips until their marker is nearly empty? and dont say something like "cop junobo gee cause junobo be dat hardcore drippy shit cuzin"...

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No, because its a stupid fucking recipie.


"I'm bored and I need drugs to have a good time...

Sike. But I love drugs none the less. I didn't actually

do any drugs tonight, but if I had... I wouldn't be on

the internet now. Food is about ready and life couldn't

really get any better. Drop out of school now! Don't

take Flu shots, and for all that it's worth... Live free

lives doing exactly what you want to do.

Fuck yeah."


This whole paragraph is fucking retarded asdf_va!

I expected better from you.

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the reason the "second half of the mop" syndrome comes along and you can't hit tags is because thinned paint is thick, unlike ink, and doesn't have the fluidity to flow out as easily.


so in other words, it's like syrup instead of juice, so the syrup can't flow out as readily unless there's a lot of it behind it, allowing large amounts to come out and causing pressure behind it, while with ink it's much more readily available and flowtastic.


and i have more and more people thinning oil based paint with oink... that will give your oil based paint mix staining ability, it's a very unique concept.


and yo asdf, i'm working on having my ink bottled by Griffin! haha! and making a special mix that's xx% griffin xx% oink, bottled up by them. champion shit. from your experience, what should the ratios be? 60% griff, 40% oink? or 50-50?

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to the question above, from what i would think, it would make it more streaky. but idk, you could always try it.


So i happened to be in wal*mart the other day right. and i been hearing awhile bout this pen ink and what not. I been wanting to order some ink over the interweb but i need some moolah.

So i decided to get some black and blue bic rolling pens. The ones you usually see all the time with the black and white grip. and pulled them apart.


- 8 black pens

- 2 black pens

- 2 oz. rubbing alocohol

- 2 or 3 drops of brake fluid

- and bout 4 to 5 drops of average leather dye.


It stained some shit in 10 seconds give or take a sec. So it seems okay.

So im a put it to the stainability test on an inside.

test results soon.

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Ok, so I followed, the recipe on page one under homemade krink, however there are no proportions so I guessed, however the paint is really thick, but it's really streaky. Should I add more thinner to make it less thick, or will that just cause more streaking any help?:confused:


If you are using rusto aluminum, you don't need thinner. The streaks could be caused by several different things. What kinda of marker are you using? If you're using a mop, make sure the nib is nice and not fucked up. If you're using a marker, then you need to swith to a mop.

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that pen ink will dry onto porous surfaces in a matter of seconds. That is now the new Poor man's ink. Im wanting to add some fragrence stuff i found at wal*mart to see how it will make it smell. IM not sure how the glicerol will deal with the ink. Do some more experimenting soon.

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that pen ink will dry onto porous surfaces in a matter of seconds. That is now the new Poor man's ink. Im wanting to add some fragrence stuff i found at wal*mart to see how it will make it smell. IM not sure how the glicerol will deal with the ink. Do some more experimenting soon.

for that 'good-smelling shit' try vanilla extract or something

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