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The Street Sticker Thread


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Originally posted by cracksmoka@Jan 13 2005, 01:43 AM

who'd a thunk it just lil old me, mr still dont give a fuck just wont leave....IM000830.jpg




I was all excited to see the 100th page......and it opens up and this shity blackbook page comes up?


Dood I realize that you smoke crack but can you fuckin read?......This is the "street sticker" thread......say it with me now s-t-r-e-e-t s-t-i-c-k-e-r.......And the prerequisites for this thread are 2 things....stickers on the fuckin street....


Post your blackbooks on some other page.....Jesus.....


Why are kids that write graffiti so fuckin stupid? Is it the fumes?




And you quote a shitty Eminem song on top of it? :rolleyes:

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Can someone help These little guys be seen all over the streets of america? email me about a trade. Oh yeah and Orbitnmus your stickers are on its way, hope you like em. heres some flicks of the stickers im trying to trade off:


these three are are in the mail for OrbitNmus.



And these guys are just itching to get out of my house and into the streets.

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chill homey, i did it as a joke... i dont even like eminem like that... you all were just so hype to get the first post on the 100th page and all...well to be honest its just my personality, im an ass... ill be the first to admit it... but to show im a good sport - my bad... and ill delete the link for that flick.... and its NOT shitty thank you verry much... GOOD DAY SIR...(best gene wilder imitation)

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pictures....i went to the beach today since it was nice and i wanted to walk around and such...i get there and it is foggy as hell, which surprised me since my house was sunny and warm and im only 10 mins away, oh well....here are the flicks...the first bunch are from philly...the rest are from today..

eba00495929f00000001.jpggotta love the flourescent pink, you can see this sticker a block away..






dont pay any mind to this girl, shes just reading the parking ticket i got....bastards! haha


always in my shots...rookie





pawn and old dave







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Originally posted by meanie@Jan 13 2005, 08:38 PM

lol why did you block out your shoes? ^

my shoes are pretty distinctive, and i said hey why not...ive heard stories of people getting caught because of the shoes they were wearing in flicks....haha


yeah cracksmoka its o.c.....and no problem, im going to try and get more flicks of yours put up when i get back in philly

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heres an old one in the street: Sanfrancisco, glen park.



And heres my newest batch of GEEBs(Meet the family) im getting some bobs to put in sanfrancisco soon, ill be posting those asap.


Im always up for a trade, i really want to see these geebs in other cities. who knows maby other countries, how much is postage to england?

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Originally posted by Destruction by Definition@Jan 13 2005, 11:44 PM

lovin those telefonos!


just wanted to let everyone know that i updated my website FINALLY....check it out if you have time. im sure you guys have seen a few of the pictures already but oh well. sign the guestbook and let me know what you think!


link below



Oh noes, the clouds have spread from Philly to the shore :snowman:


Thanks for stickin em up man - appriciated as always :)

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Hey whatsup DBD, its Pawn from The Netherlands. thanks for putting me up ^_^ today was kind of a bad day for me but that cheered me up.


could you e-mail (thepawninvasion@hotmail.com) me those pictures in their real size? that would be great.

(if you have any more please do not hesitate to send those too =P)

i love those stencild bobs with the hearts!

I will be putting yours up soon. The weather here has been terrible so i havnt gotten to it yet

but dont worry most of your stickers wont end up in some book, but on the streets where they belong. :innocent:



oh and that Rabits Cant Be Sick stuff is awesome :love2:

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