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Re: PM me


Originally posted by eseLokE1uno

Im not into stickers at the moment I still owe some people :lol: but if you got a book i'll hit that up for u

hehe its cool.. i dont even have a clean book anymore, i just used up the last pages in my old one, and lately i've been drawing on some printer paper...

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well for the regret battle i think is quite close between xipe (for his mad layouts) and paids(tightness).... so imma have to flip a coin or some shit...well i vote for PAIDS 'REGRET' as the letter structures are unrivaled..


and for the BIG battle its got to b the cat that did the very symetrical design.....sorry didnt catch the name of the geez but props....but used a big 'i' and it was coloured...well whoever vote for him!!!



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