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dont sleep on.. (the summer edition)

Guest beardo

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treehouse love-making (fuck.. treehouses in general)

opening your window

playing baseball with girls

goin' fishing

siberian death grass

fruit snacks (Hot Wheels!)

lacing your shoes tight


your Chinese grandpa's bifocals

bubble tea (tapioca pearls, sucka)

mean streaks!

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Guest Pilau Hands

mental invalid's list has my name all over it! no really it does, look closer. let's together and throw a party johnny! alright i don't know any people...so...fuck...uhh...quick look over there!


- bubble tea's. DON'T SLEEP on the black tea with milk.

- long walks through chinatown with someone that you never want to shut up.

- sitting at the seaport just waiting for the lights of the city to turn on as the light of the world turns off.

- finally starting an oral history on your family

- painting more than imagined possible...for where i live anyway

- kahlua blasts WHAT!

- girls in the backless shirts and shorts or capris...really nice butts.

- not having a car...so walking everywhere with friends.

- i need a girlfriend

- starry nights

- 70 degree days...what's up with that action!


so much more...shit ill be back

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have insomnia when it comes to these things:


thrift stores

skating through time square

iced tea

long drives to nowhere


summer trip to havana


rustoleum spa blue

pows in chinatown

cannolis in little italy

the original NES

livin with your moms

five's handstyles

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...bbbbbbbbbbUMP for summer! and the fact im outtie in an 1/2 hour...hmm some quote tyme, in no particluar order and with no names:


swimming while you are stoned

time square

black & white zines-yeah like Devs'!

ice-chilled bong hits

70 degree days

little leage baseball

chill'n on the stoop

Pink halter tops -not for me, but for gurlies

good books



eating bomb pops

treehouses in general

ever endless persuit of beauty

sitting around at night talking about stupid crap

driving around with no particular place to go

laughing at people

Foliage-screened layups

bubble gum ice cream

sneaking into the swiming pool in the middle of the night

the open road

long walks

spur of the momment




...this could be one of the best poems of summer...i read it over and over and it just rocks....thanks guys...r

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I've been cutting streaks for years, and this summer will be no different. the effects are so silky smooth you'd think more people would pick up on it. I vote for letting everyone sleep though, who needs all the tricks to be exploited and shared?

don't sleep on...


racking the caps from every can of "graffiti remover" you find.. then throwing them in the trash

humming to yourself


abstract still-life

Billy Holiday

writing short stories

Watership Down



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Guest beardo

damn, it is kinda poetic invalid.. good lookin. id say its definate REM lyric material too.. a 12oz night swimming?

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Girls,girls not wearing much but looking classy,girls downtown in the finnacial district,and.....girls!

*heinikens w/Cfour,rism,and venus

*my new dance hall mix I just released

*girls giving you play cause you ride a fixy

*getting to the bar/club early and tearing it up on the floor

*being a b-boy extra in movies

*my brazilian phatbooty homegirl

*Capoerta and learning to salsa

*Barbequed plantains,yams,and potatoes.

*ginger root drinks

*Jamacain Jerk Chicken

*breakfest on the stoop or fire escape(this also is good for smoke sesions)

*Farmers tans


*Monday night Open Mics at rockin Java

*Devilush's Zines

*early morning(1-2pm) record diggin

*Kick ball

*handstand contests after a couple beers

*Cannibal Ox,Shuggy Otis,peterock instrumentals

*guerilla style digital slide shows outdoors

(the Incredible Eighties)

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tryin to pimp it with the ladies

good music

riding the city bus just to look atshady people

camp fires

orange soda


looking at the stars

ghetto gallons




damn I love summer!


[This message has been edited by Seek One (edited 07-13-2001).]

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bombing hills on skateboard, walking back up them, doing it again.


sunning like a snake on warm concrete outside


word to swimming while stoned


also PLEASE DO sleep on.... cheating on your girlfriend and going to a friend who killed themselves funeral. this week has sucked.

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*riding a track bike with the summer breeze passing you by.

*lying down in dolores park looking up at the sky and tripping over the clouds.

*nice tall glass of iced tea...thai or the Lipton kind.

*running into old classmates in the oddest places.

*the cat and i watching the traffic on our fire escape with the warm breeze just brushing our skin.

*bombing down hills by the piers and just catching that perfect steady pace.

*me not being all self consious about my body, therefor wearing tube tops and halter tops

*yay for short skirts

*yay for summer dresses

*sitting on the sand in the beach with my feet trying to dig into the sand to find the coolest spot under the sand.

*daylight at 7 p.m.

*drinking beers with the person that you love on the rooftop watching everyday life.

*sliding down metal slides in the park. acting like little kids again.

*strawberry ice cream

*ice cold mochas

*drinking heinikens with skotrel, rism, and cfour

*walking everywhere

*wearing sandals

*when you just woke up to a sun filled room with the windows open to hear the traffic under and even smell the warm air.

*walking out of the house to feel the warm sun on your shoulders

*yay for tank tops and painting freights with them

*watching a jazz band play in the streets.

*cherry popsicles

*putting on headphones in the park and laying down to ponder about things.

*dogs running up to you because they are so happy that their owners are taking them for walks.

*the end of a scorching hot day.

*teaching my boyfriend how to salsa and to cha-cha.

*eating on the rooftop, drinking beers at work.

*doing cartwheels and handstand in the park.

*learning new pickup lines from the best...hint hint.

*wearing coconut smelling sunscreen


*taking pictures of your day just for the hell of it.

*taking out my little brother and sister to eat.

*being crazy without feeling bad about it...


hm should this be it...i have a lot more though...i'll save it for later on.

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Guest beardo

>>*sitting on the sand in the beach with my feet trying to dig into the sand to find the coolest spot under the sand.



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great topic, beardo!


-chill music [mine at the moment: RES]

-a skateboard with pop

-the feeling ater you land a trick

-korean food

-bubble/boba tea that stays sweet

-marble ledges

-watching freights go by

-getting into car accidents and coming out alive and harmless [as opposed to dying.]

-car insurance [not the price.. but its purpose]

-natasha yi

-rainy cool summer nights

-pulaski park

-groove theory [with amel larrieux]

-riding an empty subway

-the whole fuckin east coast.. damnit it the whole country.

-ramen noodles

-spending time alone


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cont. …

above or under>>>

photographs of water...calm, rippling, splashing.

recording water...calm, rippling, splashing.

recording public school recess...

recording in general. and maybe making something of it. or not.


fennesz 'il libro mio'.


time for the pool and a steam...

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Guest Pilau Hands

"*sitting on the sand in the beach with my feet trying to dig into the sand to find the coolest spot under the sand."



and might i add...KAPOWZA!


- sandwich and a soda for $3.50

- playing pool while talking with a friend.

- talking with a friend while playing pool.

- rift on a warm sunny day

- looking at spots and wondering who's gonna hit em first...ain't gonna be me

- awaiting bang up packages

- still being able to be excited by a city like this one

- mangoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!

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...Hopping on your bicycle and riding until one of two things happens:

1. You get lost.

2. You're so tired that it takes every bit of your remaining energy to get home.

Either way, a shower and a nap will top it off, and you could call it a good day.



Not waving, but drowning.

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oh damn.. imeant boonie hats, not boobie hats....


not having to work over the summer 'cause you saved your money.

driving from lay up to lay up at dusk to see what to paint that night.

finding dope paint for hella cheap and painting every night.

tequiza (just a sixer)

cookie dough concretes.

waking up early and going out.

waking up late and staying in.

ignoring and smiling at everyone that tries to nag you about shit.

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Throwing parties.

Sleeping late.

Walking alone through a train yard with the sun on your back.

A cold beer while watching baseball.

Flip flops.

Being in love.

Cool air in the morning (75 degrees .. ugh.).

Picking your nose and wiping it on your friend's socks.



Toilets are for the uninspired.

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Guest Pilau Hands

i might i add...magoes that have been in the freezer for like twenty minutes. that equals...CHILLED MANGOES!!!!!!!


how could i forget slippers (flip flops). though that's not really a summer thing with me. until it turns 50, and as soon as it turns 50, it's all about the slippers!

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