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indian rock. never heard contra costa rock park before either.


on the other side of the bay: i just went to marin the other day and found an old burned down mansion. it was made completely of brick. they turned it into a park/garden. it was pretty amazing. i guess its robson/huntinton park in san ansemlo. i recommend checking it out.






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ahh i gotcha, i know what spot you're talkin about. and yea indian can get a little played. ever been to regal park? or bench tree over by memorial stadium? bench tree is probably the illest spot in berkeley. and yea i fuck with pretty much every spot you named, i enjoy smoking trees with a good view as well

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bench tree....... is there a rope swing there? i might be talking about a different spot... i'll check out that area though. there's so much shit to explore in the hills though mang. good lookin


and it's weird hearin from someone else who's even familiar with berkeley in here. small world...


even most of my friends don't know shit in berkeley except for indian rock. i've been holdin out on them with all the other spots

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nice to see people still come on this ..

ive been trying to do the photography thing now for a few months and i would like to know if anyone has somewhere i could go to get tips on better lighting when shooting at night or if someone reading this knows of any please feel free to share ...thanks..

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pills: bench tree is right on cheapskate hill, you climb up this tree and there is a bench built into the branches with an ill ass view of oakland, SF, richmond and the berkeley marina. i was born and raised in berkeley, so i know a cool amount of the spots there.


oh yea and if you are ever at indian rock and this old hippy man rolls up in a hoopty ass car, holla at him, his name is grey wolf. dude takes care of the rock and has some funky stories too.


skel: when shooting at night just leave the shutter open for a long time. its always worked for me.



here's an old flick, i havnt developed any for a while:


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pills: bench tree is right on cheapskate hill, you climb up this tree and there is a bench built into the branches with an ill ass view of oakland, SF, richmond and the berkeley marina. i was born and raised in berkeley, so i know a cool amount of the spots there.


oh yea and if you are ever at indian rock and this old hippy man rolls up in a hoopty ass car, holla at him, his name is grey wolf. dude takes care of the rock and has some funky stories too.


born in berkeley raised in hercules! haha

i haven't been to bench tree so i'm definitely checkin it out


i met some aussie dude at indian rock, i was there by myself and so was he, and he forced me into one of the most insane conversations of my life... nh. i still get some trippy ass dreams about it.

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Two security guards. Between them and the wall is a guy who shot someone in his leg at about 7 o`clock in the evening in Stockholms central rail station. There were blood drips all over the place etc. Difficult.






Back to the yard






Visited Stockholm...










On a bigger ship




Two older HDR`s...






So yes.

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Used to post here ages ago- but forgot my password and don't use the associated email acount anymore.


Here I go!





how do you do this? i have been wanting to know forever and havent been able to find any good info on it. i always see people doing that horrible hdr where everything looks completely fake and blahh, there are few doing it the right way like you...



and some phoootooos.

























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