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The Photography Thread


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rage, that painting(?) is niiiice. your work?


artifacts, how do you like that sony. it seems that they take amazingly sharp pictures, but i get turned off by them every time i hold one in my hand. they controls and ergonomics feel really awkward to me. would like to know your opinion.

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rage, that painting(?) is niiiice. your work?


artifacts, how do you like that sony. it seems that they take amazingly sharp pictures, but i get turned off by them every time i hold one in my hand. they controls and ergonomics feel really awkward to me. would like to know your opinion.


I honestly love my A700, i love all the new features they improved on from the A100.

Its definitely an improvement...fast focusing, sharp vibrant colors, and the DRO is great on it...now its time for more lenses. :cool:

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i admire this thread a ton.


i need to get a decently nice digital camera cuz film as of right now is a big pain in the arse.

right now i have a Cannon Rebel 2000



any suggestions to what i should get?


i dont know too much about cameras but i got a canon rebel xti a few weeks ago and i love it. i suggest you get one and study it real good.

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booniesbomber, if you already have canon lenses (more than just the standard 18-55) i suggest getting an xti, or if you can afford it, a step or two above that. if you have no real "brand loyalty" though, get a nikon dslr. both brands make good products, but in the lower end slr's they each have their downfalls (see my post on the previous page). i do however prefer the nikons to the canons hands down until you get into the high-end market. at that point though, it doesn't really matter which you go with.


what do i know though. thanks to my roommate and a few cheap bottles of wine, i'm drunk right now.


sleeping pills made a great new list in the photo hunt thread. you should all participate in this one. i'd love to see all of us working on some homework to get the creative juices flowing.

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