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The Photography Thread


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Someone with a thought for the next hunt start a new thread in Untitled called Photo Hunts or something like that. With it there it can be added to for each hunt instead of a new thread in Ch0. for each hunt. See if it can pick up some steam and be a cool thread.


I would start it right now but I have no good ideas in mind .. Maybe I will come up with something in a little bit.

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I don't know about photo hunts so much... but I've beenthinking.


One of the things i missed most about photography class was having assignments. I feel like it really taxes you into looking harder, rather than just wlaking around looking for cool stuff to shoot. i dont know if themes are the right word... but i would definitely be down to have a "12oz photo assignment-theme" give us all two weeks or some shit then report back. ehh?

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