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glad it got there okay :) no word back yet from the bastards at customs about those fees, but it's not a big deal anymore -- started a new job a couple weeks back.


gave a roll of b&w to my girl to develop at the lab at her school, but she ruined it (tried to develop it in the darkroom with the red light on :|)


so instead, some colour shots i just got back today. first 2 were taken with a defective 80-200mm lens that i exchanged the other day









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Originally posted by sans sheriff@Apr 15 2005, 03:01 PM

jbrsh, it looks like you took a lighter to those.

Is it just expired film?

no lighter, not expired.

i don't even know what's going on. the morning after the sharon jones show, every photo came out with some kind of emulsion problem.. considering how much drunkery went on that night, i'm gonna say the camera was jostled a number of times..i just put a new pack in so i'll find out if its the camera or not.

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Originally posted by ese@Apr 15 2005, 12:31 AM

it has arrived.


everything looks fine. the album is great. I'll be breaking it out tommorow night to try and get some shots.

just a thought/suggestion...use that part of box as the cover for the final product, i am interested to see this thing when its finished


PS: you shop at ikea.

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i have a nikon 4100. it is a basic digital camera. i really want to be able to take long exposure shots but i cant find any settings on it to take them except for a night shot which has a slightly long shutter time. i dont know anything about camera's so if anyone has this camera and/or knows how to take long exposure shots that would be a great help.

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Originally posted by count chocula@Apr 17 2005, 09:50 PM

nice shots....i would guess that you used some sort of panning technique, but i've never gotten results with so much clarity- must'a been a sunny day.


Yep they were panned. And on the contrary, it was a dull overcast day! Flashgun helped ;)

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I might need another day or two with the PPA. I tried to get some shots today and the film was getting jammed in the camera, I had to pop the back to fix it, so the whole pack was exposed slightly. the prints are comming out all washed out, so I'll have to get a new pack on monday and try again.

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