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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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fresh like a pair of chopos, white tube socks, dickie shorts, a wife beater, and a hanes t-shirt. complete with rosary, communion necklace, and my mi vida loca tattoo.



the only things from the list currently being rocked= the socks and the tattoo. sir sporty loko barelas 13 ganga.........

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fuck im tired. stuffed like a mutha too. just got back from the LA county fair. pigged out like woah. there's a shit load of hot chicks there considering it's a week day. lowrise pants fuckin' rule. thongs fuckin' rule even more. the girls i was undressing with my eyes better have been over 18 for legal purposes not moral. that is all.

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when in the west coast all i see are titties, and i just got back from nyc, and almost all the hoes i saw had dope ass and dope face with no titties.


i been good, trying to stay afloat and fed. it's my bed time carnal, i'll probably be on tommorow night, if i see you on i'll post.



oh yeh, i just had my three dots re-done, shits were fading and you gota keep 'em fresh. peace......

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bleh. im so fucking sick. not very fun.. i'd be nice to know how it feels to be able to breathe out my nose again.. and today my roommates son who i was babysitting got a temperature of 103 poor baby we had to take him to the emergency room.


i need to go out and party. i was about to say and "get faded" but we all know that wont be happening.. next monday i start working at sprint.. ill have to be at work at fucking 6am.. daaaaaaaayum.

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Originally posted by alure

bleh. im so fucking sick. not very fun.. i'd be nice to know how it feels to be able to breathe out my nose again.. and today my roommates son who i was babysitting got a temperature of 103 poor baby we had to take him to the emergency room.


i need to go out and party. i was about to say and "get faded" but we all know that wont be happening.. next monday i start working at sprint.. ill have to be at work at fucking 6am.. daaaaaaaayum.


i've been trying to call but i can't get through, what happened? call me at the 660 number on your caller i.d. i hope he's okay.


i'm mad faded on budweiser and esb in just a while, holler.....

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Originally posted by ragsoe505

i've been trying to call but i can't get through, what happened? call me at the 660 number on your caller i.d. i hope he's okay.


i'm mad faded on budweiser and esb in just a while, holler.....


aaden is fine. i just got home, and i cant call i have no long distance. i'm having a rough day, one of those days where i feel extra lonely.typical huh? i miss you.

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im not sure if the rest of you heard about this but today was national, talk like a pirate day

we had a fucking blast at work

aaarrr'ing all day and drinking captain mo

we even had pirate names

mine was black jack kid

needless to say we had to stay until 2:30 am

to finish up the shit we should have been doing earlier

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i have had this re-occuring fever/sore throat for 2 years. the first time i had it, i was out of commission for a week. i coughed up these semi-solid masses, sometimes with blood on them, and i had a horrible fever, i remember this one night i was waay too fucking hot, but when i put a fan on me, i started shivering. the intervals between its coming back seem to have gotten longer over time, but i think i have it fairly bad now. odd, it's about this time of year that i first got it.

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