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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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the best thing in the world to get is a big bag of pick n mix. suitable for any time of day...on the way to work/school, when ur fucked, on the way home. etc

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aww thanks dee!! nah i dont use shit on my hair. my hair is usually stick straight so if i leave it, it just goes straight. but i sometimes curl the ends to make it a little bit more "up-py"? if that is the word for it. it was a short haircut growing out. so i dont usually cut it. it was long once and i just decided to just cut it. thank god it is growing out now.

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Damn.... i wish I didnt have to rock styling products. Asians do have natrually good nice hair too.


I use 99c shampoo from v05 that smells like mango. It's alrite. Im a poor college student, so you know. And I use moose. I havent blowdryed or combed my hair in a year. I stopped straightening it, and just lets it go wavy. Sometimes... i feel like shakira. I wish. I could only wish!

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Guest willy.wonka

i like the wax, but i dont like the feeling...mostly i'm "bolohead", but when i grow my hair out..its a magnet for chicks..girls like my eyelashes too..they swear i curl that shit;)

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Originally posted by DEE38

Damn.... i wish I didnt have to rock styling products. Asians do have natrually good nice hair too.


I use 99c shampoo from v05 that smells like mango. It's alrite. Im a poor college student, so you know.


shit. the cheap shit is the best. i dont use the most expensive shit. what i have now is finesse. i hate the smell but for some reason, i still bought it. :o


oh wale...i've always known that you are so attractive. :)

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fuck all of you fools whack hair..... everybody jocks mine(when its long) get a lot of play from it (by girls) * i know what yall were thinking(beotch). well its dark brown at the roots...then turns lighter till it turns blond....you can actully see it fading from one color to the next. does that then its about 6 inches long..i"ll take me about a year to grow my hair that long..haha.

but i"ll do it just to prove you fucker wrong.....


ohyeah./......stop jocking.

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2 cats don't get along...my boy sean brought over hois cat because me and my roomie said we would take care of it for him...the cat we got the other day is being a CUNT....guess which cat we will probably get rid of?...thats right the one thats being a bitch because shrub is wanting to work this shit out like the united nations and teh arabs.


FartPillows: god damn....pooping and vomiting at he same time sucks....I had to keep switching orifaces and that made had to do both more...it was like a fucked up carpousel of shit and vomit


this was said to someone via AIM to describe my night and I am still VERY stoned

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my brother has the dopest little turtle. i put it in my romm because it keeps me company.. sad... a damn turtle is keeping me company.. anyway it just sits there and stares at me. and it's little beady black eyes are kind of creepy. but it's just so cute when it crawls under this shell and when he swims..i keep changing his name. first it was guy, then gilligan, then kipper, then dog, it kind of looks like a benjamin or dakota..

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tonite pretty much sucked except for one thing...

well i went to a party and invited a few girls i know including th girl who i mentioned the other day (the losing streak ender)

so this first party sucks, like 10 people who are all drunk and stupid

we hear of another party about 30 minutes away

so we head out, well when we get there its just 30 peope who are scary lookin, smelly, drunk, and some guys who look like they are 40, all the girls are missing teeth, yack! so me and my girl sat outside and drank beers and kept each other warm... thus the only good part of the night



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my sister became friends with my nephew's math teacher from last year. so she invites her over here to celebrate his b-day. she comes over. not bad looking. blonde blue eyes ?early 30's?. anyways we start talking about tats. she starts showing off her ankle her very low side of the stomach one (you know where) and her lower back. yum. her lower back almost from side to side was tatted down and showing thong. i was like damn i never had teachers like this in school (thong wearing, tattoo having, pierced, Raider liking slut). she would definitely get the cock.

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Originally posted by dELiSs

my brother has the dopest little turtle. i put it in my romm because it keeps me company.. sad... a damn turtle is keeping me company.. anyway it just sits there and stares at me. and it's little beady black eyes are kind of creepy. but it's just so cute when it crawls under this shell and when he swims..i keep changing his name. first it was guy, then gilligan, then kipper, then dog, it kind of looks like a benjamin or dakota..

name your bros turtle after me......
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