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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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I hear ya Earmuffs....in fact..hahaha....I wrote a little rhyme about where I'm at....


Welcome to Spokane..

The land of meth shards and Quest cards

Fat ugly women with stretch marks that could catch darts

yet they still try and fetch hearts

Rollin' 2 deep dwon Division in a beat-up wrecked car

on thier way to sniff some nose candy

in the bathroom stall of the next bar....


that pretty much somes up my city.

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Originally posted by 455@Oct 4 2005, 10:14 PM

I love Cheetos.


Classic (puffs) or crunchy?


My girl got really pissed at me the other day after I brought her back some crunchy cheetos from the store. She said that cheetos are the puffy kind originally and the crunchy kind are "Crunchy Cheetos" and not "Cheetos"..]

She wanted me to go back. I laughed and took a nap.

Men suffer too when women have their periods...



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damn muffs, why you moving around so much? and i hear you shameless, my lady craves all this crazy shit, two in the am and my ass is walking to the goddamn walmart. i need to get insurance so i can drive my haggard ass car. *sigh* and now its off to work. stay up owls.

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Originally posted by cloner@Oct 5 2005, 07:48 AM

earmuffs - im from ohio, but my moms whole side of the family and her parents are moving out there i guess. why do you laugh? from what ive seen of it, its a nice placE? no?


Its really small maybe 100,000 people. The summers are really fuckin hot like 115 degrees and winters get hella cold. Not much to do here either.

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slave i feel the same way yo! except i just graduated highschool last year. i feel like my whole body is going to give out!


earmuffs sounds like kelowna will suit my mom perfectly, hah.


onesecondple you got extra cans??? im broke!!


fantom..you dont even know. when i was 16 i got my liscense, left the liscense bureau and got shitfaced at my dudes house. driving home from there i got stopped for brake lights being out and got a dui, about 5 hours after i got my liscense...so basically since day one, my insurance has been through the roof.


and on a side note, im not really down with the cheetos, i prefer those ones in the clear and red bag called corn twisters...the kinda ghetto ass kinda cheetos. i keep it gutter.





big ups to the makers of: WFYSW.jpg

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