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NIGHT-OWLS: word has it we've got Boogiehands

Guest willy.wonka

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my head hurts...


why the fuck is twista on my musicmatch playlist?


...sup phantom


hmm wonder how long it will take me to make myself a junior member..



later all ....furniture is here..gotta restain my garage..and figure out how t hang my flat plasma screen tv on my wall..

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I sent him that sticker from the batch you sent me, there was 2 of those "bald men" ones so i kept one and sent him another as his a real sticker fiend and i knew he'd love it, why he posted it randomly i have no idea.


I wanted to keep this handle and the name i was emailing you with seperate, but fuck it..so basically i was the australian kid you sent the package to. expect a return thankyou pack in the mail soon man.



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Originally posted by slave_one

what are you guys sending to each other? i want one...


fatbastard: send me something! i'll send you something back i promise.



im always down for a good trade slave, and since your the homie, id trust you'd send something decent back. drop me a line. info in profile.


on a good note, i painted tonight, alot, all freeway too. lovin those fats fb. need more, haha. peace owls. peace.

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haha slave thats funny.. my friends make fun of me because i sit "proper" ..i dunno just the way iw as raise i sit with my back straight and stand up straight..no slouching..it hurts my back when i slouch





i'm right here...;]



shit ihad to go to a math tutor today.


i'm at work on break boo..

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