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Elena Delle Donne

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Everything posted by Elena Delle Donne

  1. white girl mob ranking: 1. kreayshawn 2. lil debbie 3. v-nasty
  2. kreayshawn is so fine after having the kid. i would
  3. excuse... the new era store. i would never make this mistake in real life.
  4. is this really on the new balance store? i'm copping
  5. yep. we have a local group just like this.. i'm watching like a hawk. @metronomei have done a full 180 on drivetrains. seeing new 2x12 sram force axs groups for like $1100-$1300 in some places? my friends with hydraulic brakes keep telling me they bleed like every 20,000 miles and i have nothing to worry about
  6. good sir you will not slander a hardworking textile importer like ANUS12
  7. i went 0/5 on all numbers, just a total wash. how do people do this all the time?
  8. true. might need to crosspost @LUGR. the listing has a video that should be seen
  9. dhabz finally gets to kill me with a pocketknife of some kind for being a liberal. it'll be great
  10. you got it man. make it weird
  11. i'm trying to get robbed by a friend or family member and/or meet a mysterious but tragic end
  12. you ever had a bowl cut @Boris The Butcher
  13. republicans lost their shit when it was a guy with a rifle at their little baseball game
  14. this was like a thursday afternoon? i wonder if i was drunk before work
  15. @Jokeryou're the man — yeah, i did some digging and realized tubular was wrong for this. these boyds are tubeless ready and i'm definitely interested. the previous owner ran tubeless on these and sang its praises too. REALLY appreciate the lead on sram red22. i'm worried about the previous generation shimano groups and the bonding failure documented extensively on @thanksshimano instagram. i think pros closet is wildly overstocked. they've been running sales for two months now.
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