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Everything posted by ndv

  1. Speaking of making money and being retired, I wanna be like my boy @LUGR No way you can have a job and post that many pic of fishing and still habe time to work. @mr.yuck Florida lugr style is where it's at.
  2. This is so true. Working with interior designers equals money. It's a demographic that makes sense when you have the financial means to do so. My buddy works with interior designers all the time becuase of the clientele. Good work deserves good pay. Architects are just favorable too, however, architects are a little more anal with what types of materials they want to use and how they are used becuase they had this dream or dropped acid and sold the idea to some billionaire that throws money at fantasies too. But Architects have budgets too, that's where the douche bag GM comes in to play trying to get everything for nothing. You know, when I get a phone call from someone wanting an engraving on a pen, or some memento personalized of some sort where they mention a price for next to nothing as it's obvious they just want to get it as cheap as possible, they will finish by asking how much do I charge. I just throw my minimum of 175 at them. They hang up, I go back to making money, one of us is happy.
  3. I was about to say, try tor. Since yesterday, I uninstalled all major browsers and I am now using the web through tor via whonix. I am still learning the process and the ins and outs with running tor through whonix so I haven't tried youtube yet, but this method does help with viewing content.
  4. Props to you on finding a falw in the system and creating a niche out of it. I completely agree, that is doesn't matter how much blood sweat and tears you put into your work, the customer really doesn't care these days, all they want is the thought of good work and them enjoying the day with there feet up. Don't get me wrong I always recommend quality work, and that's just it, your honesty in explaining to the customer your prices versus the customer being in the same situation they are in now is a perfect representation for textbook entrepreneurship. @Ray40 self employed life hacks
  5. You know he left some cucks of skin on the ground. Not to mention he may have gotten run over. What made it worse for me watching the video, that it buffered right when ol dude started to fall and all I could think was, "I hope I don't see the worst end of it" my anxiety was boiled as I watched the buffer loop around and around.
  6. What life hack you using? I'd like to join the Unofficial Retirement Club.
  7. Try a bump next time. You're loosing money when you take a break
  8. I liked what the dude is spitting, I agree with most of the points this guy made however, I am not educated on much of the tech he's talking about. What I agree with is. 1. Being the 256 issue which he is correct regarding the government realized this encryption dead-end. All federal agencies have been rolling out new signing formats and are having us update our passwords more frequently. 2. The crypto vulnerabilities he is speaking about where an individual or entity can own your money in an instant, isn't really any different that the fed seizing your bank account. Although his BTC ledger explanation only makes Monero even more valuable than BTC in my opinion. 3. Well I can't think of a third, becuase my girl called me while I was in tue middle of writing 2 and I don't feel like re watching the vid to remember my third agreement.
  9. Sounds like neighbor having fun. But to a certain extent, I kinda feel like some of these drone hobbiest invade people's privacy. This is why a jammer is needed from time to time. 2hr battery life, thats kinda low, but maybe not for a cat and mouse game. I didn't see a price so I am taking it, the company doesn't sell for civilian use. Perhaps fcc laws prevent that? Pretty cool looking jammer though.
  10. Add contempt of court in there somewhere too.
  11. GFs B-day and she mentioned she likes Marfa so I picked her up a bottle and got myself one which is an acquired scent to some.
  12. If you guys and gals want total anonymity and security in the digital world, I only recommend using Qubes OS with Whonix, and for an extra layer, run Tails via killbus. Encrypt all your emails with a PGP with Thunderbird as your email client.
  13. @nicklesndimes just in case you're conscious about not your leaking identity on line, sources white or black hat can obtain your finger prints from photos. Just a heads ups!
  14. @LUGR the title made me think of the movie Rad
  15. I was thinking the same on building an OS, but I imagine many airwaves/freqs militaries use are all encrypted. So I would imagine there has to be something floating around the deep web tucked away in some opsec discussion.
  16. @NightmareOnElmStreet do you remember the thread title? @KILZ FILLZ perhaps you may remember?
  17. I have a Capital One at this time and I will purchase something here the there every few months or so, then have the charge paid in full via autodraft. Noted. I will stay never get one of these cards. Thank you for the insight 🙂
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