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Everything posted by ndv

  1. I didnt know there was more than one shuffle. I was speaking in general. But now that you mentioned LMAFO Shuffle. I like that Shufflin! I just dont get the style I guess? I am trying to understand where it came from? Swing? Crip Walk?
  2. Not sure if I should start another topic based on Shuffle (Dancing?) or ask here since I do kinda find it Non-Sense? But anyhow... What up with the Shuffle Dancing? Is it really dancing or just another alternative to aerobics?
  3. Other than Mercer's post and something I read this morning, this is the third time I am beginning to notice a common denominator. https://nypost.com/2020/02/22/dont-buy-chinas-story-the-coronavirus-may-have-leaked-from-a-lab/amp/ Fact check nypost anyone? @Hua Guofang I hope the best for your Family and Friends and one can only hope they do not become effected. God Speed to a strong immune system.
  4. You can watch the entire segment or start the show @ 2:55 Pretty interesting anime. https://youtu.be/RVwrjqwoUhA
  5. Not sure if I should've liked it lol. Good answer either way.
  6. ndv

    Current View

    @SMdoubleXL Need more detail. ;)
  7. ndv


    @luhem If you have those Ritz, you have those chicken & waffles? Props if so!
  8. @SMdoubleXL Why you ask? Wanna smash both?
  9. Concrete? I am not sure what you mean? Manly features?
  10. Look at all those healthy nutrients. That's a healthy gut. That's boomer!
  11. ndv

    Current View

    And for my next photo see the thread "Last thing you Ate".
  12. Is there a catch here? Because that's a mos-def smash.
  13. The Zoidberg chick. Something I do not want to smash or trash. Just want to think somethings do not exist. Next!
  14. I thought that made complete sense for her to play. It really impressed me (the doctors) to be that confident in their field, but also recognize we are all human and mistakes can happen. You know?
  15. Know hear me out. 1. I am not knocking anyone's profile. I am sure there is some questionable sentences in mine. 2. I am becoming more and more intrigued by some of these profiles. With the second being said. I wonder if it is possible to have one of, if not, 'the worst profile' to ever grace across dating platforms and still be able to pull off dates? I fell as if I now have a social experimentation responsibility. Snd that's what I get for thinking... Any great writers here?
  16. ndv

    Dear ________,

    That is an awesome watch!
  17. Yes. Each major dating app/site has at least 3 icons. X/No/Pass, Yes/Like/Interested, and one for messaging which messaging is instantaneous for paid subscribers. Now, if I or the other person hits the X/No/Pass we will not know. I think thsts a good thing because some people can't take rejection very well. However, if a person does become s problem, everyone has the option to block and/or report the person. The below pic is of match.com ui.
  18. Right on! I am the same way. I don't smoke any more (been more than 6yrs) However, I just stopped smoking tobacco 3 days ago, and it's tough for me.
  19. @Dirty_habiT That is awesome to hear of your GF and you. That is usually how it happens. Can't force the good/great stuff. This whole online dating thing has actually kinda makes me wanna scale back a bit now ever since this morning. So basically, there was a story on online dating with the demographic of 50's and incline of gonorrhea. Kinda makes sense, really there is a small percentage of true love vs one-nighters. What do most people think these sites are mostly used for...? Anyhow, which what I am about to say is totally going to go against my 'Scared Straight Gonorrhea' study I seen this morning. So, hear me out! There have been the Ice Bucket Challenge, Tide Pod Challenge, The Sriracha Challenge, The Hipster Challenge, and so forth... Now is the time for the 'Plunger Challenge' - there is a meme floating around an oonz topic that is a perfect visual representation of what I mean. What I need is,Habit to help me on my game with the ladies so I can bamboozle them into shaving their head. I do that!! Then the rest is gravy! Kults gonna need your help on amping up the challenge so this stuff will spread like wild fire. We're gonna probably be looking at some type of champagne.
  20. I am sorry I am not understanding your last comment? Que?
  21. ndv

    Current View

    Place looks chill. I dig that.
  22. Thinking about what @Dirty_habiT you were saying. Yeah... That one there I think I should have built up the suspense in person. But there's going to be a few that are going to slip through the cracks. Should have done what you and @SMdoubleXL had said and everything would have been perfect or. Or... I could have seen a turkey just like the one at the top of the page? IDK... I am not one who rejects a Thanksgiving dinner when offered.
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