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Everything posted by ndv

  1. ndv

    Current View

    @SMdoubleXL I get a can't open file via my mobile phone
  2. @T4M*. My bad, sorry to let you down. Spring is right around the corner and there's all kinds of insects coming. I got you! You will be proud of me 😁
  3. Hold on!! I got send this to my buddy!! Hahaha!! @Kults I think this is your best one yet!
  4. That's forward thinking there, and I agree with your logic on cures. I have always associated extinction with cures and questioned what cures has man missed unconsciously due to self extinction (caused by whatever other than man's byproduct of existence) or man's doing? I guess what I am trying to say, is if living things can go extinct, then what extinctions have already taken place that mankind isn't aware of and how many of those where cures or remedies, or simply an ingredient for food, to something when processed/extracted becomes a superior material than some of the materials we use now for all sorts uses. When I think about all of this it makes me appreciate the massive seed bank humanity has preserving in Norway, Sweden...? Can't remember the exact location. But, yeah, that was a massive mosquito!! Wasn't sure if I captured Alabsma's state bird because that's the largest one I've seen. But nothing scary like the time I realized I was sleeping with four Blackwidows until I was trying to grab my phone I dropped between the bed and wall. FYI Those spiders move super fast!!! If I had some better sound recording, I could have filtered out the ambient sound from the machine and Laser beam because when the laser was cutting thru the misquote, it made a crackle sound which you can kinda see visually when the legs collapsed. I posted the video a on youtube right after I recorded it. And kinda thought to myself, "I wonder if this video may have backlash from some over the top animal rights activist Tweak. Because you never know in this day in age... Anyhow, Yeah! 🤬 that queer-ass mosquito!
  5. I was working on preping a job, but this mosquito was flying around irritating me, so I stopped, caught the dirty bastard and had fun!! Just Lase! 20170927_215244.mp4
  6. You will find this at a fiesta, possibly on line, or your local Mexican michoencan grocers.
  7. This is my fav. Really good stuff! Doesn't take much! Stuff is hot!
  8. Got the same variety for christmas. Good sauce.
  9. ndv


    I picked up these Balenciaga Race Runner a while back. Waited for them to go on sale first.
  10. ndv


    @Kults here is a site that usually has good sales for sneakers. Some of those pumas are dope! https://www.yoox.com/us/men/shoponline/sneakers_c#/dept=shoesmen&gender=U&attributes={'ctgr'%3a['snkrs5']}&season=E
  11. ndv


    Those NBs are sweet!!! Now those Belanciagas are huge shoes but scream comfort.
  12. ndv


    @Kults Just seen these highlighters. A little too steep on price but at least they are completely different from the norm. Thoughts?
  13. @+plus+ My roommates and I used to host a Beer Olympics in back yard. 100+ people would show up and get trashed all day long well into the morning. We hosted one during the Somali Pirate debacle back in 2010? Anyhow, one of out representing countries was Somalia, so the team dressed up as pirates. Pirates as in 'The Pirates of the Caribbean'. Yeah... Those days...
  14. It's been about 11 years since I lived in the area. I used to live off of Lovett Blvd right across the street from the 90.1.
  15. ndv

    Current View

    Not current but is was at one time...
  16. West Alabama ice house is still standing? Oldest bar in the city?
  17. That was like the first thing I seen, other than the extra long gummy worm in your hand. This guy uses his periphery
  18. Here's a couple more. TV man is actually a video. Hope it plays for ya.
  19. Just happened to take a spontaneous weekend getaway to Denver for the weekend so I went to the Denver Art Museum. Monet exhibit was soltan out so I didnt get to see his paintings, but I did take a few photos of some very random 1100s - 1700s paints of middle class families of merchants. The last pic is today's era, the artist was there painting live and I was trying to buy the painting but she couldn't sell direct due to a licensing deal. But anyhow, hope y'all enjoy!
  20. Some cool looking pencils I couldn't pass on.
  21. ndv


    Picked this up years back when I was in Colorado.
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