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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. bump crabman, why would you put a bandana on your knee? that's stupid as hell.
  2. That Jawbreaker song! posted it here before, hope people take time to listen to it, so relate-able congrats on 19 days, keep it up.
  3. true, a couple weeks off, AND del taco! TPBM has insomnia.
  4. york throwies and sen 4 tags, word up.
  5. false. TPBM wasted too much time today, and feels regretful.
  6. Also, crazy thing happened. Went to visit an old co-worker. I did not see her drinking, and was not under the impression she was, cause she seemed her usual self. we get in the car to get pizza,and all of a sudden, she's all over the place, on the other side of the road, almost hitting cars. I take control of the wheel and avoid 3 or 4 almost accidents. She starts freaking out, telling me to let go of the wheel, and that she's a "good driver." I'm panicking at this point fpr safety's sake, and we pull over in a parking lot. I know she has gotten a DUI before, but thought she learned her lesson. I'm pissed she did that, but annoyed I couldn't tell, and stop it before it happening. After we got back she was calling on the phone, cursing at customer service reps, calling her exes and saying mean things, and then complaining that she has no one at 40 years old. this is what alcohol does, it's sad. Not judging, because I've done embarrassing things on liquor, but I do not want to end up like that.
  7. Just wanted to share some positive updates. Lost track, but it's been about 2 weeks since I've had a drop of booze. I've been too busy to even drink, distractions and diversions are totally key. I want to thank POZ for all the support, and for telling me to get out there and skateboard that day. I actually landed a job by leaving the house that day, and have been skating hard twice a week. I've been seeing bars on my way home filled with drunken jocks and obnoxious behavior, that is definitely a turn off, and has been a deterrent. Last night friend had someone over, and was like "hang out, grab a beer!" I was like nah I'm cool, I haven't been drinking. reaction was positive. Other night I saw that there was beer stocked in the fridge, and almost took one, before I stopped and thought about it. Snapped myself out of it, and was cool for the rest of the night. But every once in a while I get the sudden intense craving out of nowhere to want a drink. Happened twice or 3 times today. That part sucks. There's been a lot going on, I've got to find a new place to live, with no free time from work, death in the family, job stress, etc. etc. But I've been handling it well I think. If I were drinking, I guarantee I would not have the same optimism, or patience to deal as I do now. Was also wondering if any of you males have noticed more hair loss with increased use of cigarettes and alcohol? I know stress and genetics play a part, but vices also speed up the aging process. Just curious as to your personal experience. stay up nurga maynes^
  8. yeah, I heard Mullen was teaching him how to do them. Greco is like 37 or 38. Quit a bunch of years just doing drugs, and came back, that part blows all the younger dudes out of the water.
  9. last days here was interesting. vigilante vigilante is up there now. Wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Lotta the same stuff and people as all those other docs. Joe Connolloy has gone way more off the deep end as you can tell in this one. He's kinda losing his mind, more so anyway. I hope his daughter grows up to be a prolific writer, haha. But cool to see who came off in the background footage.
  10. dear skateboarding, thanks for being there, and so awesome lately. sorry I kept you on the backburner for so long. Dear netflix, thanks for keeping me entertained, but you're a bad influence on my sleeping patterns.
  11. that deathwish video is great, they all go hard. Everyone needs to see it. Jim Greco's big comeback is incredible... check it here: Also, battle of the berrics is heating up. Feeling PJ Ladd's performance. Had a good session myself today. Hit my shins a few times though, Gonna feel that tomorrow.
  12. damn, you guys turnin 445 thread in here. Tuna sandwiches with tomato on toast are my jam. Gotta have a soda with it. right now I'm making some killer spinach artichoke dip.
  13. hahah, for real though. it looks like a harp.
  14. don't know exactly what that is, so I'm going with false. tpbm is single.
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