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Sleazeside Heights

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Everything posted by Sleazeside Heights

  1. that water looks so inviting and refreshing. oh yeah, and that other stuff is straight crazy. humans man, I tell ya...it's always something with them.
  2. when the fire detector goes out, and then makes the torturing beeping sound periodically. THE WORST!!!
  3. absolutely true. tpbm is an avid coffee drinker.
  4. or Foamhenge in kentucky or tennessee wherever it is.
  5. Tax, that's rough. Tough spot to be in, but a real friend will tell someone they are concerned, and do what they can do to help them out. If you see him falling, you can reach out and lend a hand. You could save a bad situation from getting worse, or stand by and let it go. Not everyone takes criticism easily, or wants to be helped. But you know him, and know how to deal best. Hope whatever happens goes smoothly. So I'm quitting smoking. Haven't had one since saturday, and don't plan to buy a pack. That's when it gets ya back. I feel like now's the time. Haven't drank in a week, and that makes not smoking much easier. The two go hand in hand. Been feeling good so far!
  6. Dear Rolf, That was amazingly hilarious, haha. Dear My muscular system, Stop being unnecessarily sore, I can't even lift my arms. Grabbing my coffee is leaving me in intense pain, and for seemingly no reason. Thanks. Dear Dog, We're going to have some awesome bonding time. And I'm glad I don't have to pick up your monster turds, and I can just leave them in the yard. Word up. -Heights.
  7. Isn't Kendrick Lamar Chloe Kardashian's husband? Shows how much I know about pop culture. So I checked out a song, WOW, complete unlistenable crap. King of new york? PLEASE, So many before him were actually kings, this is a joke. People must be turning in their graves. Shit is embarrassing, but then again the general populous is stupid enough to think this is good. King of new your my assssss.
  8. is that sivel? or is that first letter an M? stole:
  9. longing for N.O. these days. Would do anything for a Parkway po' boy or flying burrito... followed by a dip in the country club, naked as the day I was born.
  10. Sign off for a second, I'm expecting a call and you're tying up the phone line!
  11. yeah they're jealous of your luxurious locks. When I think of balding and headbands though, I think of this:
  12. Watching Steve Harvey. He just dropped some knowledge..."Walk the dog, don't let the dog walk you." -mind blown. and I'm drinking 2 iced coffees right now. That's right 2! go hard or go home.
  13. Re: narcisism? what do you think about people at minimum wage jobs who work hard for the things they own??? also, if you're aware of your delusions, are they really delusions at that point?
  14. ^you're the funniest close friend of mine I never had. Possibly a brother from another mother???
  15. Thanks, same to you. Wish I wasn't so clumsy about spilling my somewhat sporadic stream of consciousnes/trifflin drama in this thread, which is easy to do since it feels safe. I wish I wasn't so easily affected by life sometimes, but it's the thinker in me. All the people I really care about are also deep thinkers as well. Always on the quest for something more and meaningful in life, and guess I turn to booze when I can't find it or real life bores me. Many of those friends do the same. Finding replacement activities. I have no internet, and a p.o.s. computer, but I've been flicking like a motherfucker, and will share when I get myself a new machine. Something that gives me pure sober joy. That and Dogs, God's masterpieces. Anyway, I'll stop before I start rambling, yet again. stay up everyone.
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