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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. This is all my houseplants (everyone moves out for the summer) and patio plants. I started the morning glories in the corner for a privacy screen from my dear neighbors window. (Plus it was a very cheap and effortless project). I just threw a pack of seeds in some wet soil and left it. They create an awesome growth pattern if you let them do their thing and I want them to take over this area. IMG_8203.mov
  2. Kid sent me a few packs for my birthday stated this I’ll post finished when finished
  3. True TPBM lets their dog in their bed
  4. Not certified but there was no promise to get me certified.
  5. Probbaly posted back in this thread somewhere but it’s kinda new to me. this app is free and super easy to use. Breathing, mediation, stretching, yoga, and so many workouts and targeted workouts. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nike-training-club-wellness/id301521403
  6. they had a bath today 519ADF15-52EB-446C-A362-EA3BFEF6BD29.mp4 “I can do it myself”
  7. A hater just finds shit to hate about on anything but it’s served with some (obvious) underlying envy I live with a hater. it’s annoying to have conversation sometimes
  8. SMdoubleXL


    Ooh I forgot I got some of those ⬆️ last year. Need to bust em out. however. I ordered three pair of this brand with intention of keeping one and sending two back I wanted to see how each one fit. fuck they all fit perfectly I’ll probbaly keep all three
  9. Was the Omen spooky to you? like the older one
  10. It was pretty fucking good. Had a few ‘wasn’t expecting that’ type gore scenes.
  11. Naw. No competin. I wanna see what you talmbout tho
  12. Used hedge trimmers for the first time this week and did the front of these hornbeams. Ive also learned how to smoothly operate this guy
  13. This was the first cd I ever bought. When they were sold in those long, thin boxes
  14. I see his lil creepy ass
  15. Mulch pile has become a favorite spot. Nice and warm to lay in. Have found the fawn laying in the bucket of the skid steer one morning IMG_7449.mov IMG_7451.mov IMG_7452.mov
  16. Find the fawn Out 10 acres is fenced in except business hours gates open so this lil man and her babies just kick it in here and are used to us workers. was told it was nursing the fawn out in the open the other day
  17. It will lay where ever it lays. This is our manager letting us know she located it and to watch for it. If we know it’s in an area our manager will have us work in another location to not disturb it AC213B53-F7B6-4E93-9365-6BCAF6B752C5.mp4
  18. We find a fawn and mom always close to our work areas (staff only areas) have yet to see the two fawns again at the same time. it was laying to the left of the open door kinda right behind the stack of terra cotta pots we put a burlap up as a make shift umbrella as the sun was just beating down on it find the fawn
  19. We found two fawns on the property that day. this one was scared into this corner by people. this one came up to me as I was walking past with its lip eep eeps video of it walking away IMG_7378.mov
  20. Came to work one day and this doe wasn’t in a hurry to move away from my presence and it soon became obvious filtered-9B488FBF-2A8B-4AE7-B89E-1282BE1DF708.mov
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