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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Filming training videos for work.
  2. Bet. It’ll most likely be outta pure laziness tho.
  3. It’s like wool or something. Idk. I’ll probably wear them all winter since I’m at work most the time anyway haha. I’ve had these boots before and really liked the quality is sorel and I reeaaallllyyyy cannot stand hidden heels but sorel makes some that I would actually consider. They are a super comfortable boot But tonight was def not boot weather
  4. I just didn’t know what to expect .....
  5. I went back a page and started from the bottom up with a slow scroll and was hella confused for a moment
  6. they have been quarantined together her test came back negative 🤷🏻‍♀️
  7. SMdoubleXL


    Listen @nicklesndimes this thread is different. From my knowledge and from what I can remember-I have never seen this thread leak o te into any others. (Or I hope that’s still my perception of it) idc if it’s someone who we mutually cannot stand each other-if there was any type of support I could lend-I would. Reach out if needed.
  8. SMdoubleXL


    This. the amount of people I have no more communication with and it doesn’t bug me is due to this right here. fake on my end tho, unfortunately. I miss a few people but my intentions to keep them around were not beneficial either one one of us
  9. best 19.99 -I told my self they will make due until I can make up my mind on some winter boots.
  10. Besides some of the rules that make no sense like bars can’t serve alcohol unless they serve food also type shit is weird but what absolutely baffles me is how people will go out of their way, exert energy (negative towards me instead of positive towards yourself) to tell me that my mask is useless or calling me a sheep or some bullshit. Like-let me mind my muh fuckin business. How does me wearing a mask affect you so much that you feel that need for confrontation? But seriously, how can you be mad that it is legal/acceptable to walk around like this?
  11. I haven’t been watching numbers AT ALL. or that’s all I would think about. I questioned a while back -about knowing someone who had had it or even 6 degrees of covid. And for a while it was a no. I know of a relative in utah (late 30s) a client in Vegas (late 30s-asthmatic) and a friends two sons (early twenties). And now my daughters bf has tested positive and she just went for her test today. All are asymptotic except the asthmatic-and she was hospitalized and slow recovery. I don’t go around people anyway. When I do I mask up. We mask up at work because why the fuck not. I don’t know what my co workers do or their hygiene habits outside of work. I usually work in a room, By myself so I just slip my mask up when I’m working with someone. When I did nails for a living and a client would come in with even a simple cold I would send em away because I don’t want any ones fucking germs normally and I wash my hands any fucking way and (I do all of that for me and respect for others. The same respect I would want them to give me.) Just because there is a part In My head WHAT IF.
  12. Only if I can pull it first
  13. VVVVZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ or whatever the fuck that sound was. member that guy? vuvuzela or some shit right?
  14. Typing with my left cuz I’m eating wings with my right. do it @~KRYLON2~
  15. SMdoubleXL


    I get the whole “functioning” thing. As long as your responsibilities are being taken care of- why not right? I stg I am In a current case of deep regret. (hit a three yr plus a few months-no opiods) and really shining at my new career of only 9 months has made me realize that, yeah, I was doing alright. I made damn good money for what I was doing and sent my kid to college. The regret comes in at -if I were to have been clean during those years imagine how much BETTER life would have been. It was good but now I realize what it coulda been with this clear head (and other goals besides when am I gonna be able to connect) what a waste. It’s so worth it. sorry. I’m rambling. It made sense before I started typing. @Decyferonthat post about you just accepting it really affected me. I’ve been thinkin bout it all day and I hope it was just a momentary thought.
  16. Truth about the weather. It’s been mid 70s here this last week. Called off today to reset. Here’s this past weekend and today in pies fall edition.
  17. That place looks awesome. If I was on that coast still I’d have to put it on the to do list. And quick. Thank you for sharing.
  18. This. Still. Every fucking night after our bedtime shmoke.
  19. was kinda bummed to have missed this today (tail end of car) but not bummed for catching this a lil later down the line
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