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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. When you were a child or for those who have children- did/does Santa visit?
  2. You mean testicles. the glasses with the testicles on them.
  3. see. I try to shop online for something as simple as a gingerbread house.
  4. When I had the kids (my child and my bro’s children) around I made sure Christmas was proper for them but realistic still. Nothing that would build debt. Because face it-a child wouldnt be able to tell you what they got for Christmas come January 23 when you get them toooo damn much. and yeah @mr.yuck after seeing all the gifts given to nieces and nephews all over the floor not taken care of-makes you decide real quick that that level of gift giving ain’t gonna happen again when I housed my brother and his kids -them lil muh fuckers would sneak open gifts so we started numbering them hahaha. This child got gifts marked with a 1 and so on but that would know which number was assigned to them until Christmas morning. Was fun. and Santa only brought one major gift, unwrapped and filled stockings and everything else Was wrapped. it’s entirely different when your kid leaves the house. how do y’all deal with Santa?
  5. I’m an eater. Idgaf what it is really as long as it provides me the nutrition i need. Ethically. grew up amongst hunters and fishers and was an activity I had to go along with as a child because it’s what we did. We went camping and if we didn’t catch a fish-we didn’t eat. If someone offers you a steak and egg bfast, more than likely it’s venison or elk steak. Our pork and chickens and eggs were all locally sourced and we gardened. we ate this way because we were poor as fuck but as an adult you realize it’s richer eating than some. however, even as a child we were taught to quickly and respectfully kill and for food only. I would normally shrug away from anything lab grown and ingesting it BUT now that I see that process in the plant I cultivate and I would have no problem ingesting the fuck outta that lab grown plant. I understand why it’s done.
  6. This thread is the furthest thing from style ahahahahaha
  7. Yeah. It wasn’t bad at all Super wet so everything is iced still.
  8. The writer’s bump (pen bump, pencil bump...) is an endangered species replaced by text thumb.
  9. That’s what we get for all that beautiful weather a lil bit ago. I thinks it’s well timed.
  10. @furioussnakethats awesome. think that just means you’re exactly where you need to be.
  11. If they don’t come with that lil ball on the chain-I don’t want em hahaha
  12. I wouldn’t be mad if I could get my hands on some of these tho
  13. Yeah. That’s the tricky part. I have no credit cards and nothing financed. but I have the most ying yang credit score. So when it does come time to purchase hopefully I would have balances this out a bit more. The one that is n/a just happened over the last few months after the last debtor fell off.
  14. do it. But order some gear to complete the look...
  15. 24 hrs of snow was on the map and it’s delivering. I planned today off with hopes that it would be true and I could sit at home and have a true snow day my little bitty guy here. It’s real tho. First time since teen years probably. still coming down
  16. I’ve known people who ordered and it seems to be a legit site. I believe it was Wayfair you were thinking of above that was said to be selling people but the sale was disguised through their cabinets/products @ndv
  17. I swam rat on my right arm I have zero fucking clue as to what this might be. are those walnuts!?!?
  18. I have zero debt. not to say I didn’t have about 40k debt about 8-10 yrs ago but I dipped and dodged it and it fell off so technically I have zero debt. I’m a cash person.
  19. When we met I was focused on moving to Pittsburgh and getting my kid through college and we usually traveled instead of gifting. and then restarting life with school and evection and such. It really tied us up and we agreed it’s not necessary just to give a gift just because it’s that time of year. I like intentional gifts.
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