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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. it will. Those things creep me the fuck out and I haven’t seen them until I moved here. I always hear they are great for managing pests. But I still won’t go near them
  2. On Saturday I would have to walk to a different bus stop a few yrs back. This tree would cast this shadow
  3. made some steps to get my pesticide license again, while being off work Waitin for the moment to apply, and got a high (er than my others) credit limit card. Put some chicken in the slow cooker at 5 this mornin to make some enchiladas Enchiladas were a bust. I always. Always forget to add fucking salt. I also had no peppers to put in that slow cooker. Haha. My chicken/ tortilla ratio was off but they weren’t THAT bad just not why I hoped for.
  4. Never underestimate the power of an old pumpkin scoop as a back scratcher
  5. All I did was get in the bed ….
  6. so last year we skipped up to Erie for the first time for a few hours. I took less than 20 pics. Yes. These are the pics that sent me on a wild goose chase yesterday. First big body of water I’ve been to on this coast. I think we had both woke up that morning on the wrong side of the bed and he eventually said “ get in the car let’s just drive” we barely spoke until we got to that water. What started out with “just gonna out my feet in” and I soon found myself shoulder deep and flutterin my feet to stay a lil afloat. it was just what we needed. ps. NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER HAVE I EVER been that deep in a live body of water and enjoyed it. If I’m at the beach and walking along the water, the moment it comes to my knees I start to panic. I can’t handle it. but Erie, Erie was nice. One of these times we will def hit you up @nicklesndimes 2022-08-07 12.51.16.mov
  7. Yesterday I was really bummed out because I went looking for a certain set of photos and could not find them. I couldn’t even remember which month to look in (Dropbox) I just knew it was within the last 12-14 months. Upon digging-searching IG and SNAP archives and memories and I was coming up with nothing. I almost was ready to believe that this lil trip we took didn’t even happen but I found one photo in IG archives with a date! I went to that date in my Dropbox and the month (August 2022) and also (September 2022) had less than 50 pics in each month. Except for ONE from that trip. where the fuck are all my photos?!?! i came here and looked through a few threads I thought I could have posted them in and looked through each thread starting at august of last year. No posts. I really started to get upset. I don’t know how I deleted them or what was even deleted but my a usual month stash of photos in my Dropbox is 1-2k. late last night I found a lil corner of Dropbox and found all of my photos. I was so so relieved and ever so grateful for the backup gawds!
  8. I’m used to putting in about 6 miles a day inside my work facility and my walk to work gives me 14 floors. I’m tryna keep that momentum while I’m off for the next month. early morning walk. I just missed the train IMG_1874.mov I’ll go for any type of reflection shot across the A river the Allegheny river look left Look right walk #2 don’t mulch your trees like this. she kept scootin closer until she was touching me somehow walk #3 Pretty big plane. went back to see if sunflowers have bloomed yet If we ever purchase here in Pittsburgh, we both agree to be in short walking distance to a rail and some water. Bonus if there is a cemetery nearby.
  9. Def gonna be able to swing through.
  10. Found a few pics with a little bit of Danny in them. this was from the first time I met Danny. Summer of 2014? ‘round 4th of July He gave me the best tour around PGH. this was July 4 celebrations at Arsenal park 2018
  11. Probably just stick that tag in some wet soil and see what happens
  12. False. Maybe a slide or two but that’s it. TPBM will post the last picture they took of a tree.
  13. It even seems like some of those blows weren’t even at 100%. except the chair.
  14. Yes. We did have this convo a few months ago and that’s why I tagged him in the post. because I didn’t have my phone oriented correctly. But I don’t know until I post in here becaue it’s always oriented correctly in my phone plus have you seen my arms? i get a pic in any which way I can
  15. I don’t even know it’s the wrong orientation until I load up on here
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