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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Watching Amazon deliver my kids bday gift to the wrong place
  2. Being very quiet and still (near impossible tasks) so I don’t wake his mom up. she just flew in late late last night.
  3. turtles are so neat. You see them often?
  4. Heard some activity round some shrubs. Bald face Hornets. my “you might be in danger” radar is way off filtered-FD2EE191-A4EB-4139-B410-D9643E7D8FB9.mp4
  5. Brother. bonus: his wife in her younger years but there was no Robert Smith lookalike thread
  6. When contestants explore and realize they’re arms reach of a bear den
  7. lil Miss Bella got her lab result back from the cyst they removed. The Initial labs prior to removal were benign. We did get a lil concerned when they told us it attached to the muscle. They called and it was cancerous but they are confident it is all removed. It would grow back locally so we just really have to watch that area. she’s such a sweet girl.
  8. Vegas had a few residential areas with man made lakes. This one housed these black swans. They were very used to people. then this happened. people suck
  9. wait til you see the one I have a squirrel’s lil balls hangin. make a yuck dummy that resembles you and set it out. Put some good by it occasionally. Replace yuck dummy with yuck himself. Put goods round ya. Make friend.
  10. Latino dude was the wildest contestant!!! Broke every rule. im pretty sure there was one season that did show what each individual chose. maybe it was in one of the post shows. I can’t really remember but I’m pretty sure we saw at least one time
  11. I’ve come to realize that I really enjoy shows that are all about seclusion and being by yourself. Hahaha haha ha I think we all enjoy it because we scored them high scores on that quiz @KILZ FILLZposted Have enjoyed all seasons of Alone. Will wait til all episodes are available to watch before I begin that Australia season. have also enjoyed ‘life below zero’
  12. Is this a wasp of some sort?
  13. A person with some knowledge I trust said they are really most likely to stay in the same habitat for pretty much as long as they can. I your assumption is probably correct.
  14. attempted selfie with goat. we have an eagles nest not far from our residence. Can’t wait til leaves fall to go back and watch @One Man Banned my one and only encounter. moving from west to east-passing through some “spring” town in Colorado. This guy held up traffic as he jaywalked. I was out of my mind
  15. there was a little area at the base of our stairs that needed a lil sprucing up. so I spruced One day my dude sent me this snap We were absolutely baffled as to what happened. So I clipped back and cleaned up I was outside one day and the neighbor from the back of the building (who no one really ever saw) asked if I planted those flowers and then TOLD me I can’t do that because she is allergic. She was responsible for this she said. We exchanged a few words and I mentioned she probably shouldn’t live directly across from a cemetery if shes allergic to flowers. (off topic but on Mother’s Day the scent of fresh flowers coming from the cemetery is sad yet beautifully powerful) wondering what this has to do with critters? bitch had a few houseplants on her porch and I released the jar full of baby spiders in her plants. we were moving anyway.
  16. After a while my curiosity got the BEST of me and I had to open them egg sacs up. had to. I had ZERO idea what to expect. micro shot congratulations. I am mom again. They all stayed in the webbing for the time being Back in the fuckin jar you all go then they started to make their way out of the vented top. you can see it getting its shape and coloring I was obsessed but also clueless as to what to in the very near future except to release em over in the cemetery across the street. video may 26, 8 25 25 pm.mov video apr 30, 4 51 33 pm.mov video apr 10, 4 42 15 pm.mov
  17. They are posted here, and there and everywhere. Critters. I am a curious critter myself. ima begin with a story of a spider. once upon a time… When I first moved to Pittsburgh I was amazed at how many bugs and spiders people learn to co exist with. It took me a while, plus a little education, to get comfortable with what to live with and how. I still learn the most from the hard way tho. I walked this sidewalk on Saturdays to work and noticed this spider. A black and yellow garden spider. (It has many many common names). I walked past her for almost a year Maybe 9 months. She had her web in the same spot for that duration. I would get as close as I could to her for a photo and learned that she would shake her web as a deterrent. Watched her eat and everything. Then she disappeared. Probably from yard maintenance. I still looked for her. After a few seasons passed, no sign of her but this testicle looking egg sac hangin in the same area. watched it for a few more seasons. Through a summer and winter and it stayed there. Zero sign of the mom still. These egg sacs faced the sidewalk. And her web was arms distance from it as well. my curiosity got the better of me and I clipped not one but two egg sacs and took em home. They sat in a vented jar like I was a child. 2018-09-11 14.15.26.mp4 2018-09-15 16.16.07.mp4 video sep 15, 5 14 56 pm.mp4 2018-09-13 14.09.15.mov 2018-09-11 14.16.52.mp4
  18. ^ OMB has it right. the zappers also. Things I’ve learned bout mosquitoes taking niacin (supplement) will help guard your body systemically to repel mosquitoes But it gives you that flush feeling dried, crushed marigolds made into a spray is a very natural spray repellent for your body. also this was originally formulated to be a repellent and some still swear by it as an applied repellent but a super valuable action I’ve learned this summer is once I know I’ve been bit by a mosquito (or anything or rubbed across some plant that irritated me) is to immediately dilute. Wet a bandana, napkin, corner of my shirt-or even a few good handfuls of water and rub the fuck out of the bite to remove any possible irritants that we continue to run into our skin by itching. Any time I do this I’m never home later on trying to calm those bites. Also your skin is oily so it will really spread toxins. Dilute dilute dilute. as far as flies go-sticky traps/pads/strips! just be careful of placement so you don’t get something beneficial stuck in it. Have found vinegar helpful in releasing from the stick. I’ve heard rubbing a bar of Irish spring along your doorway will help repel also. keep properties of menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus, pine in your cleaning supplies, candles, oils, etc….. I tend to ramble on and get a lil off topic but I hope some of this helps
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