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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. Ha. See I’m a new kinda newbie ha. Game (green)
  2. Ya gotta try it. Find the consistency you like but it’s a must especially when having eggs in a sammich.
  3. I have to admit I have no clue what you’re referencing to
  4. White sauce. steak red peppers cheese garlic butter wings and I don’t have to share
  5. They look like they’re posing in a JCPenny photo session
  6. Took a day off and went to the Carnegie Museum of Art/Natural History Museum this room I spent the most time in. I’m still very immature when it come to penis/vagina art. the mushrooms kicked in and I stopped taking flix. It’s juuuust what I wanted/needed grabbed some snacks on the way home. ps. These Krispy Kreme joints are horrible. They leave that waxy coating in your mouth. Bad. rolled my first bleezy the tee I wore was designed by our own Danny Devine ( @yinz n'at ) @SeanDevine70
  7. tryin to fight the reflection. Or mate with it. Or even tryin to fly into the tree’s reflection
  8. Dave’s killer bread (good seed) toasted slice of sharp cheddar thick cut bacon soft scrambled eggs with a small small dollop of mayonnaise salt, paprika and course black pepper
  9. I think I was feeling straight defeated and the bigger picture fell out of sight. The only family I have is my daughter in the other side of the states. My support system is tissue paper thin. I’m exhausted for faking the funk and forcing myself to be cordial becaue my livelihood depends on it. i have working on being disciplined over the last few years and really depend on that for go day to day. KNOWING that getting up, showering, going for a walk, making sure I eat properly etc etc -it works-so I just fall into autopilot. Eat the same thing almost daily Wear the same few outfits. Work habits have improved. the strange affect of the meds is (I’m no dr. But I know me and my head) the meds have removed my ability to form an opinion. Like I have zero attachment to things. My rose colored glasses have been removed. And in return I am KILLIN IT at work. Like killin it. And it’s easier for people to be around me. For them.
  10. Thank you for checkin in on me, sincerely. dudes gone for the week. Gonna take tmrw off and go to a museum and hang with the dogs. They miss him terribly. I have got to stay busy or I get paranoid and hear shit and see shit. This is a new symptom I’m realizing. Fun times hahaha hehe he
  11. Hi. Starin at the walls trying to find my way out of a pretty deep depression I fell into. Meds are finally working (I guess). All Ive been doing is working tho. And killin it at work. (In a great way)
  12. I only scrolled up a bit and hit @NightmareOnElmStreet cliffs notes on what’s been cracking in here hi y’all
  13. https://instagram.com/betospizzapgh?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Betos Pizza I’ve heard it pronounced Bee-doghs seems like they cook the dough and sauce then as it gets pulled from the oven the cheese goes on. Idk if this technique applies to the toppings as well. i haven’t tried this place yet but I’m not opposed. I’ll try anything. Twice, most times to confirm. Going in with the mindset of -it’s been successful enough to open a long running establishment that gets nationwide recognition so there might be something to it. . It’s a 50:50 love:hate here from local talk.
  14. Found the pics of the walls outside of the Erotic Heritage Museum I posted just up a bit
  15. @anybody_wanna_peanut?and I met up here in Pittsburgh and we went to the conservatory here. It’s my (1 of 2) favorite places to visit here. the corpse flower was there during that visit and this is the stage we caught it at. I made up these legos and the plan was to make a thread or a day in pies post here on 12 about our meet up and the things we saw using these legos. We never made the thread but here’s a few pics RIP CJ
  16. Ha. No. I think someone posted it a while while back but now ima have to go find it becaue I have now BOTH songs in my head GEE THANKS hahaha
  17. @Schnitzellucky!! that place looks awesome I’ll have to dig up some pics but there was one here and by chance we were able to see it but we’ll after it had died. You caught it in a great stage.
  18. naw. He didnt say it then but during small talk on other occasions like I’ll run into him while I’m walking the dogs and he’ll mention how he can tell (name) is great with the dogs. “Not that I watch, I’ll just see him with the dogs ” or like “your patio looks very nice-not that I was looking” Shit like that. Like I assume you don’t just watch me -you shouldn’t have to preface each sentence with it. the roof also covers the rest of the building which includes his unit. He has lives here for like 30 sum years so he kinda does a few things around the property.
  19. Side note - Someone once told me -two ways to keep a man happy - if he doesn’t have a boner, put a sammich in his hand.
  20. Our patio has the ladder that leads to the roof of the entire building. Last week -as I was home, sick-I see a fucking shadow on my patio. i went and got my bat. Then I saw feet comin down the ladder. I banged the bat against the ladder near his feet and told (yelled) him to “state your name” it was our fucking old ass neighbor. Said he thought we were at work and he needed to get up there. Dudes weird. Nice guy but most small talks we have begins with him stating, “not that I watch you guys” this is the one who shoveled outside at 3am last winter right under our bedroom window. Im still unsure if I am grateful. also. My coworker told me to keep a sock around the end of the bat incase I really ever need to use it -whomever I’m swinging at can’t grip the bat and pull it away from me. 💫
  21. I can’t keep this in the house. Guaranteed he will be somewhere killin the can.
  22. That soft lil puppy hair. I can smell their breath from here. Too damn cute
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