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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. plenty. but this isnt the 'succesful sex story' thread.
  2. So, I had met this Dominator once (which is a drastic story in its self) We did a little role playing. One time he came over, had some paddles and other similar items. He was trying to be all serious, and I couldnt help but laugh. When someone is in full charactor of a Dominator, they hate to be laughed at, it almost upsets them. While his back was turned,I grabbed his paddles, and jumped up on my bed, as if I were playing King of the Mountian, jumping around on my bed, talking shit like "c'mon, whatchyougonnado?" "get your fucking paddles, pussy" laughing my ass off. and swatted his hands/arms with the paddles each time he reached for them. . I couldnt take that shit seriously. he found no humor in this whatsoever. he ended up leaving.
  3. laughs- ironcally your 'unfinished' was unfinished. that dog? and boxing glove..aha r1char. was wondering when you were gonna post. nice. go get that painting so were on for the next list? jbrsh..call a date?
  4. they werent 'private' pictures. and if he would not have tried to bust out a window in attempts to beat my ass... I wouldnt have gone 'typical female' on him. no..no 12 oz member, that I know of.
  5. did i mention, I once had pictures of him "playing around" putting my tops on..(halter tops..girl tanks n such..pink in color) which were passed around our scene. a /nh cant straighten this out.
  6. wow. capturing people is amazing. those are awesome Pfffffffffft
  7. false, but could if i had to tpbm is HUNGRY..again.
  8. said her husband's 1st experience was when his dad took him to mexico and he slept with a donkey girl.Wanted her to stretch it out so he can get the feeling of the 1st time again. she told us how she slept with a coke can inside of her, and complained how bad it hurt and all. Even told us that she requested an episiotomy after delivering her child by C- section She really has no shame. tells us how she uses 2 tampons during her period and doesnt understand how we can "ride' men..because everytime she does it, it always FALLS OUT!. PLEASE, no need to learn more...keep it tight bitches. keep it tight
  9. the fact that she is 'cooling' her cooch off screams something is burning. reminds me too much of my co-worker that slept with a coke can up her snatch to stretch her cookie out for her husband.. keep all coke cans away from your twat.
  10. not like its anything remotely close to the literal shit posted on here.. short story- had this dude who wanted to (how do I say this without sounding like a prude or without the use of internet sarcasm) have anal sex. constantly asking for it.(1) I made him a deal which I SWORE he wold never take me up on it. I promised that I would let him "spread the spokes" (2) I wanted him to understand why I didn't want to do this. I didnt want to go through the uncomfortable act, then be left with that 'pressure' feeling and be up half the night while he fucking rolls over and passes out. Naturally, I have sex toys, so I pulled one out, known as the Purple People Eater (my friend named it that, it was just purple in color, nothiing too different about it) and told him that If I fuck him 1st with it he is more than welcome to have his way with me. I figured it was the best way for him to understand why I didn't want to, and there was NO way he would allow me. WRONG> he agreed. Even with some of my experience, there was no way I knew even how to approach a situation like this. Play around iin a fun-like matter? get sloppy drunk? get sensual and sneak that shit up on him? . Dude was like 6 ft, 225 ish.. I didn't want to get hurt in the process. So one night, when we were gettin freaky, I pulled out the purple people eater and after a lil distraction dome action, I slipped the tip in and pushed a few times. I couldn't get more than a few pumps in and I was completely turned off. I was horrified at the fact that there was zero resistance. ZERO! I can't remember much after that, but im sure he finished and rolled over to sleep. I had awful sleep and was disturbed from there on out.I ended up telling him, that it was to close to 'gay' and i was turned off. I never held up my end (pardon the pun) of the deal. Stopped seeing dude after a failed attempt to punch out a window in my car. He bacame very hated from that incident. We were amongst a car club scene, and held shows a few times a year. Fools would walk past him and sing, or blast in their speakers this... he soon disappeared out of the scene. (1)*as a woman, the 1st thing that enters my mind when a man asks for this, is 'he must have a small pecker and wants to know what it feels like to fuck something and cause friction' I know im not ehe only one who thinks this. (2) told swamp i was gonna bite that term
  11. Dear Noesky. get it together man. plenty of 2011 left. own it. (if earl will leave some for you) lub lub, es em
  12. we do #3 all the time...at night with flash..the reaction of people is funny *we as in my kid and I..she pulls shenans all the time
  13. after some time, i finally read the stories in here..good shit. and oh..the talk about aol chat and the beginning of myspace.hahaq Ill think about postin some stories.
  14. I fucking luv it. but as rules goes.....r1Char....you game with this? (cuz im such a rule follower..haha) im on this list..as well. thx jbrsh!
  15. maybe your tear ducts are clogged/blocked.?? I have plugs in my (bad eye) ducts ..the plugs help make a type of "reserve" of whatever fluid pools up in my eye, to help with lubrication. its backwards sounding, but effective. ok NEW LIST?????
  16. Dear Slim. You and your fellow classmates did an amazing job with the run of Hairspray. I got goosebumps everytime someone sang, and it almost..(well, it does) bring a tear or 2 my eyes to watch you dance. You worked very hard, pulling 14 hr days for the last month. You are amazing, and I know you will go very far. I cannot wait to see what you will become. ps. these are just a few songs that will not get out of my head. the curtain closed.. I love you. You are my rock -Mom
  17. Last Saturday.. wake up to rain. cluttered table. flowers from Vday,Kate Chopin, The endless stack of college garb, box of markers...etc.. make bed..kind of. straighten hair. clothes+shoes smell good...naw. smell great! leave some bread crumbs out for the birds making a nest. (same one last year) snow covered mountains work. (no time for pics) skies cleared and rain dried up. drive. (to take kid to call time for show #1 of the day) drive some more (to check on friend) fucking more driving.(to meet friends from out of town who got to my house before i did) *filled up tank for the 5th time by day 17. saw this for the 3rd time. went to eat @ Roxy's diner. the servers sing occasionally. (the kids) dude singing some Elvis same dude was gonna croon my kid. then sat on friend's lap didnt flik the rest of the night..day two soon.
  18. the birth control, i cant feel a thing. it hurt during the procedure..realllllly bad. its permenent. never having a kid again. i had a brain tumor removed..thats the reason for the broken dome. no cancer thankfully. had to learn to walk again and am deaf 100% deaf on my left side. thats for sure. ok..ok..i dont mind sharing that at all..but lets keep this thread on track here
  19. to make up for the missing mastoid bone. a fat graft (x2) + mesh (x2)helps hold everything in.
  20. nic cage is a toad who is hunted by dow. now he must hide before pouched in hidden dow pouching toad
  21. oh my gawd..looks sooo cold. nice sets though. kinda different.
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