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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. fuck no. false. tpbm has tried sticking their tongue to a frozen pole before
  2. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** new list looks challenging
  3. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** 1..a 12 oz exchange 1..from mexico.
  4. true. corny as ever. tpbm admits their faults
  5. fuck..just checked this. wouldnt be able to get down there for a minute..maybe a few months. =? hope you had a good weekened..playin w/o me.
  7. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** working on it. it wont be done by tonight tho. i have 4-4 g, a 2 g and 1 gig (all full)..kinda scattered flikcs. the most un organized ive been with my flix. i'll get on it boss
  8. Re: **2010 PHOTO HUNT THREAD** been avoiding clickin this thread cuz ima pussy. i have most..but they are all spread out in different memory cards and i am very lazy bout it. love all that posted. PURPLEGRAPE should make a list..ina few days but ima still post what i got soon. SQUIRREL=props Rock.not Rick.haha
  9. Red- My brother told me of a dream he had..where he walked into a table full of meth. mounds of it. 4 yrs of no meth, after a 15 yr habit...it really fucked with him. you know im feelin ya..in a way (through previous chats). stay focused. -B
  10. watching LUCKY # SLEVIN another lazy day
  11. by the time i got to myside of town, an inch had fallen within 30-40 minutes. shell toes my car did not find this weather cool at all..but it was kinda fun whippin it around where i could. mountain view from my front door. gonna enjoy the day off inside. hot chocolate. check. long socks. check. the most comfortable red eazy blanket. check. movies. check most of you probably find the snow repulsive and a pain in the ass, but in Vegas, it is a rare thing. last time it snowed and stuck to the ground was 3 yrs ago.?.but never in the 21 yrs ive been here has it came down like it did this morning. it will be slush by tonight, most likely.
  12. went to check out a few spots on my way home from taking the kid to school this morning.. walking along trackside,kicked this, looked down and saw some bones wrapped in a shirt..some in a bag, and some pants and a shoe not to far from it. KAN STOP the buff noticed a few snow flurries falling by the time i got here, but didnt think anything of it. flurries becoming obvious snow..visiblity getting less creepin into my car
  13. yes. props lesbian fisting..IOU (good to see ua postin) and beltoleum 24'd tho.
  14. Re: Oh deer! It looks like my night just got a bit more interesting. (weak stomachs beware took me a few days to read through and catch up, also prevented me from putting in my hunting skills .02. Thinking to myself..woah this dude is livin in some back country wods..creepy, but props to survival. then this was posted- and i realized i was born and raised about 1/8 of an inch to the right of where this map was cut off. fuck.
  15. true-ish. its a knock knock joke..don't know how good it is though. a-'wanna hear a knock knock joke'? b-'yeah' a-"ok, you start" tpbm knows how to do corn rows
  16. crowd started to get thicker cops on horses on our jumbo tron wanna be one minute left... there were 3 clocks within eye shot of where we were standing..they were18 & 30 seconds off. some of the crowd down the street ..on the jumbotron HAPPY NEW YEAR 8 min synchronized firework show put on by 7 or 8 casinos. felt it in my chest smoke and speaking of smoke..if my camera had smell-o-vision, we'd all be catching contact keeping people employed someone was paid to make this sign? this wasn't here when we walked passed it the first time..and somehow managed to go home with one on me walking back ... about 3000 of these + National Gaurd Happy 2011 friends
  17. I remember sneaking down to the Strip for NYE when I was a teen..I had to take advantage of the fact that my kid wanted me to go with her for her 1st NYE on the Strip. It's been almost 20 yrs since I have been and have been avoiding it for several reasons- i hate crowds like that, it is fucking cold, there is no where to use the restroom, and you cannot enter the casinos unless you have a key. 300,000 expected visitors between the strip & downtown. Fuck it..lets go. we passed out until 930..got in the car and headed that way. A lot of walikng is expected, because of road closures. walking over the trax/freeway on Flamingo. view of mostly City Center Caesars Palace random people posted playing music go go dancers people were amazing to watch/look at/laugh at. these kids had the biggest beads on nice boots...but sorry too cold to be cute last night. bitches ending up in slippers and blankets wrapped around them. I do have to say though, a lot of people looked real classy, it was nice to see people still dress up for this occasion. some people, well.... saw the same kids with the big beads twice us. .......
  18. true. and yes my neighbors probably hear me tobm will post that link ^ he is looking for
  19. false. always lock the door. tpbm hears their neighbors when they have sex/gets heard by neighbors when they have sex
  20. HEY BIG D!!!!!!! false. the person below me had a good night last night.
  21. Dear Souls. lap dance bandits. that is all SM
  22. Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. -Thomas Alva Edison A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on. -Winston Churchill “I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries” -Theodore Isaac Rubin I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life's realities. -- Dr. Seuss Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else. -Judy Garland "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person.” -William Somerset Maugham "Consider how hard it is to change yourself and you'll understand what little chance you have in trying to change others.” It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. -e.e. cummings Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for the truth. -Benjamin Disraeli
  23. Dear Friends of the internet. A client in the shop I work at, brings in bottles of perfume/cologne to trade with her stylist. I ended up with a (about 100 ml) bottle of Cartier ROADSTER, that I have no use for. If this is something you or your man would like or if you happen to go check out what it smells like and like it, I will send it off to you. -V
  24. Almighty, A-fucking-MEN!!!! -SM Dear I_R, um, no. without further investigation, I dont even know who those people are. I've always been told, it's easier to deal with mutiple personalites if you name them. ;) It was actually almost my birth name. -(i would sign but don't know which name to use)
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