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Everything posted by SMdoubleXL

  1. @mr.yuck you're just as curious I’ll make something happen and it better be worth it just not tonight. I will definitely cause noise by falling and I’m not tryin to let on to the others that I’m onto something in here. I like to embarrass myself without an audience. most times.
  2. This is the ceiling in my room at the Airbnb The black smudges lead me to believe someone who didn’t wash their hands has moved that label to stash something also being next to that panel with the inverted corner. I’m just too short to investigate further (even standing on the bed) but curious as hell which means by the end of my stay I will have found a way
  3. Watching the news with a well (horribly) timed fire Station alarm Outside (sound on) IMG_2810.MP4
  4. I can’t bring much to this table but this Lil tidbit doesn’t get shared often and learned while learning to grow things.
  5. I can see the video via iPhone
  6. I did. And would do again. There were people chillin. Fucks and geese about (holy shit. My autocorrect just filled in FUCK in place of duck!!) then came back took a bath did my toes. Drew. Wrote a letter. Put my big girl panties on and stabilized myself for the upcoming week. im just alone. and dealing with this whole situation alone makes it harder. thank you 🙏🏼
  7. Welp. I’m fucked. Insert that fear I’ve fought desperately to get rid of over the last few days. im by myself here with an amazing job I accepted with (-6 ) in my bank account because my savings was spent during school and my landlord fucked me too hard w/o dinner and a movie. I clawed my way to get back to the city I love and a job That sought me out. I can’t do much else as far as stocking up supplies as I wait for a first paycheck which doesn’t happen for a min and the money I was able to acquire has been spent on meds to calm my worrying ulcer down. ima go cry by the river now. who's closest to me that has a square to spare and a cot to squat? im a great room mate.
  8. I also saw this online and just watched a clip about it on the news
  9. Good thing I can’t self procreate id be the old woman who lived in a shoe
  10. I have to admit. I went into slight panic yesterday And mostly because I have started watching the news in my new living situation. There is just basic tv here. I shut it off for the day and kept away from social media and had to really look at my situation (not everyone else’s) I can only do so much. But I will (like you said) be vigilant about it. I believe exhausting all you can do (no matter the situation) the rest of It is out of your control after that. As long as you know you are doing all you know how. And ironically I have been doing it with no smoke (for almost two weeks now) so I really had to work on my mind. I slept a whole night last night knowing I do all I can.
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